Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 Nconsole_bridgeMessage namespace. This contains classes needed to output error messages (or logging) from within the library. Message logging can be performed with logging macros
 NelEasylogging++ entry namespace
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 Nsensor_msgsTools for manipulating sensor_msgs
 C__approx_epsilon< double >
 C__approx_epsilon< float >
 C__approx_margin< double >
 C__approx_margin< float >
 Carg< -1 >
 Carg< 1 >
 Carg< 2 >
 Carg< 3 >
 Carg< 4 >
 Carg< 5 >
 Cassert< false >
 Cassert_arg_pred_impl< true >
 Cassertion< true >
 CFRuntimeMeshIndexTraits< int32 >
 CFRuntimeMeshIndexTraits< uint16 >
 CFRuntimeMeshIndexTraits< uint32 >
 CFRuntimeMeshVertexTangentTypeSelector< ERuntimeMeshVertexTangentBasisType::Default >
 CFRuntimeMeshVertexTangentTypeSelector< ERuntimeMeshVertexTangentBasisType::HighPrecision >
 CFRuntimeMeshVertexUVsTypeSelector< ERuntimeMeshVertexUVType::Default >
 CFRuntimeMeshVertexUVsTypeSelector< ERuntimeMeshVertexUVType::HighPrecision >
 Cgen_seq< 0, Is... >
 CGLFWgamepadstateGamepad input state
 CGLFWgammarampGamma ramp
 CGLFWimageImage data
 CGLFWvidmodeVideo mode type
 Cintegral_c< bool, C >
 Cis_array_type< std::vector< T > >
 Crs2_dsm_paramsVideo DSM (Digital Sync Module) parameters for calibration (same layout as in FW ac_depth_params) This is the block in MC that converts angles to dimensionless integers reported to MA (using "DSM coefficients")
 Crs2_extrinsicsCross-stream extrinsics: encodes the topology describing how the different devices are oriented
 Crs2_intrinsicsVideo stream intrinsics
 Crs2_motion_device_intrinsicMotion device intrinsics: scale, bias, and variances
 Crs2_motion_streamAll the parameters required to define a motion stream
 Crs2_pixelPixel location within 2D image. (0,0) is the topmost, left corner. Positive X is right, positive Y is down
 Crs2_pose_streamAll the parameters required to define a pose stream
 Crs2_quaternionQuaternion used to represent rotation
 Crs2_software_motion_frameAll the parameters required to define a motion frame
 Crs2_software_notificationAll the parameters required to define a sensor notification
 Crs2_software_pose_frameAll the parameters required to define a pose frame
 Crs2_software_video_frameAll the parameters required to define a video frame
 Crs2_vector3D vector in Euclidean coordinate space
 Crs2_vertex3D coordinates with origin at topmost left corner of the lense, with positive Z pointing away from the camera, positive X pointing camera right and positive Y pointing camera down
 Crs2_video_streamAll the parameters required to define a video stream
 Cstring_to< bool >
 Cstring_to< int >
 Cstring_to< std::string >
 Ctext_rendererPrint flat 2D text over openGl window
 CtextureThe texture class

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Doron Hirshberg , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez , Itay Carpis
autogenerated on Mon May 3 2021 02:50:44