File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 afec.cAnalog-Front-End Controller driver for SAM
 drivers/afec/afec.hAnalog-Front-End Controller driver for SAM
 asf.hAutogenerated API include file for the Atmel Software Framework (ASF)
 board.hStandard board header file
 compiler.hCommonly used includes, types and macros
 conf_board.hBoard configuration
 conf_clock.hSAME70 clock configuration
 conf_fatfs.hFatFS configurations
 conf_mcan.hSAM Control Area Network Driver Configuration Header
 conf_sd_mmc.hSD/MMC stack configuration file
 conf_sleepmgr.hChip-specific sleep manager configuration
 conf_spi_master.hSpi Master configuration
 conf_uart_serial.hUSART Serial Configuration
 conf_usart_spi.hUSART SPI Configuration
 conf_usb.hUSB configuration file for CDC application
 conf_winc.hWINC3400 configuration
 core_cm7.hCMSIS Cortex-M7 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
 core_cmFunc.hCMSIS Cortex-M Core Function Access Header File
 core_cmInstr.hCMSIS Cortex-M Core Instruction Access Header File
 core_cmSimd.hCMSIS Cortex-M SIMD Header File
 cycle_counter.cARM functions for busy-wait delay loops
 cycle_counter.hARM functions for busy-wait delay loops
 delay.hCommon Delay Service
 diskio.cImplementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS
 efc.cEnhanced Embedded Flash Controller (EEFC) driver for SAM
 drivers/efc/efc.hEmbedded Flash Controller (EFC) driver for SAM
 fattime_rtc.cImplementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS
 flash_api.hAPI for AVR UC3 internal FLASH software drivers
 flash_efc.cEmbedded Flash service for SAM
 flash_efc.hEmbedded Flash service for SAM
 fpu.hFPU support for SAM
 FreeRTOS_new.cppImplementation file for FreeRTOS overloaded new/delete operators. This is needed keep the heap memory allocation task-safe (prevent task switching during allocation and potential memory corruption
 genclk.hGeneric clock management
 same70/genclk.hChip-specific generic clock management
 gpio.hCommon GPIO API
 hsmci.cSAM HSMCI driver
 drivers/hsmci/hsmci.hSAM HSMCI driver
 init.cSAME70-XPLD board init
 interrupt.hGlobal interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR
 interrupt_sam_nvic.cGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
 interrupt_sam_nvic.hGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
 io.hArch file for SAM
 ioport.hCommon IOPORT service main header file for AVR, UC3 and ARM architectures
 ioport_pio.hSAM architecture specific IOPORT service implementation header file
 led.hSAME70-XPLD LEDs support package
 m2m_ate_mode.cWINC3400 Peripherials Application Interface
 m2m_ate_mode.hWINC3400 Peripherals Application Interface
 m2m_crypto.cWINC Crypto module
 m2m_crypto.hWINC3400 Crypto API
 m2m_flash.cWINC Flash Interface
 m2m_flash.hWINC3400 Flash Interface
 m2m_hif.cThis module contains M2M host interface APIs implementation
 m2m_hif.hThis module contains M2M host interface APIs implementation
 m2m_ota.cWINC3400 IoT OTA Interface
 m2m_ota.hWINC3400 IoT OTA Interface
 m2m_periph.cWINC3400 Peripherials Application Interface
 m2m_periph.hWINC3400 Peripherals Application Interface
 m2m_socket_host_if.hBSD compatible socket interface internal types
 m2m_types.hWINC3400 IoT Application Interface Internal Types
 m2m_wifi.cThis module contains M2M Wi-Fi APIs implementation
 m2m_wifi.hWINC3400 IoT Application Interface
 mcan.cSAM Control Area Network (MCAN) Low Level Driver
 drivers/mcan/mcan.hSAM Control Area Network (MCAN) Low Level Driver
 mpu.cSAMV70/SAMV71/SAME70/SAMS70-XULTRA board mpu config
 mpu.hSAMV70/SAMV71/SAME70/SAMS70-XULTRA board mpu config
 mrepeat.hPreprocessor macro repeating utils
 nm_bsp.hThis module contains WINC3400 BSP APIs declarations
 nm_bsp_internal.hThis module contains WINC3400 BSP APIs declarations
 nm_bsp_same70.cThis module contains SAME70 BSP APIs implementation
 nm_bsp_same70.hThis module contains SAME70 BSP APIs declarations
 nm_bus_wrapper.hThis module contains WINC3400 bus wrapper APIs declarations
 nm_bus_wrapper_same70.cThis module contains NMC1000 bus wrapper APIs implementation
 nm_common.cThis module contains common APIs declarations
 nm_common.hThis module contains common APIs declarations
 nm_debug.hThis module contains debug APIs declarations
 nmasic.cThis module contains WINC3400 ASIC specific internal APIs
 nmasic.hThis module contains WINC3400 ASIC specific internal APIs
 nmbus.cThis module contains WINC3400 bus APIs implementation
 nmbus.hThis module contains WINC3400 bus APIs implementation
 nmdrv.cThis module contains WINC3400 M2M driver APIs implementation
 nmdrv.hThis module contains WINC3400 M2M driver APIs declarations
 nmflash.cWINC Flash Interface
 nmflash.hWINC Flash Interface
 nmi2c.cThis module contains WINC3400 I2C protocol bus APIs implementation
 nmi2c.hThis module contains WINC3400 I2C protocol bus APIs implementation
 nmspi.cThis module contains WINC3400 SPI protocol bus APIs implementation
 nmspi.hThis module contains WINC3400 SPI protocol bus APIs implementation
 nmuart.cThis module contains WINC3400 UART protocol bus APIs implementation
 nmuart.hThis module contains WINC3400 UART protocol bus APIs implementation
 osc.hOscillator management
 same70/osc.hChip-specific oscillator management functions
 parts.hAtmel part identification macros
 pio.cParallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller driver for SAM
 drivers/pio/pio.hParallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller driver for SAM
 pio_handler.cParallel Input/Output (PIO) interrupt handler for SAM
 pio_handler.hParallel Input/Output (PIO) interrupt handler for SAM
 pll.hPLL management
 same70/pll.hChip-specific PLL definitions
 pmc.cPower Management Controller (PMC) driver for SAM
 drivers/pmc/pmc.hPower Management Controller (PMC) driver for SAM
 preprocessor.hPreprocessor utils
 read.cSystem-specific implementation of the _read function used by the standard library
 rtc.cReal-Time Clock (RTC) driver for SAM
 drivers/rtc/rtc.hReal-Time Clock (RTC) driver for SAM
 rtt.cReal-time Timer (RTT) driver for SAM
 drivers/rtt/rtt.hReal-time Timer (RTT) driver for SAM
 sam_gpio.hGPIO service for SAM
 sd_mmc.cCommon SD/MMC stack
 sd_mmc.hCommon SD/MMC stack header file
 sd_mmc_mem.cCTRL_ACCESS interface for common SD/MMC stack
 sd_mmc_mem.hCTRL_ACCESS interface for common SD/MMC stack
 sd_mmc_protocol.hSD/MMC protocol definitions
 lib/inertial-sense-sdk/EVB-2/IS_EVB-2/src/ASF/common/services/serial/serial.hSerial Mode management
 sleep.cSleep mode access
 sleep.hSleep mode access
 sleepmgr.cSAM3/SAM4 Sleep manager implementation
 sam/sleepmgr.hSAM3/SAM4 Sleep manager implementation
 sleepmgr.hSleep manager
 socket.cBSD compatible socket interface
 socket.hBSD compatible socket interface
 socket_internal.hBSD compatible socket interface internal types
 spi.cSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM
 drivers/spi/spi.hSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM
 spi_flash.cSPI Flash
 spi_flash.hSPI Flash
 spi_flash_map.hSPI Flash
 spi_master.cSPI master common service for SAM
 sam_spi/spi_master.hSPI master common service for SAM
 spi_master.hSPI Master Mode management
 status_codes.hStatus code definitions
 stdio_serial.hCommon Standard I/O Serial Management
 stringz.hPreprocessor stringizing utils
 syscalls.cSyscalls for SAM (GCC)
 sysclk.cChip-specific system clock management functions
 same70/sysclk.hChip-specific system clock management functions
 sysclk.hSystem clock management
 tc.cSAM Timer Counter (TC) driver
 drivers/tc/tc.hSAM Timer Counter (TC) driver
 tc_capture_waveform_example.hTC Capture Waveform Example for SAM
 time_conversion.cGNSS core 'c' function library: converting time information
 time_conversion.hGNSS core 'c' function library: converting time information
 tpaste.hPreprocessor token pasting utils
 twihs.cTwo-Wire Interface (TWIHS) driver for SAM
 drivers/twihs/twihs.hTwo-Wire Interface High Speed (TWIHS) driver for SAM
 uart.cUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) driver for SAM
 drivers/uart/uart.hUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) driver for SAM
 uart_serial.hUart Serial for SAM
 udc.cUSB Device Controller (UDC)
 udc.hInterface of the USB Device Controller (UDC)
 udc_desc.hCommon API for USB Device Interface
 udd.hCommon API for USB Device Drivers (UDD)
 udi.hCommon API for USB Device Interface
 udi_cdc.cUSB Device Communication Device Class (CDC) interface
 udi_cdc.hUSB Device Communication Device Class (CDC) interface definitions
 udi_cdc_conf.hDefault CDC configuration for a USB Device with a single interface
 udi_cdc_desc.cDefault descriptors for a USB Device with a single interface CDC
 usart.cUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
 drivers/usart/usart.hUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
 usart_serial.cUSART Serial driver functions
 usart_spi.cSAM USART in SPI mode driver functions
 sam_usart_spi/usart_spi.hSAM USART in SPI mode driver functions
 usart_spi.hUSART in SPI mode driver functions
 usb_atmel.hAll USB VIDs and PIDs from Atmel USB applications
 usb_protocol.hUSB protocol definitions
 usb_protocol_cdc.hUSB Communication Device Class (CDC) protocol definitions
 usbhs_device.cUSB Device Driver for USBHS. Compliant with common UDD driver
 usbhs_device.hUSB Device Driver for USBHS. Compliant with common UDD driver
 usbhs_otg.hUSB OTG Driver for USBHS
 user_board.hUser board definition template
 wdt.cWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM
 drivers/wdt/wdt.hWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM
 write.cSystem-specific implementation of the _write function used by the standard library
 xdmac.cSAM XDMA Controller (XDMAC) driver
 drivers/xdmac/xdmac.hSAM XDMA Controller (DMAC) driver

autogenerated on Sun Feb 28 2021 03:18:03