35 #ifndef __M2M_CRYPTO_H__ 36 #define __M2M_CRYPTO_H__ 50 #define M2M_SHA256_CONTEXT_BUFF_LEN 128 51 #define M2M_SHA256_DIGEST_LEN 32 This module contains common APIs declarations.
signed char sint8
Range of values between -128 to 127.
struct sha256ctxt tstrM2mSha256Ctxt
WINC3400 IoT Application Interface Internal Types.
unsigned short uint16
Range of values between 0 to 65535.
sint8 m2m_sha256_hash_init(tstrM2mSha256Ctxt *psha256Ctxt)
SHA256 hash initialization.
RSA Signature status: pass or fail.
uint32 au32Sha256CtxtBuff[M2M_SHA256_CONTEXT_BUFF_LEN/sizeof(uint32)]
sint8 m2m_sha256_hash_update(tstrM2mSha256Ctxt *psha256Ctxt, uint8 *pu8Data, uint16 u16DataLength)
SHA256 hash update.
sint8 m2m_rsa_sign_verify(uint8 *pu8N, uint16 u16NSize, uint8 *pu8E, uint16 u16ESize, uint8 *pu8SignedMsgHash, uint16 u16HashLength, uint8 *pu8RsaSignature)
RSA Signature Verification.
unsigned long uint32
Range of values between 0 to 4294967295.
unsigned char uint8
Range of values between 0 to 255.
sint8 m2m_sha256_hash_finish(tstrM2mSha256Ctxt *psha256Ctxt, uint8 *pu8Sha256Digest)
SHA256 hash finalization.
sint8 m2m_rsa_sign_gen(uint8 *pu8N, uint16 u16NSize, uint8 *pu8d, uint16 u16dSize, uint8 *pu8SignedMsgHash, uint16 u16HashLength, uint8 *pu8RsaSignature)
RSA Signature Generation.