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Classes | |
struct | Matrix |
struct | MatrixPr |
MatrixPr hardware registers. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA(value) ((CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA_Msk & ((value) << CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA_Pos))) |
#define | CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA_Msk (0xffffu << CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA_Pos) |
(CCFG_CAN0) CAN0 DMA Base Address More... | |
#define | CCFG_CAN0_CAN0DMABA_Pos 16 |
#define | CCFG_DYNCKG_BRIDCKG (0x1u << 1) |
(CCFG_DYNCKG) Bridge Dynamic Clock Gating Enable More... | |
#define | CCFG_DYNCKG_EFCCKG (0x1u << 2) |
(CCFG_DYNCKG) EFC Dynamic Clock Gating Enable More... | |
#define | CCFG_DYNCKG_MATCKG (0x1u << 0) |
(CCFG_DYNCKG) MATRIX Dynamic Clock Gating More... | |
#define | CCFG_PCCR_I2SC0CC (0x1u << 21) |
(CCFG_PCCR) I2SC0 Clock Configuration More... | |
#define | CCFG_PCCR_I2SC1CC (0x1u << 22) |
(CCFG_PCCR) I2SC1 Clock Configuration More... | |
#define | CCFG_PCCR_TC0CC (0x1u << 20) |
(CCFG_PCCR) TC0 Clock Configuration More... | |
#define | CCFG_SMCNFCS_SDRAMEN (0x1u << 4) |
(CCFG_SMCNFCS) SDRAM Enable More... | |
#define | CCFG_SMCNFCS_SMC_NFCS0 (0x1u << 0) |
(CCFG_SMCNFCS) SMC NAND Flash Chip Select 0 Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SMCNFCS_SMC_NFCS1 (0x1u << 1) |
(CCFG_SMCNFCS) SMC NAND Flash Chip Select 1 Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SMCNFCS_SMC_NFCS2 (0x1u << 2) |
(CCFG_SMCNFCS) SMC NAND Flash Chip Select 2 Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SMCNFCS_SMC_NFCS3 (0x1u << 3) |
(CCFG_SMCNFCS) SMC NAND Flash Chip Select 3 Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA(value) ((CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA_Msk & ((value) << CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA_Pos))) |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA_Msk (0xffffu << CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA_Pos) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) CAN1 DMA Base Address More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_CAN1DMABA_Pos 16 |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO12 (0x1u << 12) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) PB12 or ERASE Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO4 (0x1u << 4) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) PB4 or TDI Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO5 (0x1u << 5) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) PB5 or TDO/TRACESWO Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO6 (0x1u << 6) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) PB6 or TMS/SWDIO Assignment More... | |
#define | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO7 (0x1u << 7) |
(CCFG_SYSIO) PB7 or TCK/SWCLK Assignment More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG0_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG0) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG10_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG10) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG11_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG11) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG1_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG1) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG2_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG2) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG3_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG3) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG4_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG4) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG5_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG5) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG6_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG6) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG8_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG8) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT(value) ((MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_128BEAT_BURST (0x7u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 128-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 128-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 128 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_16BEAT_BURST (0x4u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 16-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 16-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 16 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_32BEAT_BURST (0x5u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 32-beat Burst -The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 32-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 32 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_4BEAT_BURST (0x2u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 4-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 4-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 4 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_64BEAT_BURST (0x6u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 64-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 64-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 64 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_8BEAT_BURST (0x3u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) 8-beat Burst-The undefined length burst or bursts sequence is split into 8-beat bursts or less, allowing re-arbitration every 8 beats. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_Msk (0x7u << MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_Pos) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) Undefined Length Burst Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_SINGLE_ACCESS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) Single Access-The undefined length burst is treated as a succession of single accesses, allowing re-arbitration at each beat of the INCR burst or bursts sequence. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MCFG9_ULBT_UNLTD_LENGTH (0x0u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MCFG9) Unlimited Length Burst-No predicted end of burst is generated, therefore INCR bursts coming from this master can only be broken if the Slave Slot Cycle Limit is reached. If the Slot Cycle Limit is not reached, the burst is normally completed by the master, at the latest, on the next AHB 1-Kbyte address boundary, allowing up to 256-beat word bursts or 128-beat double-word bursts.This value should not be used in the very particular case of a master capable of performing back-to-back undefined length bursts on a single slave, since this could indefinitely freeze the slave arbitration and thus prevent another master from accessing this slave. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB0 (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 0 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB1 (0x1u << 1) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 1 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB10 (0x1u << 10) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 10 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB11 (0x1u << 11) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 11 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB12 (0x1u << 12) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 12 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB2 (0x1u << 2) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 2 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB3 (0x1u << 3) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 3 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB4 (0x1u << 4) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 4 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB5 (0x1u << 5) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 5 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB6 (0x1u << 6) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 6 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB8 (0x1u << 8) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 8 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_MRCR_RCB9 (0x1u << 9) |
(MATRIX_MRCR) Remap Command Bit for Master 9 More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 0 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M0PR_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 1 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M1PR_Pos 4 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 2 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M2PR_Pos 8 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 3 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M3PR_Pos 12 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 4 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M4PR_Pos 16 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 5 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M5PR_Pos 20 |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRAS) Master 6 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRAS_M6PR_Pos 24 |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRBS) Master 10 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M10PR_Pos 8 |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRBS) Master 11 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M11PR_Pos 12 |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRBS) Master 12 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M12PR_Pos 16 |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRBS) Master 8 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M8PR_Pos 0 |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR(value) ((MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR_Msk (0x3u << MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR_Pos) |
(MATRIX_PRBS) Master 9 Priority More... | |
#define | MATRIX_PRBS_M9PR_Pos 4 |
#define | MATRIX_SCFG_DEFMSTR_TYPE_FIXED (0x2u << 16) |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) Fixed Default Master-At the end of the current slave access, if no other master request is pending, the slave connects to the fixed master the number that has been written in the FIXED_DEFMSTR field.This results in not having one clock cycle latency when the fixed master tries to access the slave again. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_SCFG_DEFMSTR_TYPE_LAST (0x1u << 16) |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) Last Default Master-At the end of the current slave access, if no other master request is pending, the slave stays connected to the last master having accessed it.This results in not having one clock cycle latency when the last master tries to access the slave again. More... | |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) Default Master Type More... | |
#define | MATRIX_SCFG_DEFMSTR_TYPE_NONE (0x0u << 16) |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) No Default Master-At the end of the current slave access, if no other master request is pending, the slave is disconnected from all masters.This results in a one clock cycle latency for the first access of a burst transfer or for a single access. More... | |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) Fixed Default Master More... | |
(MATRIX_SCFG[9]) Maximum Bus Grant Duration for Masters More... | |
#define | MATRIX_SCFG_SLOT_CYCLE_Pos 0 |
(MATRIX_VERSION) Metal Fix Number More... | |
#define | MATRIX_VERSION_MFN_Pos 16 |
(MATRIX_VERSION) Version of the Hardware Module More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPMR_WPEN (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_WPMR) Write Protection Enable More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY(value) ((MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk & ((value) << MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos))) |
#define | MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_Msk (0xffffffu << MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos) |
(MATRIX_WPMR) Write Protection Key More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_PASSWD (0x4D4154u << 8) |
(MATRIX_WPMR) Writing any other value in this field aborts the write operation of the WPEN bit.Always reads as 0. More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPMR_WPKEY_Pos 8 |
#define | MATRIX_WPSR_WPVS (0x1u << 0) |
(MATRIX_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Status More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPSR_WPVSRC_Msk (0xffffu << MATRIX_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos) |
(MATRIX_WPSR) Write Protection Violation Source More... | |
#define | MATRIX_WPSR_WPVSRC_Pos 8 |
#define | MATRIXPR_NUMBER 9 |
Matrix hardware registers. More... | |
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Definition in file component/matrix.h.