Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cyoubot::BaseKinematicAbstract class of a base / platform kinematic
 Cyoubot::WheeledBaseKinematicAbstract class of a wheeled based / platform kinematic
 Cyoubot::ConfigFileReads and writes a configuration file
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< T >::DataBuf
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< T >This DataObject is a Lock-Free implementation, such that reads and writes can happen concurrently without priority inversions
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< boost::shared_ptr< const SpecifiedTrajectory > >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< std::string >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< unsigned int >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< youbot::mailboxInputBuffer >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< youbot::mailboxOutputBuffer >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< youbot::SlaveMessageInput >
 Cyoubot::DataObjectLockFree< youbot::SlaveMessageOutput >
 Cyoubot::DataTraceCreates a trace of all process data and reads all configuration parameter from one joint
 Cyoubot::EthercatMasterThe Ethercat Master factory
 Cyoubot::EthercatMasterInterfaceThe Ethercat Master interface
 Cyoubot::FileNotFoundExceptionFile not found exception
 Cyoubot::KeyNotFoundExceptionKey in configuration file not found exception
 Cyoubot::FourSwedishWheelOmniBaseKinematicConfigurationConfiguration for the base kinematic with four swedish wheels
 Cyoubot::GripperAbstract gripper
 Cyoubot::OneDOFGripperAbstract gripper with one degree of freedom
 Cyoubot::GripperDataAbstract class of gripper data
 Cyoubot::OneDOFGripperDataAbstract class of data for gripper with one degree of freedom
 Cyoubot::GripperDataTraceCreates a trace of one parameter of the gripper
 Cyoubot::JointAbstract joint
 Cyoubot::JointDataAbstract data class for joints
 Cyoubot::JointDataSetpointAbstract data class for commanded joint data
 Cyoubot::JointSensedDataAbstract data class for sensed / measured joint data
 Cyoubot::JointLimitMonitorIt monitors the joint position and will decelerate and stop the joint if it is close the limits
 Cyoubot::JointTrajectoryJoint Trajectory representation
 Cyoubot::JointTrajectoryControllerJoint Trajectory Controller
 Cyoubot::LoggerImplementation logging to console and to a file
 Cyoubot::mailboxInputBufferInput part from the EtherCAT mailbox message of the youBot slaves
 Cyoubot::mailboxOutputBufferOutput part from the EtherCAT mailbox message of the youBot slaves
 Cyoubot::ParameterAbstract parameter
 Cyoubot::GripperParameterAbstract gripper parameter
 Cyoubot::JointParameterAbstract joint parameter
 Cyoubot::PidControllerA basic pid class
 Cyoubot::EtherCATConnectionExceptionEtherCAT Connection Error
 Cyoubot::JointErrorExceptionJoint error exception
 Cyoubot::JointParameterExceptionJoint parameter exception
 Cyoubot::SegmentJoint trajectory segment
 Cyoubot::SlaveMessageInputInput part from the EtherCat message of the youBot EtherCat slaves
 Cyoubot::SlaveMessageOutputOutput part from the EtherCat message of the youBot EtherCat slaves
 Cyoubot::SortTreeVectorKeep track of sortorder from original configfile
 CYouBotArmTestA unit test for the youBot arm
 CYouBotArmTestWithoutThreadA unit test for the youBot arm
 CYouBotBaseKinematicsTestA unit test for the base kinematics
 CYouBotBaseTestA unit test for the youBot base
 CYouBotBaseTestWithoutThreadA unit test for one youbot joint communicating without a thread
 CYouBotGripperTestA unit test for the youBot gripper
 Cyoubot::TrajectorySegmentJoint Trajectory Segment
 Cyoubot::YouBotBaseIt groups the base joints together
 Cyoubot::YouBotGripperBarOne bar of the youBot gripper
 Cyoubot::YouBotJointStorageStores YouBotJoint informations which are needed in the driver
 Cyoubot::YouBotManipulatorIt groups the manipulator joints and the gripper together
 Cyoubot::YouBotSlaveMailboxMsgEtherCAT mailbox message of the youBot slaves
 Cyoubot::YouBotSlaveMailboxMsgThreadSafeEtherCAT mailbox message of the youBot slaves (thread safe)
 Cyoubot::YouBotSlaveMsgEtherCat message of the youBot EtherCat slaves
 Cyoubot::YouBotSlaveMsgThreadSafeEtherCat message of the youBot EtherCat slaves which is thread safe

Author(s): Jan Paulus
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:46:27