gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/debug/gdb/ | |
gtsam/3rdparty/GeographicLib/python/geographiclib/ | |
gtsam/3rdparty/GeographicLib/python/geographiclib/test/ | |
python/gtsam/ | |
python/gtsam/examples/ | |
python/gtsam/utils/ | |
python/gtsam_unstable/ | |
python/gtsam_unstable/examples/ | |
python/gtsam_unstable/tests/ | |
wrap/gtwrap/ | |
wrap/gtwrap/interface_parser/ | |
wrap/gtwrap/matlab_wrapper/ | |
wrap/gtwrap/template_instantiator/ | |
wrap/pybind11/pybind11/ | | | | | |
AcceleratedPowerMethod.h | Accelerated power method for fast eigenvalue and eigenvector computation |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Accumulator.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Accumulator class |
src/Accumulator.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Accumulator class |
Accumulator.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Accumulator class |
Accumulator.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Accumulator class | | | | |
action_aat_product.hh | |
action_ata_product.hh | |
action_atv_product.hh | |
action_axpby.hh | |
action_axpy.hh | |
action_cholesky.hh | |
action_ger.hh | |
action_hessenberg.hh | |
action_lu_decomp.hh | |
action_lu_solve.hh | |
action_matrix_matrix_product.hh | |
action_matrix_matrix_product_bis.hh | |
action_matrix_vector_product.hh | |
action_partial_lu.hh | |
action_rot.hh | |
action_symv.hh | |
action_syr2.hh | |
action_trisolve.hh | |
action_trisolve_matrix.hh | |
action_trmm.hh | |
ActiveSetSolver-inl.h | Implmentation of ActiveSetSolver |
ActiveSetSolver.h | Active set method for solving LP, QP problems |
AdaptAutoDiff.h | Adaptor for Ceres style auto-differentiated functions |
adjoint.cpp | |
AHRS.cpp | |
AHRS.h | |
AHRSFactor.cpp | |
AHRSFactor.h | |
airy.c | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/AlbersEqualArea.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea class |
src/AlbersEqualArea.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea class |
AlbersEqualArea.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea class |
AlbersEqualArea.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::AlbersEqualArea class |
AlgebraicDecisionTree.cpp | |
AlgebraicDecisionTree.h | Algebraic Decision Trees |
AlignedBox.h | |
alignedvector3.cpp | |
AllDiff.cpp | |
AllDiff.h | |
AmbiVector.h | |
Amd.h | |
analyze-blocking-sizes.cpp | |
AngleAxis.h | |
AngleAxis_mimic_euler.cpp | |
AnnoyingScalar.h | |
AntiFactor.h | |
ArithmeticSequence.h | |
Arnoldi.h | |
ArnoldiOp.h | |
ArpackSelfAdjointEigenSolver.h | |
Array.h | |
array_cwise.cpp | |
array_for_matrix.cpp | |
Array_initializer_list_23_cxx11.cpp | |
Array_initializer_list_vector_cxx11.cpp | |
array_of_string.cpp | |
array_replicate.cpp | |
array_reverse.cpp | |
Array_variadic_ctor_cxx11.cpp | |
ArrayBase.h | |
ArrayCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
ArrayCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
ArrayWrapper.h | |
AssemblyInfo.cpp | |
Assign.h | |
Assign_MKL.h | |
AssignEvaluator.h | |
Assignment.h | An assignment from labels to a discrete value index (size_t) |
AssignmentFunctors.h | |
AttitudeFactor.cpp | Implementation file for Attitude factor |
AttitudeFactor.h | Header file for Attitude factor |
attr.h | |
autodiff.cpp | |
autodiff.h | |
autodiff_scalar.cpp | |
AutoDiffJacobian.h | |
AutoDiffScalar.h | |
AutoDiffVector.h | |
auxapi.c | This file contains various helper API routines for using METIS |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/AzimuthalEquidistant.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::AzimuthalEquidistant class |
src/AzimuthalEquidistant.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::AzimuthalEquidistant class |
AzimuthalEquidistant.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::AzimuthalEquidistant class |
AzimuthalEquidistant.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::AzimuthalEquidistant class |
b64.c | This file contains some simple 8bit-to-6bit encoding/deconding routines |
balance.c | Functions for the edge-based balancing |
bandmatrix.cpp | |
BandMatrix.h | |
BandTriangularSolver.h | |
BarometricFactor.cpp | Implementation file for Barometric factor |
BarometricFactor.h | Header file for Barometric factor |
Barrier.h | |
preamble/base.h | |
specializations/base.h | |
basic_actions.hh | |
basicbenchmark.cpp | |
basicbenchmark.h | |
BasicPreconditioners.h | |
basicstuff.cpp | |
Basis.cpp | Compute an interpolating basis |
preamble/basis.h | |
specializations/basis.h | |
Basis.h | Compute an interpolating basis |
BasisFactors.h | Factor definitions for various Basis functors |
BatchFixedLagSmoother.cpp | An LM-based fixed-lag smoother |
nonlinear/BatchFixedLagSmoother.h | An LM-based fixed-lag smoother |
unstable/nonlinear/BatchFixedLagSmoother.h | |
BayesNet-inst.h | |
BayesNet.h | Bayes network |
BayesTree-inst.h | Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain |
BayesTree.cpp | Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain |
BayesTree.h | Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain |
BayesTreeCliqueBase-inst.h | Base class for cliques of a BayesTree |
BayesTreeCliqueBase.h | Base class for cliques of a BayesTree |
BayesTreeMarginalizationHelper.h | Helper functions for marginalizing variables from a Bayes Tree |
bdcsvd.cpp | |
BDCSVD.h | |
bdcsvd_int.cpp | |
bdtr.c | |
sam/BearingFactor.h | Serializable factor induced by a bearing measurement |
slam/BearingFactor.h | |
BearingRange.h | Bearing-Range product |
sam/BearingRangeFactor.h | Single factor contains both the bearing and the range to prevent handle to pair bearing and range factors |
slam/BearingRangeFactor.h | |
BearingS2.cpp | |
BearingS2.h | Manifold measurement between two points on a unit sphere |
bench.hh | |
bench_gemm.cpp | |
bench_move_semantics.cpp | |
bench_norm.cpp | |
bench_parameter.hh | |
bench_reverse.cpp | |
bench_static.hh | |
bench_sum.cpp | |
bench_svd.cpp | |
benchBlasGemm.cpp | |
benchCholesky.cpp | |
benchEigenSolver.cpp | |
benchFFT.cpp | |
benchGeometry.cpp | |
benchmark-blocking-sizes.cpp | |
benchmark.cpp | |
benchmark.h | | | | | |
benchmarkSlice.cpp | |
benchmarkX.cpp | |
benchmarkXcwise.cpp | |
BenchSparseUtil.h | |
BenchTimer.h | |
BenchUtil.h | |
benchVecAdd.cpp | |
bessel_functions.cpp | |
AVX/BesselFunctions.h | |
AVX512/BesselFunctions.h | |
NEON/BesselFunctions.h | |
BesselFunctionsArrayAPI.h | |
BesselFunctionsBFloat16.h | |
BesselFunctionsFunctors.h | |
BesselFunctionsHalf.h | |
BesselFunctionsImpl.h | |
BesselFunctionsPacketMath.h | |
besselpoly.c | |
beta.c | |
BetweenFactor.h | |
BetweenFactorEM.h | |
BFloat16.h | |
bfloat16_float.cpp | |
BiasedGPSFactor.h | |
bicgstab.cpp | |
BiCGSTAB.h | |
BiCGSTAB_simple.cpp | |
BiCGSTAB_step_by_step.cpp | |
binary_library.cpp | |
binary_library.h | |
BinaryAllDiff.h | |
BinaryFunctors.h | |
BinaryJacobianFactor.h | A binary JacobianFactor specialization that uses fixed matrix math for speed |
BinaryMeasurement.h | Binary measurement represents a measurement between two keys in a graph. A binary measurement is similar to a BetweenFactor, except that it does not contain an error function. It is a measurement (along with a noise model) from one key to another. Note that the direction is important. A measurement from key1 to key2 is not the same as the same measurement from key2 to key1 |
BKLDLT.h | |
blas.c | This file contains GKlib's implementation of BLAS-like routines |
bench/btl/libs/BLAS/blas.h | |
Eigen/src/misc/blas.h | |
blas_interface.hh | |
blas_interface_impl.hh | |
blasutil.cpp | |
BlasUtil.h | |
blaze_interface.hh | |
blitz_interface.hh | |
blitz_LU_solve_interface.hh | |
block.cpp | |
Block.h | |
block_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr_0.cpp | |
block_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr_1.cpp | |
block_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr_2.cpp | |
block_on_const_type_actually_const_0.cpp | |
block_on_const_type_actually_const_1.cpp | |
BlockHouseholder.h | |
BlockMethods.h | |
BlockOfDynamicSparseMatrix.h | |
BlockSparseMatrix.h | |
BooleanRedux.h | |
boostmultiprec.cpp | |
BoundingConstraint.h | Provides partially implemented constraints to implement bounds |
btdtr.c | |
btl.hh | |
btl_blitz.cpp | |
btl_tiny_blitz.cpp | |
btl_tiny_eigen2.cpp | |
btl_tiny_eigen3.cpp | |
BTree.h | Purely functional binary tree |
bucketsort.c | |
buffer_info.h | |
bug1213.cpp | |
bug1213.h | |
bug1213_main.cpp | |
BVAlgorithms.h | |
BVH.cpp | |
BVH_Example.cpp | |
c_interface_base.h | |
Cal3.cpp | Common code for all calibration models |
Cal3.h | Common code for all Calibration models |
Cal3_S2.cpp | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration |
Cal3_S2.h | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration |
Cal3_S2Stereo.cpp | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration + Stereo baseline |
Cal3_S2Stereo.h | The most common 5DOF 3D->2D calibration + Stereo baseline |
Cal3Bundler.cpp | |
Cal3Bundler.h | Calibration used by Bundler |
Cal3DS2.cpp | |
Cal3DS2.h | Calibration of a camera with radial distortion, calculations in base class Cal3DS2_Base |
Cal3DS2_Base.cpp | |
Cal3DS2_Base.h | |
Cal3f.cpp | Implementation file for Cal3f class |
Cal3f.h | Calibration model with a single focal length and zero skew |
Cal3Fisheye.cpp | |
Cal3Fisheye.h | Calibration of a fisheye camera |
Cal3Unified.cpp | |
Cal3Unified.h | Unified Calibration Model, see Mei07icra for details |
CalibratedCamera.cpp | Calibrated camera for which only pose is unknown |
CalibratedCamera.h | Calibrated camera for which only pose is unknown |
CallRecord.h | Internals for Expression.h, not for general consumption |
camera.cpp | |
camera.h | |
CameraResectioning.cpp | An example of gtsam for solving the camera resectioning problem | | |
CameraSet.h | Base class to create smart factors on poses or cameras |
CartConvert.cpp | Command line utility for geodetic to cartesian coordinate conversions |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/CassiniSoldner.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class |
src/CassiniSoldner.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class |
CassiniSoldner.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class |
CassiniSoldner.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::CassiniSoldner class |
cast.h | |
catch.cpp | |
cbrt.c | |
ccolamd.c | |
ccolamd.h | |
ccolamd_example.c | |
ccolamd_l_example.c | |
ccolamdmex.c | |
ccolamdtestmex.c | |
cephes.h | |
cgeoid.cpp | |
cgeoid.h | |
chartTesting.h | |
chbevl.c | |
chbmv.c | |
chdtr.c | |
Chebyshev.cpp | Chebyshev basis decompositions |
Chebyshev.h | Chebyshev basis decompositions |
Chebyshev2.cpp | Chebyshev parameterizations on Chebyshev points of second kind |
Chebyshev2.h | Pseudo-spectral parameterization for Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind |
check_cache_queries.cpp | |
check_thread_storage.c | |
checkgraph.c | |
ChiSquaredInverse.h | Implementation of the Chi Squared inverse function |
chkder.h | |
3rdparty/Eigen/lapack/cholesky.cpp | |
3rdparty/Eigen/test/cholesky.cpp | |
base/cholesky.cpp | Efficient incomplete Cholesky on rank-deficient matrices, todo: constrained Cholesky |
cholesky.h | Efficient incomplete Cholesky on rank-deficient matrices, todo: constrained Cholesky |
cholmod_support.cpp | |
CholmodSupport.h | |
chpmv.c | |
chrono.h | | | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/CircularEngine.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::CircularEngine class |
src/CircularEngine.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::CircularEngine class |
CircularEngine.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::CircularEngine class |
CircularEngine.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::CircularEngine class |
class.h | |
class_Block.cpp | |
class_CwiseBinaryOp.cpp | |
class_CwiseUnaryOp.cpp | |
class_CwiseUnaryOp_ptrfun.cpp | |
class_FixedBlock.cpp | |
class_FixedReshaped.cpp | |
class_FixedVectorBlock.cpp | |
class_FullPivLU.cpp | |
class_pybind.cpp | |
class_Reshaped.cpp | |
class_VectorBlock.cpp | |
class_wrapper.cpp | |
interface_parser/ | |
template_instantiator/ | |
ClusterTree-inst.h | Collects factorgraph fragments defined on variable clusters, arranged in a tree |
ClusterTree.h | Collects factorgraph fragments defined on variable clusters, arranged in a tree |
cmdline_gpmetis.c | Command-line argument parsing for gpmetis |
cmdline_m2gmetis.c | Command-line argument parsing for m2gmetis |
cmdline_mpmetis.c | Command-line argument parsing for mpmetis |
cmdline_ndmetis.c | Command-line argument parsing for ndmetis |
cmpfillin.c | |
coarsen.c | Functions for computing matchings during graph coarsening | | |
ColPivHouseholderQR.h | |
ColPivHouseholderQR_LAPACKE.h | |
ColPivHouseholderQR_solve.cpp | |
colpivqr_int.cpp | |
CombinedImuFactor.cpp | |
CombinedImuFactor.h | | | |
CombinedImuFactorsExample.cpp | |
commainitializer.cpp | |
CommaInitializer.h | | | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/blas/common.h | |
wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/common.h | |
wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/detail/common.h | |
wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/eigen/common.h | |
CommonCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
CommonCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
Companion.h | |
CompInfo.h | |
CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition.h | |
complex.h | |
AltiVec/Complex.h | |
AVX/Complex.h | |
AVX512/Complex.h | |
CUDA/Complex.h | |
MSA/Complex.h | |
NEON/Complex.h | |
SSE/Complex.h | |
ZVector/Complex.h | |
blas/complex_double.cpp | |
lapack/complex_double.cpp | |
blas/complex_single.cpp | |
lapack/complex_single.cpp | |
complexdots.c | |
ComplexEigenSolver.h | |
ComplexEigenSolver_compute.cpp | |
ComplexEigenSolver_eigenvalues.cpp | |
ComplexEigenSolver_eigenvectors.cpp | |
ComplexSchur.h | |
ComplexSchur_compute.cpp | |
ComplexSchur_LAPACKE.h | |
ComplexSchur_matrixT.cpp | |
ComplexSchur_matrixU.cpp | |
compress.c | |
CompressedStorage.h | |
base/concepts.h | |
geometry/concepts.h | Concept-checking macros for geometric objects Each macro instantiates a concept check structure, which includes a static function that will fail to compile if the concept does not pass. Functions are made static to ensure they get instantiated |
ConcurrentBatchFilter.cpp | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchFilter.h | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchSmoother.cpp | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentBatchSmoother.h | A Levenberg-Marquardt Batch Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentCalibration.cpp | First step towards estimating monocular calibration in concurrent filter/smoother framework. To start with, just batch LM |
ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.cpp | Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function. These classes act as an interface only |
ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothing.h | Base classes for the 'filter' and 'smoother' portion of the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing architecture, as well as an external synchronization function. These classes act as an interface only |
ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothingExample.cpp | Demonstration of the concurrent filtering and smoothing architecture using a planar robot example and multiple odometry-like sensors |
ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.cpp | An iSAM2-based Filter that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentIncrementalFilter.h | |
ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.cpp | An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentIncrementalSmoother.h | An iSAM2-based Smoother that implements the Concurrent Filtering and Smoothing interface |
ConcurrentMap.h | |
Conditional-inst.h | |
Conditional.h | Base class for conditional densities |
ConditionEstimator.h | |
gtsam/3rdparty/GeographicLib/python/doc/ | |
wrap/pybind11/docs/ | |
wrap/sphinx/ | |
Config.h | |
ConfigureVectorization.h | | | |
ConicProj.cpp | Command line utility for conical projections |
ConjHelper.h | |
conjugate_gradient.cpp | |
ConjugateGradient.h | |
ConjugateGradientSolver.cpp | |
ConjugateGradientSolver.h | Implementation of Conjugate Gradient solver for a linear system |
conservative_resize.cpp | |
ConservativeSparseSparseProduct.h | |
const.c | |
const_qualified_block_method_retval_0.cpp | |
const_qualified_block_method_retval_1.cpp | |
const_qualified_diagonal_method_retval.cpp | |
const_qualified_transpose_method_retval.cpp | |
Constants.h | |
Constants.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Constants class | | | | |
ConstantVelocityFactor.h | Maintain a constant velocity motion model between two NavStates |
ConstrainedConjGrad.h | |
Constraint.h | |
constructor.cpp | | | |
constructor_stats.h | |
contig.c | Functions that deal with eliminating disconnected partitions | | |
CoreEvaluators.h | |
CoreIterators.h | |
corners.cpp | |
covar.h | |
CreateSFMExampleData.cpp | Create some example data that for inclusion in the data folder |
cross_module_gil_utils.cpp | |
cross_module_interleaved_error_already_set.cpp | |
CSP.cpp | |
CSP.h | |
csr.c | Various routines with dealing with CSR matrices |
csymamdmex.c | |
csymamdtestmex.c | |
ctbmv.c | |
ctorleak.cpp | |
preamble/custom.h | |
specializations/custom.h | |
CustomFactor.cpp | Class to enable arbitrary factors with runtime swappable error function |
CustomFactor.h | Class to enable arbitrary factors with runtime swappable error function | | |
CustomizingEigen_Inheritance.cpp | |
Cwise_abs.cpp | |
Cwise_abs2.cpp | |
Cwise_acos.cpp | |
Cwise_arg.cpp | |
Cwise_array_power_array.cpp | |
Cwise_asin.cpp | |
Cwise_atan.cpp | |
Cwise_boolean_and.cpp | |
Cwise_boolean_not.cpp | |
Cwise_boolean_or.cpp | |
Cwise_boolean_xor.cpp | |
Cwise_ceil.cpp | |
Cwise_cos.cpp | |
Cwise_cosh.cpp | |
Cwise_cube.cpp | |
Cwise_equal_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_erf.cpp | |
Cwise_erfc.cpp | |
Cwise_exp.cpp | |
Cwise_floor.cpp | |
Cwise_greater.cpp | |
Cwise_greater_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_inverse.cpp | |
Cwise_isFinite.cpp | |
Cwise_isInf.cpp | |
Cwise_isNaN.cpp | |
Cwise_less.cpp | |
Cwise_less_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_lgamma.cpp | |
Cwise_log.cpp | |
Cwise_log10.cpp | |
Cwise_max.cpp | |
Cwise_min.cpp | |
Cwise_minus.cpp | |
Cwise_minus_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_not_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_plus.cpp | |
Cwise_plus_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_pow.cpp | |
Cwise_product.cpp | |
Cwise_quotient.cpp | |
Cwise_rint.cpp | |
Cwise_round.cpp | |
Cwise_scalar_power_array.cpp | |
Cwise_sign.cpp | |
Cwise_sin.cpp | |
Cwise_sinh.cpp | |
Cwise_slash_equal.cpp | |
Cwise_sqrt.cpp | |
Cwise_square.cpp | |
Cwise_tan.cpp | |
Cwise_tanh.cpp | |
Cwise_times_equal.cpp | |
CwiseBinaryOp.h | |
CwiseMul.cpp | |
CwiseNullaryOp.h | |
CwiseTernaryOp.h | |
CwiseUnaryOp.h | |
CwiseUnaryView.h | |
cwiseunaryview_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr.cpp | |
cwiseunaryview_on_const_type_actually_const.cpp | |
cxx11_eventcount.cpp | |
cxx11_maxsizevector.cpp | |
cxx11_meta.cpp | |
cxx11_non_blocking_thread_pool.cpp | |
cxx11_runqueue.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_argmax.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_argmax_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_assign.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_block_access.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_block_eval.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_block_io.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_broadcast_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_broadcasting.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_builtins_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_casts.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_chipping.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_chipping_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_comparisons.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_concatenation.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_concatenation_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_const.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_contract_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_contraction.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_convolution.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_convolution_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_custom_index.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_custom_op.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_custom_op_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_device_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_dimension.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_empty.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_executor.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_expr.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_fft.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_fixed_size.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_forced_eval.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_forced_eval_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_generator.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_generator_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_ifft.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_image_op_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_image_patch.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_image_patch_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_index_list.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_inflation.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_inflation_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_intdiv.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_io.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_layout_swap.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_layout_swap_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_lvalue.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_map.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_math.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_math_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_mixed_indices.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_morphing.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_morphing_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_move.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_notification.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_of_complex.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_of_const_values.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_of_strings.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_padding.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_padding_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_patch.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_patch_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_random.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_random_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_reduction.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_reduction_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_ref.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_reverse.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_reverse_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_roundings.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_scan.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_scan_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_shuffling.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_shuffling_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_simple.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_striding.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_striding_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_sugar.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_sycl.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_symmetry.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_thread_local.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_thread_pool.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_trace.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_uint128.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_volume_patch.cpp | |
cxx11_tensor_volume_patch_sycl.cpp | |
CXX11Meta.h | |
CXX11Workarounds.h | |
Cyclic.cpp | Cyclic group implementation |
Cyclic.h | Cyclic group, i.e., the integers modulo N |
d_cnjg.c | |
dataset.cpp | Utility functions for loading datasets |
dataset.h | Utility functions for loading datasets |
datatypes.h | |
dawsn.c | |
dd_idefs.h | |
dd_real.c | |
dd_real.h | |
dd_real_idefs.h | |
debug.c | |
debug.cpp | Global debugging flags |
debug.h | Global debugging flags |
DecisionTree-inl.h | |
DecisionTree.h | Decision Tree for use in DiscreteFactors |
DecisionTreeFactor.cpp | Discrete factor |
DecisionTreeFactor.h | |
interface_parser/ | |
template_instantiator/ | |
libmetis/defs.h | |
programs/defs.h | |
dense_solvers.cpp | |
dense_storage.cpp | |
DenseBase.h | |
DenseBase_LinSpaced.cpp | |
DenseBase_LinSpaced_seq_deprecated.cpp | |
DenseBase_LinSpacedInt.cpp | |
DenseBase_middleCols_int.cpp | |
DenseBase_middleRows_int.cpp | |
DenseBase_setLinSpaced.cpp | |
DenseBase_template_int_middleCols.cpp | |
DenseBase_template_int_middleRows.cpp | |
DenseCholesky.h | |
DenseCoeffsBase.h | |
DenseGenComplexShiftSolve.h | |
DenseGenMatProd.h | |
DenseGenRealShiftSolve.h | |
denseLM.cpp | |
DenseStorage.h | |
DenseSymMatProd.h | |
DenseSymShiftSolve.h | |
descr.h | |
details.h | |
determinant.cpp | |
Determinant.h | |
dgmres.cpp | |
DGMRES.h | |
diagonal.cpp | |
Diagonal.h | |
diagonal_matrix_variadic_ctor.cpp | |
diagonal_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr.cpp | |
diagonal_on_const_type_actually_const.cpp | |
diagonalmatrices.cpp | |
DiagonalMatrix.h | |
DiagonalProduct.h | |
direct.c | A test program for geod_direct() | | |
DirectionWise_hnormalized.cpp | |
DirectionWise_replicate.cpp | |
DirectionWise_replicate_int.cpp | |
DisableStupidWarnings.h | |
preamble/discrete.h | |
specializations/discrete.h | |
DiscreteBayesNet.cpp | |
DiscreteBayesNet.h | |
DiscreteBayesNet_FG.cpp | Discrete Bayes Net example using Factor Graphs |
DiscreteBayesNetExample.cpp | Discrete Bayes Net example with famous Asia Bayes Network |
DiscreteBayesTree.cpp | Discrete Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a DiscreteJunctionTree |
DiscreteBayesTree.h | Discrete Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a DiscreteJunctionTree |
DiscreteConditional.cpp | |
DiscreteConditional.h | |
DiscreteDistribution.cpp | |
DiscreteDistribution.h | |
DiscreteEliminationTree.cpp | |
DiscreteEliminationTree.h | |
DiscreteFactor.cpp | Discrete factor |
DiscreteFactor.h | |
DiscreteFactorGraph.cpp | |
DiscreteFactorGraph.h | |
DiscreteJunctionTree.cpp | |
DiscreteJunctionTree.h | |
DiscreteKey.cpp | |
DiscreteKey.h | Specialized key for discrete variables |
DiscreteLookupDAG.cpp | |
DiscreteLookupDAG.h | |
DiscreteMarginals.h | A class for computing marginals in a DiscreteFactorGraph |
DiscreteValues.cpp | |
DiscreteValues.h | |
dllexport.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/DMS.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::DMS class |
src/DMS.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::DMS class |
DMS.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::DMS class |
DMS.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::DMS class | | | | |
dogleg.h | |
DoglegOptimizer.cpp | |
DoglegOptimizer.h | | | |
DoglegOptimizerImpl.cpp | |
DoglegOptimizerImpl.h | Nonlinear factor graph optimizer using Powell's Dogleg algorithm (detail implementation) |
Domain.cpp | |
Domain.h | |
dontalign.cpp | |
Dot.h | |
DotWriter.cpp | Graphviz formatting for factor graphs |
DotWriter.h | Graphviz formatter |
blas/double.cpp | |
lapack/double.cpp | |
DoubleShiftQR.h | |
drotm.c | |
drotmg.c | |
dsbmv.c | |
DSF.h | An implementation of Disjoint set forests (see CLR page 446 and up) |
DSFMap.h | Allow for arbitrary type in DSF |
DsfTrackGenerator.cpp | Identifies connected components in the keypoint matches graph |
DsfTrackGenerator.h | Identifies connected components in the keypoint matches graph |
DSFVector.cpp | Faster implementation for DSF, which uses vector rather than btree |
DSFVector.h | A faster implementation for DSF, which uses vector rather than btree |
dspmv.c | |
dtbmv.c | |
Dummy.cpp | |
Dummy.h | Dummy class for testing MATLAB memory allocation |
DummyFactor.cpp | |
gtsam_unstable/slam/DummyFactor.h | A simple factor that can be used to trick gtsam solvers into believing a graph is connected |
timing/DummyFactor.h | Just to help in timing overhead |
dynalloc.cpp | |
DynamicSparseMatrix.h | |
DynamicsPriors.h | Priors to be used with dynamic systems (Specifically PoseRTV) |
DynamicSymmetry.h | |
easyPoint2KalmanFilter.cpp | |
EdgeKey.cpp | |
EdgeKey.h | |
ei_fftw_impl.h | |
ei_kissfft_impl.h | |
eig33.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/ceres/eigen.h | |
wrap/pybind11/include/pybind11/eigen.h | |
eigen2_interface.hh | |
eigen2support.cpp | |
eigen3_interface.hh | |
Eigen_Colamd.h | |
eigen_gen_credits.cpp | |
eigen_tensor_avoid_stl_array.cpp | |
EigenBase.h | |
EigenSolver.h | |
eigensolver_complex.cpp | |
EigenSolver_compute.cpp | |
eigensolver_cplx.cpp | |
EigenSolver_EigenSolver_MatrixType.cpp | |
EigenSolver_eigenvalues.cpp | |
EigenSolver_eigenvectors.cpp | |
eigensolver_generalized_real.cpp | |
eigensolver_generic.cpp | |
eigensolver_int.cpp | |
EigenSolver_pseudoEigenvectors.cpp | |
eigensolver_selfadjoint.cpp | |
eigenvalues.cpp | |
elaboratePoint2KalmanFilter.cpp | |
EliminateableFactorGraph-inst.h | |
EliminateableFactorGraph.h | Variable elimination algorithms for factor graphs |
EliminationTree-inst.h | |
EliminationTree.h | |
ellie.c | |
ellik.c | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Ellipsoid.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Ellipsoid class |
src/Ellipsoid.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Ellipsoid class |
Ellipsoid.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Ellipsoid class |
Ellipsoid.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Ellipsoid class |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/EllipticFunction.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::EllipticFunction class |
src/EllipticFunction.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::EllipticFunction class |
EllipticFunction.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::EllipticFunction class |
EllipticFunction.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::EllipticFunction class |
ellpe.c | |
ellpj.c | |
ellpk.c | |
embed.cpp | |
embed.h | |
EmulateArray.h | | | |
enum_pybind.cpp | |
enum_wrapper.cpp | | | |
EqualityFactorGraph.h | Factor graph of all LinearEquality factors |
EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.h | Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame) |
EquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel_NoBias.h | Equivalent inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame), without bias state |
erfinv.c | |
error.c | Various error-handling functions |
Errors.cpp | Factor Graph Values |
Errors.h | Vector of errors |
EssentialMatrix.cpp | |
EssentialMatrix.h | |
EssentialMatrixConstraint.cpp | |
EssentialMatrixConstraint.h | |
EssentialMatrixFactor.h | |
EssentialViewGraphExample.cpp | View-graph calibration with essential matrices | | |
doc/examples/EulerAngles.cpp | |
test/EulerAngles.cpp | |
Eigen/src/Geometry/EulerAngles.h | |
unsupported/Eigen/src/EulerAngles/EulerAngles.h | |
EulerSystem.h | |
eval.h | |
evaluate.c | Various routines to evaluate classification performance |
evaluator_common.h | |
evaluators.cpp | |
Event.cpp | Space-time event |
Event.h | Space-time event |
EventCount.h | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Accumulator.cpp | |
examples/example-Accumulator.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-AlbersEqualArea.cpp | |
examples/example-AlbersEqualArea.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-AzimuthalEquidistant.cpp | |
examples/example-AzimuthalEquidistant.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-CassiniSoldner.cpp | |
examples/example-CassiniSoldner.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-CircularEngine.cpp | |
examples/example-CircularEngine.cpp | |
example-Constants.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-DMS.cpp | |
examples/example-DMS.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Ellipsoid.cpp | |
examples/example-Ellipsoid.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-EllipticFunction.cpp | |
examples/example-EllipticFunction.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GARS.cpp | |
examples/example-GARS.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Geocentric.cpp | |
examples/example-Geocentric.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GeoCoords.cpp | |
examples/example-GeoCoords.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Geodesic-small.cpp | |
examples/example-Geodesic-small.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Geodesic.cpp | |
examples/example-Geodesic.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GeodesicExact.cpp | |
examples/example-GeodesicExact.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GeodesicLine.cpp | |
examples/example-GeodesicLine.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GeodesicLineExact.cpp | |
examples/example-GeodesicLineExact.cpp | |
example-GeographicErr.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Geohash.cpp | |
examples/example-Geohash.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Geoid.cpp | |
examples/example-Geoid.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Georef.cpp | |
examples/example-Georef.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Gnomonic.cpp | |
examples/example-Gnomonic.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GravityCircle.cpp | |
examples/example-GravityCircle.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-GravityModel.cpp | |
examples/example-GravityModel.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-LambertConformalConic.cpp | |
examples/example-LambertConformalConic.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-LocalCartesian.cpp | |
examples/example-LocalCartesian.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-MagneticCircle.cpp | |
examples/example-MagneticCircle.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-MagneticModel.cpp | |
examples/example-MagneticModel.cpp | |
example-Math.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-MGRS.cpp | |
examples/example-MGRS.cpp | |
example-NearestNeighbor.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-NormalGravity.cpp | |
examples/example-NormalGravity.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-OSGB.cpp | |
examples/example-OSGB.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-PolarStereographic.cpp | |
examples/example-PolarStereographic.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-PolygonArea.cpp | |
examples/example-PolygonArea.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-Rhumb.cpp | |
examples/example-Rhumb.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-RhumbLine.cpp | |
examples/example-RhumbLine.cpp | |
example-SphericalEngine.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-SphericalHarmonic.cpp | |
examples/example-SphericalHarmonic.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-SphericalHarmonic1.cpp | |
examples/example-SphericalHarmonic1.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-SphericalHarmonic2.cpp | |
examples/example-SphericalHarmonic2.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-TransverseMercator.cpp | |
examples/example-TransverseMercator.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-TransverseMercatorExact.cpp | |
examples/example-TransverseMercatorExact.cpp | |
example-Utility.cpp | |
dotnet/examples/ManagedCPP/example-UTMUPS.cpp | |
examples/example-UTMUPS.cpp | |
example.c | |
example.h | |
exceptions.cpp | |
ExecutionTrace.h | Execution trace for expressions |
exp10.c | |
exp2.c | |
expn.c | |
expn.h | |
Expression-inl.h | Internals for Expression.h, not for general consumption |
Expression.h | Expressions for Block Automatic Differentiation |
ExpressionFactor.h | |
ExpressionFactorGraph.h | Factor graph that supports adding ExpressionFactors directly |
ExpressionNode.h | ExpressionNode class |
navigation/expressions.h | Common expressions for solving navigation problems |
nonlinear/expressions.h | Common expressions, both linear and non-linear |
slam/expressions.h | Common expressions for solving geometry/slam/sfm problems |
expressionTesting.h | Test harness methods for expressions |
ExtendedKalmanFilter-inl.h | Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs |
ExtendedKalmanFilter.h | Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs |
external_module.cpp | |
Factor.cpp | The base class for all factors |
Factor.h | The base class for all factors |
FactorGraph-inst.h | Factor Graph Base Class |
FactorGraph.h | Factor Graph Base Class |
factorTesting.h | Evaluate derivatives of a nonlinear factor numerically |
failtest_sanity_check.cpp | |
Failure.h | |
FastDefaultAllocator.h | An easy way to control which allocator is used for Fast* collections |
FastList.h | A thin wrapper around std::list that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
FastMap.h | A thin wrapper around std::map that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
fastmath.cpp | |
FastSet.h | A thin wrapper around std::set that uses boost's fast_pool_allocator |
FastVector.h | A thin wrapper around std::vector that uses a custom allocator |
fdjac1.h | |
fdtr.c | |
doc/examples/FFT.cpp | |
test/FFT.cpp | |
FFTW.cpp | |
filesystem.h | |
FindSeparator-inl.h | |
FindSeparator.h | |
first_aligned.cpp | |
fis.c | A simple frequent itemset discovery program to test GKlib's routines |
FisheyeExample.cpp | A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset. This version uses a fisheye camera model and a GaussNewton solver to solve the graph in one batch |
FitBasis.h | Fit a Basis using least-squares |
fixed_array.h | |
FixedLagSmoother.cpp | The base class for different fixed-lag smoother implementations |
nonlinear/FixedLagSmoother.h | Base class for a fixed-lag smoother. This mimics the basic interface to iSAM2 |
unstable/nonlinear/FixedLagSmoother.h | |
FixedLagSmootherExample.cpp | Demonstration of the fixed-lag smoothers using a planar robot example and multiple odometry-like sensors | | |
FixedVector.h | Extension of boost's bounded_vector to allow for fixed size operation |
fkvkselect.c | |
fm.c | Functions for the edge-based FM refinement |
ForceAlignedAccess.h | |
fortran.c | |
forward_adolc.cpp | |
ForwardDeclarations.h | |
Fourier.h | Fourier decomposition, see e.g. |
fpclassify.h | |
frename.c | |
fresnl.c | |
FrobeniusFactor.cpp | Various factors that minimize some Frobenius norm |
FrobeniusFactor.h | Various factors that minimize some Frobenius norm |
fs.c | Various file-system functions |
FullIMUFactor.h | Factor to express an IMU measurement between dynamic poses |
FullPivHouseholderQR.h | |
FullPivHouseholderQR_solve.cpp | |
FullPivLU.h | |
FullPivLU_image.cpp | |
fullpivlu_int.cpp | |
FullPivLU_kernel.cpp | |
FullPivLU_solve.cpp | |
fullpivqr_int.cpp | |
interface_parser/ | |
template_instantiator/ | |
function_taking_eigenbase.cpp | |
function_taking_ref.cpp | |
functional.h | |
functions_pybind.cpp | |
functions_wrapper.cpp | |
FunctorizedFactor.h | |
FundamentalMatrix.cpp | |
FundamentalMatrix.h | |
Fuzzy.h | |
gamma.c | |
gammasgn.c | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GARS.cpp | Source for NETGeographicLib::GARS class |
src/GARS.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GARS class |
GARS.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GARS class |
GARS.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GARS class |
GaussianBayesNet.cpp | Chordal Bayes Net, the result of eliminating a factor graph |
GaussianBayesNet.h | Chordal Bayes Net, the result of eliminating a factor graph |
GaussianBayesTree-inl.h | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianBayesTree.cpp | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianBayesTree.h | Gaussian Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a GaussianJunctionTree |
GaussianConditional-inl.h | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianConditional.cpp | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianConditional.h | Conditional Gaussian Base class |
GaussianDensity.cpp | A Gaussian Density |
GaussianDensity.h | A Gaussian Density |
GaussianEliminationTree.cpp | |
GaussianEliminationTree.h | |
GaussianFactor.cpp | A factor with a quadratic error function - a Gaussian |
GaussianFactor.h | A factor with a quadratic error function - a Gaussian |
GaussianFactorGraph.cpp | Linear Factor Graph where all factors are Gaussians |
GaussianFactorGraph.h | Linear Factor Graph where all factors are Gaussians |
GaussianISAM.cpp | |
GaussianISAM.h | |
GaussianJunctionTree.cpp | |
GaussianJunctionTree.h | |
GaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.h | |
GaussNewtonOptimizer.cpp | |
GaussNewtonOptimizer.h | |
gdtr.c | |
GEigsMode.h | |
gemm.cpp | |
gemm_common.h | |
gemv.cpp | |
gemv_common.h | |
gemvt.cpp | |
GenEigsBase.h | |
GenEigsComplexShiftSolver.h | |
GenEigsRealShiftSolver.h | |
GenEigsSolver.h | |
arch/NEON/GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h | |
products/GeneralBlockPanelKernel.h | |
GeneralizedEigenSolver.cpp | |
GeneralizedEigenSolver.h | |
GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrix.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrix_BLAS.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrixTriangular.h | |
GeneralMatrixMatrixTriangular_BLAS.h | |
GeneralMatrixVector.h | |
GeneralMatrixVector_BLAS.h | |
GeneralProduct.h | |
GeneralRank1Update.h | |
GeneralSFMFactor.h | General SFM factor with an unknown calibration |
GenericGraph.cpp | |
GenericGraph.h | |
GenericPacketMath.h | |
GenericPacketMathFunctions.h | |
GenericPacketMathFunctionsFwd.h | |
GenericValue.h | |
geo_alignedbox.cpp | |
geo_eulerangles.cpp | |
geo_homogeneous.cpp | |
geo_hyperplane.cpp | |
geo_orthomethods.cpp | |
geo_parametrizedline.cpp | |
geo_quaternion.cpp | |
geo_transformations.cpp | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Geocentric.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Geocentric class |
src/Geocentric.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Geocentric class |
Geocentric.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Geocentric class |
Geocentric.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Geocentric class |
GeoConvert.cpp | Command line utility for geographic coordinate conversions |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GeoCoords.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GeoCoords class |
src/GeoCoords.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GeoCoords class |
GeoCoords.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GeoCoords class |
GeoCoords.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GeoCoords class |
geodesic.c | Implementation of the geodesic routines in C |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Geodesic.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Geodesic class |
src/Geodesic.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Geodesic class |
Geodesic.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Geodesic class |
geodesic.h | API for the geodesic routines in C |
Geodesic.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Geodesic class | | | | | | | | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GeodesicExact.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicExact class |
src/GeodesicExact.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GeodesicExact class |
GeodesicExact.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicExact class |
GeodesicExact.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GeodesicExact class |
GeodesicExactC4.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GeodesicExact::rawC4coeff |
geodesicinverse.cpp | Matlab mex file for geographic to UTM/UPS conversions |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GeodesicLine.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicLine class |
src/GeodesicLine.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GeodesicLine class |
GeodesicLine.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicLine class |
GeodesicLine.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GeodesicLine class | | | | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GeodesicLineExact.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicLineExact class |
src/GeodesicLineExact.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GeodesicLineExact class |
GeodesicLineExact.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GeodesicLineExact class |
GeodesicLineExact.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GeodesicLineExact class | | |
GeodesicProj.cpp | Command line utility for geodesic projections | | |
GeodSolve.cpp | Command line utility for geodesic calculations |
geodtest.c | Test suite for the geodesic routines in C | | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Geohash.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Geohash class |
src/Geohash.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Geohash class |
Geohash.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Geohash class |
Geohash.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Geohash class |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Geoid.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Geoid class |
src/Geoid.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Geoid class |
Geoid.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Geoid class |
Geoid.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Geoid class |
GeoidEval.cpp | Command line utility for evaluating geoid heights |
geoidtest.c | |
GeoidToGTX.cpp | | | | | |
geometry.cpp | |
preamble/geometry.h | |
specializations/geometry.h | |
geometry_pybind.cpp | |
Geometry_SIMD.h | |
geometry_wrapper.cpp | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Georef.cpp | Source for NETGeographicLib::Georef class |
src/Georef.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Georef class |
Georef.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Georef class |
Georef.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Georef class |
getopt.c | Command line parsing |
gil.h | |
gil_safe_call_once.h | |
gk_arch.h | This file contains various architecture-specific declerations |
gk_defs.h | This file contains various constants definitions |
gk_externs.h | This file contains definitions of external variables created by GKlib |
gk_getopt.h | This file contains GNU's externs/structs/prototypes |
gk_macros.h | This file contains various macros |
gk_mkblas.h | Templates for BLAS-like routines |
gk_mkmemory.h | Templates for memory allocation routines |
gk_mkpqueue.h | Templates for priority queues |
gk_mkpqueue2.h | Templates for priority queues that do not utilize locators and as such they can use different types of values |
gk_mkrandom.h | Templates for portable random number generation |
gk_mksort.h | Templates for the qsort routine |
gk_mkutils.h | Templates for various utility routines |
gk_proto.h | This file contains function prototypes |
gk_struct.h | This file contains various datastructures used/provided by GKlib |
gk_types.h | This file contains basic scalar datatype used in GKlib |
gkgraph.c | A simple frequent itemset discovery program to test GKlib's routines |
gklib.c | Various helper routines generated using GKlib's templates |
GKlib.h | |
gklib_defs.h | Data structures and prototypes for GKlib integration |
gklib_rename.h | |
gkregex.c | |
gkregex.h | |
gksort.c | Testing module for the various sorting routines in GKlib |
global_includes.h | Included from all GTSAM files |
GlobalFunctions.h | |
gmm_interface.hh | |
gmm_LU_solve_interface.hh | |
gmres.cpp | |
GMRES.h | |
GNCExample.cpp | Simple example showcasing a Graduated Non-Convexity based solver |
GncOptimizer.h | The GncOptimizer class |
GncParams.h | |
GncPoseAveragingExample.cpp | Example of GNC estimating a single pose from pose priors possibly corrupted with outliers You can run this example using: ./GncPoseAveragingExample nrInliers nrOutliers e.g.,: ./GncPoseAveragingExample 10 5 (if the numbers are not specified, default values nrInliers = 10 and nrOutliers = 10 are used) |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Gnomonic.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Gnomonic class |
src/Gnomonic.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Gnomonic class |
Gnomonic.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Gnomonic class |
Gnomonic.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Gnomonic class | | | | |
gnuplot_common_settings.hh | |
gpmetis.c | |
GPSFactor.cpp | Implementation file for GPS factor |
GPSFactor.h | Header file for GPS factor | | |
gpu_common.h | |
gpuhelper.cpp | |
gpuhelper.h | |
graph-inl.h | |
GKlib/graph.c | Various routines with dealing with sparse graphs |
libmetis/graph.c | Functions that deal with setting up the graphs for METIS |
graph.h | Graph algorithm using boost library |
graphchk.c | |
GraphvizFormatting.cpp | Graphviz formatter for NonlinearFactorGraph |
GraphvizFormatting.h | Graphviz formatter for NonlinearFactorGraph |
Gravity.cpp | Command line utility for evaluating gravity fields |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GravityCircle.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GravityCircle class |
src/GravityCircle.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GravityCircle class |
GravityCircle.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GravityCircle class |
GravityCircle.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GravityCircle class |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/GravityModel.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::GravityModel class |
src/GravityModel.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::GravityModel class |
GravityModel.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::GravityModel class |
GravityModel.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::GravityModel class |
Group.h | Concept check class for variable types with Group properties |
preamble/gtsam.h | |
specializations/gtsam.h | |
gtsam_unstable.h | | | |
Half.h | |
half_float.cpp | | | |
hessenberg.cpp | |
HessenbergDecomposition.h | |
HessenbergDecomposition_compute.cpp | |
HessenbergDecomposition_matrixH.cpp | |
HessenbergDecomposition_packedMatrix.cpp | |
HessianFactor-inl.h | Contains the HessianFactor class, a general quadratic factor |
HessianFactor.cpp | |
HessianFactor.h | Contains the HessianFactor class, a general quadratic factor |
HipVectorCompatibility.h | |
HMMExample.cpp | |
Homogeneous.h | |
householder.cpp | |
Householder.h | |
HouseholderQR.h | |
HouseholderQR_householderQ.cpp | |
HouseholderQR_LAPACKE.h | |
HouseholderQR_solve.cpp | |
HouseholderSequence.h | |
HouseholderSequence_HouseholderSequence.cpp | |
htable.c | |
preamble/hybrid.h | |
specializations/hybrid.h | |
HybridBayesNet.cpp | A Bayes net of Gaussian Conditionals indexed by discrete keys |
HybridBayesNet.h | A Bayes net of Gaussian Conditionals indexed by discrete keys |
HybridBayesTree.cpp | Hybrid Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a HybridJunctionTree |
HybridBayesTree.h | Hybrid Bayes Tree, the result of eliminating a HybridJunctionTree |
HybridConditional.cpp | |
HybridConditional.h | |
HybridEliminationTree.cpp | |
HybridEliminationTree.h | |
HybridFactor.cpp | |
HybridFactor.h | |
HybridFactorGraph.cpp | Factor graph with utilities for hybrid factors |
HybridFactorGraph.h | Factor graph with utilities for hybrid factors |
HybridGaussianConditional.cpp | A hybrid conditional in the Conditional Linear Gaussian scheme |
HybridGaussianConditional.h | A hybrid conditional in the Conditional Linear Gaussian scheme |
HybridGaussianFactor.cpp | A set of Gaussian factors indexed by a set of discrete keys |
HybridGaussianFactor.h | A set of GaussianFactors, indexed by a set of discrete keys |
HybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp | Hybrid factor graph that uses type erasure |
HybridGaussianFactorGraph.h | Linearized Hybrid factor graph that uses type erasure |
HybridGaussianISAM.cpp | |
HybridGaussianISAM.h | |
HybridGaussianProductFactor.cpp | |
HybridGaussianProductFactor.h | |
HybridJunctionTree.cpp | |
HybridJunctionTree.h | |
HybridNonlinearFactor.cpp | |
HybridNonlinearFactor.h | A set of nonlinear factors indexed by a set of discrete keys |
HybridNonlinearFactorGraph.cpp | Nonlinear hybrid factor graph that uses type erasure |
HybridNonlinearFactorGraph.h | Nonlinear hybrid factor graph that uses type erasure |
HybridNonlinearISAM.cpp | |
HybridNonlinearISAM.h | |
HybridNonLinearSolver.h | |
HybridSmoother.cpp | An incremental smoother for hybrid factor graphs |
HybridSmoother.h | An incremental smoother for hybrid factor graphs |
HybridValues.cpp | |
HybridValues.h | |
hyp2f1.c | |
hyperg.c | |
Hyperplane.h | |
i0.c | |
i1.c | |
icosphere.cpp | |
icosphere.h | |
idrs.cpp | |
IDRS.h | |
igam.c | |
igam.h | |
igami.c | |
Image.h | |
ImuBias.cpp | |
ImuBias.h | | | |
ImuFactor.cpp | |
ImuFactor.h | |
IMUFactor.h | Factor to express an IMU measurement between dynamic poses | | | | |
ImuFactorsExample.cpp | |
ImuFactorsExample2.cpp | |
imuFactorTesting.h | Common testing infrastructure |
IMUKittiExampleGPS.cpp | | | |
ImuMeasurement.h | |
incbet.c | |
incbi.c | |
incomplete_cholesky.cpp | |
IncompleteCholesky.h | |
IncompleteLU.h | |
IncompleteLUT.h | |
IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.cpp | An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother. To the extent possible, this class mimics the iSAM2 interface. However, additional parameters, such as the smoother lag and the timestamp associated with each variable are needed |
IncrementalFixedLagSmoother.h | An iSAM2-based fixed-lag smoother |
indexed_view.cpp | |
IndexedView.h | |
IndexedViewHelper.h | |
IndexedViewMethods.h | |
InequalityFactorGraph.h | Factor graph of all LinearInequality factors |
InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.h | Inertial navigation factor (velocity in the global frame) |
InfeasibleInitialValues.h | Exception thrown when given Infeasible Initial Values |
InfeasibleOrUnboundedProblem.h | Throw when the problem is either infeasible or unbounded |
inference-inst.h | Contains generic inference algorithms that convert between templated graphical models, i.e., factor graphs, Bayes nets, and Bayes trees |
preamble/inference.h | |
specializations/inference.h | |
inferenceExceptions.cpp | Exceptions that may be thrown by inference algorithms |
inferenceExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by inference algorithms |
inheritance_pybind.cpp | |
inheritance_wrapper.cpp | |
init.h | |
init_function.hh | |
init_matrix.hh | |
init_vector.hh | |
InitializePose.h | Common code between lago.* (2D) and InitializePose3.* (3D) |
InitializePose3.cpp | |
InitializePose3.h | Initialize Pose3 in a factor graph |
initializer_list_1.cpp | |
initializer_list_2.cpp | |
initializer_list_construction.cpp | |
initpart.c | |
inplace_decomposition.cpp | |
integer_types.cpp | |
IntegralConstant.h | |
intel_bench_fixed_size.hh | |
internals.h | |
InteropHeaders.h | |
InvDepthCamera3.h | Inverse Depth Camera based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are initialized from the first camera observation with (x,y,z,theta,phi,inv_depth), where x,y,z are the coordinates of the camera |
InvDepthFactor3.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are initialized from the first camera observation with (x,y,z,theta,phi,inv_depth), where x,y,z are the coordinates of the camera. InvDepthCamera provides methods to initialize inverse depth landmarks (backproject), and to convert inverse depth landmarks to cartesian coordinates (Point3) for visualization, etc. The inverse depth parameterization is split into (x,y,z,theta,phi), (inv_depth) to make it easy to add a prior on inverse depth alone |
InvDepthFactorVariant1.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (x,y,z,theta,phi,rho). The factor involves a single pose and a landmark. The landmark parameterization contains the reference point internally (and will thus be updated as well during optimization) |
InvDepthFactorVariant2.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (theta,phi,rho) with the reference point created at landmark construction and then never updated (i.e. the point [x,y,z] is treated as fixed and not part of the optimization). The factor involves a single pose and a landmark |
InvDepthFactorVariant3.h | Inverse Depth Factor based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are parameterized as (theta,phi,rho). The factor involves two poses and a landmark. The first pose is the reference frame from which (theta, phi, rho) is measured |
inverse.c | A test program for geod_inverse() |
inverse.cpp | |
Inverse.h | | | |
InverseImpl.h | |
InverseKinematicsExampleExpressions.cpp | Implement inverse kinematics on a three-link arm using expressions |
InverseSize4.h | |
GKlib/io.c | Various file I/O functions |
programs/io.c | |
io.cpp | |
IO.h | |
IOFormat.cpp | |
iostream.h | |
is_same_dense.cpp | |
ISAM-inst.h | Incremental update functionality (iSAM) for BayesTree |
ISAM.h | Incremental update functionality (iSAM) for BayesTree |
ISAM2-impl.cpp | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2-impl.h | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2.cpp | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2.h | Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization |
ISAM2_SmartFactorStereo_IMU.cpp | Test of iSAM2 with smart stereo factors and IMU preintegration, originally used to debug valgrind invalid reads with Eigen |
ISAM2Clique.cpp | Specialized iSAM2 Clique |
ISAM2Clique.h | Specialized iSAM2 Clique |
ISAM2Example_SmartFactor.cpp | Test of iSAM with smart factors, led to bitbucket issue #367 |
ISAM2Params.cpp | Parameters for iSAM 2 |
ISAM2Params.h | Parameters for iSAM 2 |
ISAM2Result.h | Class that stores detailed iSAM2 result |
ISAM2UpdateParams.h | Class that stores extra params for ISAM2::update() |
itemsets.c | Frequent/Closed itemset discovery routines |
IterationController.h | |
iterative-inl.h | Iterative methods, template implementation |
iterative.cpp | Iterative methods, implementation |
iterative.h | Iterative methods, implementation |
IterativeSolver.cpp | Some support classes for iterative solvers |
IterativeSolver.h | Some support classes for iterative solvers |
IterativeSolverBase.h | |
j0.c | |
j1.c | |
jacobi.cpp | |
Jacobi.h | |
Jacobi_makeGivens.cpp | |
Jacobi_makeJacobi.cpp | |
JacobianFactor-inl.h | |
JacobianFactor.cpp | |
JacobianFactor.h | |
JacobianFactorQ.h | |
JacobianFactorQR.h | |
JacobianFactorSVD.h | |
JacobianMap.h | JacobianMap for returning derivatives from expressions |
JacobiConformal.cpp | |
JacobiConformal.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::JacobiConformal class |
jacobisvd.cpp | |
JacobiSVD.h | |
JacobiSVD_basic.cpp | |
jacobisvd_int.cpp | |
JacobiSVD_LAPACKE.h | |
jet.h | |
JunctionTree-inst.h | The junction tree, template bodies |
JunctionTree.h | The junction tree |
jv.c | |
k0.c | |
k1.c | |
KalmanFilter.cpp | Simple linear Kalman filter. Implemented using factor graphs, i.e., does Cholesky-based SRIF, really |
KalmanFilter.h | Simple linear Kalman filter implemented using factor graphs, i.e., performs Cholesky or QR-based SRIF (Square-Root Information Filter) |
KarcherMeanFactor-inl.h | |
KarcherMeanFactor.h | |
KdBVH.h | |
Kernel.h | |
Key.cpp | |
Key.h | |
klu_support.cpp | |
KLUSupport.h | |
kmetis.c | The top-level routines for multilevel k-way partitioning that minimizes the edge cut |
kn.c | |
kolmogorov.c | |
kronecker_product.cpp | |
KroneckerTensorProduct.h | |
kruskal-inl.h | |
kruskal.h | |
kwayfm.c | Routines for k-way refinement |
kwayrefine.c | Driving routines for multilevel k-way refinement |
LabeledSymbol.cpp | |
LabeledSymbol.h | |
lago.cpp | |
lago.h | Initialize Pose2 in a factor graph using LAGO (Linear Approximation for Graph Optimization). see papers: |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/LambertConformalConic.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class |
src/LambertConformalConic.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class |
LambertConformalConic.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class |
LambertConformalConic.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::LambertConformalConic class |
lanczos.c | |
Lanczos.h | |
lanczos.h | |
lapack.h | |
lapack_common.h | |
lapacke.h | |
lapacke_mangling.h | |
lazy_gemm.cpp | |
LDLT.h | |
ldlt_int.cpp | |
LeastSquareConjugateGradient.h | |
LeastSquaresNormalEquations.cpp | |
LeastSquaresQR.cpp | |
level1_cplx_impl.h | |
level1_impl.h | |
level1_real_impl.h | |
level2_cplx_impl.h | |
level2_impl.h | |
level2_real_impl.h | |
level3_impl.h | |
levenberg_marquardt.cpp | |
LevenbergMarquardt/LevenbergMarquardt.h | |
NonLinearOptimization/LevenbergMarquardt.h | |
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.cpp | A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.h | A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtParams.cpp | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtParams.h | Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme |
LevenbergMarquardtState.h | A LevenbergMarquardtState class containing most of the logic for Levenberg-Marquardt | | |
Lie.h | Base class and basic functions for Lie types |
lieProxies.h | Provides convenient mappings of common member functions for testing |
Line3.cpp | |
Line3.h | 4 dimensional manifold of 3D lines |
preamble/linear.h | |
specializations/linear.h | |
linearAlgorithms-inst.h | Templated algorithms that are used in multiple places in linear |
LinearContainerFactor.cpp | |
LinearContainerFactor.h | Wrap Jacobian and Hessian linear factors to allow simple injection into a nonlinear graph |
LinearCost.h | LinearCost derived from JacobianFactor to support linear cost functions c'x |
LinearEquality.h | LinearEquality derived from Base with constrained noise model |
linearExceptions.cpp | Exceptions that may be thrown by linear solver components |
linearExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by linear solver components |
LinearInequality.h | LinearInequality derived from Base with constrained noise model |
LinearizedFactor.cpp | A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor |
LinearizedFactor.h | A dummy factor that allows a linear factor to act as a nonlinear factor |
linearstructure.cpp | |
llt.cpp | |
LLT.h | |
LLT_example.cpp | |
llt_int.cpp | |
LLT_solve.cpp | |
LMcovar.h | |
LMonestep.h | |
lmpar.h | |
LMpar.h | |
LMqrsolv.h | |
LOBPCGSolver.h | |
local_bindings.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/LocalCartesian.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::LocalCartesian class |
src/LocalCartesian.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::LocalCartesian class |
LocalCartesian.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::LocalCartesian class |
LocalCartesian.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::LocalCartesian class |
LocalizationExample.cpp | Simple robot localization example, with three "GPS-like" measurements | | |
LocalizationExample2.cpp | |
LocalizationFactor.cpp | |
LocalOrientedPlane3Factor.cpp | |
LocalOrientedPlane3Factor.h | | | |
LossFunctions.cpp | |
LossFunctions.h | |
LP.h | Struct used to hold a Linear Programming Problem |
LPInitSolver.cpp | |
LPInitSolver.h | This finds a feasible solution for an LP problem |
LPSolver.cpp | |
LPSolver.h | Policy of ActiveSetSolver to solve Linear Programming Problems |
lsame.c | |
lscg.cpp | |
lapack/lu.cpp | |
test/lu.cpp | |
m2gmetis.c | |
ceres/macros.h | |
metis/libmetis/macros.h | |
Macros.h | |
MagFactor.h | Factors involving magnetometers |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/MagneticCircle.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::MagneticCircle class |
src/MagneticCircle.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::MagneticCircle class |
MagneticCircle.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::MagneticCircle class |
MagneticCircle.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::MagneticCircle class |
MagneticField.cpp | Command line utility for evaluating magnetic fields |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/MagneticModel.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::MagneticModel class |
src/MagneticModel.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::MagneticModel class |
MagneticModel.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::MagneticModel class |
MagneticModel.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::MagneticModel class |
MagPoseFactor.h | |
cmake/example_cmake_find_gtsam/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/BLAS/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/blaze/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/gmm/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/mtl4/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/STL/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/tvmet/main.cpp | |
gtsam/3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/libs/ublas/main.cpp | |
wrap/pybind11/tests/test_cmake_build/main.cpp | |
main.h | |
eigen2/main_adv.cpp | |
eigen3/main_adv.cpp | |
eigen2/main_linear.cpp | |
eigen3/main_linear.cpp | |
tensors/main_linear.cpp | |
eigen2/main_matmat.cpp | |
eigen3/main_matmat.cpp | |
tensors/main_matmat.cpp | |
eigen2/main_vecmat.cpp | |
eigen3/main_vecmat.cpp | |
tensors/main_vecmat.cpp | |
make-egmcof.cpp | | | |
make_circulant.cpp | |
make_circulant2.cpp | |
make_shared.h | Make_shared trampoline function to ensure proper alignment |
mandelbrot.cpp | |
mandelbrot.h | |
Manifold.h | Base class and basic functions for Manifold types |
ManifoldPreintegration.cpp | |
ManifoldPreintegration.h | |
manual_constructor.h | |
Map.h | |
Map_general_stride.cpp | |
Map_inner_stride.cpp | |
map_nonconst_ctor_on_const_ptr_0.cpp | |
map_nonconst_ctor_on_const_ptr_1.cpp | |
map_nonconst_ctor_on_const_ptr_2.cpp | |
map_nonconst_ctor_on_const_ptr_3.cpp | |
map_nonconst_ctor_on_const_ptr_4.cpp | |
map_on_const_type_actually_const_0.cpp | |
map_on_const_type_actually_const_1.cpp | |
Map_outer_stride.cpp | |
Map_placement_new.cpp | |
Map_simple.cpp | |
MapBase.h | |
mapped_matrix.cpp | |
MappedSparseMatrix.h | |
mapstaticmethods.cpp | |
mapstride.cpp | |
Marginals.cpp | |
Marginals.h | A class for computing marginals in a NonlinearFactorGraph |
MarketIO.h | |
Math.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Math class |
Math.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Math class |
math_constants.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/AltiVec/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/AVX512/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/GPU/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/MSA/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/NEON/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/SSE/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/SVE/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/SYCL/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/arch/ZVector/MathFunctions.h | |
Eigen/src/Core/MathFunctions.h | |
unsupported/Eigen/src/MoreVectorization/MathFunctions.h | |
MathFunctionsImpl.h | |
matlab.h | Header file to be included in MATLAB wrappers | | |
Matrix.cpp | Matrix class |
matrix.h | |
3rdparty/Eigen/Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h | |
base/Matrix.h | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's MatrixXd |
matrix_exponential.cpp | |
matrix_function.cpp | |
matrix_functions.h | |
Matrix_initializer_list_23_cxx11.cpp | |
Matrix_initializer_list_vector_cxx11.cpp | |
Matrix_Map_stride.cpp | |
matrix_power.cpp | |
Matrix_resize_int.cpp | |
Matrix_resize_int_int.cpp | |
Matrix_resize_int_NoChange.cpp | |
Matrix_resize_NoChange_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setConstant_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setConstant_int_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setIdentity_int_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setOnes_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setOnes_int_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setRandom_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setRandom_int_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setZero_int.cpp | |
Matrix_setZero_int_int.cpp | |
matrix_square_root.cpp | |
Matrix_variadic_ctor_cxx11.cpp | |
MatrixBase.h | |
MatrixBase_adjoint.cpp | |
MatrixBase_all.cpp | |
MatrixBase_applyOnTheLeft.cpp | |
MatrixBase_applyOnTheRight.cpp | |
MatrixBase_array.cpp | |
MatrixBase_array_const.cpp | |
MatrixBase_asDiagonal.cpp | |
MatrixBase_block_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_block_int_int_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_bottomLeftCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_bottomRightCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_bottomRows_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cast.cpp | |
MatrixBase_col.cpp | |
MatrixBase_colwise.cpp | |
MatrixBase_colwise_iterator_cxx11.cpp | |
MatrixBase_computeInverseAndDetWithCheck.cpp | |
MatrixBase_computeInverseWithCheck.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseAbs.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseAbs2.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseArg.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseEqual.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseInverse.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseMax.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseMin.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseNotEqual.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseProduct.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseQuotient.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseSign.cpp | |
MatrixBase_cwiseSqrt.cpp | |
MatrixBase_diagonal.cpp | |
MatrixBase_diagonal_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_diagonal_template_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_eigenvalues.cpp | |
MatrixBase_end_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_eval.cpp | |
MatrixBase_fixedBlock_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_hnormalized.cpp | |
MatrixBase_homogeneous.cpp | |
MatrixBase_identity.cpp | |
MatrixBase_identity_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_inverse.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isDiagonal.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isIdentity.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isOnes.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isOrthogonal.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isUnitary.cpp | |
MatrixBase_isZero.cpp | |
MatrixBase_leftCols_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_noalias.cpp | |
MatrixBase_ones.cpp | |
MatrixBase_ones_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_ones_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_operatorNorm.cpp | |
MatrixBase_prod.cpp | |
MatrixBase_random.cpp | |
MatrixBase_random_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_random_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_replicate.cpp | |
MatrixBase_replicate_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_reshaped_auto.cpp | |
MatrixBase_reshaped_fixed.cpp | |
MatrixBase_reshaped_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_reshaped_to_vector.cpp | |
MatrixBase_reverse.cpp | |
MatrixBase_rightCols_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_row.cpp | |
MatrixBase_rowwise.cpp | |
MatrixBase_segment_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_select.cpp | |
MatrixBase_selfadjointView.cpp | |
MatrixBase_set.cpp | |
MatrixBase_setIdentity.cpp | |
MatrixBase_setOnes.cpp | |
MatrixBase_setRandom.cpp | |
MatrixBase_setZero.cpp | |
MatrixBase_start_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_bottomRows.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_end.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_block_int_int_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_bottomLeftCorner.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_bottomLeftCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_bottomRightCorner.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_bottomRightCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_topLeftCorner.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_topLeftCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_topRightCorner.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_int_topRightCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_leftCols.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_rightCols.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_segment.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_start.cpp | |
MatrixBase_template_int_topRows.cpp | |
MatrixBase_topLeftCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_topRightCorner_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_topRows_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_transpose.cpp | |
MatrixBase_triangularView.cpp | |
MatrixBase_zero.cpp | |
MatrixBase_zero_int.cpp | |
MatrixBase_zero_int_int.cpp | |
MatrixBaseEigenvalues.h | |
MatrixCwiseBinaryOps.h | |
MatrixCwiseUnaryOps.h | |
MatrixExponential.cpp | |
MatrixExponential.h | |
matrixfree_cg.cpp | |
MatrixFunction.cpp | |
MatrixFunction.h | |
MatrixLogarithm.cpp | |
MatrixLogarithm.h | |
MatrixMarketIterator.h | |
MatrixPower.cpp | |
MatrixPower.h | |
MatrixPower_optimal.cpp | |
MatrixProduct.h | |
MatrixProductCommon.h | |
MatrixProductMMA.h | |
MatrixSerialization.h | Serialization for matrices |
MatrixSine.cpp | |
MatrixSinh.cpp | |
MatrixSquareRoot.cpp | |
MatrixSquareRoot.h | |
MaxSizeVector.h | |
mconf.h | |
mcore.c | Functions dealing with creating and allocating mcores |
mcutil.c | |
Measurement.h | |
Mechanization_bRn2.cpp | |
Mechanization_bRn2.h | |
memory.c | This file contains various allocation routines |
Memory.h | |
mesh.c | |
meshpart.c | |
meta.cpp | |
Meta.h | | | |
include/metis.h | This file contains function prototypes and constant definitions for METIS |
metis.h | |
metis_support.cpp | |
metisbin.h | |
MetisIndex-inl.h | |
MetisIndex.h | |
metislib.h | |
METISOrderingExample.cpp | |
MetisSupport.h | |
MFAS.cpp | Source file for the MFAS class |
MFAS.h | MFAS class to solve Minimum Feedback Arc Set graph problem |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/MGRS.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::MGRS class |
src/MGRS.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::MGRS class |
MGRS.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::MGRS class |
MGRS.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::MGRS class |
minconn.c | Functions that deal with prunning the number of adjacent subdomains in kmetis |
mincover.c | |
minres.cpp | |
MINRES.h | |
miscmatrices.cpp | |
mixed_perf_analyzer.hh | |
mixingtypes.cpp | | | |
MKL_support.h | |
mmd.c | | | |
MovableScalar.h | |
mpl2only.cpp | |
mpmetis.c | |
mpreal_support.cpp | |
ms_inttypes.h | |
ms_stat.h | |
ms_stdint.h | |
mtl4_interface.hh | |
mtl4_LU_solve_interface.hh | |
multiple_files_wrapper.cpp | |
MultiProjectionFactor.h | |
interface_parser/ | |
template_instantiator/ | |
namespaces_pybind.cpp | |
namespaces_wrapper.cpp | |
preamble/navigation.h | |
specializations/navigation.h | |
NavState.cpp | Navigation state composing of attitude, position, and velocity |
NavState.h | Navigation state composing of attitude, position, and velocity |
nbdtr.c | |
ndmetis.c | |
ndtr.c | |
ndtri.c | |
NearestNeighbor.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::NearestNeighbor class |
nestbyvalue.cpp | |
NestByValue.h | |
NestedDissection-inl.h | |
NestedDissection.h | |
nesting_ops.cpp | |
NETGeographicLib.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib Utility functions |
NETGeographicLib.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::NETGeographicLib objects |
NoAlias.h | |
NoiseModel.cpp | |
NoiseModel.h | | | |
nomalloc.cpp | |
NonBlockingThreadPool.h | |
preamble/nonlinear.h | |
specializations/nonlinear.h | |
NonlinearClusterTree.h | |
NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.cpp | Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG |
NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.h | Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG |
NonlinearEquality.h | |
nonlinearExceptions.h | Exceptions that may be thrown by nonlinear optimization components |
NonlinearFactor.cpp | Nonlinear Factor base classes |
NonlinearFactor.h | Non-linear factor base classes |
NonlinearFactorGraph.cpp | Factor Graph Consisting of non-linear factors |
NonlinearFactorGraph.h | Factor Graph consisting of non-linear factors |
NonlinearISAM.cpp | |
NonlinearISAM.h | |
NonLinearOptimization.cpp | |
NonlinearOptimizer.cpp | Convergence functions not dependent on graph types |
NonlinearOptimizer.h | Base class and parameters for nonlinear optimization algorithms |
NonlinearOptimizerParams.cpp | Parameters for nonlinear optimization |
NonlinearOptimizerParams.h | Parameters for nonlinear optimization |
NonlinearOptimizerState.h | Private class for NonlinearOptimizer state |
NonMPL2.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/NormalGravity.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::NormalGravity class |
src/NormalGravity.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::NormalGravity class |
NormalGravity.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::NormalGravity class |
NormalGravity.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::NormalGravity class | | |
nullary.cpp | |
nullary_indexing.cpp | |
NullaryFunctors.h | |
num_dimensions.cpp | | | |
numericalDerivative.h | Some functions to compute numerical derivatives |
NumericalDiff.cpp | |
NumericalDiff.h | |
numext.cpp | |
numpy.h | |
NumTraits.h | |
object.h | |
doc/Code/OdometryExample.cpp | |
examples/OdometryExample.cpp | Simple robot motion example, with prior and two odometry measurements | | |
OdometryMarginals.cpp | |
OdometryOptimize.cpp | |
ometis.c | |
omp.c | |
openglsupport.cpp | |
operator_pybind.cpp | |
operators.h | |
OptionalJacobian.h | Special class for optional Jacobian arguments |
options.c | This file contains various routines for dealing with options and ctrl_t |
options.h | |
Ordering.cpp | |
3rdparty/Eigen/Eigen/src/OrderingMethods/Ordering.h | |
inference/Ordering.h | Variable ordering for the elimination algorithm |
OrientedPlane3.cpp | |
OrientedPlane3.h | |
OrientedPlane3Factor.cpp | |
OrientedPlane3Factor.h | |
OrthoMethods.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/OSGB.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::OSGB class |
src/OSGB.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::OSGB class |
OSGB.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::OSGB class |
OSGB.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::OSGB class |
owens_t.c | | | |
PackedSelfadjointProduct.h | |
PackedTriangularMatrixVector.h | |
PackedTriangularSolverVector.h | |
packetmath.cpp | |
AltiVec/PacketMath.h | |
AVX/PacketMath.h | |
AVX512/PacketMath.h | |
GPU/PacketMath.h | |
MSA/PacketMath.h | |
NEON/PacketMath.h | |
SSE/PacketMath.h | |
SVE/PacketMath.h | |
SYCL/PacketMath.h | |
ZVector/PacketMath.h | |
packetmath_test_shared.h | | | |
Parallelizer.h | |
parallelTraversalTasks.h | |
ParametrizedLine.h | |
pardiso_support.cpp | |
PardisoSupport.h | |
parmetis.c | | | | | |
PartialPivLU.h | |
partialpivlu_int.cpp | |
PartialPivLU_LAPACKE.h | |
PartialPivLU_solve.cpp | |
PartialPriorFactor.h | A simple prior factor that allows for setting a prior only on a part of linear parameters |
PartialRedux_count.cpp | |
PartialRedux_maxCoeff.cpp | |
PartialRedux_minCoeff.cpp | |
PartialRedux_norm.cpp | |
PartialRedux_prod.cpp | |
PartialRedux_squaredNorm.cpp | |
PartialRedux_sum.cpp | |
PartialReduxEvaluator.h | |
PartialSVDSolver.h | |
PartitionWorkSpace.h | |
pastix_support.cpp | |
PaStiXSupport.h | |
PCGSolver.cpp | |
PCGSolver.h | |
pdb.c | Functions for parsing pdb files |
pdtr.c | |
Pendulum.h | Three-way factors for the pendulum dynamics as in [Stern06siggraph] for (1) explicit Euler method, (2) implicit Euler method, and (3) sympletic Euler method. Note that all methods use the same formulas for the factors. They are only different in the way we connect variables using those factors in the graph |
permutationmatrices.cpp | |
PermutationMatrix.h | |
PinholeCamera.h | Base class for all pinhole cameras |
PinholeFactor.h | Helper class for tests |
PinholePose.h | Pinhole camera with known calibration |
PinholeSet.h | A CameraSet of either CalibratedCamera, PinholePose, or PinholeCamera |
PlainObjectBase.h | | | |
PlanarProjectionFactor.h | For planar smoothing |
PlanarSLAMExample.cpp | Simple robotics example using odometry measurements and bearing-range (laser) measurements | | |
planimeter.c | A test program for geod_polygon_compute() |
Planimeter.cpp | Command line utility for measuring the area of geodesic polygons | | | | |
pmetis.c | This file contains the top level routines for the multilevel recursive bisection algorithm PMETIS |
poch.c | |
Point2.cpp | 2D Point |
Point2.h | 2D Point |
Point3.cpp | 3D Point |
Point3.h | 3D Point |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/PolarStereographic.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::PolarStereographic class |
src/PolarStereographic.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::PolarStereographic class |
PolarStereographic.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::PolarStereographic class |
PolarStereographic.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::PolarStereographic class |
polevl.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/PolygonArea.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::PolygonArea class |
src/PolygonArea.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::PolygonAreaT class |
PolygonArea.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::PolygonArea class |
PolygonArea.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::PolygonAreaT class | | | | | | |
polynomialsolver.cpp | |
PolynomialSolver.h | |
PolynomialSolver1.cpp | |
polynomialutils.cpp | |
PolynomialUtils.h | |
PolynomialUtils1.cpp | |
portable_perf_analyzer.hh | |
portable_perf_analyzer_old.hh | |
portable_timer.hh | |
Pose2.cpp | 2D Pose |
Pose2.h | 2D Pose | | |
doc/Code/Pose2SLAMExample.cpp | |
examples/Pose2SLAMExample.cpp | A 2D Pose SLAM example | | |
Pose2SLAMExample_g2o.cpp | A 2D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, converts it to a factor graph and does the optimization. Output is written on a file, in g2o format Syntax for the script is ./Pose2SLAMExample_g2o input.g2o output.g2o | | |
Pose2SLAMExample_graph.cpp | Read graph from file and perform GraphSLAM |
Pose2SLAMExample_graphviz.cpp | Save factor graph as graphviz dot file |
Pose2SLAMExample_lago.cpp | A 2D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and solve the Pose2 problem using LAGO (Linear Approximation for Graph Optimization). See class lago.h Output is written on a file, in g2o format Syntax for the script is ./Pose2SLAMExample_lago input.g2o output.g2o | | |
Pose2SLAMExampleExpressions.cpp | Expressions version of Pose2SLAMExample.cpp |
Pose2SLAMStressTest.cpp | Test GTSAM on large open-loop chains |
Pose2SLAMwSPCG.cpp | A 2D Pose SLAM example using the SimpleSPCGSolver |
Pose3.cpp | 3D Pose manifold SO(3) x R^3 and group SE(3) |
Pose3.h | 3D Pose manifold SO(3) x R^3 and group SE(3) | | |
Pose3Localization.cpp | A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3Localization input.g2o output.g2o |
Pose3SLAMExample_changeKeys.cpp | |
Pose3SLAMExample_g2o.cpp | A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_g2o input.g2o output.g2o | | |
Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Chordal.cpp | A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Chordal input.g2o output.g2o | | |
Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Gradient.cpp | A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3Gradient input.g2o output.g2o |
Pose3SLAMExampleExpressions_BearingRangeWithTransform.cpp | A simultaneous optimization of trajectory, landmarks and sensor-pose with respect to body-pose using bearing-range measurements done with Expressions |
Pose3Upright.cpp | |
Pose3Upright.h | Variation of a Pose3 in which the rotation is constained to purely yaw This state is essentially a Pose2 with a z component, with conversions to higher and lower dimensional states |
PoseBetweenFactor.h | |
PosePriorFactor.h | |
PoseRotationPrior.h | Implements a prior on the rotation component of a pose |
PoseRTV.cpp | |
PoseRTV.h | Pose3 with translational velocity |
PoseToPointFactor.h | This factor can be used to model relative position measurements from a (2D or 3D) pose to a landmark |
PoseTranslationPrior.h | Implements a prior on the translation component of a pose |
PowerMethod.h | Power method for fast eigenvalue and eigenvector computation |
powerMethodExample.h | Create sparse and dense factor graph for PowerMethod/AcceleratedPowerMethod |
pqueue.c | This file implements various max-priority queues |
preamble.h | |
prec_inverse_4x4.cpp | |
precompiled_header.cpp | We need exactly one compilation unit that includes the precompiled headers |
precompiled_header.h | Include headers that will be included nearly everywhere |
Preconditioner.cpp | |
Preconditioner.h | |
PreintegratedRotation.cpp | |
PreintegratedRotation.h | |
PreintegrationBase.cpp | |
PreintegrationBase.h | |
PreintegrationCombinedParams.h | | | |
PreintegrationParams.cpp | |
PreintegrationParams.h | | | |
nonlinear/PriorFactor.h | |
slam/PriorFactor.h | | | |
Product.h | |
product.h | |
product_extra.cpp | |
product_large.cpp | |
product_mmtr.cpp | |
product_notemporary.cpp | |
product_selfadjoint.cpp | |
product_small.cpp | |
product_symm.cpp | |
product_syrk.cpp | |
product_threshold.cpp | |
product_trmm.cpp | |
product_trmv.cpp | |
product_trsolve.cpp | |
ProductEvaluators.h | |
ProductLieGroup.h | Group product of two Lie Groups |
ProjectionFactor.h | Reprojection of a LANDMARK to a 2D point |
ProjectionFactorPPP.h | Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform in addition to body pose and 3D landmark |
ProjectionFactorPPPC.h | Derived from ProjectionFactor, but estimates body-camera transform and calibration in addition to body pose and 3D landmark |
ProjectionFactorRollingShutter.cpp | Basic projection factor for rolling shutter cameras |
ProjectionFactorRollingShutter.h | Basic projection factor for rolling shutter cameras |
libmetis/proto.h | |
programs/proto.h | |
psi.c | |
pybind11.h | |
pybind11_cross_module_tests.cpp | |
pybind11_tests.cpp | |
pybind11_tests.h | | | | | | | |
pybind_wrapper_test.h | | | |
PyGeographicLib.cpp | |
pytypes.h | |
QP.h | Factor graphs of a Quadratic Programming problem |
QPInitSolver.h | This finds a feasible solution for a QP problem |
QPSolver.cpp | |
QPSolver.h | Policy of ActiveSetSolver to solve Quadratic Programming Problems |
QPSParser.cpp | |
QPSParser.h | QPS parser implementation |
QPSParserException.h | Exception thrown if there is an error parsing a QPS file |
qr.cpp | |
qr_colpivoting.cpp | |
qr_fullpivoting.cpp | |
qr_int.cpp | |
qrsolv.h | |
qtvector.cpp | |
quat_slerp.cpp | |
3rdparty/Eigen/Eigen/src/Geometry/Quaternion.h | |
geometry/Quaternion.h | Lie Group wrapper for Eigen Quaternions |
quaternion_demo.cpp | |
quaternion_demo.h | |
quatmul.cpp | |
QuickStart_example.cpp | |
QuickStart_example2_dynamic.cpp | |
QuickStart_example2_fixed.cpp | |
r1mpyq.h | |
r1updt.h | |
r_cnjg.c | |
rand.cpp | |
random.c | Various routines for providing portable 32 and 64 bit random number generators |
Random.h | |
random_cpp11.cpp | |
random_without_cast_overflow.h | |
RandomSetter.h | |
sam/RangeFactor.h | Serializable factor induced by a range measurement |
slam/RangeFactor.h | |
RangeISAMExample_plaza2.cpp | A 2D Range SLAM example |
Rank2Update.h | |
real_qz.cpp | |
RealQZ.h | |
RealQZ_compute.cpp | |
RealSchur.h | |
RealSchur_compute.cpp | |
RealSchur_LAPACKE.h | |
RealSchur_RealSchur_MatrixType.cpp | |
RealSvd2x2.h | |
redux.cpp | |
Redux.h | |
ReenableStupidWarnings.h | |
ref.cpp | |
Ref.h | |
ref_1.cpp | |
ref_2.cpp | |
ref_3.cpp | |
ref_4.cpp | |
ref_5.cpp | |
ReferenceFrameFactor.h | |
refine.c | |
RegularHessianFactor.h | HessianFactor class with constant sized blocks |
RegularImplicitSchurFactor.h | A subclass of GaussianFactor specialized to structureless SFM |
RegularJacobianFactor.h | JacobianFactor class with fixed sized blcoks |
RelativeElevationFactor.cpp | |
RelativeElevationFactor.h | Factor representing a known relative altitude in global frame | | |
rename.h | |
Replicate.h | |
reshape.cpp | |
Reshaped.h | |
ReshapedHelper.h | |
ReshapedMethods.h | |
resize.cpp | |
ReturnByValue.h | |
Reverse.h | |
rgamma.c | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/Rhumb.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::Rhumb and NETGeographicLib::RhumbLine class |
src/Rhumb.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Rhumb and GeographicLib::RhumbLine classes |
Rhumb.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::Rhumb and NETGeographicLib::RhumbLine classes |
Rhumb.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Rhumb and GeographicLib::RhumbLine classes |
RhumbSolve.cpp | Command line utility for rhumb line calculations |
Ring.h | Real Ring definition |
Rot2.cpp | 2D Rotations |
Rot2.h | 2D rotation |
Rot3.cpp | Rotation, common code between Rotation matrix and Quaternion |
Rot3.h | 3D rotation represented as a rotation matrix or quaternion |
Rot3M.cpp | Rotation (internal: 3*3 matrix representation*) |
Rot3Q.cpp | Rotation (internal: quaternion representation*) |
RotateFactor.h | |
rotation.h | |
Rotation2D.h | |
RotationBase.h | |
round.c | |
RunQueue.h | |
rvalue_types.cpp | |
rw.c | Various routines that perform random-walk based operations on graphs stored as gk_csr_t matrices |
test/rw.c | A simple frequent itemset discovery program to test GKlib's routines |
rwupdt.h | |
SafeScalar.h | |
preamble/sam.h | |
specializations/sam.h | |
Sampler.cpp | Sampling from a diagonal NoiseModel |
Sampler.h | Sampling from a NoiseModel |
Eigen/src/Geometry/Scaling.h | |
unsupported/Eigen/src/IterativeSolvers/Scaling.h | |
Scatter.cpp | |
Scatter.h | Maps global variable indices to slot indices |
Scenario.h | Simple class to test navigation scenarios |
ScenarioRunner.cpp | |
ScenarioRunner.h | Simple class to test navigation scenarios |
Scheduler.cpp | |
Scheduler.h | |
schedulingExample.cpp | |
schedulingQuals12.cpp | |
schedulingQuals13.cpp | |
schur_complex.cpp | |
schur_real.cpp | |
scipy_iv.c | |
Select.h | |
SelectionRule.h | |
selfadjoint.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver.h | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_compute_MatrixType.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_compute_MatrixType2.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvalues.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_eigenvectors.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_LAPACKE.h | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorInverseSqrt.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_operatorSqrt.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver_MatrixType.cpp | |
SelfAdjointEigenSolver_SelfAdjointEigenSolver_MatrixType2.cpp | |
SelfadjointMatrixMatrix.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixMatrix_BLAS.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixVector.h | |
SelfadjointMatrixVector_BLAS.h | |
SelfadjointProduct.h | |
SelfadjointRank2Update.h | |
SelfAdjointView.h | |
SelfAdjointView_eigenvalues.cpp | |
selfadjointview_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr.cpp | |
selfadjointview_on_const_type_actually_const.cpp | |
SelfAdjointView_operatorNorm.cpp | |
SelfCalibrationExample.cpp | Based on VisualSLAMExample, but with unknown (yet fixed) calibration | | |
SelfCwiseBinaryOp.h | |
separator.c | |
seq.c | |
serialization.cpp | |
base/serialization.h | Convenience functions for serializing data structures via boost.serialization |
unstable/slam/serialization.h | Global functions for performing serialization, designed for use with matlab |
serializationTestHelpers.h | |
Settings.h | |
gtsam/3rdparty/GeographicLib/python/ | |
wrap/pybind11/ | |
wrap/ | | | |
sf_error.c | |
sf_error.h | |
sfm.c | |
preamble/sfm.h | |
specializations/sfm.h | |
SfmData.cpp | Data structure for dealing with Structure from Motion data |
SfmData.h | Data structure for dealing with Structure from Motion data |
SFMdata.h | Simple example for the structure-from-motion problems | | |
SFMExample.cpp | A structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset | | |
SFMExample_bal.cpp | Solve a structure-from-motion problem from a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" file | | |
SFMExample_bal_COLAMD_METIS.cpp | This file is to compare the ordering performance for COLAMD vs METIS. Example problem is to solve a structure-from-motion problem from a "Bundle Adjustment in the Large" file |
SFMExample_SmartFactor.cpp | A structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset, using smart projection factor |
SFMExample_SmartFactorPCG.cpp | Version of SFMExample_SmartFactor that uses Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient |
SFMExampleExpressions.cpp | A structure-from-motion example done with Expressions |
SFMExampleExpressions_bal.cpp | A structure-from-motion example done with Expressions |
SfmTrack.cpp | A simple data structure for a track in Structure from Motion |
SfmTrack.h | A simple data structure for a track in Structure from Motion |
shichi.c | |
ShonanAveraging.cpp | Shonan Averaging algorithm |
ShonanAveraging.h | Shonan Averaging algorithm |
ShonanAveragingCLI.cpp | Run Shonan Rotation Averaging Algorithm on a file or example dataset | | |
ShonanFactor.cpp | |
ShonanFactor.h | Main factor type in Shonan averaging, on SO(n) pairs |
ShonanGaugeFactor.h | Factor used in Shonan Averaging to clamp down gauge freedom |
sici.c | |
Signature.cpp | Signatures for conditional densities |
Signature.h | Signatures for conditional densities |
SignatureParser.cpp | |
SignatureParser.h | Parser for conditional distribution signatures |
Similarity2.cpp | Implementation of Similarity2 transform |
Similarity2.h | Implementation of Similarity2 transform |
Similarity3.cpp | Implementation of Similarity3 transform |
Similarity3.h | Implementation of Similarity3 transform |
SimpleCamera.h | A simple camera class with a Cal3_S2 calibration |
SimpleHelicopter.cpp | |
SimpleHelicopter.h | |
SimpleRandom.h | |
SimpleRotation.cpp | This is a super-simple example of optimizing a single rotation according to a single prior | | |
simplicial_cholesky.cpp | |
SimplicialCholesky.h | |
SimplicialCholesky_impl.h | |
SimPolygon2D.cpp | |
SimPolygon2D.h | Polygons for simulation use |
simulated2D.h | Measurement functions and derivatives for simulated 2D robot |
simulated2DConstraints.h | Measurement functions and constraint definitions for simulated 2D robot |
simulated2DOriented.h | |
simulated3D.h | |
SimWall2D.cpp | |
SimWall2D.h | Implementation of walls for use with simulators |
sindg.c | |
blas/single.cpp | |
lapack/single.cpp | |
SingleValue.cpp | |
SingleValue.h | |
sinpi.c | |
size_lin_log.hh | |
size_log.hh | |
sizeof.cpp | |
sizeoverflow.cpp | |
SkylineInplaceLU.h | |
SkylineMatrix.h | |
SkylineMatrixBase.h | |
SkylineProduct.h | |
SkylineStorage.h | |
SkylineUtil.h | |
preamble/slam.h | |
specializations/slam.h | |
Slicing_arrayexpr.cpp | |
Slicing_custom_padding_cxx11.cpp | |
Slicing_rawarray_cxx11.cpp | |
Slicing_stdvector_cxx11.cpp | |
smallExample.h | Create small example with two poses and one landmark |
smallvectors.cpp | |
SmartFactorBase.h | Base class to create smart factors on poses or cameras |
SmartFactorParams.h | Collect common parameters for SmartProjection and SmartStereoProjection factors |
smartFactorScenarios.h | |
SmartProjectionFactor.h | Smart factor on cameras (pose + calibration) |
SmartProjectionFactorExample.cpp | A stereo visual odometry example |
SmartProjectionPoseFactor.h | Smart factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed |
SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter.h | Smart projection factor on poses modeling rolling shutter effect with given readout time |
SmartProjectionRigFactor.h | Smart factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed. Same as SmartProjectionPoseFactor, except: |
SmartRangeExample_plaza1.cpp | A 2D Range SLAM example |
SmartRangeExample_plaza2.cpp | A 2D Range SLAM example |
SmartRangeFactor.h | A smart factor for range-only SLAM that does initialization and marginalization |
SmartStereoProjectionFactor.h | Smart stereo factor on StereoCameras (pose) |
SmartStereoProjectionFactorExample.cpp | |
SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.cpp | |
SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.h | Smart stereo factor on poses and extrinsic calibration |
SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.cpp | Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed |
SmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.h | Smart stereo factor on poses, assuming camera calibration is fixed |
smbfactor.c | |
SO3.cpp | 3*3 matrix representation of SO(3) |
SO3.h | 3*3 matrix representation of SO(3) |
SO4.cpp | 4*4 matrix representation of SO(4) |
SO4.h | 4*4 matrix representation of SO(4) |
Solve.h | |
SolverBase.h | |
solverbase.h | |
SolverComparer.cpp | Incremental and batch solving, timing, and accuracy comparisons |
SolveTriangular.h | |
SolveWithGuess.h | |
SOn-inl.h | Template implementations for SO(n) |
SOn.cpp | Definitions of dynamic specializations of SO(n) |
SOn.h | N*N matrix representation of SO(N). N can be Eigen::Dynamic |
sort.c | This file contains GKlib's various sorting routines |
sp_solver.cpp | |
sparse.h | |
sparse_basic.cpp | |
sparse_block.cpp | |
sparse_cholesky.cpp | |
sparse_dense_product.cpp | |
sparse_extra.cpp | |
sparse_lu.cpp | |
sparse_permutations.cpp | |
bench/sparse_product.cpp | |
test/sparse_product.cpp | |
sparse_randomsetter.cpp | |
sparse_ref.cpp | |
sparse_ref_1.cpp | |
sparse_ref_2.cpp | |
sparse_ref_3.cpp | |
sparse_ref_4.cpp | |
sparse_ref_5.cpp | |
sparse_setter.cpp | |
sparse_solver.h | |
sparse_solvers.cpp | |
sparse_storage_mismatch.cpp | |
sparse_transpose.cpp | |
sparse_trisolver.cpp | |
sparse_vector.cpp | |
SparseAssign.h | |
SparseBlock.h | |
SparseCholesky.h | |
SparseColEtree.h | |
SparseCompressedBase.h | |
SparseCwiseBinaryOp.h | |
SparseCwiseUnaryOp.h | |
SparseDenseProduct.h | |
SparseDiagonalProduct.h | |
SparseDot.h | |
SparseEigen.h | Utilities for creating Eigen sparse matrices (gtsam::SparseEigen) |
SparseFuzzy.h | |
SparseGenMatProd.h | |
SparseGenRealShiftSolve.h | |
sparseLM.cpp | |
sparselu.cpp | |
SparseLU.h | |
SparseLU_column_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_column_dfs.h | |
SparseLU_copy_to_ucol.h | |
SparseLU_gemm_kernel.h | |
SparseLU_heap_relax_snode.h | |
SparseLU_kernel_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_Memory.h | |
SparseLU_panel_bmod.h | |
SparseLU_panel_dfs.h | |
SparseLU_pivotL.h | |
SparseLU_pruneL.h | |
SparseLU_relax_snode.h | |
SparseLU_Structs.h | |
SparseLU_SupernodalMatrix.h | |
SparseLU_Utils.h | |
SparseLUImpl.h | |
SparseMap.h | |
SparseMatrix.h | |
SparseMatrix_coeffs.cpp | |
SparseMatrixBase.h | |
SparsePermutation.h | |
SparseProduct.h | |
sparseqr.cpp | |
SparseQR.h | |
SparseRedux.h | |
SparseRef.h | |
SparseRegularInverse.h | |
SparseSelfAdjointView.h | |
SparseSolverBase.h | |
SparseSparseProductWithPruning.h | |
SparseSymMatProd.h | |
SparseSymShiftSolve.h | |
SparseTranspose.h | |
SparseTriangularView.h | |
SparseUtil.h | |
SparseVector.h | |
SparseView.h | |
spbenchsolver.cpp | |
spbenchsolver.h | |
spbenchstyle.h | |
special_cases_pybind.cpp | |
special_cases_wrapper.cpp | |
special_functions.cpp | |
special_numbers.cpp | |
special_packetmath.cpp | |
AVX/SpecialFunctions.h | |
AVX512/SpecialFunctions.h | |
GPU/SpecialFunctions.h | |
NEON/SpecialFunctions.h | |
SpecialFunctionsArrayAPI.h | |
SpecialFunctionsBFloat16.h | |
SpecialFunctionsFunctors.h | |
SpecialFunctionsHalf.h | |
SpecialFunctionsImpl.h | |
SpecialFunctionsPacketMath.h | |
spence.c | |
SphericalCamera.cpp | |
SphericalCamera.h | Calibrated camera with spherical projection |
SphericalCoefficients.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::SphericalCoefficients class |
SphericalCoefficients.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::SphericalCoefficients class |
SphericalEngine.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::SphericalEngine class |
SphericalEngine.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::SphericalEngine class |
SphericalHarmonic.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic class |
SphericalHarmonic.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic class |
SphericalHarmonic.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic class |
SphericalHarmonic1.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic1 class |
SphericalHarmonic1.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic1 class |
SphericalHarmonic1.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic1 class |
SphericalHarmonic2.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic2 class |
SphericalHarmonic2.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic2 class |
SphericalHarmonic2.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::SphericalHarmonic2 class |
Spline.h | |
SplineFitting.h | |
SplineFwd.h | |
splines.cpp | |
split_test_helper.h | |
spmv.cpp | |
spqr_support.cpp | |
srefine.c | |
srotm.c | |
srotmg.c | |
ssbmv.c | |
sspmv.c | |
stable_norm.cpp | |
StableNorm.h | |
libmetis/stat.c | |
programs/stat.c | |
static_size_generator.hh | |
StaticAssert.h | |
StaticSymmetry.h | |
statistics.h | Tools for gathering statistics about a forest to aid tuning parallel traversal |
stbmv.c | |
std_optional_serialization.h | |
stdafx.cpp | |
stdafx.h | |
stddeque.cpp | |
StdDeque.h | |
stddeque_overload.cpp | |
stdheaders.h | |
stdlist.cpp | |
StdList.h | |
stdlist_overload.cpp | |
stdtr.c | |
stdvector.cpp | |
StdVector.h | |
stdvector_overload.cpp | |
StemFunction.h | |
StereoCamera.cpp | |
StereoCamera.h | A Stereo Camera based on two Simple Cameras |
StereoFactor.h | A non-linear factor for stereo measurements |
StereoPoint2.cpp | |
StereoPoint2.h | A 2D stereo point (uL,uR,v) |
StereoVOExample.cpp | A stereo visual odometry example |
StereoVOExample_large.cpp | A stereo visual odometry example |
stl.h | |
stl_bind.h | |
STL_interface.hh | |
stl_iterators.cpp | |
STL_perf_analyzer.hh | |
STL_timer.hh | |
StlFunctors.h | |
StlIterators.h | |
Stride.h | |
string.c | Functions for manipulating strings |
strings.c | Testing module for the string functions in GKlib |
libmetis/struct.h | |
programs/struct.h | |
struve.c | |
SubgraphBuilder.cpp | |
SubgraphBuilder.h | |
SubgraphPreconditioner.cpp | |
SubgraphPreconditioner.h | |
SubgraphSolver.cpp | Subgraph Solver from IROS 2010 |
SubgraphSolver.h | Subgraph Solver from IROS 2010 |
SuiteSparse_config.c | |
SuiteSparse_config.h | |
SuiteSparseQRSupport.h | |
superlu_support.cpp | |
SuperLUSupport.h | |
svd.cpp | |
svd_common.h | |
svd_fill.h | |
SVDBase.h | |
swap.cpp | |
Swap.h | |
swap_1.cpp | |
swap_2.cpp | |
Switching.h | |
SyclMemoryModel.h | |
Symbol.cpp | |
inference/Symbol.h | |
nonlinear/Symbol.h | Symbol.h was moved to inference directory, this header was retained for compatibility | | |
preamble/symbolic.h | |
specializations/symbolic.h | |
symbolic_index.cpp | |
SymbolicBayesNet.cpp | |
SymbolicBayesNet.h | |
SymbolicBayesTree.cpp | |
SymbolicBayesTree.h | |
SymbolicConditional.cpp | |
SymbolicConditional.h | |
SymbolicEliminationTree.cpp | |
SymbolicEliminationTree.h | |
symbolicExampleGraphs.h | |
SymbolicFactor-inst.h | |
SymbolicFactor.cpp | |
SymbolicFactor.h | |
SymbolicFactorGraph.cpp | |
SymbolicFactorGraph.h | |
SymbolicIndex.h | |
SymbolicISAM.cpp | |
SymbolicISAM.h | |
SymbolicJunctionTree.cpp | |
SymbolicJunctionTree.h | |
SymEigsBase.h | |
SymEigsShiftSolver.h | |
SymEigsSolver.h | |
SymGEigsCholeskyOp.h | |
SymGEigsRegInvOp.h | |
SymGEigsSolver.h | |
SymmetricBlockMatrix.cpp | Access to matrices via blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in GaussianFactor and GaussianConditional |
SymmetricBlockMatrix.h | Access to matrices via blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in GaussianFactor and GaussianConditional |
Symmetry.h | |
TableFactor.cpp | Discrete factor |
TableFactor.h | |
tandg.c | |
TangentPreintegration.cpp | |
TangentPreintegration.h | | | |
template_wrapper.cpp | |
TemplateGroupTheory.h | |
TemplateKeyword_flexible.cpp | |
TemplateKeyword_simple.cpp | | | |
templates_pybind.cpp | |
Tensor.h | |
tensor.h | |
tensor_benchmarks.h | | | | | | | |
tensor_interface.hh | |
TensorArgMax.h | |
TensorAssign.h | |
TensorBase.h | |
TensorBlock.h | |
TensorBroadcasting.h | |
TensorChipping.h | |
TensorConcatenation.h | |
TensorContraction.h | |
TensorContractionBlocking.h | |
TensorContractionCuda.h | |
TensorContractionGpu.h | |
TensorContractionMapper.h | |
TensorContractionSycl.h | |
TensorContractionThreadPool.h | |
TensorConversion.h | |
TensorConvolution.h | |
TensorConvolutionSycl.h | |
TensorCostModel.h | |
TensorCustomOp.h | |
TensorDevice.h | |
TensorDeviceCuda.h | |
TensorDeviceDefault.h | |
TensorDeviceGpu.h | |
TensorDeviceSycl.h | |
TensorDeviceThreadPool.h | |
TensorDimensionList.h | |
TensorDimensions.h | |
TensorEvalTo.h | |
TensorEvaluator.h | |
TensorExecutor.h | |
TensorExpr.h | |
TensorFFT.h | |
TensorFixedSize.h | |
TensorForcedEval.h | |
TensorForwardDeclarations.h | |
TensorFunctors.h | |
TensorGenerator.h | |
TensorGlobalFunctions.h | |
TensorGpuHipCudaDefines.h | |
TensorGpuHipCudaUndefines.h | |
TensorImagePatch.h | |
TensorIndexList.h | |
TensorInflation.h | |
TensorInitializer.h | |
TensorIntDiv.h | |
TensorIO.h | |
TensorLayoutSwap.h | |
TensorMacros.h | |
TensorMap.h | |
TensorMeta.h | |
TensorMorphing.h | |
TensorPadding.h | |
TensorPatch.h | |
TensorRandom.h | |
TensorReduction.h | |
TensorReductionCuda.h | |
TensorReductionGpu.h | |
TensorReductionSycl.h | |
TensorRef.h | |
TensorReverse.h | |
TensorScan.h | |
TensorScanSycl.h | |
TensorShuffling.h | |
TensorStorage.h | |
TensorStriding.h | |
TensorTrace.h | |
TensorTraits.h | |
TensorUInt128.h | |
TensorVolumePatch.h | |
ternary_1.cpp | |
ternary_2.cpp | |
TernaryFunctors.h | |
Test.cpp | |
Test.h | | | |
test_async.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_buffers.cpp | | | |
test_builtin_casters.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_call_policies.cpp | | | |
test_callbacks.cpp | | | | | |
test_chrono.cpp | | | |
test_class.cpp | | | |
test_const_name.cpp | | | |
test_constants_and_functions.cpp | | | |
test_copy_move.cpp | | | | | |
test_custom_type_casters.cpp | | | |
test_custom_type_setup.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_docstring_options.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_eigen.cpp | | | |
test_eigen_matrix.cpp | | | |
test_eigen_tensor.cpp | | | |
test_enum.cpp | | | |
test_eval.cpp | | | | | |
test_exceptions.cpp | |
test_exceptions.h | | | | | |
test_factory_constructors.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_gil_scoped.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_interpreter.cpp | | | |
test_iostream.cpp | | | | | | | | | |
test_kwargs_and_defaults.cpp | | | | | |
test_local_bindings.cpp | | | | | | | | | |
test_methods_and_attributes.cpp | | | |
test_modules.cpp | | | |
test_multiple_inheritance.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_numpy_array.cpp | | | |
test_numpy_dtypes.cpp | | | |
test_numpy_vectorize.cpp | | | | | |
test_opaque_types.cpp | | | |
test_operator_overloading.cpp | | | | | |
test_pickling.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_python_multiple_inheritance.cpp | | | |
test_pytypes.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_sequences_and_iterators.cpp | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
test_smart_ptr.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_sparseLU.cpp | | | |
test_stl.cpp | | | |
test_stl_binders.cpp | | | |
test_tagbased_polymorphic.cpp | | | | | |
test_thread.cpp | | | | | | | | | |
test_type_caster_pyobject_ptr.cpp | | | |
test_union.cpp | | | |
test_unnamed_namespace_a.cpp | | | |
test_unnamed_namespace_b.cpp | | | | | | | |
test_vector_unique_ptr_member.cpp | | | |
test_virtual_functions.cpp | | | | | |
Testable.h | Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests |
TestableAssertions.h | Provides additional testing facilities for common data structures |
testAcceleratedPowerMethod.cpp | Check eigenvalue and eigenvector computed by accelerated power method |
testAdaptAutoDiff.cpp | |
testAHRS.cpp | |
testAHRSFactor.cpp | Unit test for AHRSFactor |
testAlgebraicDecisionTree.cpp | |
testAntiFactor.cpp | Unit test for the AntiFactor |
testAttitudeFactor.cpp | Unit test for AttitudeFactors (rot3 and Pose3 versions) |
testBarometricFactor.cpp | Unit test for BarometricFactor |
testBasisFactors.cpp | Unit tests for factors in BasisFactors.h |
testBatchFixedLagSmoother.cpp | |
testBearingFactor.cpp | Unit tests for BearingFactor Class |
testBearingRange.cpp | Unit tests for BearingRange Class |
testBearingRangeFactor.cpp | Unit tests for BearingRangeFactor Class |
testBearingS2.cpp | Tests for a bearing measurement on S2 for 3D bearing measurements |
testBetweenFactor.cpp | |
testBetweenFactorEM.cpp | Unit test for the BetweenFactorEM |
testBiasedGPSFactor.cpp | |
testBinaryMeasurement.cpp | Unit tests for BinaryMeasurement class |
testBoundingConstraint.cpp | Test of nonlinear inequality constraints on scalar bounds |
testBTree.cpp | |
testCal3_S2.cpp | Unit tests for basic Cal3_S2 calibration model |
testCal3_S2Stereo.cpp | Unit tests for stereo-rig calibration model |
testCal3Bundler.cpp | Unit tests for Bundler calibration model |
testCal3DFisheye.cpp | |
testCal3DS2.cpp | Unit tests for Cal3DS2 calibration model |
testCal3f.cpp | |
testCal3Unified.cpp | Unit tests for Cal3Unified calibration model |
testCalibratedCamera.cpp | Test CalibratedCamera class |
testCallRecord.cpp | Unit tests for CallRecord class |
testCameraSet.cpp | Unit tests for testCameraSet Class |
testChebyshev.cpp | Unit tests for Chebyshev Basis Decompositions |
testChebyshev2.cpp | Unit tests for Chebyshev Basis Decompositions via pseudo-spectral methods |
testCholesky.cpp | |
testCombinedImuFactor.cpp | Unit test for Lupton-style combined IMU factor |
testConcurrentBatchFilter.cpp | Unit tests for the Concurrent Batch Filter |
testConcurrentBatchSmoother.cpp | Unit tests for the Concurrent Batch Smoother |
testConcurrentIncrementalFilter.cpp | Unit tests for the Concurrent Incremental Filter |
testConcurrentIncrementalSmootherDL.cpp | |
testConcurrentIncrementalSmootherGN.cpp | |
testConstantVelocityFactor.cpp | Unit test for ConstantVelocityFactor |
testCSP.cpp | |
testCustomChartExpression.cpp | Unit tests for Block Automatic Differentiation |
testCyclic.cpp | Unit tests for cyclic group |
testDataset.cpp | Unit test for dataset.cpp |
testDebug.cpp | |
testDecisionTree.cpp | |
testDecisionTreeFactor.cpp | |
testDependencies.h | |
testDiscreteBayesNet.cpp | |
testDiscreteBayesTree.cpp | |
testDiscreteConditional.cpp | |
testDiscreteDistribution.cpp | |
testDiscreteFactor.cpp | |
testDiscreteFactorGraph.cpp | |
testDiscreteLookupDAG.cpp | |
testDiscreteMarginals.cpp | |
testDiscreteValues.cpp | |
testDoglegOptimizer.cpp | Unit tests for DoglegOptimizer |
testDSF.cpp | Unit tests for DSF |
testDSFMap.cpp | Unit tests for DSFMap |
testDSFVector.cpp | |
testDummyFactor.cpp | A simple dummy nonlinear factor that can be used to enforce connectivity without adding any real information |
testEdgeKey.cpp | |
testEquivInertialNavFactor_GlobalVel.cpp | |
testErrors.cpp | |
testEssentialMatrix.cpp | |
testEssentialMatrixConstraint.cpp | | | |
testEssentialMatrixFactor.cpp | |
testEvent.cpp | Unit tests for space time "Event" |
testExecutionTrace.cpp | Unit tests for Expression internals |
testExpression.cpp | Unit tests for Block Automatic Differentiation |
testExpressionFactor.cpp | Unit tests for Block Automatic Differentiation |
testExtendedKalmanFilter.cpp | |
testFactorTesting.cpp | Unit tests for testFactorJacobians and testExpressionJacobians |
testFastContainers.cpp | Test for the Fast* containers that use boost pool allocators and interfaces |
testFindSeparator.cpp | |
testFixedVector.cpp | |
testFourier.cpp | Unit tests for Fourier Basis Decompositions with Expressions |
testFrobeniusFactor.cpp | Check evaluateError for various Frobenius norm |
testFunctorizedFactor.cpp | Unit tests for FunctorizedFactor class |
testFundamentalMatrix.cpp | |
testGaussianBayesNet.cpp | Unit tests for GaussianBayesNet |
testGaussianBayesTree.cpp | |
testGaussianBayesTreeB.cpp | |
testGaussianConditional.cpp | Unit tests for Conditional gaussian |
testGaussianDensity.cpp | Unit tests for Gaussian Density |
testGaussianFactorGraph.cpp | |
testGaussianFactorGraphB.cpp | Unit tests for Linear Factor Graph |
testGaussianISAM.cpp | Unit tests for GaussianISAM |
testGaussianISAM2.cpp | Unit tests for GaussianISAM2 |
testGaussianJunctionTreeB.cpp | |
testGaussianMixture.cpp | Test hybrid elimination with a simple mixture model |
testGaussMarkov1stOrderFactor.cpp | Unit tests for the GaussMarkov1stOrder factor |
testGeneralSFMFactor.cpp | Unit tests for GeneralSFMFactor |
testGeneralSFMFactor_Cal3Bundler.cpp | Unit tests for GeneralSFMFactor |
testGeneralSFMFactorB.cpp | Test general SFM class, with nonlinear optimization and BAL files |
testGenericGraph.cpp | |
testGeographicLib.cpp | Unit tests for coordinate conversions |
testGncOptimizer.cpp | Unit tests for GncOptimizer class |
testGPSFactor.cpp | Unit test for GPSFactor |
testGraph.cpp | Unit test for graph-inl.h |
testGroup.cpp | Unit tests for groups |
TestHarness.h | |
testHessianFactor.cpp | |
testHybridBayesNet.cpp | Unit tests for HybridBayesNet |
testHybridBayesTree.cpp | Unit tests for HybridBayesTree |
testHybridConditional.cpp | Unit tests for HybridConditional class |
testHybridEstimation.cpp | Unit tests for end-to-end Hybrid Estimation |
testHybridFactorGraph.cpp | Unit tests for HybridFactorGraph |
testHybridGaussianConditional.cpp | Unit tests for HybridGaussianConditional class |
testHybridGaussianFactor.cpp | Unit tests for HybridGaussianFactor |
testHybridGaussianFactorGraph.cpp | |
testHybridGaussianISAM.cpp | Unit tests for incremental inference |
testHybridGaussianProductFactor.cpp | Unit tests for HybridGaussianProductFactor |
testHybridMotionModel.cpp | Tests hybrid inference with a simple switching motion model |
testHybridNonlinearFactor.cpp | Unit tests for HybridNonlinearFactor |
testHybridNonlinearFactorGraph.cpp | Unit tests for HybridNonlinearFactorGraph |
testHybridNonlinearISAM.cpp | Unit tests for nonlinear incremental inference |
testHybridValues.cpp | |
testImuBias.cpp | |
testImuFactor.cpp | Unit test for ImuFactor |
testImuPreintegration.cpp | Unit tests for IMU Preintegration |
testIMUSystem.cpp | |
testIncrementalFixedLagSmoother.cpp | Unit tests for the Incremental Fixed-Lag Smoother |
testInertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.cpp | Unit test for the InertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity |
testInitializePose.cpp | |
testInitializePose3.cpp | Unit tests for 3D SLAM initialization, using rotation relaxation |
testInvDepthCamera3.cpp | |
testInvDepthFactor3.cpp | Unit tests inverse depth parametrization |
testInvDepthFactorVariant1.cpp | |
testInvDepthFactorVariant2.cpp | |
testInvDepthFactorVariant3.cpp | |
testIterative.cpp | Unit tests for iterative methods |
testJacobianFactor.cpp | Unit tests for Linear Factor |
testKalmanFilter.cpp | Test simple linear Kalman filter on a moving 2D point |
testKarcherMeanFactor.cpp | |
testKey.cpp | |
testKruskal.cpp | |
testLabeledSymbol.cpp | |
testLago.cpp | Unit tests for planar SLAM example using the initialization technique LAGO (Linear Approximation for Graph Optimization) |
testLie.cpp | Unit tests for Lie group type machinery |
testLie.h | |
testLine3.cpp | |
testLinearContainerFactor.cpp | |
testLinearEquality.cpp | Unit tests for LinearEquality |
testLinearizedFactor.cpp | |
testLocalOrientedPlane3Factor.cpp | |
testLoopyBelief.cpp | |
testLPSolver.cpp | |
testMagFactor.cpp | Unit test for MagFactor |
testMagPoseFactor.cpp | |
testManifold.cpp | Unit tests for Manifold type machinery |
testManifoldPreintegration.cpp | Unit test for the ManifoldPreintegration |
testMarginals.cpp | |
testMatrix.cpp | Unit test for Matrix Library |
testMFAS.cpp | Unit tests for the MFAS class |
testMultiProjectionFactor.cpp | |
testNavExpressions.cpp | |
testNavState.cpp | Unit tests for NavState |
testNestedDissection.cpp | |
testNoiseModel.cpp | |
testNonlinearClusterTree.cpp | |
testNonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.cpp | Test nonlinear CG optimizer |
testNonlinearEquality.cpp | |
testNonlinearFactor.cpp | Unit tests for Non-Linear Factor, create a non linear factor graph and a values structure for it and calculate the error for the factor |
testNonlinearFactorGraph.cpp | Unit tests for Non-Linear Factor NonlinearFactorGraph |
testNonlinearISAM.cpp | |
testNonlinearOptimizer.cpp | Unit tests for NonlinearOptimizer class |
testNumericalDerivative.cpp | |
testOccupancyGrid.cpp | |
testOptionalJacobian.cpp | Unit test for OptionalJacobian |
testOrdering.cpp | |
testOrientedPlane3.cpp | |
testOrientedPlane3Factor.cpp | |
testPartialPriorFactor.cpp | |
testParticleFactor.cpp | Unit tests for the Particle factor |
testPCGSolver.cpp | Unit tests for PCGSolver class |
testPendulumFactors.cpp | |
testPinholeCamera.cpp | Test PinholeCamera class |
testPinholePose.cpp | Test PinholePose class |
testPinholeSet.cpp | |
testPlanarProjectionFactor.cpp | Unit tests for PlanarProjectionFactor |
testPoint2.cpp | Unit tests for Point2 class |
testPoint3.cpp | Unit tests for Point3 class |
testPose2.cpp | Unit tests for Pose2 class |
testPose3.cpp | Unit tests for Pose3 class |
testPose3Upright.cpp | |
testPoseAdjointMap.h | Support utilities for using AdjointMap for transforming Pose2 and Pose3 covariance matrices |
testPoseBetweenFactor.cpp | |
testPosePriorFactor.cpp | |
testPoseRotationPrior.cpp | Tests rotation priors on poses |
testPoseRTV.cpp | |
testPoseToPointFactor.cpp | |
testPoseTranslationPrior.cpp | |
testPoseVelocityBias.cpp | Unit test for PoseVelocityBias |
testPowerMethod.cpp | Check eigenvalue and eigenvector computed by power method |
testPreconditioner.cpp | Unit tests for Preconditioners |
testPreintegratedRotation.cpp | Unit test for PreintegratedRotation |
testPriorFactor.cpp | Test PriorFactor |
testProjectionFactor.cpp | Unit tests for ProjectionFactor Class |
testProjectionFactorPPP.cpp | |
testProjectionFactorPPPC.cpp | Unit tests for Pose+Transform+Calibration ProjectionFactor Class |
testProjectionFactorRollingShutter.cpp | |
testQPSolver.cpp | Test simple QP solver for a linear inequality constraint |
testQuaternion.cpp | Unit tests for Quaternion, as a GTSAM-adapted Lie Group |
testRangeFactor.cpp | Unit tests for RangeFactor Class |
testReferenceFrameFactor.cpp | |
TestRegistry.cpp | |
TestRegistry.h | |
testRegularHessianFactor.cpp | |
testRegularImplicitSchurFactor.cpp | Unit test implicit jacobian factors |
testRegularJacobianFactor.cpp | Unit test regular jacobian factors |
testRelativeElevationFactor.cpp | |
TestResult.cpp | |
TestResult.h | |
testRobust.cpp | Unit tests for Robust loss functions |
testRot2.cpp | Unit tests for Rot2 class |
testRot3.cpp | Unit tests for Rot3 class - common between Matrix and Quaternion |
testRot3M.cpp | Unit tests for Rot3 class, matrix version |
testRot3Optimization.cpp | |
testRot3Q.cpp | |
testRotateFactor.cpp | |
testSampler.cpp | Unit tests for Sampler class |
testScatter.cpp | |
testScenario.cpp | Unit test Scenario class |
testScenarioRunner.cpp | Test ImuFacor with ScenarioRunner class | | |
testScheduler.cpp | |
testSerialization.cpp | Tests for serialization global functions using boost.serialization |
testSerializationBase.cpp | |
testSerializationDataset.cpp | Serialization tests for dataset.cpp |
testSerializationDiscrete.cpp | |
testSerializationGeometry.cpp | |
testSerializationHybrid.cpp | Unit tests for hybrid serialization |
testSerializationInSlam.cpp | |
testSerializationLinear.cpp | |
testSerializationNavigation.cpp | Serialization tests for navigation |
testSerializationNonlinear.cpp | |
testSerializationSam.cpp | All serialization test in this directory |
testSerializationSlam.cpp | All serialization tests in this directory |
testSerializationSymbolic.cpp | |
testSfmData.cpp | |
testSfmTrack.cpp | |
testShonanAveraging.cpp | Unit tests for Shonan Averaging algorithm |
testShonanFactor.cpp | |
testShonanGaugeFactor.cpp | Unit tests for ShonanGaugeFactor class |
testSignature.cpp | |
testSignatureParser.cpp | |
testSimilarity2.cpp | Unit tests for Similarity2 class |
testSimilarity3.cpp | Unit tests for Similarity3 class |
testSimpleHelicopter.cpp | |
testSimPolygon2D.cpp | |
testSimulated2D.cpp | Unit tests for simulated 2D measurement functions |
testSimulated2DOriented.cpp | Unit tests for simulated2DOriented |
testSimulated3D.cpp | Unit tests for simulated 3D measurement functions |
testSimWall2D.cpp | |
testSlamExpressions.cpp | Test expressions for SLAM |
testSmartFactorBase.cpp | Unit tests for testSmartFactorBase Class |
testSmartProjectionFactor.cpp | Unit tests for SmartProjectionFactor Class |
testSmartProjectionPoseFactor.cpp | Unit tests for ProjectionFactor Class |
testSmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter.cpp | Unit tests for SmartProjectionPoseFactorRollingShutter Class |
testSmartProjectionRigFactor.cpp | Unit tests for SmartProjectionRigFactor Class |
testSmartRangeFactor.cpp | Unit tests for SmartRangeFactor Class |
testSmartStereoFactor_iSAM2.cpp | Unit tests for ProjectionFactor Class |
testSmartStereoProjectionFactorPP.cpp | Unit tests for SmartStereoProjectionFactorPP Class |
testSmartStereoProjectionPoseFactor.cpp | |
testSO3.cpp | Unit tests for SO3, as a GTSAM-adapted Lie Group |
testSO4.cpp | Unit tests for SO4, as a GTSAM-adapted Lie Group |
testSOn.cpp | Unit tests for dynamic SO(n) classes |
testSparseEigen.cpp | |
testSphericalCamera.cpp | |
testStdOptionalSerialization.cpp | |
testStereoCamera.cpp | Unit test for StereoCamera single camera |
testStereoFactor.cpp | Unit test for StereoFactor |
testStereoPoint2.cpp | Tests for the StereoPoint2 class |
testSubgraphPreconditioner.cpp | |
testSubgraphSolver.cpp | Unit tests for SubgraphSolver |
testSudoku.cpp | |
testSymbol.cpp | |
testSymbolicBayesNet.cpp | Unit tests for a symbolic Bayes chain |
testSymbolicBayesTree.cpp | |
testSymbolicConditional.cpp | Unit tests for SymbolicConditional class |
testSymbolicEliminationTree.cpp | |
testSymbolicFactor.cpp | Unit tests for a symbolic IndexFactor |
testSymbolicFactorGraph.cpp | Unit tests for symbolic factor graphs |
testSymbolicISAM.cpp | |
testSymbolicJunctionTree.cpp | |
testSymmetricBlockMatrix.cpp | Unit tests for SymmetricBlockMatrix class |
testTableFactor.cpp | |
testTangentPreintegration.cpp | Unit test for the InertialNavFactor |
testTOAFactor.cpp | Unit tests for "Time of Arrival" factor |
testTransferFactor.cpp | |
testTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.cpp | |
testTransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.cpp | |
testTranslationFactor.cpp | Unit tests for TranslationFactor Class |
testTranslationRecovery.cpp | Test recovering translations when rotations are given |
testTreeTraversal.cpp | |
testTriangulation.cpp | Triangulation utilities |
testTriangulationFactor.cpp | |
testTSAMFactors.cpp | Unit tests for TSAM 1 Factors |
testUnit3.cpp | |
testUtilities.cpp | |
testValues.cpp | |
testVariableIndex.cpp | Unit tests for VariableIndex class |
testVariableSlots.cpp | |
testVector.cpp | Unit tests for Vector class |
testVectorValues.cpp | |
testVelocityConstraint.cpp | |
testVelocityConstraint3.cpp | |
testVerticalBlockMatrix.cpp | Unit tests for VerticalBlockMatrix class |
testVisualISAM2.cpp | Test convergence of visualSLAM example |
testWeightedSampler.cpp | Unit test for WeightedSampler |
testWhiteNoiseFactor.cpp | |
ThreadCancel.h | |
ThreadEnvironment.h | |
ThreadLocal.h | |
ThreadPoolInterface.h | |
ThreadsafeException.h | |
ThreadYield.h | |
timeAdaptAutoDiff.cpp | |
timeBatch.cpp | Overall timing tests for batch solving |
timeCalibratedCamera.cpp | Time CalibratedCamera derivatives |
timeCameraExpression.cpp | Time CalibratedCamera derivatives |
timeCholesky.cpp | Time Cholesky factorization |
timeDSFvariants.cpp | Time different implementations of DSF |
timeFactorOverhead.cpp | Compares times of solving large single-factor graphs with their multi-factor equivalents |
timeGaussianFactor.cpp | Time JacobianFactor.eliminate |
timeGaussianFactorGraph.cpp | Time elimination with simple Kalman Smoothing example |
timeIncremental.cpp | Overall timing tests for incremental solving |
timeInertialNavFactor_GlobalVelocity.cpp | |
timeiSAM2Chain.cpp | Times each iteration of a long chain in iSAM2, to measure asymptotic performance |
timeLago.cpp | Time the LAGO initialization method |
timeLinearize.h | Time linearize |
timeMatrix.cpp | |
timeMatrixOps.cpp | |
TimeOfArrivalExample.cpp | Track a moving object "Time of Arrival" measurements at 4 microphones | | |
timeOneCameraExpression.cpp | Time CalibratedCamera derivatives |
timePinholeCamera.cpp | Time PinholeCamera derivatives |
timePose2.cpp | Time Pose2 geometry |
timePose3.cpp | Time Pose3 functions |
timeRot2.cpp | Time Rot2 geometry |
timeRot3.cpp | Time Rot3 functions |
timers.c | Various timing functions |
timeSchurFactors.cpp | Time various Schur-complement Jacobian factors |
timeSFMBAL.cpp | Time SFM with BAL file, conventional GeneralSFMFactor |
timeSFMBAL.h | Common code for timeSFMBAL scripts |
timeSFMBALautodiff.cpp | Time SFM with BAL file, Ceres autodiff version |
timeSFMBALcamTnav.cpp | Time SFM with BAL file, expressions with camTnav pose |
timeSFMBALnavTcam.cpp | Time SFM with BAL file, expressions with navTcam pose |
timeSFMBALsmart.cpp | Time SFM with BAL file, SmartProjectionFactor |
timeSFMExpressions.cpp | Time CalibratedCamera derivatives, realistic scenario |
timeShonanAveraging.cpp | |
timeShonanFactor.cpp | Time ShonanFactor with BAL file |
timeStereoCamera.cpp | Time StereoCamera derivatives |
TimeTBB.cpp | Measure task scheduling overhead in TBB |
timeTest.cpp | |
timeVirtual.cpp | Time the overhead of using virtual destructors and methods |
timeVirtual2.cpp | |
timing.c | |
timing.cpp | Timing utilities |
timing.h | Timing utilities |
tiny_blitz_interface.hh | |
TinyHybridExample.h | |
TOAFactor.h | "Time of Arrival" factor |
tokenizer.c | String tokenization routines | | |
TopicAliasing_block.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_block_correct.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_cwise.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_mult1.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_mult2.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_mult3.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_mult4.cpp | |
TopicAliasing_mult5.cpp | |
TopicStorageOrders_example.cpp | |
trackball.cpp | |
trackball.h | |
TransferFactor.h | |
Transform.h | |
TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactor.h | Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots |
TransformBtwRobotsUnaryFactorEM.h | Unary factor for determining transformation between given trajectories of two robots |
Translation.h | | | |
TranslationFactor.h | Binary factor for a relative translation direction measurement |
TranslationRecovery.cpp | Source code for recovering translations when rotations are given |
TranslationRecovery.h | Recovering translations in an epipolar graph when rotations are given |
Transpose.h | |
transpose_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr.cpp | |
transpose_on_const_type_actually_const.cpp | |
Transpositions.h | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/TransverseMercator.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::TransverseMercator class |
src/TransverseMercator.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::TransverseMercator class |
TransverseMercator.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::TransverseMercator class |
TransverseMercator.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::TransverseMercator class |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/TransverseMercatorExact.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::TransverseMercatorExact class |
src/TransverseMercatorExact.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::TransverseMercatorExact class |
TransverseMercatorExact.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::TransverseMercatorExact class |
TransverseMercatorExact.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::TransverseMercatorExact class |
TransverseMercatorProj.cpp | Command line utility for transverse Mercator projections |
treeTraversal-inst.h | |
triangular.cpp | |
Triangular_solve.cpp | |
TriangularMatrix.h | |
TriangularMatrixMatrix.h | |
TriangularMatrixMatrix_BLAS.h | |
TriangularMatrixVector.h | |
TriangularMatrixVector_BLAS.h | |
TriangularSolver.h | |
TriangularSolverMatrix.h | |
TriangularSolverMatrix_BLAS.h | |
TriangularSolverVector.h | |
triangularview_nonconst_ctor_on_const_xpr.cpp | |
triangularview_on_const_type_actually_const.cpp | |
triangulation.cpp | |
triangulation.h | Functions for triangulation |
TriangulationFactor.h | |
TriangulationLOSTExample.cpp | This example runs triangulation several times using 3 different approaches: LOST, DLT, and DLT with optimization. It reports the covariance and the runtime for each approach |
TridiagEigen.h | |
Tridiagonalization.h | |
Tridiagonalization_compute.cpp | |
Tridiagonalization_decomposeInPlace.cpp | |
Tridiagonalization_diagonal.cpp | |
Tridiagonalization_householderCoefficients.cpp | |
Tridiagonalization_packedMatrix.cpp | |
Tridiagonalization_Tridiagonalization_MatrixType.cpp | |
trmv_lo.cpp | |
trmv_lot.cpp | |
trmv_up.cpp | |
trmv_upt.cpp | |
TSAMFactors.h | TSAM 1 Factors, simpler than the hierarchical TSAM 2 |
tukey.c | |
tut_arithmetic_add_sub.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_dot_cross.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_matrix_mul.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_redux_basic.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_redux_minmax.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_scalar_mul_div.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_transpose_aliasing.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_transpose_conjugate.cpp | |
tut_arithmetic_transpose_inplace.cpp | |
tut_matrix_assignment_resizing.cpp | |
tut_matrix_coefficient_accessors.cpp | |
tut_matrix_resize.cpp | |
tut_matrix_resize_fixed_size.cpp | |
tutorial.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_Block.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_CommaTemporary.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_Join.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_LinSpaced.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_ThreeWays.cpp | |
Tutorial_AdvancedInitialization_Zero.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_accessors.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_addition.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_cwise_other.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_interop.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_interop_matrix.cpp | |
Tutorial_ArrayClass_mult.cpp | |
Tutorial_BlockOperations_block_assignment.cpp | |
Tutorial_BlockOperations_colrow.cpp | |
Tutorial_BlockOperations_corner.cpp | |
Tutorial_BlockOperations_print_block.cpp | |
Tutorial_BlockOperations_vector.cpp | |
Tutorial_commainit_01.cpp | |
Tutorial_commainit_01b.cpp | |
Tutorial_commainit_02.cpp | |
Tutorial_Map_rowmajor.cpp | |
Tutorial_Map_using.cpp | |
Tutorial_PartialLU_solve.cpp | |
Tutorial_range_for_loop_1d_cxx11.cpp | |
Tutorial_range_for_loop_2d_cxx11.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_1nn.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_broadcast_simple_rowwise.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_colwise.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_maxnorm.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_reductions_bool.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_reductions_norm.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_reductions_operatornorm.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_rowwise.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReductionsVisitorsBroadcasting_visitors.cpp | |
Tutorial_reshaped_vs_resize_1.cpp | |
Tutorial_reshaped_vs_resize_2.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReshapeMat2Mat.cpp | |
Tutorial_ReshapeMat2Vec.cpp | |
Tutorial_simple_example_dynamic_size.cpp | |
Tutorial_simple_example_fixed_size.cpp | |
Tutorial_SlicingCol.cpp | |
Tutorial_SlicingVec.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_matrix_inverse.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_multiple_rhs.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_reuse_decomposition.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_singular.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_triangular.cpp | |
Tutorial_solve_triangular_inplace.cpp | |
Tutorial_sparse_example.cpp | |
Tutorial_sparse_example_details.cpp | |
Tutorial_std_sort.cpp | |
Tutorial_std_sort_rows_cxx11.cpp | |
TutorialInplaceLU.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgComputeTwice.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgExComputeSolveError.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgExSolveColPivHouseholderQR.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgExSolveLDLT.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgInverseDeterminant.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgRankRevealing.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgSelfAdjointEigenSolver.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgSetThreshold.cpp | |
TutorialLinAlgSVDSolve.cpp | |
tvmet_interface.hh | | | |
type_alias.cpp | |
type_caster_base.h | |
type_caster_pyobject_ptr.h | |
AVX/TypeCasting.h | |
AVX512/TypeCasting.h | |
Default/TypeCasting.h | |
GPU/TypeCasting.h | |
NEON/TypeCasting.h | |
SSE/TypeCasting.h | |
SVE/TypeCasting.h | |
SYCL/TypeCasting.h | |
typeid.h | |
types.cpp | Functions for handling type information |
types.h | Typedefs for easier changing of types |
TypeTraits.h | |
typing.h | |
ublas_interface.hh | |
UGM_chain.cpp | UGM (undirected graphical model) examples: chain |
UGM_small.cpp | UGM (undirected graphical model) examples: small |
umeyama.cpp | |
Umeyama.h | |
umfpack_support.cpp | |
UmfPackSupport.h | |
unalignedcount.cpp | |
UnaryFunctors.h | |
Unit3.cpp | |
Unit3.h | |
unity.c | |
upperbidiagonalization.cpp | |
UpperBidiagonalization.h | |
UpperHessenbergEigen.h | |
UpperHessenbergQR.h | |
GKlib/util.c | Various utility routines |
libmetis/util.c | |
utilities.cpp | |
3rdparty/Eigen/bench/btl/generic_bench/utils/utilities.h | |
base/utilities.h | |
nonlinear/utilities.h | Contains generic global functions designed particularly for the matlab interface |
Utility.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::Utility class |
Utility.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::Utility class | | |
dotnet/NETGeographicLib/UTMUPS.cpp | Implementation for NETGeographicLib::UTMUPS class |
src/UTMUPS.cpp | Implementation for GeographicLib::UTMUPS class |
UTMUPS.h | Header for NETGeographicLib::UTMUPS class |
UTMUPS.hpp | Header for GeographicLib::UTMUPS class |
Value.h | The base class for any variable that can be optimized or used in a factor |
Values-inl.h | |
Values.cpp | |
Values.h | A non-templated config holding any types of Manifold-group elements |
preamble/values.h | |
specializations/values.h | | | |
VariableIndex-inl.h | |
VariableIndex.cpp | |
VariableIndex.h | |
VariableSlots.cpp | |
VariableSlots.h | VariableSlots describes the structure of a combined factor in terms of where each block comes from in the source factors |
variadic_evaluate.h | |
vdw_new.cpp | |
Vector.cpp | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's Vectors |
Vector.h | Typedef and functions to augment Eigen's VectorXd |
VectorBlock.h | |
vectorization_logic.cpp | |
VectorSerialization.h | Serialization for Vectors |
VectorSpace.h | |
VectorValues.cpp | Implementations for VectorValues |
VectorValues.h | Factor Graph Values |
Vectorwise_reverse.cpp | |
vectorwiseop.cpp | |
VectorwiseOp.h | |
VectorwiseOp_homogeneous.cpp | |
VelocityConstraint.h | Constraint enforcing the relationship between pose and velocity |
VelocityConstraint3.h | A simple 3-way factor constraining double poses and velocity |
VerticalBlockMatrix.cpp | A matrix with column blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in JacobianFactor and GaussianConditional |
VerticalBlockMatrix.h | A matrix with column blocks of pre-defined sizes. Used in JacobianFactor and GaussianConditional | | |
ViewGraphExample.cpp | View-graph calibration on a simulated dataset, a la Sweeney 2015 | | |
visitor.cpp | |
Visitor.h | | | | | |
VisualISAM2Example.cpp | A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset This version uses iSAM2 to solve the problem incrementally | | |
doc/Code/VisualISAMExample.cpp | |
examples/VisualISAMExample.cpp | A visualSLAM example for the structure-from-motion problem on a simulated dataset This version uses iSAM to solve the problem incrementally | | |
WeightedSampler.h | Fast sampling without replacement |
WhiteNoiseFactor.h | Binary white noise factor | | |
wspace.c | Functions dealing with memory allocation and workspace management |
x86_perf_analyzer.hh | |
x86_timer.hh | |
xerbla.c | |
xerbla.cpp | |
xerbla.h | |
XprHelper.h | |
xy_file.hh | |
yn.c | |
yv.c | |
zerosized.cpp | |
zeta.c | |
zetac.c | |
zhbmv.c | |
zhpmv.c | |
ztbmv.c | |