Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NEigenNamespace containing all symbols from the Eigen library
 NGeographicLibNamespace for GeographicLib
 Cadjoint_specific< false >
 Cadjoint_specific< true >
 Cargument_loaderHelper class which loads arguments for C++ functions called from Python
 Cargument_recordInternal data structure which holds metadata about a keyword argument
 CarithmeticAnnotation to mark enums as an arithmetic type
 Carray_info< char[N]>
 Carray_info< std::array< char, N > >
 Carray_info< std::array< T, N > >
 Carray_info< T[N]>
 Carrow_proxyQuick proxy class needed to implement operator-> for iterators which can't return pointers
 CbaseAnnotation indicating that a class derives from another given type
 Cbench_impl< Transformation, 0 >
 Cblas_interface< SCALAR >
 CboolsCompile-time all/any/none of that check the boolean value of all template types
 Cbuffer_infoInformation record describing a Python buffer object
 Cbuffer_protocolAnnotation which enables the buffer protocol for a type
 Cbuiltin_exceptionC++ bindings of builtin Python exceptions
 Ccall_guard< T >
 Ccall_guard< T, Ts... >
 CCallable< Return(Args...)>
 Ccasting_test_runner< SrcScalar, typename internal::enable_if<(NumTraits< SrcScalar >::IsComplex)>::type >
 Ccheck_ostream_impl< bool >
 Ccheck_ostream_impl< std::complex< Scalar > >
 Ccheck_rsqrt_impl< std::complex< T > >
 Ccheck_sqrt_impl< std::complex< T > >
 Ccompare_buffer_info< T, detail::enable_if_t< detail::is_pod_struct< T >::value > >
 Ccompare_buffer_info< T, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value > >
 Ccontainer_mapped_type_traits< Container, typename std::enable_if< negation< std::is_same< typename Container::mapped_type, Container > >::value >::type >
 Ccontainer_mapped_type_traits< Container, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Container::mapped_type, Container >::value >::type >
 Ccontainer_value_type_traits< Container, typename std::enable_if< negation< std::is_same< typename Container::value_type, Container > >::value >::type >
 Ccontainer_value_type_traits< Container, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename Container::value_type, Container >::value >::type >
 Ccpp_functionWraps an arbitrary C++ function/method/lambda function/.. into a callable Python object
 Cdeferred_typeDefer the evaluation of type T until types Us are instantiated
 Cdict_readonlyPython's dictionary protocol permits this to be a forward iterator
 CDiscreteFactorDiscrete values for
 CdocAnnotation for documentation
 Cdummy_op< dummy_a, dummy_a >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_a, dummy_b >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_a, dummy_c >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_b, dummy_a >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_b, dummy_b >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_b, dummy_c >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_c, dummy_a >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_c, dummy_b >
 Cdummy_op< dummy_c, dummy_c >
 Cdummy_test< dummy_a, dummy_a >
 Cdummy_test< dummy_b, dummy_b >
 Cdummy_test< dummy_c, dummy_c >
 Cdynamic_attrAnnotation which enables dynamic attributes, i.e. adds __dict__ to a class
 CE_ncIssue #487: binding std::vector<E> with E non-copyable
 Ceigen_optimization_barrier_test< Packet, typename internal::enable_if< !NumTraits< Packet >::IsComplex &&!internal::is_same< Packet, Eigen::half >::value &&!internal::is_same< Packet, Eigen::bfloat16 >::value >::type >
 Ceigen_tensor_helper< Eigen::Tensor< Scalar_, NumIndices_, Options_, IndexType > >
 Ceigen_tensor_helper< Eigen::TensorFixedSize< Scalar_, Eigen::Sizes< Indices... >, Options_, IndexType > >
 Cembedded_modulePython 2.7/3.x compatible version of PyImport_AppendInittab and error checks
 Cenum_Binds C++ enumerations and enumeration classes to Python
 Cequivalent_integer< false, 1 >
 Cequivalent_integer< false, 2 >
 Cequivalent_integer< false, 4 >
 Cequivalent_integer< false, 8 >
 Cequivalent_integer< true, 1 >
 Cequivalent_integer< true, 2 >
 Cequivalent_integer< true, 4 >
 Cequivalent_integer< true, 8 >
 Cerror_scopeRAII wrapper that temporarily clears any Python error state
 Cexactly_one< P, Default >
 Cfactory< CFunc, AFunc, CReturn(CArgs...), AReturn(AArgs...)>
 Cfactory< Func, void_type(*)(), Return(Args...)>
 Cformat_descriptor< char[N]>
 Cformat_descriptor< std::array< char, N > >
 Cformat_descriptor< std::complex< T >, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >Glibc defines I as a macro which breaks things, e.g., boost template names
 Cformat_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< detail::array_info< T >::is_array > >
 Cformat_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< detail::is_pod_struct< T >::value > >
 Cformat_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< detail::is_same_ignoring_cvref< T, PyObject * >::value > >
 Cformat_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
 Cformat_descriptor< T, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > >
 Cfunc< res, arg1, arg2, TMATV >
 Cfunc< res, arg1, arg2, TMATVMAT >
 Cfunc< res, arg1, arg2, TV >
 Cfunction_callInternal data associated with a single function call
 CGaussianFactorContinuous multi-dimensional vectors for
 CgenerateTestMatrix< MatrixType, 0 >
 CgenerateTestMatrix< MatrixType, 1 >
 Cgeneric_iteratorSTL iterator template used for tuple, list, sequence and dict
 Cgeneric_typeGeneric support for creating new Python heap types
 Cget_dim< Matrix< S, R, C, O, MR, MC > >
 Cget_storage_pointer_type< MapType, void_t< typename MapType::PointerArgType > >
 Cget_storage_pointer_type< MapType, void_t< typename MapType::StoragePointerType > >
 CGetDifferentType< double >
 CGetDifferentType< float >
 CGetDifferentType< std::complex< T > >
 Cgk_optionThe structure that stores the information about the command-line options
 CGlMatrixHelper< false, _Flags >
 CGlMatrixHelper< true, _Flags >
 Chandle_type_name< anyset >
 Chandle_type_name< args >
 Chandle_type_name< array >
 Chandle_type_name< array_t< T, Flags > >
 Chandle_type_name< bool_ >
 Chandle_type_name< buffer >
 Chandle_type_name< bytearray >
 Chandle_type_name< bytes >
 Chandle_type_name< capsule >
 Chandle_type_name< cpp_function >
 Chandle_type_name< dict >
 Chandle_type_name< dtype >
 Chandle_type_name< ellipsis >
 Chandle_type_name< exception< void > >
 Chandle_type_name< float_ >
 Chandle_type_name< frozenset >
 Chandle_type_name< function >
 Chandle_type_name< handle >
 Chandle_type_name< int_ >
 Chandle_type_name< item_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< iterable >
 Chandle_type_name< iterator >
 Chandle_type_name< kwargs >
 Chandle_type_name< list >
 Chandle_type_name< list_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< memoryview >
 Chandle_type_name< module_ >
 Chandle_type_name< none >
 Chandle_type_name< obj_attr_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< object >
 Chandle_type_name< sequence >
 Chandle_type_name< sequence_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< set >
 Chandle_type_name< slice >
 Chandle_type_name< str >
 Chandle_type_name< str_attr_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< tuple >
 Chandle_type_name< tuple_accessor >
 Chandle_type_name< type >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Callable< Return(Args...)> >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Callable< Return(ellipsis)> >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Dict< K, V > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Iterable< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Iterator< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::List< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Never >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::NoReturn >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Optional< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Set< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Tuple< T, ellipsis > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Tuple< Types... > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Tuple<> >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Type< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::TypeGuard< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::TypeIs< T > >
 Chandle_type_name< typing::Union< Types... > >
 Chandle_type_name< weakref >
 Chas_operator_delete< T, void_t< decltype(static_cast< void(*)(void *)>(T::operator delete))> >
 Chas_operator_delete_size< T, void_t< decltype(static_cast< void(*)(void *, size_t)>(T::operator delete))> >
 Cimpl_recursive_container_traits< Container, typename std::enable_if< container_value_type_traits< Container >::has_value_type >::type >
 Cimpl_type_to_check_recursively< std::pair< A, B >, true >
 CIncTypeLike UserType, but increments value on copy for quick reference vs. copy tests
 Cindex_sequenceIndex sequences
 CinstanceThe 'instance' type which needs to be standard layout (need to be able to use 'offsetof')
 Cint_to_str< 0, Digits... >
 CIntFloatA simple union for basic testing
 Cintrinsic_typeHelper template to strip away type modifiers
 Cintrinsic_type< const T >
 Cintrinsic_type< const T[N]>
 Cintrinsic_type< T & >
 Cintrinsic_type< T && >
 Cintrinsic_type< T * >
 Cintrinsic_type< T[N]>
 Cis_comparable< recursive_bottom >
 Cis_comparable< T, enable_if_t< container_traits< T >::is_element &&container_traits< T >::is_comparable > >
 Cis_comparable< T, enable_if_t< container_traits< T >::is_pair > >
 Cis_comparable< T, enable_if_t< container_traits< T >::is_vector > >
 Cis_complex< std::complex< T > >
 Cis_copy_assignable< recursive_bottom >
 Cis_copy_assignable< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cis_copy_constructible< recursive_bottom >
 Cis_copy_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cis_finalAnnotation for classes that cannot be subclassed
 Cis_fmt_numeric< std::complex< T >, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >
 Cis_fmt_numeric< T, enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
 Cis_holder_type< base, std::unique_ptr< base, deleter > >
 Cis_input_iteratorCheck if T looks like an input iterator
 Cis_input_iterator< T, void_t< decltype(*std::declval< T & >()), decltype(++std::declval< T & >())> >
 Cis_instantiation< Class, Class< Us... > >
 Cis_methodAnnotation for methods
 Cis_move_constructible< recursive_bottom >
 Cis_move_constructible< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cis_new_style_constructorTag for a new-style __init__ defined in detail/init.h
 Cis_operatorAnnotation for operators
 Cis_setterAnnotation for setters
 Cis_std_array< std::array< T, N > >
 Citers_before_test< double >
 Ckeep_aliveKeep patient alive while nurse lives
 CLocalBaseSimple class used to test py::local:
 Cloop_on_k< M, N, END >
 Cloop_on_m< END, N, K >
 Cloop_on_n< M, END, K, Scalar, Mode >
 Cmake_index_sequence_impl< 0, S... >
 Cmap_size< 10 >
 Cmap_size< 11 >
 Cmap_size< 12 >
 Cmap_size< 13 >
 Cmapstaticmethods_impl< PlainObjectType, false, IsVector >
 Cmapstaticmethods_impl< PlainObjectType, true, false >
 Cmapstaticmethods_impl< PlainObjectType, true, true >
 CmetaclassAnnotation which requests that a special metaclass is created for a type
 Cmodule_Wrapper for Python extension modules
 Cmodule_localAnnotation that marks a class as local to the module:
 Cmove_always< T, enable_if_t< all_of< move_is_plain_type< T >, negation< is_copy_constructible< T > >, is_move_constructible< T >, std::is_same< decltype(std::declval< make_caster< T >>().operator T&()), T & > >::value > >
 Cmove_if_unreferenced< T, enable_if_t< all_of< move_is_plain_type< T >, negation< move_always< T > >, is_move_constructible< T >, std::is_same< decltype(std::declval< make_caster< T >>().operator T&()), T & > >::value > >
 Cmultiple_inheritanceAnnotation indicating that a class is involved in a multiple inheritance relationship
 CMultiplyFunctorFunctor that takes a matrix and multiplies every element by m
 CnameAnnotation for function names
 CnodeleteDummy destructor wrapper that can be used to expose classes with a private destructor
 CNonlinearFactorContinuous, differentiable manifold values for
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< char[N]>
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< std::array< char, N > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< T, enable_if_t< array_info< T >::is_array > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< T, enable_if_t< is_same_ignoring_cvref< T, PyObject * >::value > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< T, enable_if_t< satisfies_any_of< T, std::is_arithmetic, is_complex >::value > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor< T, enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor_name< T, enable_if_t< is_complex< T >::value > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor_name< T, enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value > >
 Cnpy_format_descriptor_name< T, enable_if_t< std::is_integral< T >::value > >
 CObjectReference counted object base class
 Cop_Operator implementation generator
 Cop_implBase template of operator implementations
 Cother_matrix_type< Matrix< _Scalar, _Rows, _Cols, _Options, _MaxRows, _MaxCols > >
 Cpack_elementReturn the Nth element from the parameter pack
 Cpack_element< 0, T, Ts... >
 Cpacketmath_pcast_ops_runner< Scalar, Packet, typename internal::enable_if< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex >::type >
 Cpcast_array< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 1, TgtCoeffRatio >
 Cpcast_array< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 2, 1 >
 Cpcast_array< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 4, 1 >
 Cpcast_array< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 8, 1 >
 Cpickle_factoryImplementation for py::pickle(GetState, SetState)
 Cpickle_factory< Get, Set, RetState(Self), NewInstance(ArgState)>
 Cpolymorphic_type_hook_base< itype, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_polymorphic< itype >::value > >
 CprependMark a function for addition at the beginning of the existing overload chain instead of the end
 Cprint_n< END >
 Cprocess_attribute< arg >Process a keyword argument attribute (without a default value)
 Cprocess_attribute< arg_v >Process a keyword argument attribute (with a default value)
 Cprocess_attribute< arithmetic >Process an 'arithmetic' attribute for enums (does nothing here)
 Cprocess_attribute< base< T > >Process a parent class attribute (deprecated, does not support multiple inheritance)
 Cprocess_attribute< buffer_protocol >
 Cprocess_attribute< call_guard< Ts... > >
 Cprocess_attribute< char * >
 Cprocess_attribute< const char * >Process an attribute specifying the function's docstring (provided as a C-style string)
 Cprocess_attribute< custom_type_setup >
 Cprocess_attribute< doc >Process an attribute specifying the function's docstring
 Cprocess_attribute< dynamic_attr >
 Cprocess_attribute< is_final >
 Cprocess_attribute< is_method >Process an attribute which indicates that this function is a method
 Cprocess_attribute< is_new_style_constructor >
 Cprocess_attribute< is_operator >Process an attribute which indicates that this function is an operator
 Cprocess_attribute< is_setter >Process an attribute which indicates that this function is a setter
 Cprocess_attribute< keep_alive< Nurse, Patient > >
 Cprocess_attribute< kw_only >Process a keyword-only-arguments-follow pseudo argument
 Cprocess_attribute< metaclass >
 Cprocess_attribute< module_local >
 Cprocess_attribute< multiple_inheritance >Process a multiple inheritance attribute
 Cprocess_attribute< name >Process an attribute specifying the function's name
 Cprocess_attribute< pos_only >Process a positional-only-argument maker
 Cprocess_attribute< prepend >Process a 'prepend' attribute, putting this at the beginning of the overload chain
 Cprocess_attribute< return_value_policy >Process an attribute indicating the function's return value policy
 Cprocess_attribute< scope >Process an attribute which indicates the parent scope of a method
 Cprocess_attribute< sibling >
 Cprocess_attribute< T, enable_if_t< is_pyobject< T >::value > >
 Cprocess_attributesRecursively iterate over variadic template arguments
 CprocessTriangularMatrix< MatrixType, 0 >
 CProjectionFunctorFunctor that performs Ax where A is a matrix and x is a vector
 Cpyobject_caster< array_t< T, ExtraFlags > >
 Cpyobject_tagTag and check to identify a class which implements the Python object API
 CrandomMatrixWithImagEivals< MatrixType, 0 >
 CrandomMatrixWithImagEivals< MatrixType, 1 >
 CrefReference counting helper
 Cremove_classStrip the class from a method type
 Cremove_class< R(C::*)(A...) const >
 Cremove_class< R(C::*)(A...)>
 Creturn_value_policy_override< Return, detail::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< type_caster_generic, make_caster< Return > >::value, void > >
 CscopeAnnotation for parent scope
 Cselect_indices_implMake an index sequence of the indices of true arguments
 Cselect_indices_impl< index_sequence< IPrev... >, I, B, Bs... >
 Csequence_fast_readonlyLightweight iterator policy using just a simple pointer: see PySequence_Fast_ITEMS
 Csequence_slow_readwriteFull read and write access using the sequence protocol: see detail::sequence_accessor
 CsiblingAnnotation indicating that a function is an overload associated with a given "sibling"
 CSimpleTensorGenerator< bool, NumDims >
 Cstatic_size_generator< 1, Perf_Analyzer, Action, Interface >
 CSudokuA class that encodes Sudoku's as a CSP problem
 CTensorAssignThe tensor assignment class
 CTensorBroadcastingTensor broadcasting class
 CTensorContractionTensor contraction class
 CTensorConvolutionTensor convolution class
 CTensorConvolutionTensor convolution class
 CTensorExecutorThe tensor executor class
 CTensorExprTensor expression classes
 CTensorFFTTensor FFT class
 CTensorForcedEvalTensor reshaping class
 CTensorForcedEvalTensor reshaping class
 CTensorImagePatchPatch extraction specialized for image processing. This assumes that the input has a least 3 dimensions ordered as follow: 1st dimension: channels (of size d) 2nd dimension: rows (of size r) 3rd dimension: columns (of size c) There can be additional dimensions such as time (for video) or batch (for bulk processing after the first 3. Calling the image patch code with patch_rows and patch_cols is equivalent to calling the regular patch extraction code with parameters d, patch_rows, patch_cols, and 1 for all the additional dimensions
 CTensorIndexTupleTensor + Index Tuple class
 CTensorInflationTensor inflation class
 CTensorKChippingReshapingA chip is a thin slice, corresponding to a column or a row in a 2-d tensor
 CTensorLayoutSwapSwap the layout from col-major to row-major, or row-major to col-major, and invert the order of the dimensions
 CTensorPaddingTensor padding class. At the moment only padding with a constant value is supported
 CTensorPatchTensor patch class
 CTensorReductionTensor reduction class
 CTensorReshapingTensor reshaping class
 CTensorReverseTensor reverse elements class
 CTensorScanTensor scan class
 CTensorShufflingTensor shuffling class
 CTensorSlicingTensor slicing class
 CTensorStridingTensor striding class
 CTensorTraceTensor Trace class
 CTensorTupleIndexConverts to Tensor<Tuple<Index, Scalar> > and reduces to Tensor<Index>
 CTensorVolumePatchPatch extraction specialized for processing of volumetric data. This assumes that the input has a least 4 dimensions ordered as follows:
 Ctest_block_recursion< 0, N >
 Ctest_cast_helper< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, SrcCoeffRatio, TgtCoeffRatio, false >
 Ctest_cast_helper< SrcPacket, TgtPacket, SrcCoeffRatio, TgtCoeffRatio, true >
 Ctest_cast_runner< Scalar, typename internal::enable_if< NumTraits< Scalar >::IsComplex >::type >
 Ctest_cast_runner< SrcPacket, TgtScalar, TgtPacket, false, false >
 Ctest_cast_runner< SrcPacket, TgtScalar, TgtPacket, true, false >
 Ctest_cast_runner< SrcPacket, TgtScalar, TgtPacket, true, true >
 CTestMethodDispatching< Scalar, 1 >
 CTplCtorClassIssue #528: templated constructor
 Ctype_caster< bool >
 Ctype_caster< CharT, enable_if_t< is_std_char_type< CharT >::value > >
 Ctype_caster< ConstRefCasted >
 Ctype_caster< CopyOnlyInt >
 Ctype_caster< Eigen::TensorMap< Type, Options >, typename eigen_tensor_helper< remove_cv_t< Type > >::ValidType >
 Ctype_caster< MoveOnlyInt >
 Ctype_caster< MoveOrCopyInt >
 Ctype_caster< PyObject >
 Ctype_caster< RValueCaster >
 Ctype_caster< std::array< Type, Size > >
 Ctype_caster< std::basic_string< CharT, Traits, Allocator >, enable_if_t< is_std_char_type< CharT >::value > >
 Ctype_caster< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
 Ctype_caster< std::chrono::time_point< Clock, Duration > >
 Ctype_caster< std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, Duration > >
 Ctype_caster< std::complex< T > >
 Ctype_caster< std::deque< Type, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::function< Return(Args...)> >
 Ctype_caster< std::list< Type, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::nullptr_t >
 Ctype_caster< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Ctype_caster< std::reference_wrapper< type > >
 Ctype_caster< std::set< Key, Compare, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::shared_ptr< T > >Specialize for the common std::shared_ptr, so users don't need to
 Ctype_caster< std::tuple< Ts... > >
 Ctype_caster< std::unique_ptr< type, deleter > >
 Ctype_caster< std::unordered_map< Key, Value, Hash, Equal, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, Equal, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< std::valarray< Type > >
 Ctype_caster< std::vector< Type, Alloc > >
 Ctype_caster< T, enable_if_t< is_pyobject< T >::value > >
 Ctype_caster< T, enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value &&!is_std_char_type< T >::value > >
 Ctype_caster< Type, typename eigen_tensor_helper< Type >::ValidType >
 Ctype_caster< unchecked_mutable_reference< T, Dim > >
 Ctype_caster< unchecked_reference< T, Dim > >
 Ctype_caster< value_and_holder >
 Ctype_caster< void >
 Ctype_caster< void_type >
 Ctype_caster_baseGeneric type caster for objects stored on the heap
 Ctype_listHelper template which holds a list of types
 Ctype_recordSpecial data structure which (temporarily) holds metadata about a bound class
 Cundefined_tType for an unused type slot
 Cunpacking_collectorHelper class which collects positional, keyword, * and ** arguments for a Python function call
 CUnregisteredTypeDummy type which is not exported anywhere – something to trigger a conversion error
 CUserTypeA user-defined type which is exported and can be used by any test
 Cvariant_casterGeneric variant caster
 Cvariant_caster< V< Ts... > >
 Cvariant_caster_visitorVisit a variant and cast any found type to Python
 Cvector_has_data_and_format< Vector, enable_if_t< std::is_same< decltype(format_descriptor< typename Vector::value_type >::format(), std::declval< Vector >().data()), typename Vector::value_type * >::value > >
 Cvectorization_logic< Scalar, false >
 Cvectorization_logic_half< Scalar, false >
 Cvectorize_returned_array< Func, void, Args... >
 CVectorType< EigenVectorContainer, Scalar >
 CVectorType< StdVectorContainer, Scalar >
 CVectorValuesHybridValues simply extracts the
 CVectorValuesHybridValues simply extracts the
 Cvoid_typeHelper type to replace 'void' in some expressions

autogenerated on Mon Mar 10 2025 03:17:25