►NBayesianCurveFitting | |
CBayesianCurveFitting | |
►Ncolor_histogram_publisher | |
CColorHistogramPublisher | |
►Ncolor_histogram_visualizer | |
CColorHistogramVisualizer | |
►Ndetect_graspable_poses_pcabase | |
CDetectGraspablePosesPcabase | |
►Ndraw_3d_circle | |
CDrawer3DCircle | |
►Nextract_top_polygon_likelihood | |
CExtractTopPolygonLikelihood | |
►Njsk_pcl_ros | |
CAddColorFromImage | |
CAddColorFromImageToOrganized | |
CAttentionClipper | |
CBilateralFilter | |
CBorderEstimator | |
CBoundingBoxFilter | |
CBoundingBoxOcclusionRejector | |
CCapturedSamplePointCloud | |
CCaptureStereoSynchronizer | |
CClusterPointIndicesDecomposer | |
CClusterPointIndicesDecomposerZAxis | |
CCollisionDetector | |
CColorBasedRegionGrowingSegmentation | |
CColorFilter | |
CColorHistogram | |
CColorHistogramClassifier | |
CColorHistogramFilter | |
CColorHistogramMatcher | |
CColorizeMapRandomForest | |
CColorizeRandomForest | |
CConvexConnectedVoxels | |
CCubeHypothesis | |
CDepthCalibration | |
CDepthImageCreator | |
CDiagnoalCubeHypothesis | |
CEdgebasedCubeFinder | |
CEdgeDepthRefinement | |
CEnvironmentPlaneModeling | Nodelet implementation of jsk_pcl/EnvironmentPlaneModeling |
CEuclideanClustering | |
CExtractCuboidParticlesTopN | |
CExtractIndices | |
CFeatureRegistration | Nodelet implementation of jsk_pcl/FeatureRegistration |
CFindObjectOnPlane | |
CFisheyeSpherePublisher | |
CFuseDepthImages | |
CFuseImages | |
CFuseRGBImages | |
CGeometricConsistencyGrouping | Nodelet implementation of jsk_pcl/GeometricConsistencyGrouping |
CGridSampler | |
CHandleEstimator | |
CHeightmapConverter | |
CHeightmapMorphologicalFiltering | |
CHeightmapTimeAccumulation | |
CHeightmapToPointCloud | |
CHintedHandleEstimator | |
CHintedPlaneDetector | |
CHintedStickFinder | |
CHSIColorFilter | |
CICPRegistration | |
CImageRotateNodelet | |
CIncrementalModelRegistration | |
CInteractiveCuboidLikelihood | |
CIntermittentImageAnnotator | |
CJointStateStaticFilter | |
CKeypointsPublisher | |
CKinfu | |
CLINEMODDetector | |
CLINEMODTrainer | |
CLineSegment | |
CLineSegmentCluster | |
CLineSegmentCollector | |
CLineSegmentDetector | |
CMaskImageClusterFilter | |
CMaskImageFilter | |
CMovingLeastSquareSmoothing | |
CMultiPlaneExtraction | |
CMultiPlaneSACSegmentation | |
CNormalDirectionFilter | |
CNormalEstimationIntegralImage | |
CNormalEstimationOMP | |
COctomapServerContact | |
COctreeChangePublisher | Realtime change detection of pointcloud using octree. See paper below: |
COctreeVoxelGrid | |
COneDataStat | Class to store sensor value and compute mean, error and stddev and so on |
COrganizedEdgeDetector | |
COrganizedMultiPlaneSegmentation | |
COrganizedPassThrough | |
COrganizePointCloud | |
CParallelEdgeFinder | |
CParticleFilterTracking | |
CPeopleDetection | |
CPlanarCubeHypothesis | |
CPlaneSupportedCuboidEstimator | |
CPointCloudData | |
CPointcloudDatabaseServer | |
CPointCloudLocalization | |
CPointCloudMoveitFilter | |
CPointcloudScreenpoint | |
CPPFRegistration | |
CPrimitiveShapeClassifier | |
CRearrangeBoundingBox | |
►CRegionAdjacencyGraph | |
CVertexProperty | |
CRegionGrowingMultiplePlaneSegmentation | |
CRegionGrowingSegmentation | |
CResizePointsPublisher | |
CRGBColorFilter | |
CROIClipper | |
CSelectedClusterPublisher | |
CSnapIt | |
CSnapshotInformation | |
CStampedJointAngle | |
CSupervoxelSegmentation | |
►CTargetAdaptiveTracking | |
CAdjacentInfo | |
CReferenceModel | |
CTiltLaserListener | |
CTimeStampedVector | |
CTorusFinder | |
CUniformSampling | |
CViewpointSampler | |
CVoxelGridDownsampleDecoder | |
CVoxelGridDownsampleManager | |
CVoxelGridLargeScale | |
►Noctomap | |
COcTreeContact | This is a inherited class of OcTree. The probability of contact sensor model is defined |
►Npcl | |
►Ngpu | |
►Ntracking | |
C_ParticleCuboid | |
CCachedApproxNearestPairPointCloudCoherence | |
COrganizedNearestPairPointCloudCoherence | |
CParticleCuboid | |
CReversedParticleFilterOMPTracker | |
CReversedParticleFilterTracker | |
CROSCollaborativeParticleFilterTracker | |
CDefaultPointRepresentation< pcl::tracking::ParticleCuboid > | |
CPointHSV | |
CPointRGB | |
CPointXYZHSV | |
►Nrobot_self_filter | |
CSelfMaskNamedLink | |
CSelfMaskUrdfRobot | |
►Nsample_collision_detector_client | |
CSampleCollisionDetectorClient | |
►Nsample_topic_ensync_for_capture_stereo_synchronizer | |
CSampleTopicEnsyncForCaptureStereoSynchronizer | |
►Nsimulate_primitive_shape_on_plane | |
CTestPrimitiveClassifier | |
►Ntest_cluster_point_indices_decomposer_bbox | |
CTestClusterPointIndicesDecomposerBbox | |
►Ntest_linemod_trainer | |
CTestLINEMODTrainer | |
►Ntower_detect_viewer_server | |
CState | |
CTowerDetectViewerServer | |
CExtractIndicesTest | |
Chandle_model | |