File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 allocator.hAllocator object that gets chunks of memory and then hands parts of them to a user
 AsciiIO.hppRead and write pointclouds from .pts and .3d files
 BaseIO.hppBase interface for all I/O related classes
 Boctree.hEfficient representation of an octree
 data_types.hBasic DataPointer class and its derivates SingleArray and TripleArray
 DataStruct.hppDatastructures for holding loaded data
 DracoDecoder.cppDecodes a draco comptressed file into a lvr model
 DracoDecoder.hppDecodes a draco comptressed file into a lvr model
 DracoEncoder.cppEncodes a lvr model into a draco compressed file
 DracoEncoder.hppEncodes a lvr model into a draco compressed file
 DrcIO.hppIO module for importing and exporting .drc files
 HDF5Tool.cppReads spectral PNGs and point clouds and writes them into a HDF5 file
 io_types.hScan types and mapping functions
 PCDIO.hppRead and write point clouds from PCD files
 PLYIO.hppI/O support for PLY files
 point.hRepresentation of a 3D point
 point_type.ccRepresentation of a 3D point type
 point_type.hRepresentation of a 3D point type
 pointfilter.hIO filtering class for ScanIO to discard unwanted points
 ptpair.hDefinition of point pairs
 scan_io.hIO of a 3D scan
 scan_io_oct.ccImplementation of reading 3D scans
 scan_io_oct.hIO of a 3D scan in oct-file format
 searchCache.hRepresentation of a general cache for search trees
 searchTree.ccRepresentation of a general search trees
 searchTree.hRepresentation of a general search trees

Author(s): Thomas Wiemann , Sebastian Pütz , Alexander Mock , Lars Kiesow , Lukas Kalbertodt , Tristan Igelbrink , Johan M. von Behren , Dominik Feldschnieders , Alexander Löhr
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:37:28