►Nascii_convert | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nascii_viewer | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nchunking | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the chunking executable |
►Nchunking_server | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the chunking server executable |
►Ncl_normals | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nctpl | |
►Ndetail | |
CQueue | |
Cthread_pool | |
►Ncuda_normals | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Ndmc_reconstruction | |
COptions | |
►Ngs_reconstruction | |
COptions | |
►Nhdf5meshtool | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nhdf5togeotiff | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the extraction of radiometric data from a HDF5 dataset |
►Nhdf5tool | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nhdf5tool2 | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►NHighFive | |
►Ndetails | |
Carray_dims | |
Carray_dims< std::array< T, N > > | |
Carray_dims< std::vector< T > > | |
Carray_dims< T * > | |
Carray_dims< T[N]> | |
Cdata_converter | |
Cdata_converter< CArray, typename std::enable_if<(is_c_array< CArray >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< std::array< T, S >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename type_of_array< T >::type >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< std::string, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< std::string >, void > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(is_container< T >::value)>::type > | |
Cdata_converter< std::vector< T >, typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, typename type_of_array< T >::type >::value)>::type > | |
CHighFiveIterateData | |
Cis_c_array | |
Cis_c_array< T * > | |
Cis_c_array< T[N]> | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container< std::vector< T > > | |
Ctype_of_array | |
Ctype_of_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Ctype_of_array< std::vector< T > > | |
Ctype_of_array< T * > | |
Ctype_of_array< T[N]> | |
CAnnotateTraits | |
CAtomicType | Create an HDF5 DataType from a C++ type |
CAttribute | |
CAttributeException | Exception specific to HighFive Attribute interface |
CCaching | |
CChunking | |
CDataSet | |
CDataSetAccessProps | |
CDataSetCreateProps | |
CDataSetException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSet interface |
CDataSpace | |
CDataSpaceException | Exception specific to HighFive DataSpace interface |
CDataType | HDF5 Data Type |
CDataTypeException | Exception specific to HighFive DataType interface |
CDeflate | |
CElementSet | |
CException | Basic HighFive Exception class |
CFile | File class |
CFileDriver | File driver base concept |
CFileException | Exception specific to HighFive File interface |
CGroup | |
CGroupException | Exception specific to HighFive Group interface |
CHDF5ErrMapper | |
CMPIOFileDriver | MPIIO Driver for Parallel HDF5 |
CNodeTraits | |
CObject | |
CObjectException | Exception specific to HighFive Object interface |
CProperties | Generic HDF5 property List |
CPropertyException | Exception specific to HighFive Property interface |
CSelection | Selection: represent a view on a slice/part of a dataset |
CShuffle | |
CSilenceHDF5 | Utility class to disable HDF5 stack printing inside a scope |
CSliceTraits | |
►Nimage_normals | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nkaboom | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nkfusion | Utility |
►Ncuda | |
CCyclicalBuffer | CyclicalBuffer implements a cyclical TSDF buffer. The class offers a simple interface, by handling shifts and maintaining the world autonomously |
CDeviceArray | DeviceArray class |
CDeviceArray2D | DeviceArray2D class |
CDeviceMemory | DeviceMemory class |
CDeviceMemory2D | DeviceMemory2D class |
CDevPtr | |
CFrame | |
►CProjectiveICP | |
CStreamHelper | ProjectiveICP::StreamHelper |
CPtrStep | |
CPtrStepSz | |
CPtrSz | |
CTextureBinder | |
►CTsdfVolume | |
CEntry | |
►Ndevice | |
CAff3f | |
CBlock | |
►CComputeIcpHelper | |
CPageLockHelper | |
►CEigen33 | |
CMiniMat | |
CEmulation | |
Cfloat12 | |
Cfloat8 | |
Cgmem | |
CMat3f | |
Cnumeric_limits | |
Cnumeric_limits< float > | |
Cnumeric_limits< unsigned short > | |
Cplus | |
CProjector | |
CReprojector | |
CTsdfVolume | |
CWarp | |
CImgPose | |
CIntr | |
CKinFu | |
CKinFuParams | |
CLVRPipeline | |
►COpenNISource | |
CImpl | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
CPixelRGB | |
CPoint | |
CRGB | |
CSampledScopeTime | |
CScopeTime | |
Ctsdf_buffer | Structure to handle buffer addresses |
CTSDFSlice | |
►NLargeScaleOptions | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nlvr2 | |
►Nhdf5features | |
CArrayIO | |
CChannelIO | |
CChunkIO | |
CConstructType | |
CHyperspectralCameraIO | |
CImageIO | |
CIOType | |
CIOType< Derived, MeshBufferPtr > | |
CIOType< Derived, PointBufferPtr > | |
CMatrixIO | |
CMeshIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling MeshBuffer related IO |
CPointCloudIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling PointBuffer related IO |
CScanCameraIO | |
CScanImageIO | |
CScanIO | |
CScanPositionIO | |
CScanProjectIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling ScanProject related IO |
CVariantChannelIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling VariantChannel related IO |
►Nintelem | |
CBarycentrics | Barycentric coordinates of the intersection point |
CDistance | Intersection distance(float) |
CFace | Intersection face as uint id |
CMesh | Receive the intersected Mesh. TODO |
CNormal | Raycaster should compute the normal of the intersected face flipped towards the ray |
CPoint | Intersection point (x,y,z) |
►Nmanipulators | |
CRandomSample | |
CSlice | |
CSliceShallow | |
CAABB | A struct to calculate the Axis Aligned Bounding Box and Average Point of a Point Cloud |
CAdaptiveKSearchSurface | A point cloud manager class that uses the STANN nearest neighbor search library to handle the data. This class calculates robust surface normals for the given point set as described in the SSRR2010 paper |
CArrayIO | |
CArrow | |
CAsciiIO | A import / export class for point cloud data in plain text formats. Currently the file extensions .xyz, .txt, .3d and .pts are supported |
CAsciiRenderer | |
CAttributeMap | Interface for attribute maps |
CAttributeMapHandleIterator | Iterator over keys of an attribute map |
CAttributeMapHandleIteratorPtr | Simple convinience wrapper for unique_ptr<AttributeMapHandleIterator> |
CAttributeMeshIOBase | |
CAzimuthalProjection | |
CBaseBuffer | ChannelManager class Store and access AttributeChannels. It expands the MultiChannelMap with downwoards compitibility functions of the old ChannelManager |
CBaseHandle | Interface for all kinds of handles. Handles are basically a key to refer to something |
CBaseIO | Interface specification for low-level io. All read elements are stored in linear arrays |
CBaseMesh | Interface for triangle-meshes with adjacency information |
CBaseOption | |
CBaseOptionalHandle | Base class for optional handles (handles that can be "null" or "None") |
CBaseVector | A generic, weakly-typed vector |
CBigGrid | |
CBigGridKdTree | |
►CBigVolumen | |
CVolumeCellInfo | |
CBilinearFastBox | |
CBitField | |
CBOct | |
CBoctreeIO | IO-Class to import compressed octrees from slam6d |
CBoundingBox | A dynamic bounding box class |
CBoundingRectangle | A representation of a bounding rectangle |
CBoxTraits | |
CBoxTraits< BilinearFastBox< BaseVecT > > | |
CBoxTraits< SharpBox< BaseVecT > > | |
CBrailleChar | |
►CBVHRaycaster | BVHRaycaster: CPU version of BVH Raycasting: WIP |
CRay | Data type to store information about a ray |
CTriangleIntersectionResult | A struct to return the calculation results of a triangle intersection |
►CBVHTree | Implementation of an Bounding Volume Hierarchy Tree used for ray casting |
CBVHInner | |
CBVHLeaf | |
CBVHNode | |
CTriangle | |
CC_Octree | |
CCell | |
CCellHandle | |
CCellInfo | |
CChannel | |
CChannelIO | |
CChunkBuilder | |
CChunkedMeshCuller | |
CChunkGeomtryChannelVisitor | Visitor that returns the channel that holds geometic information (like vertices-channel for meshes) |
CChunkHashGrid | |
CChunkingPipeline | |
CChunkIO | |
CChunkLeaf | |
CChunkManager | |
►CCLRaycaster | CLRaycaster: GPU OpenCL version of BVH Raycasting |
CClTriangleIntersectionResult | |
CClSOR | |
CClSurface | |
CCluster | Represents a group of handles, which are somehow connected |
CClusterBiMap | A map of clusters, which also saves a back-reference from handle to cluster |
CClusterBiMapIterator | Iterator over cluster handles in this cluster map |
CClusterHandle | Handle to access Cluster of the ClusterBiMap |
CClusterPainter | Algorithm which generates the same color for all vertices, which are in the same cluster |
CClusterTexCoordMapping | Mapping of clusters to texture coordinates for a single vertex |
CCLUtil | Util class for CL that maps error codes to human readable strings |
Ccolor | |
CColorMap | |
CColors | |
CColorVertex | A color vertex |
CCompareDistancePair | |
CConicProjection | |
CConstructType | |
Ccoord | |
CCoordinateAxes | |
CCoordinateTransform | Stores information to transform a 3D point into a different coordinate system. It is assumed, that the coordinate called x is refered to as coordinate 0, y is 1 and z is 2 |
CCudaSurface | |
CCylindricalProjection | |
CDatIO | IO class for binary laser scans |
CDescription | |
CDirectoryIO | |
CDirectoryKernel | |
CDirectorySchema | Marker interface for directory schemas |
CDMCPointHandle | |
CDMCReconstruction | A surface reconstruction object that implements the standard marching cubes algorithm using a octree and a thread pool for parallel computation |
CDMCVecPointHandle | |
CDrcIO | |
CDualLeaf | |
CDynamicKDTree | |
CEdgeCollapseRemovedFace | |
CEdgeCollapseResult | |
CEdgeHandle | Handle to access edges of the mesh |
CEdgeIteratorProxy | |
CEdgeSplitResult | |
CEigenSVDPointAlign | |
CElementProxy | |
CElementProxyPtr | This class emulates a Pointer behaviour for an ElementProxy if its & operator is used. The arithmetic is based on the width of an ElementProxy. It was necessary for the Octree. USE WITH CARE |
CEmbreeRaycaster | |
CEquirectangularProjection | |
CFaceHandle | Handle to access faces of the mesh |
CFaceIteratorProxy | |
CFastBox | A volume representation used by the standard Marching Cubes implementation |
CFastReconstruction | A surface reconstruction object that implements the standard marching cubes algorithm using a hashed grid structure for parallel computation |
CFastReconstructionBase | |
►CFeatureBase | Manager Class for all FeatureBase components located in hdf5 directory |
Cadd_feature | |
Cadd_features | |
Cadd_features< F > | |
Cadd_features_with_deps | |
Cadd_features_with_deps< F > | |
Chas_feature | |
Chas_type | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< U, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple<> > | |
CFeatureConstruct | Helper class how to construct a IO feature with its dependencies |
CFeatureConstruct< ChunkIO, FeatureBase > | |
CFeatureConstruct< HyperspectralCameraIO, FeatureBase > | FeatureConstruct Specialization for ScanCameraIO |
CFeatureConstruct< PointCloudIO, FeatureBase > | |
CFeatureConstruct< ScanCameraIO, FeatureBase > | FeatureConstruct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanCameraIO |
CFeatureConstruct< ScanImageIO, FeatureBase > | FeatureConstruct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanImageIO |
CFeatureConstruct< ScanIO, FeatureBase > | FeatureConstruct Specialization for ScanIO |
CFeatureConstruct< ScanPositionIO, FeatureBase > | |
CFeatureConstruct< ScanProjectIO, FeatureBase > | |
CfileAttribut | |
CFileKernel | |
CGeoTIFFIO | Class providing and encapsulating GDAL GeoTIFF I/O functions |
CGlTexture | |
CGraphSLAM | Wrapper class for running GraphSLAM on Scans |
CGrid | |
CGridBase | |
CGridIO | |
CGroundPlane | |
CGroupedChannelIO | Interface class for io classes that support annotation channels organized in different groups |
CGrowingCellStructure | |
CHalfEdge | |
CHalfEdgeFace | Represents a face in the HEM data structure |
CHalfEdgeHandle | Handle to access half edges of the HEM |
CHalfEdgeMesh | Half-edge data structure implementing the BaseMesh interface |
CHalfEdgeVertex | Represents a vertex in the HEM data structure |
CHashGrid | |
CHashMap | |
CHashMapIterator | |
CHdf5Construct | Helper class how to construct a IO feature with its dependencies |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ChunkIO, Derived > | |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::HyperspectralCameraIO, Derived > | Hdf5Construct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanCameraIO |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::MeshIO, Derived > | Hdf5Construct Specialization for hdf5features::MeshIO |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::PointCloudIO, Derived > | |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ScanCameraIO, Derived > | Hdf5Construct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanCameraIO |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ScanImageIO, Derived > | Hdf5Construct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanImageIO |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ScanIO, Derived > | Hdf5Construct Specialization for hdf5features::ScanIO |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ScanPositionIO, Derived > | |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::ScanProjectIO, Derived > | |
CHdf5Construct< hdf5features::VariantChannelIO, BaseIO > | |
CHdf5Construct< VariantChannelIO, BaseIO > | |
►CHdf5IO | Manager Class for all Hdf5IO components located in hdf5 directory |
Cadd_feature | |
Cadd_features | |
Cadd_features< F > | |
Cadd_features_with_deps | |
Cadd_features_with_deps< F > | |
Chas_feature | |
Chas_type | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< U, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple<> > | |
CHDF5Kernel | |
CHDF5MetaDescriptionBase | |
CHDF5MetaDescriptionV2 | |
CHDF5Schema | Marker interface for HDF5 schemas |
CHemEdgeIterator | |
CHemFevIterator | Implementation of the MeshHandleIterator for the HalfEdgeMesh |
CHyperspectralCalibration_ | |
CHyperspectralCamera | |
CHyperspectralCameraIO | |
CHyperspectralCameraModel | |
CHyperspectralPanorama | |
CHyperspectralPanoramaChannel | |
CICPPointAlign | A class to align two Scans with ICP |
CidxVal | |
CImageIO | |
CImageTexturizer | A texturizer that uses images instead of pointcloud colors for creating the textures for meshes |
CInteractivePointCloud | |
►CIntersection | CRTP Container for User defined intersection elements |
Chas_elem | |
Chas_type | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< U, Ts... > > | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple<> > | |
CIOType | |
CIOType< FeatureBase, MeshBufferPtr > | |
CIOType< FeatureBase, PointBufferPtr > | |
CKDLeaf | |
CKDNode | |
CKDTree | Kd-Tree Implementation for nearest Neighbor searches |
CKinectGrabber | |
CKinectIO | |
CLargeScaleReconstruction | |
CLasIO | Interface class to read laser scan data in .las-Format |
CLBKdTree | Implements a left-balanced array-based index kd-tree. Left-Balanced: minimum memory Array-Based: Good for GPU - Usage |
CLBPointArray | |
CLeaf | |
CLine | A Line |
►CLineReader | |
CreadException | |
CListMap | A simple implementation of AttributeMap for a small number of values |
CListMapIterator | |
CLocalApproximation | An interface class for local approximation operations (e.g. in a Marching Cubes box) |
CLocation | |
CLSROptions | |
CLVRAnimationDialog | |
CLVRBackgroundDialog | |
CLVRBoundingBoxBridge | |
CLVRBoundingBoxItem | |
CLVRCamDataItem | |
CLVRChunkedMeshBridge | |
CLVRCorrespondanceDialog | |
CLVRCvImageItem | |
CLVREstimateNormalsDialog | |
CLVRGraphicsView | |
CLVRHistogram | |
CLVRLabelDialog | |
CLVRMainWindow | |
CLVRMeshBufferBridge | |
CLVRMeshItem | |
CLVRMLSProjectionDialog | |
CLVRModelBridge | Main class for conversion of LVR model instances to vtk actors. This class parses the internal model structures to vtk representations that can be added to a vtkRenderer instance |
CLVRModelItem | |
CLVRPickingInteractor | |
CLVRPickItem | |
CLVRPlanarOptimizationDialog | |
CLVRPlotter | |
CLVRPointBufferBridge | |
CLVRPointCloudItem | |
CLVRPointInfo | |
CLVRPoseItem | |
CLVRReconstructViaExtendedMarchingCubesDialog | |
CLVRReconstructViaMarchingCubesDialog | |
CLVRRecordedFrameItem | |
CLVRRemoveArtifactsDialog | |
CLVRRemoveOutliersDialog | |
CLVRRenameDialog | |
CLVRScanDataItem | |
CLVRTextureMeshItem | |
CLVRTransformationDialog | |
CLVRTreeWidgetHelper | |
CLVRVtkArrow | A wrapper class to generate arrow actors for vtk based on VTK's oriented arrow example |
CMaterial | A material that stores information about color and texture of a cluster |
CMaterialGroup | |
CMaterializer | Class for calculating materials for each cluster of a given mesh |
CMaterializerResult | Result struct for the materializer |
CMatrix4 | A 4x4 matrix class implementation for use with the provided vertex types |
CMatrixIO | |
CMeap | A map combined with a binary heap |
CMeapPair | Element in a meap, consisting of a key and a value |
CMercatorProjection | |
CMeshBuffer | The MeshBuffer Mesh representation for I/O modules |
CMeshCluster | |
CMeshGenerator | Interface class for mesh based reconstruction algorithms |
CMeshGeometryIO | |
CMeshHandleIterator | An iterator for handles in the BaseMesh |
CMeshHandleIteratorPtr | A wrapper for the MeshHandleIterator to save beloved future programmers from dereferencing too much <3 |
CMeshOctree | |
CMetascan | Represents several Scans as part of a single Scan |
CModel | |
CModelFactory | Factory class extract point cloud and mesh information from supported file formats. The instantiated MeshLoader and PointLoader instances are persistent, i.e. they will not be freed in the destructor of this class to prevent side effects |
►CModelToImage | Methods to re-project 3D laser scans to image planes |
CDepthPixel | Pixelcoordinates with depth value |
CDI | Image with single depth information |
CPanoPoint | |
CPLI | Image with list of projected points at each pixel |
CMultiPointCloud | |
Cmy_dummy | |
CNode | |
►CNodeData | |
CIterator | |
CNormal | A vector guaranteed to be normalized (length = 1) |
CObjIO | A basic implementation of the obj file format |
COctreeReduction | |
COpenMPConfig | |
COptionalClusterHandle | Semantically equivalent to boost::optional<ClusterHandle> |
COptionalEdgeHandle | Semantically equivalent to boost::optional<EdgeHandle> |
COptionalFaceHandle | Semantically equivalent to boost::optional<FaceHandle> |
COptionalHalfEdgeHandle | Semantically equivalent to boost::optional<HalfEdgeHandle> |
COptionalVertexHandle | Semantically equivalent to boost::optional<VertexHandle> |
CPacmanProgressBar | |
CPanicException | An exception denoting an internal bug |
CPanniniProjection | |
CPanoramaNormals | Computes normals for a given panorama |
CPCDIO | A import / export class for point cloud data in the PointCloudLibrary file format |
CPinholeModel | |
CPlane | A plane |
CPlutoMapImage | |
CPlutoMapIO | |
CPlutoMapMaterial | |
CPLYIO | A class for input and output to ply files |
CPointBuffer | A class to handle point information with an arbitrarily large number of attribute channels. The added channels should always have the same length as the point array to keep the mapping between geometry (channel 'points') and the associated layers like RGB colors or point normals consistent |
CPointCloud | |
CPointCloudAttribute | |
CPointCloudIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling PointBuffer related IO |
CPointCorrespondences | |
CPointOctree | |
CPointsetGrid | |
CPointsetMeshGenerator | Interface class for surface reconstruction algorithms that generate triangle meshes from point set surfaces |
CPointsetSurface | An interface class to wrap all functionality that is needed to generate a surface approximation from point cloud data |
CPose | |
CPPMIO | An implementation of the PPM file format |
CProgressBar | |
CProgressCounter | A progress counter class |
CProjection | |
CQuaternion | |
CQueryPoint | A query Vector for marching cubes reconstructions. It represents a Vector in space together with a 'distance' value that is used by the marching cubes algorithm |
CRaycasterBase | RaycasterBase interface |
CRectilinearProjection | |
CRenderable | |
CRGBMaterial | |
CRieglProject | |
CRxpIO | Reads .rxp files |
CScan | |
CScanCamera | |
CScanCameraIO | |
CScanDataManager | |
CScanDirectoryParser | |
CScanImage | |
CScanImageIO | |
CScanInfo | |
CScanIO | |
CScanPosition | |
CScanPositionIO | |
CScanProject | |
CScanProjectEditMark | |
CScanProjectIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling ScanProject related IO |
CScanProjectSchema | |
CScanProjectSchemaHyperlib | |
CScanProjectSchemaSLAM | |
CSearchTree | Abstract interface for storing and searching through a set of points. Query functions for nearest neighbour searches are defined |
CSearchTreeFlann | SearchClass for point data |
CSharpBox | Used for extended marching cubes Reconstruction |
CSimpleFinalizer | |
CSLAMAlign | A class to run SLAM on Scans |
CSLAMOptions | A struct to configure SLAMAlign |
CSLAMScanWrapper | A Wrapper around Scan to allow for SLAM usage |
Csort_indices | |
CStableVector | A vector which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) deletion |
CStableVectorIterator | Iterator over handles in this vector, which skips deleted elements |
CStaticMesh | |
CStereographicProjection | |
CTesselator | |
CTetraederBox | Used for Marching Tetreader Reconstruction. Dives a regular box into 5 Tetraeders for mesh generation |
CTexCoords | Texture coordinates |
CTexture | This class represents a texture |
CTexturedMesh | |
CTextureFactory | |
CTextureFinalizer | |
CTextureHandle | Handle to access textures of the mesh |
CTexturizer | Class that performs texture-related tasks |
►CTimestamp | A helper class for automated time stamping. Timing is started as soon as an object of this class is created. To time some parts of a program, just create a new object and use the provided output operator to display the elapsed time |
CNullBuffer | |
CTransformableBase | Interface for transformable objects |
CTumbleTree | |
CUosIO | An input class for laser scans in UOS 3d format |
►CUtil | A class that contains utility functions/types |
CColorVecCompare | A comparison object for Vector<VecUChar> |
►CVariantChannel | |
CCloneVisitor | |
CDataPtrVisitor | |
Cindex_of_type | Access type index with type |
CNumElementsVisitor | |
CTupleIndex | |
CTupleIndex< T1, std::tuple< T1, Types... > > | |
CTupleIndex< T1, std::tuple< U, Types... > > | |
CWidthVisitor | |
CVariantChannelIO | Hdf5IO Feature for handling VariantChannel related IO |
►CVariantChannelMap | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Cindex_of_type | Access type index by type |
Citerator | |
CVectorMap | A map with constant lookup overhead using small-ish integer-keys |
CVectorMapIterator | |
CVertexHandle | Handle to access vertices of the mesh |
CVertexIteratorProxy | |
CVertexLoopException | |
CVertexSplitResult | |
CVirtualGrid | |
►Nmeshreduce | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nnanoflann | |
CIndexDist_Sorter | |
CKDTreeEigenMatrixAdaptor | |
►CKDTreeSingleIndexAdaptor | |
CBranchStruct | |
CInterval | |
CNode | |
CKDTreeSingleIndexAdaptorParams | |
CKNNResultSet | |
CL1_Adaptor | |
CL2_Adaptor | |
CL2_Simple_Adaptor | |
►Cmetric_L1 | |
Ctraits | |
►Cmetric_L2 | |
Ctraits | |
►Cmetric_L2_Simple | |
Ctraits | |
CPooledAllocator | |
CRadiusResultSet | |
CSearchParams | |
►Nply_merger | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Npsimpl | Root namespace of the polyline simplification library |
►Nmath | Contains functions for calculating statistics and distances between various geometric entities |
CStatistics | POD structure for storing several statistical values |
►Nutil | Contains utility functions and classes |
Cscoped_array | A smart pointer for holding a dynamically allocated array |
►CPolylineSimplification | Provides various simplification algorithms for n-dimensional simple polylines |
►CDPHelper | Douglas-Peucker approximation helper class |
CKeyInfo | Defines the key of a polyline |
CSubPoly | Defines a sub polyline |
CSubPolyAlt | Defines a sub polyline including its key |
►Nreconstruct | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nscanproject_parser | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nscripts | |
►Nslam2hdf5 | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nslam6dmerger | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nstd | |
Chash< lvr2::ClusterHandle > | |
Chash< lvr2::EdgeHandle > | |
Chash< lvr2::FaceHandle > | |
Chash< lvr2::HalfEdgeHandle > | |
Chash< lvr2::TextureHandle > | |
Chash< lvr2::VertexHandle > | |
Cless< lvr2::VertexHandle > | |
►Ntransform | |
COptions | A class to parse the program options for the reconstruction executable |
►Nviewer | |
COptions | |
►NYAML | |
Cconvert< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar_, A_, B_, C_, D_, E_ > > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::HyperspectralCamera > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::HyperspectralPanoramaChannel > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::LSROptions > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::Scan > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::ScanCamera > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::ScanImage > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::ScanPosition > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::ScanProject > | |
Cconvert< lvr2::SLAMOptions > | |
CAbstractStage | |
CAllocator | |
CArithmeticBitModel | |
CArithmeticDecoder | |
CArithmeticEncoder | |
CArithmeticModel | |
Cbitoct | |
Cbitunion | |
CBlockingQueue | |
CBlockMemoryHandler | |
CBOctTree | Octree |
CByteStreamIn | |
CByteStreamInFile | |
CByteStreamInFileBE | |
CByteStreamInFileLE | |
CByteStreamInIstream | |
CByteStreamInIstreamBE | |
CByteStreamInIstreamLE | |
CByteStreamOut | |
CByteStreamOutFile | |
CByteStreamOutFileBE | |
CByteStreamOutFileLE | |
CByteStreamOutNil | |
CByteStreamOutOstream | |
CByteStreamOutOstreamBE | |
CByteStreamOutOstreamLE | |
CCachedSearchTree | The search tree structure |
CChecker | |
CCheckerFactory | Factory integrating the create-function and adding it to the lookup map in an easy template |
CCheckerHeightBottom | |
CCheckerHeightTop | |
CCheckerRangeMax | |
CCheckerRangeMin | |
CChunkAllocator | |
CChunkMemoryHandler | |
CContentGenerate | |
CContentGenerate< char > | |
CContentGenerate< std::string > | |
►CDataPointer | |
CPrivateImplementation | Subclass for storing further members and attaching an overloadable dtor |
Cdunion | |
CEntropyDecoder | |
CEntropyEncoder | |
CFusionStage | |
CGridStage | |
CInitializer | Start-of-the-program initializer for the sequence map |
CIntegerCompressor | |
CKinFuApp | |
CLASattribute | |
CLASattributer | |
CLASbin | |
CLAScriterion | |
CLAScriterionClipCircle | |
CLAScriterionClipRawXAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipRawXBelow | |
CLAScriterionClipRawXY | |
CLAScriterionClipRawYAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipRawYBelow | |
CLAScriterionClipRawZ | |
CLAScriterionClipRawZAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipRawZBelow | |
CLAScriterionClipTile | |
CLAScriterionClipXAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipXBelow | |
CLAScriterionClipXY | |
CLAScriterionClipYAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipYBelow | |
CLAScriterionClipZ | |
CLAScriterionClipZAbove | |
CLAScriterionClipZBelow | |
CLAScriterionDropFirstReturn | |
CLAScriterionDropGpsTimeAbove | |
CLAScriterionDropGpsTimeBelow | |
CLAScriterionDropGpsTimeBetween | |
CLAScriterionDropIntensityAbove | |
CLAScriterionDropIntensityBelow | |
CLAScriterionDropIntensityBetween | |
CLAScriterionDropLastReturn | |
CLAScriterionDropMiddleReturn | |
CLAScriterionDropPointSourceAbove | |
CLAScriterionDropPointSourceBelow | |
CLAScriterionDropPointSourceBetween | |
CLAScriterionDropScanAngleAbove | |
CLAScriterionDropScanAngleBelow | |
CLAScriterionDropScanAngleBetween | |
CLAScriterionDropScanDirection | |
CLAScriterionDropSpecificNumberOfReturns | |
CLAScriterionEdgeOfFlightLineOnly | |
CLAScriterionKeepClassifications | |
CLAScriterionKeepEveryNth | |
CLAScriterionKeepFirstReturn | |
CLAScriterionKeepGpsTime | |
CLAScriterionKeepIntensity | |
CLAScriterionKeepLastReturn | |
CLAScriterionKeepMiddleReturn | |
CLAScriterionKeepPointSource | |
CLAScriterionKeepPointSourceBetween | |
CLAScriterionKeepRandomFraction | |
CLAScriterionKeepReturns | |
CLAScriterionKeepScanAngle | |
CLAScriterionKeepSpecificNumberOfReturns | |
CLAScriterionKeepWavepackets | |
CLAScriterionScanDirectionChangeOnly | |
CLAScriterionThinWithGrid | |
CLASfilter | |
CLASheader | |
CLAShistogram | |
CLASindex | |
CLASinterval | |
CLASintervalCell | |
CLASintervalStartCell | |
CLASinventory | |
CLASitem | |
CLASoccupancyGrid | |
CLASoperation | |
CLASoperationChangeClassificationFromTo | |
CLASoperationChangeNumberOfReturnsFromTo | |
CLASoperationChangePointSourceFromTo | |
CLASoperationChangeReturnNumberFromTo | |
CLASoperationClampRawZ | |
CLASoperationClampZ | |
CLASoperationClampZmax | |
CLASoperationClampZmin | |
CLASoperationFlipWaveformDirection | |
CLASoperationRepairZeroReturns | |
CLASoperationRotateXY | |
CLASoperationScaleIntensity | |
CLASoperationScaleRGBdown | |
CLASoperationScaleRGBup | |
CLASoperationScaleScanAngle | |
CLASoperationScaleX | |
CLASoperationScaleXYZ | |
CLASoperationScaleY | |
CLASoperationScaleZ | |
CLASoperationSwitchXY | |
CLASoperationSwitchXZ | |
CLASoperationSwitchYZ | |
CLASoperationTranslateGpsTime | |
CLASoperationTranslateIntensity | |
CLASoperationTranslateRawX | |
CLASoperationTranslateRawXYZ | |
CLASoperationTranslateRawY | |
CLASoperationTranslateRawZ | |
CLASoperationTranslateScanAngle | |
CLASoperationTranslateThenScaleIntensity | |
CLASoperationTranslateThenScaleScanAngle | |
CLASoperationTranslateThenScaleX | |
CLASoperationTranslateThenScaleY | |
CLASoperationTranslateThenScaleZ | |
CLASoperationTranslateX | |
CLASoperationTranslateXYZ | |
CLASoperationTranslateY | |
CLASoperationTranslateZ | |
CLASpoint | |
CLASpoint10 | |
CLASquadtree | |
CLASquantizer | |
CLASreader | |
CLASreaderBIN | |
CLASreaderBINreoffset | |
CLASreaderBINrescale | |
CLASreaderBINrescalereoffset | |
CLASreaderLAS | |
CLASreaderLASreoffset | |
CLASreaderLASrescale | |
CLASreaderLASrescalereoffset | |
CLASreaderMerged | |
CLASreaderQFIT | |
CLASreaderQFITreoffset | |
CLASreaderQFITrescale | |
CLASreaderQFITrescalereoffset | |
CLASreaderSHP | |
CLASreaderSHPreoffset | |
CLASreaderSHPrescale | |
CLASreaderSHPrescalereoffset | |
CLASreaderTXT | |
CLASreaderTXTreoffset | |
CLASreaderTXTrescale | |
CLASreaderTXTrescalereoffset | |
CLASreadItem | |
CLASreadItemCompressed | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_BYTE_v1 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_BYTE_v2 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_GPSTIME11_v1 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_GPSTIME11_v2 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_POINT10_v1 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_POINT10_v2 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_RGB12_v1 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_RGB12_v2 | |
CLASreadItemCompressed_WAVEPACKET13_v1 | |
CLASreadItemRaw | |
CLASreadItemRaw_BYTE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_GPSTIME11_BE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_GPSTIME11_LE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_POINT10_BE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_POINT10_LE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_POINT14_LE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_RGB12_BE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_RGB12_LE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_RGBNIR14_BE | |
CLASreadItemRaw_RGBNIR14_LE | |
CLASreadOpener | |
CLASreadPoint | |
CLASspatial | |
CLASspatialReadWrite | |
CLASsummary | |
CLAStempReadPoint10 | |
CLAStempReadPoint14 | |
CLAStempWritePoint10 | |
CLAStempWritePoint14 | |
CLAStransform | |
CLASunzipper | |
CLASvlr | |
CLASvlr_classification | |
CLASvlr_geo_keys | |
CLASvlr_key_entry | |
CLASvlr_lastiling | |
CLASvlr_wave_packet_descr | |
CLASwaveform13reader | |
CLASwaveform13writer | |
CLASwaveformDescription | |
CLASwavepacket | |
CLASwavepacket13 | |
CLASwriteItem | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_BYTE_v1 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_BYTE_v2 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_GPSTIME11_v1 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_GPSTIME11_v2 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_POINT10_v1 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_POINT10_v2 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_RGB12_v1 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_RGB12_v2 | |
CLASwriteItemCompressed_WAVEPACKET13_v1 | |
CLASwriteItemRaw | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_BYTE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_GPSTIME11_BE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_GPSTIME11_LE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_POINT10_BE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_POINT10_LE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_POINT14_LE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_RGB12_BE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_RGB12_LE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_RGBNIR14_BE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_RGBNIR14_LE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_WAVEPACKET13_BE | |
CLASwriteItemRaw_WAVEPACKET13_LE | |
CLASwriteOpener | |
CLASwritePoint | |
CLASwriter | |
CLASwriterBIN | |
CLASwriterLAS | |
CLASwriterQFIT | |
CLASwriterTXT | |
CLASzip | |
CLASzipper | |
CLinearPipeline | |
►CLVRInteractorStylePolygonPick | Like TrackBallCamera, but this can pick props underneath a rubber band selection rectangle |
CvtkInternal | |
CLVRLabelInteractorStyle | |
CMainWindow | |
CMeshStage | |
CMeshUpdateThread | |
CMpiFixture | |
CNNParams | |
COptimizeStage | |
COptions | |
CPackedChunkAllocator | |
CPoint | Representation of a point in 3D space |
CPointerArray | |
CPointFilter | |
CPointSave | |
CPointType | |
CPtPair | Representing point pairs |
CQVTKOpenGLWidget | QWidget for displaying a vtkRenderWindow in a Qt Application |
CRegistrationPipeline | |
CScanIO | IO of a 3D scan |
CScanIO_oct | 3D scan loader for from binary octree files |
CSearchTree | The search tree structure |
CSearchTreeCacheItem | The general Cache Item |
CSequentialAllocator | |
CSingleArray | |
CSingleObject | |
CStreamingMedian5 | |
Ct_ply_ | |
Ct_ply_argument_ | |
Ct_ply_element_ | |
Ct_ply_idriver_ | |
Ct_ply_odriver_ | |
Ct_ply_property_ | |
CThird | |
CTree | The tree structure |
CTripleArray | |
CTSheader | |
CTSpoint | |
CTSrow | |
CU32I32F32 | |
CU64I64F64 | |