OutMapT< typename InMapT::HandleType, std::result_of_t< MapF(typename InMapT::ValueType)> > map(const InMapT &mapIn, MapF func)
Calls func for each value of the given map and save the result in the output map.
OutMapT< typename decltype(std::declval< IterProxyT >).begin())::HandleType, typename std::result_of< GenF(typename decltype(std::declval< IterProxyT >).begin())::HandleType)>::type > attrMapFromFunc(IterProxyT iterProxy, GenF func)
Creates an attribute map by calling the given function for each element in the given iterator....
pair< ValueT, ValueT > minMaxOfMap(const AttributeMap< HandleT, ValueT > &map)
Returns the minimum and maximum element from the given map.