Class Exception

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public std::exception

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class Exception : public std::exception

This abstract class is used to create exceptions.

Subclassed by eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::security::SecurityException

Public Functions

inline RTPS_DllAPI Exception()
virtual RTPS_DllAPI ~Exception()

Default destructor.

RTPS_DllAPI const int32_t & minor () const

This function returns the number associated with the system exception.


The number associated with the system exception.

RTPS_DllAPI void minor (const int32_t &minor)

This function sets the number that will be associated with the system exception.


minor – The number that will be associated with the system exception.

virtual RTPS_DllAPI void raise () const =0

This function throws the object as exception.

virtual RTPS_DllAPI const char * what () const

This function returns the error message.


The error message.

Protected Functions

explicit RTPS_DllAPI Exception(const char *const &message)

Default constructor.

RTPS_DllAPI Exception(const Exception &ex)

Default copy constructor.


exException that will be copied.

RTPS_DllAPI Exception(Exception &&ex)

Default move constructor.


exException that will be moved.

explicit RTPS_DllAPI Exception(const char *const &message, const int32_t minor)


  • message – An error message. This message is copied.

  • minor – The number that will be associated with the system exception.

RTPS_DllAPI Exception & operator= (const Exception &ex)

Assigment operation.


exException that will be copied.

RTPS_DllAPI Exception & operator= (Exception &&ex)

Assigment operation.


exException that will be moved.