Class RTPSEndpointQos

Class Documentation

class RTPSEndpointQos

Qos Policy to configure the endpoint.

Public Functions

RTPS_DllAPI RTPSEndpointQos() = default
virtual RTPS_DllAPI ~RTPSEndpointQos() = default
inline bool operator==(const RTPSEndpointQos &b) const

Public Members

rtps::LocatorList unicast_locator_list

Unicast locator list.

rtps::LocatorList multicast_locator_list

Multicast locator list.

rtps::LocatorList remote_locator_list

Remote locator list.

fastdds::rtps::ExternalLocators external_unicast_locators

The collection of external locators to use for communication.

bool ignore_non_matching_locators = false

Whether locators that don’t match with the announced locators should be kept.

int16_t user_defined_id = -1

User Defined ID, used for StaticEndpointDiscovery.

By default, -1.

int16_t entity_id = -1


ID, if the user wants to specify the EntityID of the endpoint.

By default, -1.

fastrtps::rtps::MemoryManagementPolicy_t history_memory_policy = fastrtps::rtps::PREALLOCATED_WITH_REALLOC_MEMORY_MODE

Underlying History memory policy.