Class ParameterPropertyList_t::const_iterator

Nested Relationships

This class is a nested type of Class ParameterPropertyList_t.

Class Documentation

class const_iterator

Public Types

typedef const_iterator self_type
typedef const ParameterProperty_t value_type
typedef const ParameterProperty_t &reference
typedef const ParameterProperty_t *pointer
typedef size_t difference_type
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category

Public Functions

inline const_iterator(const fastrtps::rtps::octet *ptr)

Constructor using a pointer.


ptr – Pointer to be set

inline self_type operator++()
inline self_type operator++(int)
inline reference operator*()
inline pointer operator->()
inline bool operator==(const self_type &rhs) const
inline bool operator!=(const self_type &rhs) const

Protected Functions

inline void advance()

Shift the pointer to the next value.

inline const fastrtps::rtps::octet *address() const

Getter for the pointer.


the pointer