Class Subscriber

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Subscriber : public eprosima::fastdds::dds::DomainEntity

Class Subscriber, contains the public API that allows the user to control the reception of messages. This class should not be instantiated directly. DomainRTPSParticipant class should be used to correctly create this element.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~Subscriber()


virtual RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t enable () override

This operation enables the Subscriber.


RETCODE_OK is successfully enabled. RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if the participant creating this Subscriber is not enabled.

RTPS_DllAPI const SubscriberQos & get_qos () const

Allows accessing the Subscriber Qos.


SubscriberQos reference

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_qos (SubscriberQos &qos) const

Retrieves the Subscriber Qos.


qosSubscriberQos where the qos is returned



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_qos (const SubscriberQos &qos)

Allows modifying the Subscriber Qos. The given Qos must be supported by the SubscriberQos.


qos – new value for SubscriberQos


RETCODE_IMMUTABLE_POLICY if any of the Qos cannot be changed, RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY if the Qos is not self consistent and RETCODE_OK if the qos is changed correctly.

RTPS_DllAPI const SubscriberListener * get_listener () const

Retrieves the attached SubscriberListener.


Pointer to the SubscriberListener

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_listener (SubscriberListener *listener)

Modifies the SubscriberListener, sets the mask to StatusMask::all()


listener – new value for SubscriberListener



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_listener (SubscriberListener *listener, const StatusMask &mask)

Modifies the SubscriberListener.



RTPS_DllAPI DataReader * create_datareader (TopicDescription *topic, const DataReaderQos &reader_qos, DataReaderListener *listener=nullptr, const StatusMask &mask=StatusMask::all())

This operation creates a DataReader. The returned DataReader will be attached and belong to the Subscriber.

  • topicTopic the DataReader will be listening.

  • reader_qos – QoS of the DataReader.

  • listener – Pointer to the listener (default: nullptr)

  • maskStatusMask that holds statuses the listener responds to (default: all).


Pointer to the created DataReader. nullptr if failed.

RTPS_DllAPI DataReader * create_datareader_with_profile (TopicDescription *topic, const std::string &profile_name, DataReaderListener *listener=nullptr, const StatusMask &mask=StatusMask::all())

This operation creates a DataReader. The returned DataReader will be attached and belongs to the Subscriber.

  • topicTopic the DataReader will be listening.

  • profile_nameDataReader profile name.

  • listener – Pointer to the listener (default: nullptr)

  • maskStatusMask that holds statuses the listener responds to (default: all).


Pointer to the created DataReader. nullptr if failed.

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t delete_datareader (const DataReader *reader)

This operation deletes a DataReader that belongs to the Subscriber.

The delete_datareader operation must be called on the same Subscriber object used to create the DataReader. If delete_datareader is called on a different Subscriber, the operation will have no effect and it will return an error.


readerDataReader to delete


RETCODE_PRECONDITION_NOT_MET if the datareader does not belong to this subscriber, RETCODE_OK if it is correctly deleted and RETCODE_ERROR otherwise.

RTPS_DllAPI DataReader * lookup_datareader (const std::string &topic_name) const

This operation retrieves a previously-created DataReader belonging to the Subscriber that is attached to a Topic with a matching topic_name. If no such DataReader exists, the operation will return nullptr.

If multiple DataReaders attached to the Subscriber satisfy this condition, then the operation will return one of them. It is not specified which one.


topic_name – Name of the topic associated to the DataReader


Pointer to a previously created DataReader created on a Topic with that topic_name

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_datareaders (std::vector< DataReader * > &readers) const

This operation allows the application to access the DataReader objects.


readers – Vector of DataReader where the list of existing readers is returned



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_datareaders (std::vector< DataReader * > &readers, const std::vector< SampleStateKind > &sample_states, const std::vector< ViewStateKind > &view_states, const std::vector< InstanceStateKind > &instance_states) const

This operation allows the application to access the DataReader objects that contain samples with the specified sample_states, view_states, and instance_states.


Not supported yet. Currently returns RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED

  • readers[out] Vector of DataReader where the list of existing readers is returned

  • sample_states – Vector of SampleStateKind

  • view_states – Vector of ViewStateKind

  • instance_states – Vector of InstanceStateKind



RTPS_DllAPI bool has_datareaders () const

This operation checks if the subscriber has DataReaders


true if the subscriber has one or several DataReaders, false in other case

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t begin_access ()

Indicates that the application is about to access the data samples in any of the DataReader objects attached to the Subscriber.


Not supported yet. Currently returns RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t end_access ()

Indicates that the application has finished accessing the data samples in DataReader objects managed by the Subscriber.


Not supported yet. Currently returns RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t notify_datareaders () const

This operation invokes the operation on_data_available on the DataReaderListener objects attached to contained DataReader entities.

This operation is typically invoked from the on_data_on_readers operation in the SubscriberListener. That way the SubscriberListener can delegate to the DataReaderListener objects the handling of the data.



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t delete_contained_entities ()

Deletes all contained DataReaders. If the DataReaders have any QueryCondition or ReadCondition, they are deleted before the DataReader itself.


RETCODE_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_default_datareader_qos (const DataReaderQos &qos)

This operation sets a default value of the DataReader QoS policies which will be used for newly created DataReader entities in the case where the QoS policies are defaulted in the create_datareader operation.

This operation will check that the resulting policies are self consistent; if they are not, the operation will have no effect and return false.

The special value DATAREADER_QOS_DEFAULT may be passed to this operation to indicate that the default QoS should be reset back to the initial values the factory would use, that is the values that would be used if the set_default_datareader_qos operation had never been called.


qos – new value for DataReaderQos to set as default


RETCODE_INCONSISTENT_POLICY if the Qos is not self consistent and RETCODE_OK if the qos is changed correctly.

RTPS_DllAPI const DataReaderQos & get_default_datareader_qos () const

This operation returns the default value of the DataReader QoS, that is, the QoS policies which will be used for newly created DataReader entities in the case where the QoS policies are defaulted in the create_datareader operation.

The values retrieved get_default_datareader_qos will match the set of values specified on the last successful call to get_default_datareader_qos, or else, if the call was never made, the default values.


Current default DataReaderQos.

RTPS_DllAPI DataReaderQos & get_default_datareader_qos ()

This operation returns the default value of the DataReader QoS, that is, the QoS policies which will be used for newly created DataReader entities in the case where the QoS policies are defaulted in the create_datareader operation.

The values retrieved get_default_datareader_qos will match the set of values specified on the last successful call to get_default_datareader_qos, or else, if the call was never made, the default values.


Current default DataReaderQos.

RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_default_datareader_qos (DataReaderQos &qos) const

This operation retrieves the default value of the DataReader QoS, that is, the QoS policies which will be used for newly created DataReader entities in the case where the QoS policies are defaulted in the create_datareader operation.

The values retrieved get_default_datareader_qos will match the set of values specified on the last successful call to get_default_datareader_qos, or else, if the call was never made, the default values.


qosDataReaderQos where the default_qos is returned



RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t get_datareader_qos_from_profile (const std::string &profile_name, DataReaderQos &qos) const

Fills the DataReaderQos with the values of the XML profile.


RETCODE_OK if the profile exists. RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER otherwise.

RTPS_DllAPI const DomainParticipant * get_participant () const

This operation returns the DomainParticipant to which the Subscriber belongs.


DomainParticipant Pointer

RTPS_DllAPI const InstanceHandle_t & get_instance_handle () const

Returns the Subscriber’s handle.


InstanceHandle of this Subscriber.

Public Static Functions

static RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t copy_from_topic_qos (DataReaderQos &reader_qos, const TopicQos &topic_qos)

Copies TopicQos into the corresponding DataReaderQos.


Not supported yet. Currently returns RETCODE_UNSUPPORTED

  • reader_qos[inout]

  • topic_qos[in]


RETCODE_OK if successful, an error code otherwise

Protected Functions

Subscriber(SubscriberImpl *pimpl, const StatusMask &mask = StatusMask::all())

Create a subscriber, assigning its pointer to the associated implementation. Don’t use directly, create Subscriber using create_subscriber from DomainParticipant.

Subscriber(DomainParticipant *dp, const SubscriberQos &qos = SUBSCRIBER_QOS_DEFAULT, SubscriberListener *listener = nullptr, const StatusMask &mask = StatusMask::all())

Protected Attributes

SubscriberImpl *impl_


friend class SubscriberImpl
friend class DomainParticipantImpl
friend class ::dds::sub::Subscriber