Class StatusCondition
Defined in File StatusCondition.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public eprosima::fastdds::dds::Condition
(Class Condition)
Class Documentation
class StatusCondition : public eprosima::fastdds::dds::Condition
The StatusCondition class is a specific Condition that is associated with each Entity.
Public Functions
~StatusCondition() final
StatusCondition(const StatusCondition&) = delete
StatusCondition &operator=(const StatusCondition&) = delete
StatusCondition(StatusCondition&&) = delete
StatusCondition &operator=(StatusCondition&&) = delete
- virtual RTPS_DllAPI bool get_trigger_value () const override
Retrieves the trigger_value of the Condition.
- Returns
true if trigger_value is set to ‘true’, ‘false’ otherwise
- RTPS_DllAPI ReturnCode_t set_enabled_statuses (const StatusMask &mask)
Defines the list of communication statuses that are taken into account to determine the trigger_value.
- Parameters
mask – defines the mask for the status
- Returns
RETCODE_OK with everything ok, error code otherwise
- RTPS_DllAPI const StatusMask & get_enabled_statuses () const
Retrieves the list of communication statuses that are taken into account to determine the trigger_value.
- Returns
Status set or default status if it has not been set
inline detail::StatusConditionImpl *get_impl() const
~StatusCondition() final