Chpp::fcl::AABB | A class describing the AABB collision structure, which is a box in 3D space determined by two diagonal points |
CorgQhull::AbsoluteSumOf | Absolute sum of the elements in a container |
►Cbase_traits | |
Ctraits< BV > | |
Ctraits< KDOP< N >, Oriented, recursive > | |
CBenchmarkResult | |
Chpp::fcl::BenchTimer | |
►Chpp::fcl::BroadPhaseCollisionManager | Base class for broad phase collision. It helps to accelerate the collision/distance between N objects. Also support self collision, self distance and collision/distance with another M objects |
Chpp::fcl::BroadPhaseCollisionManagerWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::DynamicAABBTreeArrayCollisionManager | |
Chpp::fcl::DynamicAABBTreeCollisionManager | |
Chpp::fcl::IntervalTreeCollisionManager | Collision manager based on interval tree |
Chpp::fcl::NaiveCollisionManager | Brute force N-body collision manager |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager | Rigorous SAP collision manager |
Chpp::fcl::SpatialHashingCollisionManager< HashTable > | Spatial hashing collision mananger |
Chpp::fcl::SSaPCollisionManager | Simple SAP collision manager |
Chpp::fcl::BroadPhaseContinuousCollisionManager< S > | Base class for broad phase continuous collision. It helps to accelerate the continuous collision/distance between N objects. Also support self collision, self distance and collision/distance with another M objects |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< BV > | The class for the default algorithm fitting a bounding volume to a set of points |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< BV > | The class for the default algorithm fitting a bounding volume to a set of points |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< AABB > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< AABB > | Specification of BVFitter for AABB bounding volume |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< kIOS > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< kIOS > | Specification of BVFitter for kIOS bounding volume |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< OBB > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< OBB > | Specification of BVFitter for OBB bounding volume |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< OBBRSS > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< OBBRSS > | Specification of BVFitter for OBBRSS bounding volume |
►Chpp::fcl::BVFitterTpl< RSS > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVFitter< RSS > | Specification of BVFitter for RSS bounding volume |
Chpp::fcl::details::bvh_shape_traits< T_BVH, T_SH > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHFrontNode | Front list acceleration for collision Front list is a set of internal and leaf nodes in the BVTT hierarchy, where the traversal terminates while performing a query during a given time instance. The front list reflects the subset of a BVTT that is traversed for that particular proximity query |
CBVHModelBaseWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHShapeCollider< T_BVH, T_SH, _Options > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHShapeDistancer< T_BVH, T_SH > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHShapeDistancer< kIOS, T_SH > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHShapeDistancer< OBBRSS, T_SH > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVHShapeDistancer< RSS, T_SH > | |
►Chpp::fcl::BVNodeBase | BVNodeBase encodes the tree structure for BVH |
Chpp::fcl::BVNode< BV > | A class describing a bounding volume node. It includes the tree structure providing in BVNodeBase and also the geometry data provided in BV template parameter |
►Chpp::fcl::BVSplitter< BV > | A class describing the split rule that splits each BV node |
Cboost::serialization::internal::BVSplitterAccessor< BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::BVT | Bounding volume test structure |
Chpp::fcl::BVT_Comparer | Comparer between two BVT |
Chpp::fcl::BVTQ | |
CCallBackData | |
Cdoxygen::class_doc_impl< _class > | |
►Chpp::fcl::CollisionCallBackBase | Base callback class for collision queries. This class can be supersed by child classes to provide desired behaviors according to the application (e.g, only listing the potential CollisionObjects in collision) |
CCollisionFunctionForUniquenessChecking | |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionCallBackBaseWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionCallBackCollect | Collision callback to collect collision pairs potentially in contacts |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionCallBackDefault | Default collision callback to check collision between collision objects |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionData | Collision data stores the collision request and the result given by collision algorithm |
CCollisionDataForUniquenessChecking | |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionFunctionMatrix | Collision matrix stores the functions for collision between different types of objects and provides a uniform call interface |
►Chpp::fcl::CollisionGeometry | The geometry for the object for collision or distance computation |
►Chpp::fcl::BVHModelBase | A base class describing the bounding hierarchy of a mesh model or a point cloud model (which is viewed as a degraded version of mesh) |
Cboost::serialization::internal::BVHModelBaseAccessor | |
►Chpp::fcl::BVHModel< BV > | A class describing the bounding hierarchy of a mesh model or a point cloud model (which is viewed as a degraded version of mesh) |
Cboost::serialization::internal::BVHModelAccessor< BV > | |
►Chpp::fcl::HeightField< BV > | Data structure depicting a height field given by the base grid dimensions and the elevation along the grid |
Cboost::serialization::internal::HeightFieldAccessor< BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::OcTree | Octree is one type of collision geometry which can encode uncertainty information in the sensor data |
►Chpp::fcl::ShapeBase | Base class for all basic geometric shapes |
Chpp::fcl::Box | Center at zero point, axis aligned box |
Chpp::fcl::Capsule | Capsule It is where is the distance between the point x and the capsule segment AB, with |
Chpp::fcl::Cone | Cone The base of the cone is at and the top is at |
►Chpp::fcl::ConvexBase | Base for convex polytope |
Cboost::serialization::internal::ConvexBaseAccessor | |
►Chpp::fcl::Convex< PolygonT > | Convex polytope |
Cboost::serialization::internal::ConvexAccessor< PolygonT > | |
Chpp::fcl::Cylinder | Cylinder along Z axis. The cylinder is defined at its centroid |
Chpp::fcl::details::LargeConvex | |
Chpp::fcl::details::SmallConvex | |
Chpp::fcl::Ellipsoid | Ellipsoid centered at point zero |
Chpp::fcl::Halfspace | Half Space: this is equivalent to the Plane in ODE. The separation plane is defined as n * x = d; Points in the negative side of the separation plane (i.e. {x | n * x < d}) are inside the half space and points in the positive side of the separation plane (i.e. {x | n * x > d}) are outside the half space |
Chpp::fcl::Plane | Infinite plane |
Chpp::fcl::Sphere | Center at zero point sphere |
Chpp::fcl::TriangleP | Triangle stores the points instead of only indices of points |
►Chpp::fcl::CollisionObject | Object for collision or distance computation, contains the geometry and the transform information |
Chpp::fcl::DummyCollisionObject | Dummy collision object with a point AABB |
Chpp::fcl::ComputeCollision | This class reduces the cost of identifying the geometry pair. This is mostly useful for repeated shape-shape queries |
Chpp::fcl::ComputeDistance | |
CorgQhull::Coordinates::const_iterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullLinkedList< T >::const_iterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullSet< T >::const_iterator | |
Chpp::fcl::Contact | Contact information returned by collision |
Chpp::fcl::details::ContactPoint | |
CConvexBaseWrapper | |
CConvexWrapper< PolygonT > | |
CorgQhull::Coordinates | |
CorgQhull::CoordinatesIterator | |
Chpp::fcl::CPUTimes | |
►Cdef_visitor | |
Cdoxygen::visitor::member_func_impl< function_type, policy_type > | |
►Chpp::fcl::DistanceCallBackBase | Base callback class for distance queries. This class can be supersed by child classes to provide desired behaviors according to the application (e.g, only listing the potential CollisionObjects in collision) |
CDistanceCallBackDerived | |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceCallBackBaseWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceCallBackDefault | Default distance callback to check collision between collision objects |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceData | Distance data stores the distance request and the result given by distance algorithm |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceFunctionMatrix | Distance matrix stores the functions for distance between different types of objects and provides a uniform call interface |
CDistanceRequestWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceRes | |
Chpp::fcl::IntervalTreeCollisionManager::EndPoint | SAP end point |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager::EndPoint | End point for an interval |
Chpp::fcl::details::EPA | Class for EPA algorithm |
►Cexception | |
►CorgQhull::RoadError | |
CorgQhull::QhullError | |
CfacetT | |
CGeometry | |
Chpp::fcl::details::GJK | Class for GJK algorithm |
Chpp::fcl::GJKSolver | Collision and distance solver based on GJK algorithm implemented in fcl (rewritten the code from the GJK in bullet) |
Chpp::fcl::HeightFieldShapeCollider< BV, Shape > | Collider functor for HeightField data structure |
Chpp::fcl::HeightFieldShapeDistancer< T_HF, T_SH > | |
►Chpp::fcl::HFNodeBase | |
Chpp::fcl::HFNode< BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::HierarchyTree< BV > | Class for hierarchy tree structure |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::HierarchyTree< BV > | Class for hierarchy tree structure |
Chpp::fcl::detail::HierarchyTree< hpp::fcl::AABB > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::HierarchyTree< hpp::fcl::AABB > | |
Cdoxygen_xml_parser.Index | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::IntervalTree | Interval tree |
Chpp::fcl::detail::IntervalTreeNode | The node for interval tree |
CintrealT | |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager::isNotValidPair | Functor to help remove collision pairs no longer valid (i.e., should be culled away) |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager::isUnregistered | Functor to help unregister one object |
Chpp::fcl::detail::it_recursion_node | Class describes the information needed when we take the right branch in searching for intervals but possibly come back and check the left branch as well |
CorgQhull::Coordinates::iterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullSet< T >::iterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullLinkedList< T >::iterator | |
Chpp::fcl::KDOP< N > | KDOP class describes the KDOP collision structures. K is set as the template parameter, which should be 16, 18, or 24 The KDOP structure is defined by some pairs of parallel planes defined by some axes. For K = 16, the planes are 6 AABB planes and 10 diagonal planes that cut off some space of the edges: (-1,0,0) and (1,0,0) -> indices 0 and 8 (0,-1,0) and (0,1,0) -> indices 1 and 9 (0,0,-1) and (0,0,1) -> indices 2 and 10 (-1,-1,0) and (1,1,0) -> indices 3 and 11 (-1,0,-1) and (1,0,1) -> indices 4 and 12 (0,-1,-1) and (0,1,1) -> indices 5 and 13 (-1,1,0) and (1,-1,0) -> indices 6 and 14 (-1,0,1) and (1,0,-1) -> indices 7 and 15 For K = 18, the planes are 6 AABB planes and 12 diagonal planes that cut off some space of the edges: (-1,0,0) and (1,0,0) -> indices 0 and 9 (0,-1,0) and (0,1,0) -> indices 1 and 10 (0,0,-1) and (0,0,1) -> indices 2 and 11 (-1,-1,0) and (1,1,0) -> indices 3 and 12 (-1,0,-1) and (1,0,1) -> indices 4 and 13 (0,-1,-1) and (0,1,1) -> indices 5 and 14 (-1,1,0) and (1,-1,0) -> indices 6 and 15 (-1,0,1) and (1,0,-1) -> indices 7 and 16 (0,-1,1) and (0,1,-1) -> indices 8 and 17 For K = 18, the planes are 6 AABB planes and 18 diagonal planes that cut off some space of the edges: (-1,0,0) and (1,0,0) -> indices 0 and 12 (0,-1,0) and (0,1,0) -> indices 1 and 13 (0,0,-1) and (0,0,1) -> indices 2 and 14 (-1,-1,0) and (1,1,0) -> indices 3 and 15 (-1,0,-1) and (1,0,1) -> indices 4 and 16 (0,-1,-1) and (0,1,1) -> indices 5 and 17 (-1,1,0) and (1,-1,0) -> indices 6 and 18 (-1,0,1) and (1,0,-1) -> indices 7 and 19 (0,-1,1) and (0,1,-1) -> indices 8 and 20 (-1, -1, 1) and (1, 1, -1) –> indices 9 and 21 (-1, 1, -1) and (1, -1, 1) –> indices 10 and 22 (1, -1, -1) and (-1, 1, 1) –> indices 11 and 23 |
Chpp::fcl::CachedMeshLoader::Key | |
Chpp::fcl::kIOS | A class describing the kIOS collision structure, which is a set of spheres |
Chpp::fcl::kIOS::kIOS_Sphere | One sphere in kIOS |
Chpp::fcl::internal::Loader | |
CobbDisjoint_impls::loop_case_1< ia, ib, ja, ka, jb, kb > | |
CobbDisjoint_impls::loop_case_2< ib, jb, kb > | |
Chpp::fcl::internal::memory_footprint_evaluator< T > | |
Chpp::fcl::internal::memory_footprint_evaluator< ::hpp::fcl::BVHModel< BV > > | |
CmergeT | |
Cmesh_mesh_run_test | |
►Chpp::fcl::MeshLoader | |
Chpp::fcl::CachedMeshLoader | |
►CMeshShapeDistanceTraversalNode | |
CMeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodekIOS< S > | |
CMeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS< S > | |
CMeshShapeDistanceTraversalNodeRSS< S > | Traversal node for distance between mesh and shape, when mesh BVH is one of the oriented node (RSS, kIOS, OBBRSS) |
Chpp::fcl::details::MinkowskiDiff | Minkowski difference class of two shapes |
CorgQhull::MutableCoordinatesIterator | |
Chpp::fcl::ConvexBase::Neighbors | |
Chpp::fcl::internal::Neighbors | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::NodeBase< BV > | Dynamic AABB tree node |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::NodeBase< BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::nodeBaseLess< BV > | Functor comparing two nodes |
Chpp::fcl::OBB | Oriented bounding box class |
Chpp::fcl::internal::obbDisjoint_check_Ai_cross_Bi< ib, jb, kb > | |
Chpp::fcl::OBBRSS | Class merging the OBB and RSS, can handle collision and distance simultaneously |
►Cobject | |
Cdoxygen_xml_parser.OutputStreams | |
►Cdoxygen_xml_parser.Reference | |
►Cdoxygen_xml_parser.CompoundBase | |
Cdoxygen_xml_parser.ClassCompound | |
Cdoxygen_xml_parser.NamespaceCompound | |
Cdoxygen_xml_parser.MemberDef | |
Cxml_docstring.XmlDocString | |
►Cpickle_suite | |
CPickleObject< T > | |
CorgQhull::PointCoordinatesIterator | |
►CPolicy | |
►Chpp::fcl::python::deprecated_warning_policy< Policy > | |
Chpp::fcl::python::deprecated_function< Policy > | |
Chpp::fcl::python::deprecated_member< Policy > | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet::PrintCenter | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet::PrintFacet | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetList::PrintFacetList | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetList::PrintFacets | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetSet::PrintFacetSet | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet::PrintFlags | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet::PrintHeader | |
CorgQhull::QhullHyperplane::PrintHyperplane | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertexSet::PrintIdentifiers | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetSet::PrintIdentifiers | |
CorgQhull::QhullPointSet::PrintIdentifiers | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoint::PrintPoint | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoints::PrintPoints | |
CorgQhull::QhullPointSet::PrintPointSet | |
CorgQhull::QhullRidge::PrintRidge | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet::PrintRidges | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertex::PrintVertex | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertexSet::PrintVertexSet | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetList::PrintVertices | |
CqhmemT | |
►CqhstatT | |
CorgQhull::QhullStat | |
►CqhT | |
CorgQhull::QhullQh | POD type equivalent to qhT. No virtual members |
CorgQhull::Qhull | Interface to Qhull from C++ |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet | A QhullFacet is the C++ equivalent to Qhull's facetT* |
CorgQhull::QhullHyperplane | |
CorgQhull::QhullLinkedList< T > | |
►CorgQhull::QhullLinkedList< QhullFacet > | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetList | |
CorgQhull::QhullLinkedListIterator< T > | |
►CorgQhull::QhullPoint | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoints::const_iterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoints::iterator | |
►CorgQhull::QhullPoints | Java-style iterator |
►CorgQhull::PointCoordinates | |
CorgQhull::RboxPoints | |
CorgQhull::QhullPointsIterator | |
CorgQhull::QhullRidge | |
►CorgQhull::QhullSetBase | |
CorgQhull::QhullSet< T > | |
►CorgQhull::QhullSet< QhullFacet > | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetSet | |
►CorgQhull::QhullSet< QhullPoint > | |
CorgQhull::QhullPointSet | |
►CorgQhull::QhullSet< QhullVertex > | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertexSet | |
CorgQhull::QhullSetIterator< T > | Faster then interator/const_iterator due to T::base_type |
CorgQhull::QhullVertex | |
►CQObject | |
►CorgQhull::RoadTest | |
CorgQhull::Coordinates_test | |
CorgQhull::PointCoordinates_test | |
CorgQhull::Qhull_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacet_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetList_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullFacetSet_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullHyperplane_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullLinkedList_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoint_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullPoints_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullPointSet_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullRidge_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullSet_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertex_test | |
CorgQhull::QhullVertexSet_test | |
CorgQhull::RboxPoints_test | |
Chpp::fcl::Quadrilateral | Quadrilateral with 4 indices for points |
►Chpp::fcl::QueryRequest | Base class for all query requests |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionRequest | Request to the collision algorithm |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceRequest | Request to the distance computation |
►Chpp::fcl::QueryResult | Base class for all query results |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionResult | Collision result |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceResult | Distance result |
CrboxT | |
CResult | |
CResults | |
CridgeT | |
CorgQhull::RoadLogEvent | |
Chpp::fcl::RSS | A class for rectangle sphere-swept bounding volume |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager::SaPAABB | SAP interval for one object |
Chpp::fcl::SaPCollisionManager::SaPPair | A pair of objects that are not culling away and should further check collision |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::SelectImpl< S, BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::SelectImpl< S, BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::SelectImpl< S, AABB > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::SelectImpl< S, AABB > | |
CsetelemT | |
CsetT | |
►Chpp::fcl::shape_traits_base | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Shape > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Box > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Capsule > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Cone > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< ConvexBase > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Cylinder > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Ellipsoid > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Halfspace > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< Sphere > | |
Chpp::fcl::shape_traits< TriangleP > | |
►CShapeBVHDistanceTraversalNode | |
CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode< S, BV > | Traversal node for distance between shape and mesh |
►CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode< S, kIOS > | |
CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodekIOS< S > | |
►CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode< S, OBBRSS > | |
CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeOBBRSS< S > | |
►CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNode< S, RSS > | |
CShapeMeshDistanceTraversalNodeRSS< S > | Traversal node for distance between shape and mesh, when mesh BVH is one of the oriented node (RSS, kIOS, OBBRSS) |
Chpp::fcl::details::MinkowskiDiff::ShapeData | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::SimpleHashTable< Key, Data, HashFnc > | A simple hash table implemented as multiple buckets. HashFnc is any extended hash function: HashFnc(key) = {index1, index2, ..., } |
►Chpp::fcl::detail::SimpleInterval | Interval trees implemented using red-black-trees as described in the book Introduction_To_Algorithms_ by Cormen, Leisserson, and Rivest |
Chpp::fcl::IntervalTreeCollisionManager::SAPInterval | Extention interval tree's interval to SAP interval, adding more information |
Chpp::fcl::details::GJK::Simplex | |
Chpp::fcl::details::EPA::SimplexF | |
Chpp::fcl::details::EPA::SimplexHorizon | |
Chpp::fcl::details::EPA::SimplexList | |
Chpp::fcl::details::GJK::SimplexV | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::HierarchyTree< BV >::SortByMorton | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::implementation_array::HierarchyTree< BV >::SortByMorton | |
Chpp::fcl::SortByXLow | Functor sorting objects according to the AABB lower x bound |
Chpp::fcl::SortByYLow | Functor sorting objects according to the AABB lower y bound |
Chpp::fcl::SortByZLow | Functor sorting objects according to the AABB lower z bound |
Chpp::fcl::detail::SparseHashTable< Key, Data, HashFnc, TableT > | A hash table implemented using unordered_map |
Chpp::fcl::detail::SpatialHash | Spatial hash function: hash an AABB to a set of integer values |
CorgQhull::SumOf | Sum of the elements in a container |
CorgQhull::SumSquaresOf | Sum of squares of the elements in a container |
►CTestCase | |
►Ctest_case.TestCase | |
Capi.TestMainAPI | |
Ccollision.TestMainAPI | |
Cgeometric_shapes.TestGeometricShapes | |
Cpickling.TestGeometryPickling | |
Chpp::fcl::Timer | This class mimics the way "boost/timer/timer.hpp" operates while using the modern std::chrono library. Importantly, this class will only have an effect for C++11 and more |
Ctraits< kIOS > | |
Ctraits< OBB > | |
Ctraits< OBBRSS > | |
Ctraits< RSS > | |
Chpp::fcl::Transform3f | Simple transform class used locally by InterpMotion |
Chpp::fcl::TraversalTraitsCollision< TypeA, TypeB > | |
Chpp::fcl::TraversalTraitsDistance< TypeA, TypeB > | |
Chpp::fcl::Triangle | Triangle with 3 indices for points |
Chpp::fcl::internal::TriangleAndVertices | |
CTriangleWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::TStruct | |
►Cunordered_map | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::unordered_map_hash_table< U, V > | |
Chpp::fcl::details::UpdateBoundingVolume< BV > | |
Chpp::fcl::details::UpdateBoundingVolume< AABB > | |
Chpp::fcl::detail::UpdateImpl< S, BV > | |
CvertexT | |
Cwrap< T > | |
►Cwrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::BroadPhaseCollisionManagerWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::CollisionCallBackBaseWrapper | |
Chpp::fcl::DistanceCallBackBaseWrapper | |