Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NRobotDynamicsNamespace for all structures of the RobotDynamics library
 NMathMath types such as vectors and matrices and utility functions
 CForceVectorA ForceVector is a SpatialVector containing 3 moments and 3 linear forces
 CFrameOrientationA Frame object that represents an orientation(quaternion) relative to a reference frame
 CFramePointA FramePoint is a 3D point that is expressed in a ReferenceFrame. To change the ReferenceFrame a FramePoint is expressed in, you may call the inhereted FrameObject::changeFrame method and supply it a pointer to the ReferenceFrame you wish to have the FramePoint expressed in. This class and its implementation are an adaptation of by Jerry Pratt and the IHMC Robotics Group
 CFrameVectorA FrameVector is a 3D vector with a ReferenceFrame, and all operations between FrameVectors and other frame objects will perform runtime checks that objects are expressed in the same frames. This class and its implementation are an adaptation of by Jerry Pratt and the IHMC Robotics Group
 CFrameVectorPairA FrameVector is a pair of 3D vector with a ReferenceFrame
 CMomentumMomentum is mass/inertia multiplied by velocity
 CQuaternionQuaternion that are used for singularity free joints
 CRigidBodyInertiaThis class stores a bodies mass, center of mass, and inertia information. The inertia elements are stored individually since the inertia matrix is a 3x3 symmetric matrix. The bodies inertia matrix, expressed about its center of mass, can be reconstructed as

\[ I_c = \begin{bmatrix} I_xx & I_yx & I_zx \\ I_yx & I_yy & I_zy \\ I_zx & I_zy & I_zz \end{bmatrix} \]

The full RigidBodyInertia matrix has the following structure,

\[ \begin{bmatrix} I_c + (h\times)h & h\times \\ -h\times & \mathbf{1}_{3\times3}m \end{bmatrix} \]

where $ \mathbf{1}_{3\times 3} $ is a 3x3 identity matrix

 CSpatialAccelerationSpatialAcceleration. For clarity, the ReferenceFrames are stated as follows. A spatial acceleration is the acceleration of the SpatialAcceleration::bodyFrame with respect to the SpatialAcceleration::baseFrame expressed in the SpatialAcceleration::expressedInFrame
 CSpatialForceA SpatialForce is a spatial vector with the angular part being three moments and the linear part being 3 linear forces
 CSpatialInertiaA Math::SpatialInertia is a RigidBodyInertia explicitly expressed in a RobotDynamics::ReferenceFrame. The frame a Math::SpatialInertia is expressed in can be changed by calling RobotDynamics::FrameObject::changeFrame
 CSpatialMomentumA SpatialMomentum is a Momentum expressed in a RobotDynamics::ReferenceFrame. The angular portion of the vector is referred to as $k$ and the linear portion as $l$
 CSpatialMotionA SpatialMotion vector is a MotionVector with a RobotDynamics::ReferenceFrame it is expressed in. This allows for runtime checks that frame rules are obeyed and makes it easy to change the frame the metion vector is expressed in. As with a SpatialAcceleration, a SpatialMotion vector is the spatial velocity of a SpatialMotion::bodyFrame relative to a SpatialMotion::baseFrame and is expressed in RobotDynamics::FrameObject::referenceFrame
 CSpatialTransformCompact representation of spatial transformations
 CTransformableGeometricObjectEssential interface because it forces all geometric objects to implement a method that tells how to transform them. This makes in possible for frame transformations of any TransformableGeometricObject can be done via the FrameObject::changeFrame method
 CBodyDescribes all properties of a single body
 CConstraintSetStructure that contains both constraint information and workspace memory
 CCustomJointCustomJoint is a struct used to create a joint with user defined parameters. This is accomplished by overriding the RobotDynamics::Joint::jcalc methods that calculate each joints kinematic parameters
 CFixedBodyKeeps the information of a body and how it is attached to another body
 CFrameObjectAn interface that objects with a ReferenceFrame extend to inherit the FrameObject::changeFrame method
 CJointDescribes a joint relative to the predecessor body
 CModelContains all information about the rigid body model
 CRdlExceptionA custom exception
 CReferenceFrameReferenceFrame object used to tell what frame objects are expressed in. Every ReferenceFrame has a pointer to its parent ReferenceFrame. This parent frame is NOT allowed to be nullptr. The ONLY ReferenceFrame that is allowed to have parentFrame=nullptr is the world frame. There is only one world frame and it can be accessed by the static method ReferenceFrame::getWorldFrame() which will return a shared_ptr to the world frame. This class and its implementation are an adaptation of by Jerry Pratt and the IHMC Robotics Group
 CReferenceFrameExceptionA custom exception for frame operations
 CFixedAndMovableJointFixture that contains two models of which one has one joint fixed
 CPoint3A generic 3D point

autogenerated on Tue Apr 20 2021 02:25:28