ompl::base::AllValidStateValidityChecker | The simplest state validity checker: all states are valid |
ompl::geometric::BasicPRM | Probabilistic RoadMap planner |
ompl::Profiler::BeginBlock | This instance will call Profiler::begin() when constructed and Profiler::end() when it goes out of scope |
ompl::Benchmark | Benchmark a set of planners on a problem instance |
ompl::BinaryHeap< _T, LessThan > | This class provides an implementation of an updatable min-heap. Using it is a bit cumbersome, as it requires keeping track of the BinaryHeap::Element* type, however, it should be as fast as it gets with an updatable heap |
ompl::geometric::BKPIECE1 | Bi-directional KPIECE with one level of discretization |
ompl::Grid< _T >::Cell | Definition of a cell in this grid |
ompl::GridN< _T >::Cell | Definition of a cell in this grid |
ompl::control::KPIECE1::CellData | The data held by a cell in the grid of motions |
ompl::geometric::Discretization< Motion >::CellData | The data held by a cell in the grid of motions |
ompl::Benchmark::CompleteExperiment | This structure holds experimental data for a set of planners |
ompl::control::CompoundControl | Definition of a compound control |
ompl::control::CompoundControlSampler | Definition of a compound control sampler. This is useful to construct samplers for compound controls |
ompl::control::CompoundControlSpace | A control space to allow the composition of control spaces |
ompl::base::CompoundState | Definition of a compound state |
ompl::base::CompoundStateSampler | Definition of a compound state sampler. This is useful to construct samplers for compound states |
ompl::base::CompoundStateSpace | A space to allow the composition of state spaces |
ompl::control::Control | Definition of an abstract control |
ompl::control::ControlSampler | Abstract definition of a control sampler. Motion planners that need to sample controls will call functions from this class. Planners should call the versions of sample() and sampleNext() with most arguments, whenever this information is available |
ompl::control::ControlSamplerPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::control::ControlSampler |
ompl::control::ControlSpace | A control space representing the space of applicable controls |
ompl::control::ControlSpacePtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::control::ControlSpace |
ompl::control::RealVectorControlSpace::ControlType | The definition of a control in Rn |
ompl::base::DiscreteMotionValidator | A motion validator that only uses the state validity checker. Motions are checked for validity at a specified resolution |
ompl::geometric::Discretization< Motion > | One-level discretization used for KPIECE |
ompl::BinaryHeap< _T, LessThan >::Element | When an element is added to the heap, an instance of Element* is created. This instance contains the data that was added and internal information about the position of the data in the heap's internal storage |
ompl::Grid< _T >::EqualCoordPtr | Equality operator for coordinate pointers |
ompl::geometric::EST | Expansive Space Trees |
ompl::base::EuclideanProjection | The datatype for state projections. This class contains a real vector |
EulerIntegrator< F > | Simple integrator: Euclidean method |
ompl::Exception | The exception type for ompl |
ompl::geometric::GAIK | Inverse Kinematics with Genetic Algorithms |
ompl::base::GaussianValidStateSampler | Generate valid samples using the Gaussian sampling strategy |
ompl::base::Goal | Abstract definition of goals. Will contain solutions, if found |
ompl::base::GoalLazySamples | Definition of a goal region that can be sampled, but the sampling process can be slow. This class allows sampling the happen in a separate thread, and the number of goals may increase, as the planner is running, in a thread-safe manner |
ompl::base::GoalPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::Goal |
ompl::base::GoalRegion | Definition of a goal region |
ompl::base::GoalSampleableRegion | Abstract definition of a goal region that can be sampled |
ompl::base::GoalState | Definition of a goal state |
ompl::base::GoalStates | Definition of a set of goal states |
ompl::Grid< _T > | Representation of a simple grid |
ompl::GridB< _T, LessThanExternal, LessThanInternal > | This class defines a grid that keeps track of its boundary: it distinguishes between interior and exterior cells |
ompl::GridN< _T > | Representation of a grid where cells keep track of how many neighbors they have |
ompl::Grid< _T >::HashFunCoordPtr | Hash function for coordinates |
ompl::geometric::HCIK | Inverse Kinematics with Hill Climbing |
ompl::geometric::GAIK::Individual | |
ompl::geometric::GAIK::IndividualSort | |
ompl::msg::Interface | The piece of code that desires interaction with an action or an output handler should use an instance of this class. This class connects to the active OutputHandler (if any) and forwards messages |
KinematicCarModel | Model defining the motion of the robot |
ompl::control::KPIECE1 | Kinodynamic Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration |
ompl::geometric::KPIECE1 | Kinematic Planning by Interior-Exterior Cell Exploration |
ompl::geometric::LazyRRT | Lazy RRT |
ompl::geometric::LBKPIECE1 | Lazy Bi-directional KPIECE with one level of discretization |
ompl::GridB< _T, LessThanExternal, LessThanInternal >::LessThanExternalCell | Define order for external cells |
ompl::GridB< _T, LessThanExternal, LessThanInternal >::LessThanInternalCell | Define order for internal cells |
ompl::base::MaximizeClearanceValidStateSampler | Generate valid samples randomly, but with a bias towards higher clearance |
ompl::geometric::BasicPRM::Milestone | Representation of a milestone |
ompl::geometric::pRRT::Motion | |
ompl::geometric::RRT::Motion | Representation of a motion |
ompl::geometric::RRTConnect::Motion | Representation of a motion |
ompl::geometric::pSBL::Motion | |
ompl::geometric::SBL::Motion | Representation of a motion |
ompl::control::KPIECE1::Motion | Representation of a motion for this algorithm |
ompl::control::RRT::Motion | Representation of a motion |
ompl::geometric::EST::Motion | The definition of a motion |
ompl::geometric::BKPIECE1::Motion | Representation of a motion for this algorithm |
ompl::geometric::KPIECE1::Motion | Representation of a motion for this algorithm |
ompl::geometric::LBKPIECE1::Motion | Representation of a motion for this algorithm |
ompl::geometric::LazyRRT::Motion | Representation of a motion |
ompl::geometric::pSBL::MotionsToBeRemoved | |
ompl::base::MotionValidator | Abstract definition for a class checking the validity of motions -- path segments between states. This is often called a local planner. The implementation of this class must be thread safe |
ompl::base::MotionValidatorPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::MotionValidator |
ompl::NearestNeighborsLinear< _T >::MySort | |
MyValidStateSampler | |
StateSampling::MyValidStateSampler | |
ompl::NearestNeighbors< _T > | Abstract representation of a container that can perform nearest neighbors queries |
ompl::NearestNeighborsLinear< _T > | A nearest neighbors datastructure that uses linear search |
ompl::NearestNeighborsSqrtApprox< _T > | A nearest neighbors datastructure that uses linear search. The linear search is done over sqrt(n) elements only. (Every sqrt(n) elements are skipped) |
ompl::base::ObstacleBasedValidStateSampler | Generate valid samples using the Bridge Test |
ompl::control::ODEControlSpace | Representation of controls applied in ODE environments. This is an array of double values. Only forward propagation is possible |
ompl::control::ODEEnvironment | This class contains the ODE constructs OMPL needs to know about when planning |
ompl::control::ODEEnvironmentPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::control::ODEEnvironment |
ompl::control::ODESimpleSetup | Create the set of classes typically needed to solve a control problem when forward propagation is computed with ODE |
ompl::control::ODEStateSpace | State space representing ODE states |
ompl::control::ODEStateValidityChecker | The simplest state validity checker: all states are valid |
ompl::control::KPIECE1::OrderCellsByImportance | Definintion of an operator passed to the Grid structure, to order cells by importance |
ompl::geometric::Discretization< Motion >::OrderCellsByImportance | Definintion of an operator passed to the Grid structure, to order cells by importance |
ompl::msg::OutputHandler | Generic class to handle output from a piece of code |
ompl::msg::OutputHandlerSTD | Default implementation of OutputHandler. This sends the information to the console |
ompl::base::Path | Abstract definition of a path |
ompl::control::PathControl | Definition of a control path |
ompl::geometric::PathGeometric | Definition of a geometric path |
ompl::base::PathPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::Path |
ompl::geometric::PathSimplifier | This class contains routines that attempt to simplify geometric paths |
ompl::geometric::PathSimplifierPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::geometric::PathSimplifier |
ompl::geometric::pSBL::PendingRemoveMotion | |
ompl::Profiler::PerThread | Timing information to be maintained for each thread |
ompl::base::Planner | Base class for a planner |
ompl::base::PlannerAlwaysTerminatingCondition | Simple termination condition that always returns true. The termination condition will always be met |
ompl::base::PlannerAndTerminationCondition | Combine two termination conditions into one. Both termination conditions need to return true for this one to return true |
ompl::base::PlannerData | Datatype holding data a planner can expose for debug purposes |
ompl::Benchmark::PlannerExperiment | The data collected after running a planner multiple times |
ompl::base::PlannerInputStates | Helper class to extract valid start & goal states. Usually used internally by planners |
ompl::base::PlannerNonTerminatingCondition | Simple termination condition that always returns false. The termination condition will never be met |
ompl::base::PlannerOrTerminationCondition | Combine two termination conditions into one. If either termination condition returns true, this one will return true as well |
ompl::base::PlannerPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::Planner |
ompl::base::PlannerTerminationCondition | Encapsulate a termination condition for a motion planner. Planners will call operator() to decide whether they should terminate before a solution is found or not. operator() will return true if either the implemented condition is met (the call to eval() returns true) or if the user called terminate(true) |
ompl::base::PlannerThreadedTerminationCondition | Termination condition with lazy evaluation. This is just as a regular termination condition, except the condition is actually evaluated by computeEval() and the return value is stored in evalValue_. Every time eval() is called, evalValue_ is returned instead of actually evaluating the termination condition. Furthermore, the termination condition is evaluated every period_ seconds in a separate thread. The thread automatically starts when the condition is constructed and it terminates when the condition becomes true |
ompl::base::ProblemDefinition | Definition of a problem to be solved. This includes the start state(s) for the system and a goal specification |
ompl::base::ProblemDefinitionPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::ProblemDefinition |
ompl::Profiler | This is a simple thread-safe tool for counting time spent in various chunks of code. This is different from external profiling tools in that it allows the user to count time spent in various bits of code (sub-function granularity) or count how many times certain pieces of code are executed |
ompl::base::ProjectionEvaluator | Abstract definition for a class computing projections to Rn. Implicit integer grids are imposed on this projection space by setting cell sizes. Before use, the user must supply cell sizes for the integer grid (setCellSizes()). The implementation of this class is thread safe |
ompl::base::ProjectionEvaluatorPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::ProjectionEvaluator |
ompl::base::ProjectionMatrix | A projection matrix -- it allows multiplication of real vectors by a specified matrix. The matrix can also be randomly generated |
ompl::geometric::pRRT | Parallel RRT |
ompl::geometric::pSBL | Parallel Single-query Bi-directional Lazy collision checking planner |
ompl::base::RealVectorBounds | The lower and upper bounds for an Rn space |
ompl::control::RealVectorControlSpace | A control space representing Rn. The distance function is the L2 norm |
ompl::control::RealVectorControlUniformSampler | Uniform sampler for the Rn state space |
ompl::base::RealVectorIdentityProjectionEvaluator | Define the identity projection |
ompl::base::RealVectorLinearProjectionEvaluator | Definition for a class computing linear projections (multiplication of a k-by-n matrix to the the Rn vector state to produce an Rk projection. The multiplication matrix needs to be supplied as input |
ompl::base::RealVectorOrthogonalProjectionEvaluator | Definition for a class computing orthogonal projections |
ompl::base::RealVectorRandomLinearProjectionEvaluator | Definition for a class computing a random linear projections |
ompl::base::RealVectorStateSampler | State sampler for the Rn state space |
ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace | A state space representing Rn. The distance function is the L2 norm |
ompl::RNG | Random number generation. An instance of this class cannot be used by multiple threads at once (member functions are not const). However, the constructor is thread safe and different instances can be used safely in any number of threads. It is also guaranteed that all created instances will have a different random seed |
ompl::geometric::RRT | Rapidly-exploring Random Trees |
ompl::control::RRT | Rapidly-exploring Random Tree |
ompl::geometric::RRTConnect | RRT-Connect (RRTConnect) |
ompl::base::SamplerSelector< T > | Depending on the type of state sampler, we have different allocation routines |
ompl::geometric::SBL | Single-Query Bi-Directional Probabilistic Roadmap Planner with Lazy Collision Checking |
ompl::base::ScopedState< T > | Definition of a scoped state |
ompl::base::SE2StateSpace | A state space representing SE(2) |
ompl::base::SE3StateSpace | A state space representing SE(3) |
ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup | Create the set of classes typically needed to solve a geometric problem |
ompl::control::SimpleSetup | Create the set of classes typically needed to solve a control problem |
ompl::base::SO2StateSampler | State space sampler for SO(2) |
ompl::base::SO2StateSpace | A state space representing SO(2). The distance function and interpolation take into account angle wrapping |
ompl::base::SO3StateSampler | State space sampler for SO(3), using quaternion representation |
ompl::base::SO3StateSpace | A state space representing SO(3). The internal representation is done with quaternions. The distance between states is the angle between quaternions and interpolation is done with slerp |
ompl::geometric::pSBL::SolutionInfo | |
ompl::geometric::pRRT::SolutionInfo | |
ompl::Grid< _T >::SortComponents | Helper to sort components by size |
ompl::control::SpaceInformation | Space information containing necessary information for planning with controls. setup() needs to be called before use |
ompl::base::SpaceInformation | The base class for space information. This contains all the information about the space planning is done in. setup() needs to be called as well, before use |
ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::SpaceInformation |
ompl::control::SpaceInformationPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::control::SpaceInformation |
ompl::base::State | Definition of an abstract state |
ompl::base::StateSampler | Abstract definition of a state space sampler |
ompl::base::StateSamplerArray< T > | Class to ease the creation of a set of samplers. This is especially useful for multi-threaded planners |
ompl::base::StateSamplerPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::StateSampler |
ompl::base::StateSpace | Representation of a space in which planning can be performed. Topology specific sampling, interpolation and distance are defined |
ompl::base::StateSpacePtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::StateSpace |
ompl::base::TimeStateSpace::StateType | The definition of a time state |
ompl::base::SO2StateSpace::StateType | The definition of a state in SO(2) |
ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType | The definition of a state in Rn |
ompl::control::ODEStateSpace::StateType | ODE State. This is a compound state that allows accessing the properties of the bodies the state space is constructed for |
ompl::base::SE2StateSpace::StateType | A state in SE(2): (x, y, yaw) |
ompl::base::SO3StateSpace::StateType | The definition of a state in SO(3) represented as a unit quaternion |
ompl::base::SE3StateSpace::StateType | A state in SE(3): position = (x, y, z), quaternion = (x, y, z, w) |
ompl::base::StateValidityChecker | Abstract definition for a class checking the validity of states. The implementation of this class must be thread safe |
ompl::base::StateValidityCheckerPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::StateValidityChecker |
ompl::Benchmark::Status | This structure contains information about the activity of a benchmark instance. If the instance is running, it is possible to find out information such as which planner is currently being tested or how much |
ompl::Profiler::TimeInfo | Information about time spent in a section of the code |
ompl::base::TimeStateSampler | State space sampler for time |
ompl::base::TimeStateSpace | A state space representing time. The time can be unbounded, in which case enforceBounds() is a no-op, satisfiesBounds() always returns true, sampling uniform time states always produces time 0 and getMaximumExtent() returns 1. If time is bounded (setBounds() has been previously called), the state space behaves as expected. After construction, the state space is unbounded. isBounded() can be used to check if the state space is bounded or not |
ompl::geometric::EST::TreeData | The data contained by a tree of exploration |
ompl::control::KPIECE1::TreeData | The data defining a tree of motions for this algorithm |
ompl::geometric::SBL::TreeData | Representation of a search tree. Two instances will be used. One for start and one for goal |
ompl::geometric::pSBL::TreeData | |
ompl::geometric::RRTConnect::TreeGrowingInfo | Information attached to growing a tree of motions (used internally) |
ompl::base::UniformValidStateSampler | A state sampler that only samples valid states, uniformly |
ompl::base::ValidStateSampler | Abstract definition of a state sampler |
ompl::base::ValidStateSamplerPtr | A boost shared pointer wrapper for ompl::base::ValidStateSampler |