Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NEigenIterative scaling algorithm to equilibrate rows and column norms in matrices
 CACADOcsparse(not yet documented)
 CAcosImplements the scalar inverse cosine operator (arccos) within the symbolic operators family
 CActuatorAllows to simulate the behaviour of actuators within the Process
 CAdaptiveReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define an adaptive reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
 CAdditionImplements the scalar addition operator within the symbolic expressions family
 CAdjointERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with adjoint first order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
 CAdjointLiftedIRKExportAllows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with adjoint sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CAlgebraicConsistencyConstraintDeals with algebraic consistency constraints within optimal control problems
 CAlgorithmicBaseBase class for all algorithmic modules within the ACADO Toolkit providing some basic functionality
 CAsinImplements the scalar inverse sine operator (arcsin) within the symbolic operators family
 CAtanImplements the scalar inverse tangens operator (arctan) within the symbolic operators family
 CBandedCPData class for storing conic programs arising from optimal control
 CBandedCPsolverBase class for algorithms solving banded conic programs arising in optimal control
 CBFGSupdateImplements BFGS updates for approximating second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CBinaryOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued binary operators within the symbolic operators family
 CBlockMatrixImplements a very rudimentary block sparse matrix class
 CBoundaryConstraintStores and evaluates boundary constraints within optimal control problems
 CBoundsManages working sets of bounds (= box constraints)
 CBoxConstraintStores and evaluates box constraints within optimal control problems
 CCFunction(no description yet)
 CClippingFunctionalityAllows to transform the output of the ControlLaw before passing it to the Process
 CClockBase class for all kind of time measurements
 CCollocationMethodDiscretizes a DifferentialEquation by means of a collocation scheme
 CColoredNoiseGenerates pseudo-random colored noise for simulating the Process
 CCondensingBasedCPsolverSolves banded conic programs arising in optimal control using condensing
 CConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver
 CConstantHessianImplements a constant Hessian as approximation of second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CConstraintStores and evaluates the constraints of optimal control problems
 CConstraintComponentData class for symbolically formulating constraints within optimal control problems
 CConstraintElementBase class for all kind of constraints (except for bounds) within optimal control problems
 CConstraintProductInterface for specifying user-defined evaluations of constraint products
 CConstraintsManages working sets of constraints
 CControlLawBase class for interfacing online feedback laws to be used within a Controller
 CControllerCalculates the control inputs of the Process based on the Process outputs
 CCOperatorThe class COperator is an auxiliary class to use C-Functions within a function evaluation tree
 CCosImplements the scalar cosine operator within the symbolic operators family
 CCoupledPathConstraintStores and evaluates coupled path constraints within optimal control problems
 CCurveAllows to work with piecewise-continous function defined over a scalar time interval
 CDenseCPData class for storing generic conic programs
 CDenseCPsolverBase class for algorithms solving conic programs
 CDenseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general dense matrices
 CDenseQPsolverAbstract base class for algorithms solving quadratic programs
 CDiagonallyImplicitRKExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
 CDiagonallyIRK3ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 2-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 3 for fast model predictive control
 CDiagonallyIRK4ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 3-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 4 for fast model predictive control
 CDiagonallyIRK5ExportAllows to export a tailored diagonally implicit 5-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 5 for fast model predictive control
 CDifferentialEquationAllows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions
 CDiscreteTimeExportAllows to export a tailored discrete-time 'integrator' for fast model predictive control
 CDiscretizedDifferentialEquationAllows to setup and evaluate discretized differential equations based on SymbolicExpressions
 CDoubleConstantImplements a scalar constant within the symbolic operators family
 CDynamicDiscretizationBase class for discretizing a DifferentialEquation for use in optimal control algorithms
 CDynamicEstimatorImplements an online state/parameter estimator based on dynamic optimization
 CDynamicSystemStores a DifferentialEquation together with an OutputFcn
 CEllipsoidalIntegratorValidated integrator for ODEs based on Taylor models with ellipsoidal remainder term
 CEstimatorBase class for interfacing online state/parameter estimators
 CEvaluationBaseAbstract base class for templated evaluation of operators
 CEvaluationPointAllows to setup function evaluation points
 CEvaluationTemplateTemplated class for operator evaluation
 CExactHessianImplements an exact Hessian computation for obtaining second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CExpImplements the scalar exponential operator within the symbolic operators family
 CExplicitEulerExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Euler method for fast model predictive control
 CExplicitRungeKutta2ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 2 for fast model predictive control
 CExplicitRungeKutta3ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 3 for fast model predictive control
 CExplicitRungeKutta4ExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator of order 4 for fast model predictive control
 CExplicitRungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
 CExportAcadoFunctionAllows to export code of an ACADO function
 CExportAlgorithmAllows to export automatically generated algorithms for fast model predictive control
 CExportAlgorithmFactoryFactory for creation of exported algorithms
 CExportArgumentDefines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions
 CExportArgumentInternalDefines a matrix-valued variable that can be passed as argument to exported functions
 CExportArgumentListAllows to store a list of calling arguments of an ExportFunction
 CExportArithmeticStatementAllows to export code of different arithmetic statements
 CExportAuxiliaryFunctionsA class for generating some helper functions
 CExportAuxiliarySimFunctionsA class for generating some helper functions
 CExportCholeskyDecompositionA class for exporting a function for calculation of the Cholesky decomposition
 CExportCholeskySolverAllows to export linear solver based on Cholesky factorization
 CExportCommonHeaderCentralized place to export the common header for a generated module
 CExportDataAbstract base class to define variables to be used for exporting code
 CExportDataDeclarationAllows to export code containing variable declarations
 CExportExactHessianQpDunesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver qpDUNES
 CExportFileAllows to export files containing automatically generated algorithms for fast model predictive control
 CExportForcesGeneratorGenerator of the FORCES interface, the to, be called from MATLAB
 CExportForcesInterfaceA class for configuration and export for interface to the FORCES QP solver
 CExportForLoopAllows to export code of a for-loop
 CExportFunctionAllows to export code of an arbitrary function
 CExportFunctionCallAllows to export code of a function call
 CExportFunctionDeclarationAllows to export code containing function (forward) declarations
 CExportGaussElimAllows to export Gaussian elimination for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
 CExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2An OCP solver based on the block N^2 condensing algorithm
 CExportGaussNewtonBlockForcesAn OCP solver based on the block N^2 condensing algorithm, in combination with qpDUNES as the QP solver
 CExportGaussNewtonBlockQpDunesAn OCP solver based on the block N^2 condensing algorithm, in combination with qpDUNES as the QP solver
 CExportGaussNewtonCN2An OCP solver based on the N^2 condensing algorithm
 CExportGaussNewtonCondensedA class for export of Gauss-Newton condensed OCP solver
 CExportGaussNewtonForcesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver FORCES
 CExportGaussNewtonQpDunesA class for export of an OCP solver using sparse QP solver qpDUNES
 CExportHessianRegularizationA class for generating code implementing a symmetric EigenValue Decomposition
 CExportHouseholderQRAllows to export Householder QR Factorization for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
 CExportHpmpcInterfaceInterface generator for the HPMPC QP solver
 CExportIndexDefines a scalar-valued index variable to be used for exporting code
 CExportIRK3StageSimplifiedNewtonAllows to export a tailored IRK solver based on Gaussian elimination of specific dimensions
 CExportIRK3StageSingleNewtonAllows to export a tailored IRK solver based on Gaussian elimination of specific dimensions
 CExportIRK4StageSimplifiedNewtonAllows to export a tailored IRK solver based on Gaussian elimination of specific dimensions
 CExportIRK4StageSingleNewtonAllows to export a tailored IRK solver based on Gaussian elimination of specific dimensions
 CExportLinearSolverAllows to export automatically generated algorithms for solving linear systems of specific dimensions
 CExportModuleUser-interface to automatically generate algorithms for fast model predictive control
 CExportNLPSolverBase class for export of NLP/OCP solvers
 CExportQpDunesInterfaceInterface generator for the qpDUNES QP solver
 CExportQpOases3InterfaceA class for generating the glue code for interfacing qpOASES
 CExportQpOasesInterfaceA class for generating the glue code for interfacing qpOASES
 CExportSimulinkInterfaceA class for generating the glue code and makefile for interfacing generated code and Simulink
 CExportSplitQpDunesInterfaceInterface generator for the qpDUNES QP solver
 CExportStatementBase class for all kind of statements to be exported by the code generation tool
 CExportStatementBlockAllows to export code for a block of statements
 CExportStatementStringAllows to export code writing a string
 CExportTemplatedFileAllows export of template files
 CExportVariableDefines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code
 CExportVariableInternalDefines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code
 CExpressionBase class for all variables within the symbolic expressions family
 CFeedbackLiftedIRKExportAllows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CFeedforwardLawImplements a feedforward law to be used within a Controller
 CFlipperAuxiliary class for storing a copy of the current matrix factorisations
 CForwardBackwardLiftedIRKExportAllows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward-over-adjoint second order sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CForwardIRKExportAllows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generation for fast model predictive control
 CForwardLiftedIRKExportAllows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CForwardOverBackwardERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward-over-backward second order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
 CFunctionAllows to setup and evaluate a general function based on SymbolicExpressions
 CFunctionEvaluationTreeOrganizes the evaluation of the function tree
 CGaussianNoiseGenerates pseudo-random Gaussian noise for simulating the Process
 CGaussLegendre2ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 2 for fast model predictive control
 CGaussLegendre4ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 4 for fast model predictive control
 CGaussLegendre6ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 6 for fast model predictive control
 CGaussLegendre8ExportAllows to export a tailored Gauss-Legendre method of order 8 for fast model predictive control
 CGaussNewtonApproximationImplements a Gauss-Newton approximation as second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CGaussNewtonApproximationWithBFGSImplements a Gauss-Newton approximation with block BFGS updates as second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CGnuplotWindowProvides an interface to Gnuplot for plotting algorithmic outputs
 CGridAllows to conveniently handle (one-dimensional) grids consisting of time points
 CImplicitRungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
 CIndexlistStores and manages index lists
 CInnerIteratorAn InnerIterator allows to loop over the element of a sparse (or dense) matrix or expression
 CIntegrationAlgorithmUser-interface to integrate a DynamicSystem, possibly over multiple stages
 CIntegratorAbstract base class for all kinds of algorithms for integrating differential equations (ODEs or DAEs)
 CIntegratorBDFImplements the backward-differentiation formula for integrating DAEs
 CIntegratorDiscretizedODEImplements a scheme for evaluating discretized ODEs
 CIntegratorExportAllows to export a tailored integrator for fast model predictive control
 CIntegratorLYAPUNOVBase class for all kinds of Runge-Kutta schemes for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorLYAPUNOV45Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorRKAbstract base class for all kinds of Runge-Kutta schemes for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorRK12Implements the Runge-Kutta-12 scheme for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorRK23Implements the Runge-Kutta-23 scheme for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorRK45Implements the Runge-Kutta-45 scheme for integrating ODEs
 CIntegratorRK78Implements the Runge-Kutta-78 scheme for integrating ODEs
 CIntervalImplements a rudimentary interval class
 CIPmethodImplements different interior-point methods for solving NLPs
 CKalmanFilterProvides a Kalman filter for state estimation
 CLagrangeTermStores and evaluates Lagrange terms within optimal control problems
 CLiftedERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with a lifted Newton method to efficiently support (implicit) DAE systems for fast model predictive control
 CLinearStateFeedbackImplements a linear state feedback law to be used within a Controller
 CLogarithmImplements the scalar logarithm operator within the symbolic operators family
 CLoggerA very simple logging class
 CLoggingProvides a generic way to store algorithmic information during runtime
 CLogRecordAllows to setup and store user-specified log records of algorithmic information
 CLSQEndTermStores and evaluates LSQ mayer terms within optimal control problems
 CLSQTermStores and evaluates LSQ terms within optimal control problems
 CLyapunovImplements a parameter
 CMatFileSimple class for writing binary data file that are compatible with Matlab
 CMatMatrixHeaderStruct containing the variable header for mat file
 CMatrixAbstract base class for interfacing tailored matrix-vector operations
 CMatrixVariableProvides matrix-valued optimization variables
 CMatrixVariablesGridProvides a time grid consisting of matrix-valued optimization variables at each grid point
 CMayerTermStores and evaluates Mayer terms within optimal control problems
 CMessageHandlingHandles all kind of error messages, warnings and other information
 CMHEalgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve moving horizon estimation problems
 CModelContainerContainer class to store and pass data to the ModelData class
 CModelDataData class for defining models and everything that is related, to be passed to the integrator
 CMpcConstraintProductExample illustrating the use of the ConstraintProduct class
 CMultiObjectiveAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems with multiple objectives
 CMultiObjectiveFunctionalityEncapsulates functionality for defining OCPs having multiple objectives
 CMyConstraintProductExample illustrating the use of the ConstraintProduct class
 CNARXExportAllows to export a tailored polynomial NARX integrator for fast model predictive control
 CNLPData class for defining static optimization problems
 CNLPderivativeApproximationBase class for techniques of approximating second-order derivatives within NLPsolvers
 CNLPsolverBase class for different algorithms for solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problems
 CNoiseBase class for generating pseudo-random noise for simulating the Process
 CNonsmoothOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
 CNormalConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver for non-symmetric linear systems
 CObjectiveStores and evaluates the objective function of optimal control problems
 CObjectiveElementBase class for all kind of objective function terms within optimal control problems
 COCPData class for defining optimal control problems
 COCPexportA user class for auto-generation of OCP solvers
 COCPiterateData class for storing generic optimization variables
 COperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
 COptimizationAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems and static NLPs
 COptimizationAlgorithmBaseBase class for user-interfaces to formulate and solve optimal control problems and static NLPs
 COptionsProvides a generic way to set and pass user-specified options
 COptionsListProvides a generic list of options (for internal use)
 COutputFcnAllows to setup and evaluate output functions based on SymbolicExpressions
 CParameterEstimationAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve parameter estimation problems
 CPathConstraintStores and evaluates path constraints within optimal control problems
 CPeriodicReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a static periodic reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
 CPIDcontrollerImplements a PID control law to be used within a Controller
 CPlotCollectionProvides a generic list of plot windows (for internal use)
 CPlottingProvides a generic way to plot algorithmic outputs during runtime
 CPlotWindowAllows to setup and plot user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs
 CPlotWindowSubplotAllows to manage sub-windows of user-specified plot windows for algorithmic outputs (for internal use)
 CPointConstraintStores and evaluates pointwise constraints within optimal control problems
 CPowerImplements the scalar power operator within the symbolic operators family
 CPower_IntImplements the scalar power operator with integer exponent within the symbolic operators family
 CProcessSimulates the process to be controlled based on a dynamic model
 CProductImplements the scalar product operator within the symbolic operators family
 CProjectionImplements the projection operator within the symbolic operators family
 CqpOASES_OptionsManages all user-specified options for solving QPs
 CQProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with general constraints
 CQProblemBImplements the online active set strategy for box-constrained QPs
 CQPsolver_qpOASES(not yet documented)
 CQuotientImplements the scalar quotient operator within the symbolic operators family
 CRadauIIA1ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 1 for fast model predictive control
 CRadauIIA3ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 3 for fast model predictive control
 CRadauIIA5ExportAllows to export a tailored Radau IIA method of order 5 for fast model predictive control
 CRealClockAllows real time measurements based on the system's clock
 CRealTimeAlgorithmUser-interface to formulate and solve model predictive control problems
 CReferenceTrajectoryAbstract base class to define a reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
 CreturnValueAllows to pass back messages to the calling function
 CReturnValueListData structure for entries in returnValueList
 CRKSensitivitiesExportAllows to export a tailored Runge-Kutta sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
 CRungeKuttaExportAllows to export a tailored Runge-Kutta integrator for fast model predictive control
 CSCPevaluationBase class for different ways to evaluate functions and derivatives within an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
 CSCPmeritFunctionAllows to evaluate a merit function within an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
 CSCPmethodImplements different sequential convex programming methods for solving NLPs
 CSCPstepBase class for different ways to perform a step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
 CSCPstepFullstepImplements a fullstep to perform a step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
 CSCPstepLinesearchImplements linesearch techniques to perform a globalized step of an SCPmethod for solving NLPs
 CSensorAllows to simulate the behaviour of sensors within the Process
 CShootingMethodDiscretizes a DifferentialEquation by means of single or multiple shooting
 CSIMexportUser-interface to automatically generate simulation algorithms for fast optimal control
 CSimulatedReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a simulated reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
 CSimulationBlockBase class for building-blocks of the SimulationEnvironment
 CSimulationClockSimulates real time measurements for simulations
 CSimulationEnvironmentAllows to run closed-loop simulations of dynamic systems
 CSinImplements the scalar sine operator within the symbolic operators family
 CSmoothOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued symbolic operators
 CSolutionAnalysisProvides additional tools for analysing QP solutions
 CSparseMatrixInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general sparse matrices
 CSparseMatrixRowInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to general sparse matrices
 CSparseSolverGeneric interface for sparse solvers to be coupled with ACADO Toolkit
 CSQProblemImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying matrices
 CSQProblemSchurImplements the online active set strategy for QPs with varying, sparse matrices
 CStaticReferenceTrajectoryAllows to define a static reference trajectory that the ControlLaw aims to track
 CSubjectToBase class for managing working sets of bounds and constraints
 CSubtractionImplements the scalar subtraction operator within the symbolic operators family
 CSymbolicIndexListManages the indices of SymbolicVariables
 CSymDenseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric dense matrices
 CSymmetricConjugateGradientMethodImplements a conjugate gradient method as sparse linear algebra solver for symmetric linear systems
 CSymmetricIRKExportAllows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with symmetric second order sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CSymmetricLiftedIRKExportAllows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with symmetric second order sensitivity generation for extra fast model predictive control
 CSymmetricMatrixAbstract base class for interfacing matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric matrices
 CSymSparseMatInterfaces matrix-vector operations tailored to symmetric sparse matrices
 CTabularOutputStores internal information for tabular (debugging) output
 CTanImplements the scalar tangens operator within the symbolic operators family
 CTaylorModelC++ class supporting the definition and computation of Taylor models for factorable functions
 CTaylorVariableC++ template class for definition of and operation on variables in a Taylor model
 CTevaluationPointAllows to setup function evaluation points
 CThreeSweepsERKExportAllows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with three-sweeps second order sensitivity propagation for fast model predictive control
 CTmatrixImplements a templated dense matrix class
 CTransferDeviceBase class for simulating Actuator and Sensor behaviour wihtin the Process
 CTransitionAllows to setup and evaluate transition functions based on SymbolicExpressions
 CTreeProjectionImplements the tree-projection operator within the family of SymbolicOperators
 CUnaryOperatorAbstract base class for all scalar-valued unary operators within the symbolic operators family
 CUniformNoiseGenerates pseudo-random uniformly distributed noise for simulating the Process
 CUserInteractionEncapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results
 CVariableSettingsProvides variable-specific settings for vector- or matrix-valued optimization variables (for internal use)
 CVariablesGridProvides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point
 CWeightGenerationGenerates weights for solving OCPs having multiple objectives

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:36:03