Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
ExportIndexNode Class Reference

#include <export_index_node.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ExportIndexNode:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ExportIndexNodeclone () const
 Make a deep copy of the instance. More...
virtual returnValue exportDataDeclaration (std::ostream &stream, const std::string &_realString="real_t", const std::string &_intString="int", int _precision=16) const
 ExportIndexNode (const std::string &_name, const std::string &_prefix, const int _factor=1, const int _offset=0)
 ExportIndexNode (const int _value)
 ExportIndexNode (ExportStatementOperator _op, const ExportIndex &_arg1, const ExportIndex &_arg2)
const std::string get () const
 Returns a string containing the value of the index. More...
const int getFactor () const
const int getGivenValue () const
const int getOffset () const
bool isBinary () const
virtual bool isGiven () const
bool isVariable () const
virtual ~ExportIndexNode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExportDataInternal
 ExportDataInternal (const std::string &_name=std::string(), ExportType _type=REAL, ExportStruct _dataStruct=ACADO_LOCAL, const std::string &_prefix=std::string())
ExportStruct getDataStruct () const
std::string getDataStructString () const
virtual std::string getDoc () const
std::string getFullName () const
std::string getName () const
std::string getPrefix () const
ExportType getType () const
std::string getTypeString (const std::string &_realString="real_t", const std::string &_intString="int") const
returnValue setDataStruct (ExportStruct _dataStruct)
virtual returnValue setDoc (const std::string &_doc)
returnValue setName (const std::string &_name)
returnValue setPrefix (const std::string &_prefix)
returnValue setType (ExportType _type)
virtual ~ExportDataInternal ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CasADi::SharedObjectNode
void assertInit () const
 Assert that the object has been initialized. More...
virtual void deepCopyMembers (std::map< SharedObjectNode *, SharedObject > &already_copied)
 Deep copy data members. More...
int getCount () const
 Get the reference count. More...
virtual void init ()
 Initialize the object. More...
bool isInit () const
 Check if the object has been initialized. More...
SharedObjectNodeoperator= (const SharedObjectNode &node)
 Assignment operator. More...
virtual void print (std::ostream &stream) const
 Print a destription of the object. More...
virtual void repr (std::ostream &stream) const
 Print a representation of the object. More...
 SharedObjectNode ()
 Default constructor. More...
 SharedObjectNode (const SharedObjectNode &node)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~SharedObjectNode ()=0
 Destructor. More...

Private Attributes

int factor
ExportIndex left
int offset
int op
ExportIndex right
int value
ExportVariableType varType

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from ExportDataInternal
static std::string fcnPrefix = "acado"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ExportDataInternal
returnValue setFullName (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CasADi::SharedObjectNode
template<class B >
shared_from_this ()
 Get a shared object from the current internal object. More...
template<class B >
const B shared_from_this () const
 Get a shared object from the current internal object. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ExportDataInternal
ExportStruct dataStruct
std::string description
std::string fullName
std::string name
std::string prefix
ExportType type
- Protected Attributes inherited from CasADi::SharedObjectNode
bool is_init_
 Has the function been initialized? More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file export_index_node.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ExportIndexNode::ExportIndexNode ( const std::string &  _name,
const std::string &  _prefix,
const int  _factor = 1,
const int  _offset = 0 

Definition at line 53 of file export_index_node.hpp.

ExportIndexNode::ExportIndexNode ( const int  _value)

Definition at line 77 of file export_index_node.hpp.

ExportIndexNode::ExportIndexNode ( ExportStatementOperator  _op,
const ExportIndex _arg1,
const ExportIndex _arg2 

Definition at line 82 of file export_index_node.hpp.

virtual ExportIndexNode::~ExportIndexNode ( )

Definition at line 91 of file export_index_node.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ExportIndexNode* ExportIndexNode::clone ( ) const

Make a deep copy of the instance.

Implements ExportDataInternal.

Definition at line 94 of file export_index_node.hpp.

returnValue ExportIndexNode::exportDataDeclaration ( std::ostream &  stream,
const std::string &  _realString = "real_t",
const std::string &  _intString = "int",
int  _precision = 16 
) const

Exports declaration of the index variable. Its appearance can can be adjusted by various options.

@param[in] file                             Name of file to be used to export function.
@param[in] _realString              std::string to be used to declare real variables.
@param[in] _intString               std::string to be used to declare integer variables.
@param[in] _precision               Number of digits to be used for exporting real values.


Implements ExportDataInternal.

Definition at line 33 of file export_index_node.cpp.

const std::string ExportIndexNode::get ( ) const

Returns a string containing the value of the index.

Definition at line 50 of file export_index_node.cpp.

const int ExportIndexNode::getFactor ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file export_index_node.hpp.

const int ExportIndexNode::getGivenValue ( ) const

Returns the given value of the index (if defined).

\return Given value of the index or 0 in case the index is undefined.

Definition at line 105 of file export_index_node.cpp.

const int ExportIndexNode::getOffset ( ) const

Definition at line 144 of file export_index_node.hpp.

bool ExportIndexNode::isBinary ( ) const

Definition at line 123 of file export_index_node.hpp.

bool ExportIndexNode::isGiven ( ) const

Returns whether the index is set to a given value.

\return true  iff index is set to a given value, \n
        false otherwise

Implements ExportDataInternal.

Definition at line 136 of file export_index_node.cpp.

bool ExportIndexNode::isVariable ( ) const

Definition at line 131 of file export_index_node.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

int ExportIndexNode::factor

Definition at line 152 of file export_index_node.hpp.

ExportIndex ExportIndexNode::left

Definition at line 156 of file export_index_node.hpp.

int ExportIndexNode::offset

Definition at line 153 of file export_index_node.hpp.

int ExportIndexNode::op

Definition at line 155 of file export_index_node.hpp.

ExportIndex ExportIndexNode::right

Definition at line 157 of file export_index_node.hpp.

int ExportIndexNode::value

Definition at line 151 of file export_index_node.hpp.

ExportVariableType ExportIndexNode::varType

Definition at line 150 of file export_index_node.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:23