User-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems with multiple objectives.
returnValue | getAllAlgebraicStates (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getAllControls (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getAllDifferentialStates (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getAllDisturbances (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getAllParameters (const char *fileName) const |
DVector | getNadirVector () const |
DVector | getNormalizationVector () const |
DMatrix | getNormalizedPayOffMatrix () const |
returnValue | getParetoFront (VariablesGrid &paretoFront) const |
returnValue | getParetoFrontWithFilter (VariablesGrid &paretoFront) const |
DMatrix | getPayOffMatrix () const |
DMatrix | getUtopiaPlaneVectors () const |
DVector | getUtopiaVector () const |
DMatrix | getWeights () const |
returnValue | getWeights (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getWeightsWithFilter (const char *fileName) const |
| MultiObjectiveAlgorithm () |
| MultiObjectiveAlgorithm (const OCP &ocp_) |
| MultiObjectiveAlgorithm (const MultiObjectiveAlgorithm &arg) |
MultiObjectiveAlgorithm & | operator= (const MultiObjectiveAlgorithm &arg) |
returnValue | printInfo () |
returnValue | setParetoFrontDiscretization (const int &N_) |
virtual returnValue | solve () |
virtual returnValue | solveSingleObjective (const int &number) |
virtual | ~MultiObjectiveAlgorithm () |
virtual returnValue | init () |
OptimizationAlgorithm & | operator= (const OptimizationAlgorithm &arg) |
| OptimizationAlgorithm () |
| OptimizationAlgorithm (const OCP &ocp_) |
| OptimizationAlgorithm (const OptimizationAlgorithm &arg) |
virtual | ~OptimizationAlgorithm () |
returnValue | getAlgebraicStates (VariablesGrid &xa_) const |
returnValue | getAlgebraicStates (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getControls (VariablesGrid &p_) const |
returnValue | getControls (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getDifferentialStates (VariablesGrid &xd_) const |
returnValue | getDifferentialStates (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getDisturbances (VariablesGrid &w_) const |
returnValue | getDisturbances (const char *fileName) const |
double | getEndTime () const |
virtual uint | getNP () const |
virtual uint | getNU () const |
virtual uint | getNW () const |
virtual uint | getNX () const |
virtual uint | getNXA () const |
double | getObjectiveValue (const char *fileName) const |
double | getObjectiveValue () const |
returnValue | getParameters (VariablesGrid &u_) const |
returnValue | getParameters (DVector &u_) const |
returnValue | getParameters (const char *fileName) const |
returnValue | getSensitivitiesP (BlockMatrix &_sens) const |
returnValue | getSensitivitiesU (BlockMatrix &_sens) const |
returnValue | getSensitivitiesW (BlockMatrix &_sens) const |
returnValue | getSensitivitiesX (BlockMatrix &_sens) const |
returnValue | getSensitivitiesXA (BlockMatrix &_sens) const |
double | getStartTime () const |
returnValue | initializeAlgebraicStates (const char *fileName, BooleanType autoinit=BT_FALSE) |
returnValue | initializeAlgebraicStates (const VariablesGrid &xa_init_, BooleanType autoinit=BT_FALSE) |
returnValue | initializeControls (const char *fileName) |
returnValue | initializeControls (const VariablesGrid &p_init_) |
returnValue | initializeDifferentialStates (const char *fileName, BooleanType autoinit=BT_FALSE) |
returnValue | initializeDifferentialStates (const VariablesGrid &xd_init_, BooleanType autoinit=BT_FALSE) |
returnValue | initializeDisturbances (const char *fileName) |
returnValue | initializeDisturbances (const VariablesGrid &w_init_) |
returnValue | initializeParameters (const char *fileName) |
returnValue | initializeParameters (const VariablesGrid &u_init_) |
OptimizationAlgorithmBase & | operator= (const OptimizationAlgorithmBase &arg) |
| OptimizationAlgorithmBase () |
| OptimizationAlgorithmBase (const OCP &ocp_) |
| OptimizationAlgorithmBase (const OptimizationAlgorithmBase &arg) |
returnValue | simulateStatesForInitialization () |
virtual | ~OptimizationAlgorithmBase () |
virtual int | addPlotWindow (PlotWindow &_window) |
virtual int | operator<< (PlotWindow &_window) |
virtual int | operator<< (LogRecord &_record) |
UserInteraction & | operator= (const UserInteraction &rhs) |
| UserInteraction () |
| UserInteraction (const UserInteraction &rhs) |
virtual | ~UserInteraction () |
returnValue | addOptionsList () |
returnValue | ensureConsistency () |
returnValue | ensureConsistency () |
returnValue | get (OptionsName name, int &value) const |
returnValue | get (OptionsName name, double &value) const |
returnValue | get (OptionsName name, std::string &value) const |
returnValue | get (uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const |
returnValue | get (uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const |
returnValue | get (uint idx, OptionsName name, std::string &value) const |
uint | getNumOptionsLists () const |
Options | getOptions (uint idx) const |
Options & | operator= (const Options &rhs) |
Options & | operator= (const Options &rhs) |
| Options () |
| Options () |
| Options (const Options &rhs) |
| Options (const Options &rhs) |
| Options () |
| Options (const OptionsList &_optionsList) |
returnValue | print () const |
returnValue | print () const |
returnValue | printOptionsList () const |
returnValue | printOptionsList (uint idx) const |
returnValue | set (OptionsName name, int value) |
returnValue | set (OptionsName name, double value) |
returnValue | set (OptionsName name, const std::string &value) |
returnValue | set (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value) |
returnValue | set (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value) |
returnValue | set (uint idx, OptionsName name, const std::string &value) |
returnValue | setOptions (const Options &arg) |
returnValue | setOptions (uint idx, const Options &arg) |
returnValue | setToDefault () |
returnValue | setToDefault () |
returnValue | setToFast () |
returnValue | setToFast () |
returnValue | setToMPC () |
returnValue | setToReliable () |
returnValue | setToReliable () |
| ~Options () |
| ~Options () |
virtual | ~Options () |
int | addLogRecord (LogRecord &record) |
returnValue | getAll (LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const |
returnValue | getFirst (LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const |
returnValue | getFirst (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const |
returnValue | getLast (LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const |
returnValue | getLast (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const |
returnValue | getLogRecord (LogRecord &_record) const |
uint | getNumLogRecords () const |
| Logging () |
int | operator<< (LogRecord &record) |
returnValue | printLoggingInfo () const |
returnValue | printNumDoubles () const |
returnValue | setAll (LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values) |
returnValue | setLast (LogName _name, const DMatrix &value, double time=-INFTY) |
returnValue | setLast (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &value, double time=-INFTY) |
returnValue | updateLogRecord (LogRecord &_record) const |
virtual | ~Logging () |
int | addPlotWindow (PlotWindow &_window) |
uint | getNumPlotWindows () const |
returnValue | getPlotWindow (uint idx, PlotWindow &_window) const |
returnValue | getPlotWindow (PlotWindow &_window) const |
int | operator<< (PlotWindow &_window) |
Plotting & | operator= (const Plotting &rhs) |
virtual returnValue | plot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE) |
| Plotting () |
| Plotting (const Plotting &rhs) |
virtual returnValue | replot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE) |
virtual | ~Plotting () |
returnValue | evaluateObjectives (VariablesGrid &xd_, VariablesGrid &xa_, VariablesGrid &p_, VariablesGrid &u_, VariablesGrid &w_, Expression **arg1) |
returnValue | formulateOCP (double *idx, OCP *ocp_, Expression **arg) |
virtual returnValue | initializeNlpSolver (const OCPiterate &_userInit) |
virtual returnValue | initializeObjective (Objective *F) |
returnValue | printAuxiliaryRoutine (const char *fileName, VariablesGrid *x_) const |
virtual returnValue | setupOptions () |
virtual returnValue | allocateNlpSolver (Objective *F, DynamicDiscretization *G, Constraint *H) |
virtual returnValue | setupLogging () |
returnValue | clear () |
virtual returnValue | determineDimensions (Objective *const _objective, DifferentialEquation **const _differentialEquation, Constraint *const _constraint, uint &_nx, uint &_nxa, uint &_np, uint &_nu, uint &_nw) const |
virtual returnValue | extractOCPdata (Objective **objective, DifferentialEquation ***differentialEquation, Constraint **constraint, Grid &unionGrid) |
returnValue | init (UserInteraction *_userIteraction) |
virtual returnValue | initializeOCPiterate (Constraint *const _constraint, const Grid &_unionGrid, uint nx, uint nxa, uint np, uint nu, uint nw) |
BooleanType | isLinearQuadratic (Objective *F, DynamicDiscretization *G, Constraint *H) const |
virtual returnValue | setupDifferentialEquation (Objective *objective, DifferentialEquation **differentialEquation, Constraint *constraint, Grid unionGrid) |
virtual returnValue | setupDynamicDiscretization (UserInteraction *_userIteraction, Objective *objective, DifferentialEquation **differentialEquation, Constraint *constraint, Grid unionGrid, DynamicDiscretization **dynamicDiscretization) |
virtual returnValue | setupObjective (Objective *objective, DifferentialEquation **differentialEquation, Constraint *constraint, Grid unionGrid) |
virtual returnValue | getPlotDataFromMemberLoggings (PlotWindow &_window) const |
BlockStatus | getStatus () const |
returnValue | setStatus (BlockStatus _status) |
returnValue | addOption (OptionsName name, int value) |
returnValue | addOption (OptionsName name, double value) |
returnValue | addOption (OptionsName name, const std::string &value) |
returnValue | addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value) |
returnValue | addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value) |
returnValue | addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, const std::string &value) |
returnValue | clearOptionsList () |
returnValue | copy (const Options &rhs) |
returnValue | copy (const Options &rhs) |
returnValue | declareOptionsUnchanged () |
returnValue | declareOptionsUnchanged (uint idx) |
BooleanType | haveOptionsChanged () const |
BooleanType | haveOptionsChanged (uint idx) const |
User-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems with multiple objectives.
The class MultiObjectiveAlgorithm serves as a user-interface to formulate and solve optimal control problems with multiple objectives.
- Author
- Boris Houska, Hans Joachim Ferreau
Definition at line 54 of file multi_objective_algorithm.hpp.