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Allows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with a lifted Newton method to efficiently support (implicit) DAE systems for fast model predictive control. More...

#include <lifted_erk_export.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LiftedERKExport:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual returnValue getCode (ExportStatementBlock &code)
virtual returnValue getDataDeclarations (ExportStatementBlock &declarations, ExportStruct dataStruct=ACADO_ANY) const
 LiftedERKExport (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
 LiftedERKExport (const LiftedERKExport &arg)
virtual returnValue setDifferentialEquation (const Expression &rhs)
virtual returnValue setup ()
virtual ~LiftedERKExport ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport
 ExplicitRungeKuttaExport (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
 ExplicitRungeKuttaExport (const ExplicitRungeKuttaExport &arg)
virtual returnValue getFunctionDeclarations (ExportStatementBlock &declarations) const
virtual returnValue setLinearInput (const DMatrix &M1, const DMatrix &A1, const DMatrix &B1)
virtual returnValue setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &M3, const DMatrix &A3, const Expression &rhs)
virtual returnValue setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &M3, const DMatrix &A3, const std::string &_rhs3, const std::string &_diffs_rhs3)
virtual returnValue setupOutput (const std::vector< Grid > outputGrids_, const std::vector< Expression > rhs)
virtual returnValue setupOutput (const std::vector< Grid > outputGrids_, const std::vector< std::string > _outputNames, const std::vector< std::string > _diffs_outputNames, const std::vector< uint > _dims_output)
virtual returnValue setupOutput (const std::vector< Grid > outputGrids_, const std::vector< std::string > _outputNames, const std::vector< std::string > _diffs_outputNames, const std::vector< uint > _dims_output, const std::vector< DMatrix > _outputDependencies)
virtual ~ExplicitRungeKuttaExport ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RungeKuttaExport
BooleanType checkSymmetry (const DVector &_cc)
uint getNumStages ()
returnValue initializeButcherTableau (const DMatrix &_AA, const DVector &_bb, const DVector &_cc)
RungeKuttaExportoperator= (const RungeKuttaExport &arg)
 RungeKuttaExport (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
 RungeKuttaExport (const RungeKuttaExport &arg)
returnValue setNARXmodel (const uint delay, const DMatrix &parms)
virtual ~RungeKuttaExport ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IntegratorExport
virtual bool equidistantControlGrid () const
uint getDimOUTPUT (uint index) const
virtual returnValue getGrid (Grid &grid_) const
const std::string getNameDiffsOUTPUT (uint index) const
const std::string getNameDiffsRHS () const
virtual const std::string getNameFullRHS () const
const std::string getNameOUTPUT (uint index) const
const std::string getNameOutputDiffs () const
const std::string getNameOutputRHS () const
const std::string getNameRHS () const
virtual returnValue getNumSteps (DVector &_numSteps) const
virtual returnValue getOutputExpressions (std::vector< Expression > &outputExpressions_) const
virtual returnValue getOutputGrids (std::vector< Grid > &outputGrids_) const
 IntegratorExport (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
 IntegratorExport (const IntegratorExport &arg)
IntegratorExportoperator= (const IntegratorExport &arg)
virtual returnValue propagateImplicitSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &_index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue propagateInputSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue propagateOutputSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue setGrid (const Grid &_grid)
virtual returnValue setModel (const std::string &_name_ODE, const std::string &_name_diffs_ODE)
virtual returnValue setModelData (const ModelData &data)
virtual returnValue setNonlinearFeedback (const DMatrix &C, const Expression &feedb)
virtual returnValue updateImplicitSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue updateInputSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue updateOutputSystem (ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual ~IntegratorExport ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExportAlgorithm
 ExportAlgorithm (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName=std::string())
uint getN () const
uint getNDX () const
uint getNOD () const
uint getNP () const
uint getNU () const
uint getNX () const
uint getNXA () const
uint getNY () const
uint getNYN () const
returnValue setDimensions (uint _NX=0, uint _NU=0, uint _NP=0, uint _NI=0, uint _NOD=0)
returnValue setDimensions (uint _NX, uint _NDX, uint _NXA, uint _NU, uint _NP, uint _NI, uint _NOD)
void setNY (uint NY_)
void setNYN (uint NYN_)
virtual ~ExportAlgorithm ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int addLogRecord (LogRecord &_record)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOptionsList ()
 AlgorithmicBase ()
 AlgorithmicBase (UserInteraction *_userInteraction)
 AlgorithmicBase (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue get (OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, std::string &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue getAll (LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const
Options getOptions (uint idx) const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged () const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged (uint idx) const
AlgorithmicBaseoperator= (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue plot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue printLogRecord (std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const
returnValue replot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, const std::string &value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue setAll (LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, double lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DVector &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DMatrix &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const VariablesGrid &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setOptions (const Options &arg)
returnValue setOptions (uint idx, const Options &arg)
virtual ~AlgorithmicBase ()

Protected Member Functions

ExportVariable getAuxVariable () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RungeKuttaExport
virtual returnValue copy (const RungeKuttaExport &arg)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IntegratorExport
virtual returnValue clear ()
virtual returnValue copy (const IntegratorExport &arg)
DMatrix expandOutputMatrix (const DMatrix &A3)
uint getIntegrationInterval (double time)

Protected Attributes

ExportAcadoFunction alg_rhs
ExportVariable rk_A
ExportVariable rk_auxSolver
ExportVariable rk_b
ExportVariable rk_delta
ExportVariable rk_diffZ
ExportVariable rk_prev
ExportVariable rk_zTemp
ExportVariable rk_zzz
- Protected Attributes inherited from RungeKuttaExport
DMatrix AA
DVector bb
DVector cc
BooleanType is_symmetric
uint numStages
ExportVariable rk_kkk
- Protected Attributes inherited from IntegratorExport
DMatrix A11
DMatrix A33
DMatrix B11
bool crsFormat
std::vector< ExportAcadoFunctiondiffs_outputs
ExportAcadoFunction diffs_rhs
ExportAcadoFunction diffs_rhs3
uint diffsDim
DifferentialStateDerivative dx
ExportVariable error_code
bool exportRhs
ExportFunction fullRhs
Grid grid
uint inputDim
ExportFunction integrate
ExportAcadoFunction lin_input
DMatrix M11
DMatrix M33
uint NDX3
std::vector< uintnum_outputs
DVector numSteps
uint NX1
uint NX2
uint NX3
uint NXA3
OnlineData od
std::vector< DMatrixoutputDependencies
std::vector< ExpressionoutputExpressions
std::vector< GridoutputGrids
std::vector< ExportAcadoFunctionoutputs
ExportVariable reset_int
ExportAcadoFunction rhs
ExportAcadoFunction rhs3
ExportVariable rhs_in
ExportVariable rhs_out
ExportVariable rk_diffsNew1
ExportVariable rk_diffsNew2
ExportVariable rk_diffsNew3
ExportVariable rk_diffsPrev1
ExportVariable rk_diffsPrev2
ExportVariable rk_diffsPrev3
ExportVariable rk_diffsTemp2
ExportVariable rk_eta
ExportVariable rk_index
ExportVariable rk_ttt
ExportVariable rk_xxx
bool timeDependant
Control u
DifferentialState x
AlgebraicState z
- Protected Attributes inherited from ExportAlgorithm
std::string commonHeaderName
uint N
uint NDX
uint NOD
uint NP
uint NU
uint NX
uint NXA
uint NY
uint NYN
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int outputLoggingIdx
BooleanType useModuleStandalone

Detailed Description

Allows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with a lifted Newton method to efficiently support (implicit) DAE systems for fast model predictive control.

The class LiftedERKExport allows to export a tailored explicit Runge-Kutta integrator with a lifted Newton method to efficiently support (implicit) DAE systems for fast model predictive control.

Rien Quirynen

Definition at line 55 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO LiftedERKExport::LiftedERKExport ( UserInteraction _userInteraction = 0,
const std::string &  _commonHeaderName = "" 

Default constructor.

@param[in] _userInteraction         Pointer to corresponding user interface.
@param[in] _commonHeaderName        Name of common header file to be included.

Definition at line 45 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

LiftedERKExport::LiftedERKExport ( const LiftedERKExport arg)

Copy constructor (deep copy).

@param[in] arg              Right-hand side object.

Definition at line 53 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

LiftedERKExport::~LiftedERKExport ( )


Definition at line 60 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::getAuxVariable ( ) const

Returns the largest global export variable.


Reimplemented from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport.

Definition at line 485 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

returnValue LiftedERKExport::getCode ( ExportStatementBlock code)

Exports source code of the auto-generated integrator into the given directory.

@param[in] code                             Code block containing the auto-generated integrator.


Reimplemented from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport.

Definition at line 438 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

returnValue LiftedERKExport::getDataDeclarations ( ExportStatementBlock declarations,
ExportStruct  dataStruct = ACADO_ANY 
) const

Adds all data declarations of the auto-generated integrator to given list of declarations.

@param[in] declarations             List of declarations.


Reimplemented from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport.

Definition at line 415 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

returnValue LiftedERKExport::setDifferentialEquation ( const Expression rhs)

Assigns Differential Equation to be used by the integrator.

@param[in] rhs              Right-hand side expression.


Reimplemented from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport.

Definition at line 71 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

returnValue LiftedERKExport::setup ( )

Initializes export of a tailored integrator.


Reimplemented from ExplicitRungeKuttaExport.

Definition at line 171 of file lifted_erk_export.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

ExportAcadoFunction LiftedERKExport::alg_rhs

Module to export the evaluation of the derivatives of the algebraic equations.

Definition at line 134 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_A

Variable containing the matrix of the linear system.

Definition at line 138 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_auxSolver

Variable containing auxiliary values for the exported linear solver.

Definition at line 140 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_b

Variable containing the right-hand side of the linear system.

Definition at line 139 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_delta

Variable containing the difference of the optimization variables

Definition at line 146 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_diffZ

Variable containing the sensitivities of the algebraic variables

Definition at line 145 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_prev

Variable containing the previous values of the optimization variables over the horizon

Definition at line 147 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_zTemp

Variable containing the evaluation of the algebraic equations

Definition at line 143 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportVariable LiftedERKExport::rk_zzz

Variable containing the lifted algebraic variables.

Definition at line 142 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

ExportLinearSolver* LiftedERKExport::solver

This is the exported linear solver that is used by the implicit Runge-Kutta method.

Definition at line 136 of file lifted_erk_export.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:25