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An OCP solver based on the block N^2 condensing algorithm. More...

#include <export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2 (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
uint getBlockSize () const
virtual returnValue getCode (ExportStatementBlock &code)=0
virtual returnValue getDataDeclarations (ExportStatementBlock &declarations, ExportStruct dataStruct=ACADO_ANY) const
virtual returnValue getFunctionDeclarations (ExportStatementBlock &declarations) const
uint getNumberOfBlocks () const
uint getNumBlockVariables () const
unsigned getNumQPvars () const
virtual unsigned getNumStateBoundsPerBlock () const
virtual returnValue setup ()
virtual ~ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExportGaussNewtonCN2
 ExportGaussNewtonCN2 (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
unsigned getNumQPvars () const
virtual unsigned getNumStateBounds () const
virtual ~ExportGaussNewtonCN2 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExportNLPSolver
 ExportNLPSolver (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
unsigned getNumComplexConstraints (void)
unsigned getNumPathConstraints (void)
bool initialStateFixed () const
bool performsSingleShooting () const
returnValue setConstraints (const OCP &_ocp)
returnValue setGeneralObjective (const Objective &_objective)
returnValue setIntegratorExport (IntegratorExportPtr const _integrator)
returnValue setLevenbergMarquardt (double _levenbergMarquardt)
returnValue setLSQObjective (const Objective &_objective)
returnValue setObjective (const Objective &_objective)
bool usingLinearTerms () const
unsigned weightingMatricesType (void) const
virtual ~ExportNLPSolver ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ExportAlgorithm
 ExportAlgorithm (UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName=std::string())
uint getN () const
uint getNDX () const
uint getNOD () const
uint getNP () const
uint getNU () const
uint getNX () const
uint getNXA () const
uint getNY () const
uint getNYN () const
returnValue setDimensions (uint _NX=0, uint _NU=0, uint _NP=0, uint _NI=0, uint _NOD=0)
returnValue setDimensions (uint _NX, uint _NDX, uint _NXA, uint _NU, uint _NP, uint _NI, uint _NOD)
void setNY (uint NY_)
void setNYN (uint NYN_)
virtual ~ExportAlgorithm ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int addLogRecord (LogRecord &_record)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOptionsList ()
 AlgorithmicBase ()
 AlgorithmicBase (UserInteraction *_userInteraction)
 AlgorithmicBase (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue get (OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, std::string &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue getAll (LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const
Options getOptions (uint idx) const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged () const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged (uint idx) const
AlgorithmicBaseoperator= (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue plot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue printLogRecord (std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const
returnValue replot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, const std::string &value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue setAll (LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, double lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DVector &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DMatrix &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const VariablesGrid &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setOptions (const Options &arg)
returnValue setOptions (uint idx, const Options &arg)
virtual ~AlgorithmicBase ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual returnValue setupCondensing ()
virtual returnValue setupConstraintsEvaluation (void)
virtual returnValue setupEvaluation ()=0
virtual returnValue setupMultiplicationRoutines ()
virtual returnValue setupQPInterface ()=0
virtual returnValue setupVariables ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ExportGaussNewtonCN2
bool performFullCondensing () const
virtual returnValue setupObjectiveEvaluation (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ExportNLPSolver
returnValue setupArrivalCostCalculation ()
returnValue setupAuxiliaryFunctions ()
virtual returnValue setupGetGeneralObjective ()
virtual returnValue setupGetLSQObjective ()
virtual returnValue setupGetObjective ()
virtual returnValue setupInitialization ()
virtual returnValue setupSimulation (void)

Protected Attributes

ExportIndex blockI
ExportFunction cleanup
ExportFunction evaluateConstraints
ExportVariable qpC
ExportVariable qpc
std::vector< unsigned > qpConDim
ExportVariable qpgN
ExportVariable qpH
ExportVariable qpLambda
ExportVariable qpLb0
ExportVariable qpMu
ExportVariable qpUb0
ExportFunction shiftQpData
- Protected Attributes inherited from ExportGaussNewtonCN2
ExportVariable A
ExportVariable C
ExportFunction condenseFdb
ExportFunction condensePrep
ExportFunction copyHTH
ExportFunction copyHTH1
ExportVariable Dx0
ExportVariable E
ExportFunction evaluateObjective
ExportFunction expand
ExportFunction expansionStep
ExportFunction expansionStep2
ExportFunction feedback
ExportVariable g
ExportFunction getKKT
ExportVariable H
ExportVariable lb
ExportVariable lbA
ExportVariable lbAValues
ExportVariable lbValues
ExportFunction mac_S1T_E
ExportFunction mac_ST_C
ExportFunction macASbar
ExportFunction macATw1QDy
ExportFunction macBTw1
ExportFunction macBTW1_R1
ExportFunction macGxTGx
ExportFunction macHxd
ExportFunction macQEW2
ExportFunction macQSbarW2
ExportFunction macS1TSbar
ExportFunction moveGuE
ExportFunction moveGxT
ExportFunction mult_BT_T1
ExportFunction multBTW1
ExportFunction multEDu
ExportFunction multEQDy
ExportFunction multGxd
ExportFunction multGxGu
ExportFunction multGxGx
ExportFunction multGxTGu
ExportFunction multGxTGx
ExportFunction multHxC
ExportFunction multHxE
ExportFunction multQ1d
ExportFunction multQ1Gu
ExportFunction multQ1Gx
ExportFunction multQDy
ExportFunction multQETGx
ExportFunction multQN1d
ExportFunction multQN1Gu
ExportFunction multQN1Gx
ExportFunction multRDy
ExportFunction preparation
ExportVariable Qd
ExportVariable QDy
ExportVariable sbar
ExportFunction setObjQ1Q2
ExportFunction setObjQN1QN2
ExportFunction setObjR1R2
ExportFunction setObjS1
ExportVariable T1
ExportVariable T2
ExportVariable ub
ExportVariable ubA
ExportVariable ubAValues
ExportVariable ubValues
ExportVariable W1
ExportVariable w1
ExportVariable W2
ExportVariable w2
ExportVariable x0
std::vector< unsigned > xBoundsIdx
ExportVariable xVars
ExportVariable yVars
ExportVariable A10
ExportVariable A20
ExportVariable pacA01Dx0
ExportVariable pocA02Dx0
- Protected Attributes inherited from ExportNLPSolver
IntegratorExportPtr integrator
ExportFunction modelSimulation
ExportVariable state
ExportVariable x
ExportVariable z
ExportVariable u
ExportVariable od
ExportVariable d
ExportVariable evGx
ExportVariable evGu
double levenbergMarquardt
ExportVariable y
ExportVariable yN
ExportVariable Dy
ExportVariable DyN
ExportVariable mu
ExportVariable objg
ExportVariable objS
ExportVariable objSEndTerm
ExportVariable objEvFx
ExportVariable objEvFu
ExportVariable objEvFxEnd
ExportVariable objEvFxx
ExportVariable objEvFxu
ExportVariable objEvFuu
ExportVariable objEvFxxEnd
ExportVariable objAuxVar
ExportVariable objValueIn
ExportVariable objValueOut
ExportAcadoFunction evaluateStageCost
ExportAcadoFunction evaluateTerminalCost
ExportVariable Q1
ExportVariable Q2
ExportVariable R1
ExportVariable R2
ExportVariable S1
ExportVariable QN1
ExportVariable QN2
ExportVariable objSlx
ExportVariable objSlu
bool diagonalH
bool diagonalHN
VariablesGrid uBounds
VariablesGrid xBounds
unsigned dimPacH
ExportAcadoFunction evaluatePathConstraints
ExportVariable conAuxVar
ExportVariable conValueIn
ExportVariable conValueOut
DVector lbPathConValues
DVector ubPathConValues
ExportVariable pacEvH
ExportVariable pacEvHx
ExportVariable pacEvHu
ExportVariable pacEvHxd
ExportVariable pacEvDDH
unsigned dimPocH
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ExportAcadoFunction > > evaluatePointConstraints
DVector lbPointConValues
DVector ubPointConValues
std::vector< DVectorpocLbStack
std::vector< DVectorpocUbStack
ExportVariable pocEvH
ExportVariable pocEvHx
ExportVariable pocEvHu
ExportVariable pocEvHxd
ExportFunction initialize
ExportFunction shiftStates
ExportFunction shiftControls
ExportFunction getObjective
ExportFunction initializeNodes
ExportFunction updateArrivalCost
ExportCholeskyDecomposition cholObjS
ExportCholeskyDecomposition cholSAC
ExportHouseholderQR acSolver
ExportVariable acA
ExportVariable acb
ExportVariable acP
ExportVariable acTmp
ExportVariable acWL
ExportVariable acVL
ExportVariable acHx
ExportVariable acHu
ExportVariable acXx
ExportVariable acXu
ExportVariable acXTilde
ExportVariable acHTilde
ExportVariable SAC
ExportVariable xAC
ExportVariable DxAC
ExportFunction regularizeHessian
ExportFunction regularization
- Protected Attributes inherited from ExportAlgorithm
std::string commonHeaderName
uint N
uint NDX
uint NOD
uint NP
uint NU
uint NX
uint NXA
uint NY
uint NYN
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int outputLoggingIdx
BooleanType useModuleStandalone

Detailed Description

An OCP solver based on the block N^2 condensing algorithm.

Rien Quirynen
Still a limited experimental version

Definition at line 50 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2 ( UserInteraction _userInteraction = 0,
const std::string &  _commonHeaderName = "" 

Default constructor.

@param[in] _userInteraction         Pointer to corresponding user interface.
@param[in] _commonHeaderName        Name of common header file to be included.

Definition at line 38 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

virtual ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::~ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2 ( )


Definition at line 64 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

uint ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getBlockSize ( ) const

Definition at line 1089 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

virtual returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getCode ( ExportStatementBlock code)
pure virtual

Exports source code of the auto-generated condensing algorithm into the given directory.

@param[in] code                             Code block containing the auto-generated condensing algorithm.


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Implemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces, and ExportGaussNewtonBlockQpDunes.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getDataDeclarations ( ExportStatementBlock declarations,
ExportStruct  dataStruct = ACADO_ANY 
) const

Adds all data declarations of the auto-generated condensing algorithm to given list of declarations.

[in]declarationsList of declarations.

Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Definition at line 103 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getFunctionDeclarations ( ExportStatementBlock declarations) const

Adds all function (forward) declarations of the auto-generated condensing algorithm to given list of declarations.

[in]declarationsList of declarations.

Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Definition at line 125 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

uint ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getNumberOfBlocks ( ) const

Definition at line 1097 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

uint ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getNumBlockVariables ( ) const

Definition at line 1105 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

unsigned ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getNumQPvars ( ) const

Returns number of variables in underlying QP.

Number of variables in underlying QP

Implements ExportNLPSolver.

Definition at line 140 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

unsigned ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::getNumStateBoundsPerBlock ( ) const

Definition at line 1110 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setup ( )

Initializes export of an algorithm.


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Reimplemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces, and ExportGaussNewtonBlockQpDunes.

Definition at line 43 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupCondensing ( void  )


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Reimplemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces.

Definition at line 457 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupConstraintsEvaluation ( void  )

Set-up evaluation of constraints

  • box constraints on states and controls

Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Reimplemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces.

Definition at line 151 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

virtual returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupEvaluation ( )
protectedpure virtual

Exports source code containing the evaluation routines of the algorithm.


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Implemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces, and ExportGaussNewtonBlockQpDunes.

returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupMultiplicationRoutines ( )

Exports source code containing the multiplication routines of the algorithm.


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Definition at line 1084 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

virtual returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupQPInterface ( )
protectedpure virtual
returnValue ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::setupVariables ( )

Initialization of all member variables.


Reimplemented from ExportGaussNewtonCN2.

Reimplemented in ExportGaussNewtonBlockForces.

Definition at line 1047 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

ExportIndex ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::blockI

Definition at line 154 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportFunction ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::cleanup

Definition at line 167 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportFunction ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::evaluateConstraints

Definition at line 170 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpC

Definition at line 161 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpc

Definition at line 162 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

std::vector< unsigned > ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpConDim

Definition at line 156 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpgN

Definition at line 158 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpH

Definition at line 160 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpLambda

Definition at line 165 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpLb0

Definition at line 163 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpMu

Definition at line 165 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportVariable ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::qpUb0

Definition at line 163 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

ExportFunction ExportGaussNewtonBlockCN2::shiftQpData

Definition at line 168 of file export_gauss_newton_block_cn2.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:23