Deals with algebraic consistency constraints within optimal control problems.
returnValue | add (const uint &endOfStage_, const DifferentialEquation &dae) |
| AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint () |
| AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint (const Grid &grid_, const uint &numberOfStages) |
| AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint (const AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint &rhs) |
returnValue | evaluate (const OCPiterate &iter) |
returnValue | evaluateSensitivities () |
returnValue | evaluateSensitivities (int &count, const BlockMatrix &seed, BlockMatrix &hessian) |
int | getDim (const int &idx_) |
int | getNC () const |
AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint & | operator= (const AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint &rhs) |
virtual | ~AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint () |
| ConstraintElement () |
| ConstraintElement (const Grid &grid_, int nFcn_, int nB_) |
| ConstraintElement (const ConstraintElement &rhs) |
returnValue | get (Function &function_, DMatrix &lb_, DMatrix &ub_) |
virtual returnValue | getBackwardSensitivities (BlockMatrix *D, int order) |
virtual returnValue | getForwardSensitivities (BlockMatrix *D, int order) |
Grid & | getGrid () |
int | getNP () const |
int | getNU () const |
int | getNW () const |
int | getNX () const |
int | getNXA () const |
virtual returnValue | getResiduum (BlockMatrix &lower_residuum, BlockMatrix &upper_residuum) |
returnValue | init (const OCPiterate &iter) |
BooleanType | isAffine () const |
ConstraintElement & | operator= (const ConstraintElement &rhs) |
virtual returnValue | setBackwardSeed (BlockMatrix *seed, int order) |
virtual returnValue | setForwardSeed (BlockMatrix *xSeed_, BlockMatrix *xaSeed_, BlockMatrix *pSeed_, BlockMatrix *uSeed_, BlockMatrix *wSeed_, int order) |
virtual returnValue | setUnitForwardSeed () |
virtual | ~ConstraintElement () |
Deals with algebraic consistency constraints within optimal control problems.
The class AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint has been introduced in order to deal with algebraic consistency constraints. Usually, the user does not get in touch with this class, as algebraic consistency constraints should automatically be introduced by the optimization routine. It is possible to add several DAE right-hand sides which will be evaluated on a grid (usually, the multiple shooting ot collocation grid) depending on the model stage number. In the easiest case, i.e. for one stage, the evaluation routine will return the algebraic residuum of the DAE at a given point. The differentiation of the AlgebraicConsistencyConstraint will return the derivatives in form of a structured block matrix, which is typically sparse.
\author Boris Houska, Hans Joachim Ferreau
Definition at line 65 of file algebraic_consistency_constraint.hpp.