returnValue | minimize (const Expression &arg) |
returnValue | minimize (const int &multiObjectiveIdx, const Expression &arg) |
| NLP () |
virtual | ~NLP () |
returnValue | maximizeLagrangeTerm (const Expression &arg) |
returnValue | maximizeMayerTerm (const Expression &arg) |
returnValue | minimizeLagrangeTerm (const Expression &arg) |
returnValue | minimizeMayerTerm (const Expression &arg) |
returnValue | minimizeMayerTerm (const int &multiObjectiveIdx, const Expression &arg) |
| OCP (const double &tStart_=0.0, const double &tEnd_=1.0, const int &N_=20) |
| OCP (const double &tStart_, const double &tEnd_, const DVector &_numSteps) |
| OCP (const double &tStart_, const Parameter &tEnd_, const int &N_=20) |
| OCP (const Grid &grid_) |
returnValue | subjectTo (const DifferentialEquation &differentialEquation_) |
returnValue | subjectTo (const ConstraintComponent &component) |
returnValue | subjectTo (int index_, const ConstraintComponent &component) |
returnValue | subjectTo (const double lb_, const Expression &arg1, const Expression &arg2, const double ub_) |
virtual | ~OCP () |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const DMatrix &S, const Function &h, const DVector &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const Function &h, const DVector &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const Function &h) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const MatrixVariablesGrid &S, const Function &h, const VariablesGrid &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const DMatrix &S, const Function &h, const VariablesGrid &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const Function &h, const VariablesGrid &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const MatrixVariablesGrid &S, const Function &h, const char *rFilename) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const DMatrix &S, const Function &h, const char *rFilename) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const Function &h, const char *rFilename) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const DMatrix &S, const Function &h) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const BMatrix &S, const Function &h) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const DMatrix &S, const std::string &h) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQ (const BMatrix &S, const std::string &h) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const DMatrix &S, const Function &m, const DVector &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const Function &m, const DVector &r) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const DMatrix &S, const Function &m) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const DMatrix &S, const std::string &m) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const BMatrix &S, const Function &m) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQEndTerm (const BMatrix &S, const std::string &m) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQLinearTerms (const DVector &Slx, const DVector &Slu) |
returnValue | minimizeLSQLinearTerms (const BVector &Slx, const BVector &Slu) |
returnValue | subjectTo (const double lb_, const Expression *arguments, const double ub_) |
returnValue | subjectTo (const DVector &_lb, const Expression &_expr, const DVector &_ub) |
returnValue | subjectTo (int _index, const DVector &_lb, const Expression &_expr, const DVector &_ub) |
BooleanType | hasObjective () const |
BooleanType | hasConstraint () const |
returnValue | getGrid (Grid &grid_) const |
returnValue | getObjective (Objective &objective_) const |
returnValue | getObjective (const int &multiObjectiveIdx, Expression **arg) const |
returnValue | getConstraint (Constraint &constraint_) const |
returnValue | setObjective (const Objective &objective_) |
returnValue | setConstraint (const Constraint &constraint_) |
returnValue | setNumberIntegrationSteps (const uint numSteps) |
virtual BooleanType | hasEquidistantGrid () const |
double | getStartTime () const |
double | getEndTime () const |
int | getNumberOfMayerTerms () const |
returnValue | getObjective (const int &multiObjectiveIdx, Expression **arg) const |
returnValue | minimizeMayerTerm (const int &multiObjectiveIdx, const Expression &arg) |
| MultiObjectiveFunctionality () |
| MultiObjectiveFunctionality (const MultiObjectiveFunctionality &rhs) |
MultiObjectiveFunctionality & | operator= (const MultiObjectiveFunctionality &rhs) |
| ~MultiObjectiveFunctionality () |
uint | addOutput (const OutputFcn &outputEquation_, const DVector &measurements) |
uint | addOutput (const OutputFcn &outputEquation_, const uint numberMeasurements) |
uint | addOutput (const std::string &output, const std::string &diffs_output, const uint dim, const DVector &measurements) |
uint | addOutput (const std::string &output, const std::string &diffs_output, const uint dim, const uint numberMeasurements) |
uint | addOutput (const std::string &output, const std::string &diffs_output, const uint dim, const DVector &measurements, const std::string &colInd, const std::string &rowPtr) |
uint | addOutput (const std::string &output, const std::string &diffs_output, const uint dim, const uint numberMeasurements, const std::string &colInd, const std::string &rowPtr) |
BooleanType | exportRhs () const |
DVector | getDimOutputs () const |
const std::string | getFileNameModel () const |
returnValue | getIntegrationGrid (Grid &_grid) const |
returnValue | getModel (DifferentialEquation &_f) const |
ModelData & | getModelData () |
uint | getN () const |
uint | getNDX () const |
uint | getNOD () const |
uint | getNP () const |
uint | getNU () const |
DVector | getNumMeas () const |
uint | getNX () const |
uint | getNXA () const |
BooleanType | hasDifferentialEquation () const |
BooleanType | hasEquidistantControlGrid () const |
BooleanType | hasOutputs () const |
| ModelContainer () |
BooleanType | modelDimensionsSet () const |
returnValue | setDimensions (uint _NX1, uint _NX2, uint _NX3, uint _NDX, uint _NDX3, uint _NXA, uint _NXA3, uint _NU, uint _NOD, uint _NP) |
returnValue | setDimensions (uint _NX1, uint _NX2, uint _NX3, uint _NDX, uint _NXA, uint _NU, uint _NOD, uint _NP) |
returnValue | setDimensions (uint _NX, uint _NDX, uint _NXA, uint _NU, uint _NOD, uint _NP) |
returnValue | setDimensions (uint _NX, uint _NU, uint _NOD, uint _NP) |
returnValue | setIntegrationGrid (const Grid &_ocpGrid, const uint _numSteps) |
returnValue | setLinearInput (const DMatrix &A1_, const DMatrix &B1_) |
returnValue | setLinearInput (const DMatrix &M1_, const DMatrix &A1_, const DMatrix &B1_) |
returnValue | setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &A3_, const OutputFcn &rhs_) |
returnValue | setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &M3_, const DMatrix &A3_, const OutputFcn &rhs_) |
returnValue | setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &A3_, const std::string &_rhs3, const std::string &_diffs_rhs3) |
returnValue | setLinearOutput (const DMatrix &M3_, const DMatrix &A3_, const std::string &_rhs3, const std::string &_diffs_rhs3) |
returnValue | setModel (const DifferentialEquation &_f) |
returnValue | setModel (const std::string &fileName, const std::string &_rhs_ODE, const std::string &_diffs_rhs_ODE) |
returnValue | setModelData (const ModelData &data) |
returnValue | setN (const uint N_) |
returnValue | setNARXmodel (const uint _delay, const DMatrix &_parms) |
returnValue | setNOD (const uint NOD_) |
returnValue | setNonlinearFeedback (const DMatrix &C_, const OutputFcn &feedb_) |
returnValue | setNP (const uint NP_) |
returnValue | setNU (const uint NU_) |
returnValue | setupOutput (const DVector &numberMeasurements) |
Data class for defining static optimization problems.
The class NLP is a data class for defining static optimization problems.
- Author
- Boris Houska, Hans Joachim Ferreau
Definition at line 47 of file nlp.hpp.