Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members

Implements a parameter. More...

#include <lyapunov.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Lyapunov:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

BooleanType isEmpty () const
 Lyapunov ()
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_)
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &rhs2, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &x2_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_)
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &rhs2, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &x2_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_, const Expression &useed_, const Expression &pseed_, const Expression &Yx1_, const Expression &Yx2_, const Expression &YP_)
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_, const Expression &w_)
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &rhs2, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &x2_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_, const Expression &w_)
 Lyapunov (const Expression &rhs1, const Expression &rhs2, const Expression &A_, const Expression &B_, const Expression &P_, const Expression &x1_, const Expression &x2_, const Expression &u_, const Expression &p_, const Expression &w_, const Expression &useed_, const Expression &pseed_, const Expression &Yx1_, const Expression &Yx2_, const Expression &YP_)
 Lyapunov (const Lyapunov &arg)
Lyapunovoperator= (const Lyapunov &arg)
virtual ~Lyapunov ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Expression
Expression ADbackward (const Expression &arg) const
Expression ADbackward (const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const Expression &arg) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, int nV) const
Expression ADforward (const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType *varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADsymmetric (const Expression &arg, const Expression &S, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const
Expression ADsymmetric (const Expression &arg, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const
ExpressionappendCols (const Expression &arg)
ExpressionappendRows (const Expression &arg)
virtual Expressionclone () const
 Expression ()
 Expression (const Operator &tree_)
 Expression (const std::string &name_)
 Expression (const std::string &name_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (int nRows_, int nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, int globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (uint nRows_, uint nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (const double &rhs)
 Expression (const DVector &rhs)
 Expression (const DMatrix &rhs)
 Expression (const Expression &rhs)
Expression getAcos () const
Expression getAsin () const
Expression getAtan () const
Expression getCol (const uint &colIdx) const
Expression getCols (const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const
uint getComponent (const unsigned int idx) const
Expression getCos () const
DMatrix getDependencyPattern (const Expression &arg) const
uint getDim () const
Expression getDot () const
Expression getEntropy () const
Expression getEuclideanNorm () const
Expression getExp () const
Expression getInverse () const
Expression getLn () const
Expression getLogSumExp () const
Expression getNext () const
uint getNumCols () const
uint getNumRows () const
Expression getODEexpansion (const int &order, const int *arg) const
OperatorgetOperatorClone (uint idx) const
Expression getPow (const Expression &arg) const
Expression getPowInt (const int &arg) const
Expression getRow (const uint &rowIdx) const
Expression getRows (const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2) const
Expression getSin () const
DMatrix getSparsityPattern () const
Expression getSqrt () const
Expression getSubMatrix (const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2, const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const
Expression getSumSquare () const
Expression getTan () const
VariableType getVariableType () const
BooleanType isDependingOn (VariableType type) const
BooleanType isDependingOn (const Expression &e) const
BooleanType isVariable () const
Expression operator() (uint idx) const
Expression operator() (uint rowIdx, uint colIdx) const
Operatoroperator() (uint idx)
Operatoroperator() (uint rowIdx, uint colIdx)
Expressionoperator*= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator+= (const Expression &arg)
Expression operator- () const
Expressionoperator-= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator/= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator<< (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator= (const Expression &arg)
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &stream) const
returnValue substitute (int idx, const Expression &arg) const
Expression transpose () const
virtual ~Expression ()

Public Attributes

Expression A
Expression B
Expression P
Expression p
Expression pseed
Expression rhs1
Expression rhs2
Expression u
Expression useed
Expression w
Expression x1
Expression x2
Expression YP
Expression Yx1
Expression Yx2

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Expression
Expression add (const Expression &arg) const
ExpressionassignmentSetup (const Expression &arg)
void construct (VariableType variableType_, uint globalTypeID_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, const std::string &name_)
void copy (const Expression &rhs)
void deleteAll ()
Expression div (const Expression &arg) const
Expression mul (const Expression &arg) const
Operatorproduct (const Operator *a, const Operator *b) const
Expression sub (const Expression &arg) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from Expression
uint component
uint dim
Operator ** element
std::string name
uint nCols
uint nRows
VariableType variableType

Detailed Description

Implements a parameter.

The class LYAPUNOV implements a Lyapunov object

Boris Houska, Hans Joachim Ferreau

Definition at line 54 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( )

Definition at line 39 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_ 

Default constructor

Definition at line 42 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression rhs2,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression x2_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_ 

Definition at line 53 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression rhs2,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression x2_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_,
const Expression useed_,
const Expression pseed_,
const Expression Yx1_,
const Expression Yx2_,
const Expression YP_ 

Definition at line 66 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_,
const Expression w_ 

Definition at line 85 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression rhs2,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression x2_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_,
const Expression w_ 

Definition at line 97 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Expression rhs1,
const Expression rhs2,
const Expression A_,
const Expression B_,
const Expression P_,
const Expression x1_,
const Expression x2_,
const Expression u_,
const Expression p_,
const Expression w_,
const Expression useed_,
const Expression pseed_,
const Expression Yx1_,
const Expression Yx2_,
const Expression YP_ 

Definition at line 111 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::Lyapunov ( const Lyapunov arg)

Default constructor

Definition at line 131 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov::~Lyapunov ( )

Default destructor.

Definition at line 152 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

BooleanType Lyapunov::isEmpty ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Lyapunov & Lyapunov::operator= ( const Lyapunov arg)

Definition at line 155 of file lyapunov.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Expression Lyapunov::A

Definition at line 116 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::B

Definition at line 117 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::P

Definition at line 118 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::p

Definition at line 122 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::pseed

Definition at line 124 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::rhs1

Definition at line 114 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::rhs2

Definition at line 115 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::u

Definition at line 121 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::useed

Definition at line 125 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::w

Definition at line 123 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::x1

Definition at line 119 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::x2

Definition at line 120 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::YP

Definition at line 128 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::Yx1

Definition at line 126 of file lyapunov.hpp.

Expression Lyapunov::Yx2

Definition at line 127 of file lyapunov.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:25