Public Member Functions | Static Private Attributes | List of all members
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter > Class Template Reference

#include <expression.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

returnValue clearStaticCounters ()
virtual Expressionclone () const
 ExpressionType ()
 ExpressionType (const std::string &_name, unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols)
 ExpressionType (const Expression &_expression, unsigned _componentIdx=0)
 ExpressionType (const double &_arg)
 ExpressionType (const DVector &_arg)
 ExpressionType (const DMatrix &_arg)
 ExpressionType (const Operator &_arg)
virtual ~ExpressionType ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Expression
Expression ADbackward (const Expression &arg) const
Expression ADbackward (const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const Expression &arg) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, int nV) const
Expression ADforward (const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADforward (const VariableType *varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const
Expression ADsymmetric (const Expression &arg, const Expression &S, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const
Expression ADsymmetric (const Expression &arg, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const
ExpressionappendCols (const Expression &arg)
ExpressionappendRows (const Expression &arg)
 Expression ()
 Expression (const Operator &tree_)
 Expression (const std::string &name_)
 Expression (const std::string &name_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (int nRows_, int nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, int globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (uint nRows_, uint nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)
 Expression (const double &rhs)
 Expression (const DVector &rhs)
 Expression (const DMatrix &rhs)
 Expression (const Expression &rhs)
Expression getAcos () const
Expression getAsin () const
Expression getAtan () const
Expression getCol (const uint &colIdx) const
Expression getCols (const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const
uint getComponent (const unsigned int idx) const
Expression getCos () const
DMatrix getDependencyPattern (const Expression &arg) const
uint getDim () const
Expression getDot () const
Expression getEntropy () const
Expression getEuclideanNorm () const
Expression getExp () const
Expression getInverse () const
Expression getLn () const
Expression getLogSumExp () const
Expression getNext () const
uint getNumCols () const
uint getNumRows () const
Expression getODEexpansion (const int &order, const int *arg) const
OperatorgetOperatorClone (uint idx) const
Expression getPow (const Expression &arg) const
Expression getPowInt (const int &arg) const
Expression getRow (const uint &rowIdx) const
Expression getRows (const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2) const
Expression getSin () const
DMatrix getSparsityPattern () const
Expression getSqrt () const
Expression getSubMatrix (const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2, const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const
Expression getSumSquare () const
Expression getTan () const
VariableType getVariableType () const
BooleanType isDependingOn (VariableType type) const
BooleanType isDependingOn (const Expression &e) const
BooleanType isVariable () const
Expression operator() (uint idx) const
Expression operator() (uint rowIdx, uint colIdx) const
Operatoroperator() (uint idx)
Operatoroperator() (uint rowIdx, uint colIdx)
Expressionoperator*= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator+= (const Expression &arg)
Expression operator- () const
Expressionoperator-= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator/= (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator<< (const Expression &arg)
Expressionoperator= (const Expression &arg)
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &stream) const
returnValue substitute (int idx, const Expression &arg) const
Expression transpose () const
virtual ~Expression ()

Static Private Attributes

static unsigned count

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Expression
Expression add (const Expression &arg) const
ExpressionassignmentSetup (const Expression &arg)
void construct (VariableType variableType_, uint globalTypeID_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, const std::string &name_)
void copy (const Expression &rhs)
void deleteAll ()
Expression div (const Expression &arg) const
Expression mul (const Expression &arg) const
Operatorproduct (const Operator *a, const Operator *b) const
Expression sub (const Expression &arg) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from Expression
uint component
uint dim
Operator ** element
std::string name
uint nCols
uint nRows
VariableType variableType

Detailed Description

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
class ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >

A helper class implementing the CRTP design pattern.

This class gives object counting and clone capability to a derived class via static polymorphism.

Template Parameters
DerivedThe derived class.
TypeThe expression type.
See also
Template Parameters
AllowCounterAllow object instance counting.
Unfortunately the derived classes have to implement all necessary ctors. In C++11, this can be done in a much simpler way. One only needs to say: using Base::Base.

Definition at line 340 of file expression.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 345 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const std::string &  _name,
unsigned  _nRows,
unsigned  _nCols 

The constructor with arguments.

Definition at line 353 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const Expression _expression,
unsigned  _componentIdx = 0 

The constructor from an expression.

Definition at line 361 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const double &  _arg)

The constructor from a scalar number.

Definition at line 371 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const DVector _arg)

The constructor from a vector.

Definition at line 376 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const DMatrix _arg)

The constructor from a matrix.

Definition at line 381 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::ExpressionType ( const Operator _arg)

The constructor from an operator.

Definition at line 386 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
virtual ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::~ExpressionType ( )


Definition at line 391 of file expression.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
returnValue ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::clearStaticCounters ( )

A function for resetting of the istance counter.

Definition at line 398 of file expression.hpp.

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
virtual Expression* ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::clone ( ) const

Function for cloning.

Reimplemented from Expression.

Definition at line 394 of file expression.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<class Derived, VariableType Type, bool AllowCounter = true>
unsigned ExpressionType< Derived, Type, AllowCounter >::count

Definition at line 402 of file expression.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:24