Cdynamicgraph::sot::__sotDebug_init | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::AbstractSotExternalInterface | |
CDummySotExternalInterface | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::AdditionalFunctions | This helper class dynamically overloads the "new" shell command to allow creation of tasks and features as well as entities |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.attime.attimeAlways | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.attime.attimeStop | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< TypeIn1, TypeIn2, TypeOut > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector, MatrixHomogeneous > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Composer | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Matrix, dynamicgraph::Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ConvolutionTemporal | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Vector, dynamicgraph::Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorStack | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< F, E, E > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Multiplier_FxE__E< F, E > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< T, T, bool > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Comparison< T > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< T, T, T > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Substraction< T > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::WeightedAdder< T > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOpHeader< T1, T2, bool > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixComparison< T1, T2 > | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.attime.Calendar | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::CausalFilter | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::detail::circular_buffer< T > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::detail::circular_buffer< sigT > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::command::Command [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Clear | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Display | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Down | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::List | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Push | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Remove | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::SetInitTrajectory | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::classSot::Up | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::featureJointLimits::Actuate | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::GetElement< sigT, coefT > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::matrixConstant::Resize | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::SetElement< sigT, coefT > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::task::ListFeatures | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::command::vectorConstant::Resize | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture::SelectDof | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Contiifstream | |
CControlGR__INIT | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::DebugTrace | |
►CDevice | |
CTestDevice | |
►Cdynamicgraph::Entity [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryIntToUint | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::BinaryOp< Operator > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ClampWorkspace | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::CoMFreezer | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ControlGR | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ControlPD | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::core::AdmittanceControlOpPoint | Admittance controller for an operational point wrt to a force sensor. It can be a point of the model (hand) or not (created operational point: an object in the hand of the robot) Which is closed to a force sensor (for instance the right or left wrist ft) |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Derivator< T > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::Device | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::RobotSimu | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::DoubleConstant | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Event | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExpMovingAvg | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureAbstract | This class gives the abstract definition of a feature |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Feature1D | Simple test: the task is defined to be e_2 = .5 . e'.e, with e the mother task. The jacobian is then J_2 = e'.J, J being the jacobian of the mother task |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureGeneric | Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface for features |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureTask | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureJointLimits | Class that defines gradient vector for jl avoidance |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureLineDistance | Class that defines point-3d control feature |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePose< representation > | Feature that controls the relative (or absolute) pose between two frames A (or world) and B |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeaturePosture | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureVector3 | Class that defines point-3d control feature |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureVisualPoint | Class that defines 2D visualPoint visual feature |
CTestFeature | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FilterDifferentiator | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FIRFilter< sigT, coefT > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::GainAdaptive | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::GainHyperbolic | Hyperbolic gain. It follows the law
The default coefficients are: |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::GradientAscent | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::GripperControlPlugin | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Integrator | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::IntegratorAbstract< sigT, coefT > | Integrates an ODE. If Y is the output and X the input, the following equation is integrated: a_p * d(p)Y / dt^p + .... + a_0 Y = b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... . b_0 X a_i are the coefficients of the denominator of the associated transfer function between X and Y, while the b_i are those of the numerator |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::IntegratorEuler< sigT, coefT > | Integrates an ODE using a naive Euler integration. TODO: change the integration method. For the moment, the highest derivative of the output signal is computed using the previous values of the other derivatives and the input signal, then integrated n times, which will most certainly induce a huge drift for ODEs with a high order at the denominator |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::JointLimitator | Filter control vector to avoid exceeding joint maximum values |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Kalman | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Latch | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MadgwickAHRS | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Mailbox< Object > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixConstant | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MotionPeriod | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::NeckLimitation | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::OpPointModifier | Compute position and jacobian of a local frame attached to a joint |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ParameterServer | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCallEntity | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Segment | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Sequencer | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::SmoothReach | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Sot | This class implements the Stack of Task. It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers through the shell |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::SotJointTrajectoryEntity | This object handles trajectory of quantities and publish them as signals |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::TaskAbstract | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::Task | Class that defines the basic elements of a task |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::TaskConti | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::TaskPD | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::TaskUnilateral | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::TimeStamp | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOp< Operator > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicAbstract< Tin, Tout, Time > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorConstant | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VisualPointProjecter | |
CsotReader | |
CTimer< T > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicAbstract< Operator::Tin, Operator::Tout, int > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicOp< Operator > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicAbstract< Value, Value, Time > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Switch< Value, Time > | Switch |
►Cdynamicgraph::EntityHelper< VisualPointProjecter > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VisualPointProjecter | |
►Cexception | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionAbstract | |
►Cdynamicgraph::ExceptionAbstract [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionDynamic | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionFactory | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionFeature | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionSignal | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionTask | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExceptionTools | |
CexposeVariadicOpImpl< Operator > | |
CexposeVariadicOpImpl< dgs::AdderVariadic< T > > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ExtractJointMimics | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< FeatureSpecialized > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< Feature1D > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Feature1D | Simple test: the task is defined to be e_2 = .5 . e'.e, with e the mother task. The jacobian is then J_2 = e'.J, J being the jacobian of the mother task |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< FeatureGeneric > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureGeneric | Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface for features |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< FeatureJointLimits > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureJointLimits | Class that defines gradient vector for jl avoidance |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureReferenceHelper< FeatureVisualPoint > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FeatureVisualPoint | Class that defines 2D visualPoint visual feature |
►CFeatureTestBase | |
CTestFeatureGeneric | |
CTestFeaturePose< representation > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Flags | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::FootUtil | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ForceLimits | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::ForceUtil | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::GripperControl | The goal of this entity is to ensure that the maximal torque will not be exceeded during a grasping task. If the maximal torque is reached, then the current position of the gripper is kept |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::GripperControlPlugin | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::HandUtil | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Header | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.history.History | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::JointLimits | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::JointTrajectoryPoint | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::internal::LG_t< representation > | |
CMadgwickARHS | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MailboxTimestampedObject< Object > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::TaskAbstract::MemoryTaskAbstract | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MemoryTaskSOT | |
CMotionPeriod | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MultiBound | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::NamedVector | |
►Cobject | |
►Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_task_posture.MetaTaskPosture | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_task_posture.MetaTaskKinePosture | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_task_visual_point.MetaTaskVisualPoint | |
►Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks.MetaTaskCom | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks_kine.MetaTaskKineCom | |
CStopwatch::PerformanceData | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCall | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCallEntity | |
►CPluginAbstract | |
CPlugin | |
CPluginLoader | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PoolStorage | This singleton class keep tracks of all features and tasks |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::RobotUtil | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.viewer_helper.RobotViewerFaked | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::RulesJointTrajectory | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorMix::segment_t | |
►Cdynamicgraph::signal_io_unimplemented< sot::Flags > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::signal_io< sot::Flags > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::signal_io_unimplemented< sot::MailboxTimestampedObject< Object > > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::signal_io< sot::MailboxTimestampedObject< Object > > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::signal_io_unimplemented< sot::MultiBound > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::signal_io< sot::MultiBound > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::signal_io_unimplemented< sot::Trajectory > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::signal_io< sot::Trajectory > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::signal_io_unimplemented< timeval > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::signal_io< timeval > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::SignalBase< Time > [external] | |
►Cdynamicgraph::Signal< Vector, int > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::internal::Signal | |
►CSignalBase< int > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::Signal< Vector, int > [external] | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PeriodicCall::SignalToCall | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::Sequencer::sotEventAbstract | |
CsotEventCmd | |
►CsotEventTaskBased | |
CsotEventAddATask | |
CsotEventRemoveATask | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::SotLoader | This class is loading the control part of the Stack-Of-Tasks |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MotionPeriod::sotMotionParam | |
CStopwatch | A class representing a stopwatch |
CStopwatchException | |
►CTestCase | |
Ctest-imports.PythonImportTest | |
Ctest-initialize-euler.OpPointModifierTest | |
Ctest-matrix-util.MatrixUtilTest | |
Ctest-op-point-modifier.OpPointModifierTest | |
Ctest-parameter-server.TestParameterServer | |
Ctest-smooth-reach.SmoothReachTest | |
CTestFixture | |
►CThread | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.thread_interruptible_loop.ThreadInterruptibleLoop | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::timestamp | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Trajectory | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::TypeNameHelper< TypeRef > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< TypeIn, TypeOut > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< dg::Matrix, dg::Matrix > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixSelector | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTranspose | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< dg::Matrix, dg::Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixColumnSelector | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< dg::Vector, dg::Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorSelecter | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< dg::Vector, double > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Normalize | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorComponent | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< dg::Vector, MatrixHomogeneous > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::SE3VectorToMatrixHomo | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< Matrix, MatrixHomogeneous > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixToHomo | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< Matrix, Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::SkewSymToVector | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< matrixgen, matrixgen > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Inverser< matrixgen > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixHomogeneous, dg::Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomoToPoseUTheta | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomoToSE3Vector | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixHomogeneous, Matrix > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::HomoToMatrix | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixRotation > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::HomoToRotation | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixHomogeneous, MatrixTwist > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::HomoToTwist | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixHomogeneous, Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomoToPose | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomoToPoseQuaternion | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomoToPoseRollPitchYaw | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixRotation, MatrixRotation > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::InverserRotation | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixRotation, VectorQuaternion > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixToQuaternion | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixRotation, VectorRollPitchYaw > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixToRPY | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< MatrixRotation, VectorUTheta > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::MatrixToUTheta | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< Vector, Matrix > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Diagonalizer | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< Vector, MatrixHomogeneous > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PoseQuaternionToMatrixHomo | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PoseRollPitchYawToMatrixHomo | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PoseUThetaToMatrixHomo | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< Vector, Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::PoseRollPitchYawToPoseUTheta | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorQuaternion, MatrixRotation > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::QuaternionToMatrix | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorQuaternion, VectorQuaternion > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::InverserQuaternion | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorQuaternion, VectorRollPitchYaw > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::QuaternionToRPY | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorRollPitchYaw, MatrixRotation > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::RPYToMatrix | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorRollPitchYaw, VectorQuaternion > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::RPYToQuaternion | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::UnaryOpHeader< VectorUTheta, VectorQuaternion > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::UThetaToQuaternion | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicOpHeader< TypeIn, TypeOut > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicOpHeader< bool, bool > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::BoolOp< operation > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicOpHeader< T, T > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::AdderVariadic< T > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::Multiplier< T > | |
►Cdynamicgraph::sot::VariadicOpHeader< Vector, Vector > | |
Cdynamicgraph::sot::VectorMix | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.viewer_loger.ViewerLoger | |
Cdynamic_graph.sot.core.utils.viewer_helper.VisualPinger | |