Program Listing for File rs.h

Return to documentation for file (include/librealsense2/rs.h)

/* License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
   Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "rsutil.h"
#include "h/rs_types.h"
#include "h/rs_context.h"
#include "h/rs_device.h"
#include "h/rs_frame.h"
#include "h/rs_option.h"
#include "h/rs_processing.h"
#include "h/rs_record_playback.h"
#include "h/rs_sensor.h"

#define RS2_API_MAJOR_VERSION    2
#define RS2_API_MINOR_VERSION    55
#define RS2_API_PATCH_VERSION    1
#define RS2_API_BUILD_VERSION    0

#define STRINGIFY(arg) #arg
#define VAR_ARG_STRING(arg) STRINGIFY(arg)

/* Versioning rules            : For each release at least one of [MJR/MNR/PTCH] triple is promoted                                             */
/*                             : Versions that differ by RS2_API_PATCH_VERSION only are interface-compatible, i.e. no user-code changes required */
/*                             : Versions that differ by MAJOR/MINOR VERSION component can introduce API changes                                */
/* Version in encoded integer format (1,9,x) -> 01090x. note that each component is limited into [0-99] range by design                         */
/* Return version in "X.Y.Z" format */

#define RS2_CONFIG_FILENAME "realsense-config.json"

int rs2_get_raw_data_size(const rs2_raw_data_buffer* buffer, rs2_error** error);

void rs2_delete_raw_data(const rs2_raw_data_buffer* buffer);

const unsigned char* rs2_get_raw_data(const rs2_raw_data_buffer* buffer, rs2_error** error);

int rs2_get_api_version(rs2_error** error);

void rs2_log_to_console(rs2_log_severity min_severity, rs2_error ** error);

void rs2_log_to_file(rs2_log_severity min_severity, const char * file_path, rs2_error ** error);

void rs2_log_to_callback_cpp( rs2_log_severity min_severity, rs2_log_callback * callback, rs2_error ** error );

void rs2_log_to_callback( rs2_log_severity min_severity, rs2_log_callback_ptr callback, void * arg, rs2_error** error );

void rs2_reset_logger( rs2_error ** error);

void rs2_enable_rolling_log_file( unsigned max_size, rs2_error ** error );

unsigned rs2_get_log_message_line_number( rs2_log_message const * msg, rs2_error** error );
const char * rs2_get_log_message_filename( rs2_log_message const * msg, rs2_error** error );
const char * rs2_get_raw_log_message( rs2_log_message const * msg, rs2_error** error );
const char * rs2_get_full_log_message( rs2_log_message const * msg, rs2_error** error );

void rs2_log(rs2_log_severity severity, const char * message, rs2_error ** error);

float rs2_depth_frame_get_distance(const rs2_frame* frame_ref, int x, int y, rs2_error** error);

rs2_time_t rs2_get_time( rs2_error** error);

#ifdef __cplusplus