Class points

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class points : public rs2::frame

Public Functions

inline points()

Extends the frame class with additional point cloud related attributes and functions

inline points(const frame &f)

Extends the frame class with additional point cloud related attributes and functions


frame[in] - existing frame instance

inline const vertex *get_vertices() const

Retrieve the vertices of the point cloud


vertex*[in] - pointer of vertex sturcture

inline void export_to_ply(const std::string &fname, video_frame texture)

Export the point cloud to a PLY file

  • string[in] fname - file name of the PLY to be saved

  • video_frame – texture - the texture for the PLY.

inline const texture_coordinate *get_texture_coordinates() const

Retrieve the texture coordinates (uv map) for the point cloud


texture_coordinate* - pointer of texture coordinates.

inline size_t size() const