Function rs2_run_uv_map_calibration_cpp

Function Documentation

const rs2_raw_data_buffer *rs2_run_uv_map_calibration_cpp(rs2_device *device, rs2_frame_queue *left_queue, rs2_frame_queue *color_queue, rs2_frame_queue *depth_queue, int py_px_only, float *health, int health_size, rs2_update_progress_callback *progress_callback, rs2_error **error)

Depth-RGB UV-Map calibration. Applicable for D400 cameras

  • device[in] device to calibrate

  • left_queue[in] the frame queue for left IR frames with resoluton of 1280x720 and the target captured in the center of 320x240 pixels ROI.

  • color_queue[in] the frame queue for RGB frames with resoluton of 1280x720 and the target in the center of 320x240 pixels ROI

  • depth_queue[in] the frame queue for Depth frames with resoluton of 1280x720

  • py_px_only[in] 1 for calibrating color camera py and px only, 1 for calibrating color camera py, px, fy, and fx.

  • health[out] The four health check numbers in order of px, py, fx, fy for the calibration

  • health_size[in] number of health check numbers, which is 4 by default

  • callback[in] Optional callback for update progress notifications, the progress value is normailzed to 1


New calibration table