Struct NetworkInterfaceWithFilter

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Type

Struct Documentation

struct NetworkInterfaceWithFilter : public eprosima::fastdds::rtps::NetworkInterface

Structure extending NetworkInterface with netmask filter information.


When using this structure to interact with Fast-DDS, name is the only attribute the user needs to provide. The rest of the attributes are internally filled, and are in fact ignored even if already provided by the user.

Subclassed by eprosima::fastdds::rtps::AllowedNetworkInterface

Public Functions

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(const std::string &name, NetmaskFilterKind netmask_filter)

Constructor by name and netmask filter.

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(const std::string &name)

Constructor by name.

NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(const std::string &device, const std::string &ip, const LocatorWithMask &locator, NetmaskFilterKind netmask_filter)

Constructor by device name, IP address string, locator with mask and netmask filter.

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(const std::string &device, const std::string &ip, const LocatorWithMask &locator)

Constructor by device name, IP address string and locator with mask.

virtual RTPS_DllAPI ~NetworkInterfaceWithFilter() = default


RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(const NetworkInterfaceWithFilter &iface) = default

Copy constructor.

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter & operator= (const NetworkInterfaceWithFilter &iface)=default

Copy assignment.

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter(NetworkInterfaceWithFilter &&iface) = default

Move constructor.

RTPS_DllAPI NetworkInterfaceWithFilter & operator= (NetworkInterfaceWithFilter &&iface)=default

Move assignment.

RTPS_DllAPI bool operator== (const NetworkInterfaceWithFilter &iface) const

Comparison operator.

Public Members

NetmaskFilterKind netmask_filter

Netmask filter configuration.