Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
2 // Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
4 #ifdef _MSC_VER
5 #ifndef NOMINMAX
6 #define NOMINMAX
7 #endif
8 #endif
10 #include <thread>
11 #include <algorithm>
12 #include <regex>
13 #include <cmath>
15 #include <opengl3.h>
18 #include <librealsense2/rsutil.h>
19 #include <librealsense2/rs.hpp>
21 #include "model-views.h"
22 #include "updates-model.h"
23 #include "notifications.h"
24 #include "fw-update-helper.h"
25 #include "on-chip-calib.h"
26 #include "viewer.h"
29 #include <imgui_internal.h>
30 #include <time.h>
32 #include "imgui-fonts-karla.hpp"
34 #include "imgui-fonts-monofont.hpp"
36 #include "os.h"
38 #include "metadata-helper.h"
39 #include "calibration-model.h"
42 using namespace rs400;
43 using namespace nlohmann;
44 using namespace rs2::sw_update;
47 {
48  if ((width == 240 && height == 320) || (width == 320 && height == 240))
49  return RS2_SENSOR_MODE_QVGA;
50  else if ((width == 640 && height == 480) || (height == 640 && width == 480))
51  return RS2_SENSOR_MODE_VGA;
52  else if ((width == 1024 && height == 768) || (height == 768 && width == 1024))
53  return RS2_SENSOR_MODE_XGA;
54  else
56 }
59 {
60  switch (mode)
61  {
63  width = 640;
64  height = 480;
65  break;
67  width = 1024;
68  height = 768;
69  break;
71  width = 320;
72  height = 240;
73  break;
74  default:
75  width = height = 0;
76  break;
77  }
78 }
81  const rs2::sensor & s,
82  const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & res_values )
83 {
84  int width = 0, height = 0;
85  width_height_from_resolution( sensor_mode, width, height );
86  auto iter = std::find_if( res_values.begin(),
87  res_values.end(),
88  [width, height]( std::pair< int, int > res ) {
89  if( ( res.first == width ) && ( res.second == height )
90  || ( res.first == height ) && ( res.second == width ) )
91  return true;
92  return false;
93  } );
94  if( iter != res_values.end() )
95  {
96  return static_cast< int >( std::distance( res_values.begin(), iter ) );
97  }
99  throw std::runtime_error( "cannot convert sensor mode to resolution ID" );
100 }
103 {
104  return{ c.y, c.x, c.z, c.w };
105 }
107 ImVec4 from_rgba(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a, bool consistent_color)
108 {
109  auto res = ImVec4(r / (float)255, g / (float)255, b / (float)255, a / (float)255);
111  if (!consistent_color) return flip(res);
112 #endif
113  return res;
114 }
116 ImVec4 operator+(const ImVec4& c, float v)
117 {
118  return ImVec4(
119  std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, c.x + v)),
120  std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, c.y + v)),
121  std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, c.z + v)),
122  std::max(0.f, std::min(1.f, c.w))
123  );
124 }
126 struct attribute
127 {
131 };
133 namespace rs2
134 {
135  template <typename T>
137  {
138  try
139  {
140  t();
141  return "";
142  }
143  catch (const error& e)
144  {
145  return error_to_string(e);
146  }
147  catch (const std::exception& e)
148  {
149  return e.what();
150  }
151  catch (...)
152  {
153  return "Unknown error occurred";
154  }
155  }
157  std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_from_bin_file(const std::string& filename)
158  {
159  std::ifstream file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
160  if (!file.good())
161  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Invalid binary file specified " << filename << " verify the source path and location permissions");
163  // Determine the file length
164  file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
165  std::size_t size = file.tellg();
166  if (!size)
167  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Invalid binary file " << filename << " provided - zero-size ");
168  file.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg);
170  // Create a vector to store the data
171  std::vector<uint8_t> v(size);
173  // Load the data
174*)&v[0], size);
176  return v;
177  }
179  // Flush binary stream to file, override previous if exists
180  void bin_file_from_bytes(const std::string& filename, const std::vector<uint8_t> bytes)
181  {
182  std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
183  if (!file.good())
184  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Invalid binary file specified " << filename << " verify the target path and location permissions");
185  file.write((char*), bytes.size());
186  }
188  void imgui_easy_theming(ImFont*& font_14, ImFont*& font_18, ImFont*& monofont)
189  {
190  ImGuiStyle& style = ImGui::GetStyle();
192  ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
193  io.IniFilename = nullptr;
195  const int OVERSAMPLE = config_file::instance().get(configurations::performance::font_oversample);
197  static const ImWchar icons_ranges[] = { 0xf000, 0xf999, 0 }; // will not be copied by AddFont* so keep in scope.
199  {
200  ImFontConfig config_words;
201  config_words.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
202  config_words.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
205  ImFontConfig config_glyphs;
206  config_glyphs.MergeMode = true;
207  config_glyphs.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
208  config_glyphs.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
210  font_awesome_compressed_size, 14.f, &config_glyphs, icons_ranges);
211  }
213  // Load 18px size fonts
214  {
215  ImFontConfig config_words;
216  config_words.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
217  config_words.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
220  ImFontConfig config_glyphs;
221  config_glyphs.MergeMode = true;
222  config_glyphs.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
223  config_glyphs.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
225  font_awesome_compressed_size, 20.f, &config_glyphs, icons_ranges);
227  }
229  // Load monofont
230  {
231  ImFontConfig config_words;
232  config_words.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
233  config_words.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
236  ImFontConfig config_glyphs;
237  config_glyphs.MergeMode = true;
238  config_glyphs.OversampleV = OVERSAMPLE;
239  config_glyphs.OversampleH = OVERSAMPLE;
241  font_awesome_compressed_size, 14.f, &config_glyphs, icons_ranges);
242  }
244  style.WindowRounding = 0.0f;
245  style.ScrollbarRounding = 0.0f;
248  style.Colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = black;
261  style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = button_color + (-0.1f);
263  style.Colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = header_color + (-0.1f);
268  }
271  std::shared_ptr<rs2::processing_block> pb, bool enable)
272  {
273  for (auto opt : pb->get_supported_options())
274  {
275  auto val = pb->get_option(opt);
276  std::string key = name;
277  key += ".";
278  key += pb->get_option_name(opt);
279  config_file::instance().set(key.c_str(), val);
280  }
282  std::string key = name;
283  key += ".enabled";
284  config_file::instance().set(key.c_str(), enable);
285  }
287  bool restore_processing_block(const char* name,
288  std::shared_ptr<rs2::processing_block> pb, bool enable = true)
289  {
290  for (auto opt : pb->get_supported_options())
291  {
292  std::string key = name;
293  key += ".";
294  key += pb->get_option_name(opt);
295  if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str()))
296  {
297  float val = config_file::instance().get(key.c_str());
298  try
299  {
300  auto range = pb->get_option_range(opt);
301  if (val >= range.min && val <= range.max)
302  pb->set_option(opt, val);
303  }
304  catch (...)
305  {
306  }
307  }
308  }
310  std::string key = name;
311  key += ".enabled";
312  if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str()))
313  {
314  return config_file::instance().get(key.c_str());
315  }
316  return enable;
317  }
319  void hyperlink(ux_window& window, const char* title, const char* link)
320  {
321  if (ImGui::Button(title))
322  {
323  open_url(link);
324  }
325  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
326  {
327  window.link_hovered();
328  }
329  }
332  {
333  std::string link = "" + url_encode(body);
334  open_url(link.c_str());
335  }
338  {
339  std::stringstream ss;
341  rs2_error* e = nullptr;
343  ss << "| | |\n";
344  ss << "|---|---|\n";
345  ss << "|**librealsense**|" << api_version_to_string(rs2_get_api_version(&e)) << (is_debug() ? " DEBUG" : " RELEASE") << "|\n";
346  ss << "|**OS**|" << get_os_name() << "|\n";
348  for (auto& dm : devices)
349  {
350  for (auto& kvp : dm->infos)
351  {
352  if (kvp.first != "Recommended Firmware Version" &&
353  kvp.first != "Debug Op Code" &&
354  kvp.first != "Physical Port" &&
355  kvp.first != "Product Id")
356  ss << "|**" << kvp.first << "**|" << kvp.second << "|\n";
357  }
358  }
360  ss << "\nPlease provide a description of the problem";
362  open_issue(ss.str());
363  }
365  std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t> get_texcolor(video_frame texture, texture_coordinate texcoords)
366  {
367  const int w = texture.get_width(), h = texture.get_height();
368  int x = std::min(std::max(int(texcoords.u*w + .5f), 0), w - 1);
369  int y = std::min(std::max(int(texcoords.v*h + .5f), 0), h - 1);
370  int idx = x * texture.get_bytes_per_pixel() + y * texture.get_stride_in_bytes();
371  const auto texture_data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(texture.get_data());
372  return std::tuple<uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t>(
373  texture_data[idx], texture_data[idx + 1], texture_data[idx + 2]);
374  }
376  void export_frame(const std::string& fname, std::unique_ptr<rs2::filter> exporter,
377  notifications_model& ns, frame data, bool notify)
378  {
379  auto manager = std::make_shared<export_manager>(fname, std::move(exporter), data);
381  auto n = std::make_shared<export_notification_model>(manager);
382  ns.add_notification(n);
383  n->forced = true;
385  auto invoke = [n](std::function<void()> action) {
386  n->invoke(action);
387  };
388  manager->start(invoke);
389  }
392  {
393  bool ret = false;
394  auto image =<video_frame>();
395  if (image)
396  {
397  std::ofstream outfile(, std::ofstream::binary);
398  outfile.write(static_cast<const char*>(image.get_data()), image.get_height()*image.get_stride_in_bytes());
400  outfile.close();
401  ret = true;
402  }
404  return ret;
405  }
408  {
409  bool ret = false;
410  auto image =<video_frame>();
411  if (image)
412  {
413  std::ofstream csv(filename);
415  auto profile = image.get_profile();
416  csv << "Frame Info: " << std::endl << "Type," << profile.stream_name() << std::endl;
417  csv << "Format," << rs2_format_to_string(profile.format()) << std::endl;
418  csv << "Frame Number," << image.get_frame_number() << std::endl;
419  csv << "Timestamp (ms)," << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << image.get_timestamp() << std::endl;
420  csv << "Resolution x," << (int)image.get_width() << std::endl;
421  csv << "Resolution y," << (int)image.get_height() << std::endl;
422  csv << "Bytes per pixel," << (int)image.get_bytes_per_pixel() << std::endl;
424  if (auto vsp =<video_stream_profile>())
425  {
426  auto intrinsics = vsp.get_intrinsics();
427  csv << std::endl << "Intrinsic:," << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << std::endl;
428  csv << "Fx," << intrinsics.fx << std::endl;
429  csv << "Fy," << intrinsics.fy << std::endl;
430  csv << "PPx," << intrinsics.ppx << std::endl;
431  csv << "PPy," << intrinsics.ppy << std::endl;
432  csv << "Distorsion," << rs2_distortion_to_string(intrinsics.model) << std::endl;
433  }
435  ret = true;
436  }
438  return ret;
439  }
442  {
443  bool ret = false;
444  if( auto motion =< motion_frame >() )
445  {
447  if( motion.get_profile().stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_GYRO )
448  units = "( deg/sec )";
449  else
450  units = "( m/sec^2 )";
451  auto axes = motion.get_motion_data();
452  std::ofstream csv( filename );
454  auto profile = frame.get_profile();
455  csv << "Frame Info: " << std::endl << "Type," << profile.stream_name() << std::endl;
456  csv << "Format," << rs2_format_to_string( profile.format() ) << std::endl;
457  csv << "Frame Number," << frame.get_frame_number() << std::endl;
458  csv << "Timestamp (ms)," << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 )
459  << frame.get_timestamp() << std::endl;
460  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Axes" << units << ", " << axes << std::endl;
462  ret = true;
463  }
465  return ret;
466  }
469  {
470  bool ret = false;
471  if( auto pose =< pose_frame >() )
472  {
473  auto pose_data = pose.get_pose_data();
474  std::ofstream csv( filename );
476  auto profile = frame.get_profile();
477  csv << "Frame Info: " << std::endl << "Type," << profile.stream_name() << std::endl;
478  csv << "Format," << rs2_format_to_string( profile.format() ) << std::endl;
479  csv << "Frame Number," << frame.get_frame_number() << std::endl;
480  csv << "Timestamp (ms)," << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 )
481  << frame.get_timestamp() << std::endl;
482  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Acceleration( meters/sec^2 ), "
483  << pose_data.acceleration << std::endl;
484  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Angular_acceleration( radians/sec^2 ), "
485  << pose_data.angular_acceleration << std::endl;
486  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Angular_velocity( radians/sec ), "
487  << pose_data.angular_velocity << std::endl;
488  csv << std::setprecision( 7 )
489  << "Mapper_confidence( 0x0 - Failed 0x1 - Low 0x2 - Medium 0x3 - High ), "
490  << pose_data.mapper_confidence << std::endl;
491  csv << std::setprecision( 7 )
492  << "Rotation( quaternion rotation (relative to initial position) ), "
493  << pose_data.rotation << std::endl;
494  csv << std::setprecision( 7 )
495  << "Tracker_confidence( 0x0 - Failed 0x1 - Low 0x2 - Medium 0x3 - High ), "
496  << pose_data.tracker_confidence << std::endl;
497  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Translation( meters ), " << pose_data.translation
498  << std::endl;
499  csv << std::setprecision( 7 ) << "Velocity( meters/sec ), " << pose_data.velocity
500  << std::endl;
502  ret = true;
503  }
505  return ret;
506  }
508  std::vector<const char*> get_string_pointers(const std::vector<std::string>& vec)
509  {
510  std::vector<const char*> res;
511  for (auto&& s : vec) res.push_back(s.c_str());
512  return res;
513  }
516  const std::string& opt_base_label,
518  std::shared_ptr<options> options,
519  bool* options_invalidated,
520  std::string& error_message)
521  {
524  std::stringstream ss;
526  ss << opt_base_label << "/" << options->get_option_name(opt);
527 = ss.str();
528  option.opt = opt;
529  option.endpoint = options;
530  option.label = options->get_option_name(opt) + std::string("##") + ss.str();
531  option.invalidate_flag = options_invalidated;
532 = model;
534  option.supported = options->supports(opt);
535  if (option.supported)
536  {
537  try
538  {
539  option.range = options->get_option_range(opt);
540  option.read_only = options->is_option_read_only(opt);
541  option.value = options->get_option(opt);
542  }
543  catch (const error& e)
544  {
545  option.range = { 0, 1, 0, 0 };
546  option.value = 0;
547  error_message = error_to_string(e);
548  }
549  }
550  return option;
551  }
553  bool option_model::draw(std::string& error_message, notifications_model& model, bool new_line, bool use_option_name)
554  {
555  auto res = false;
556  if (endpoint->supports(opt))
557  {
558  // The option's rendering model supports an alternative option title derived from its description rather than name.
559  // This is applied to the Holes Filling as its display must conform with the names used by a 3rd-party tools for consistency.
560  if (opt == RS2_OPTION_HOLES_FILL)
561  use_option_name = false;
563  auto desc = endpoint->get_option_description(opt);
565  // remain option to append to the current line
566  if (!new_line)
567  ImGui::SameLine();
569  if (is_checkbox())
570  {
571  auto bool_value = value > 0.0f;
572  if (ImGui::Checkbox(label.c_str(), &bool_value))
573  {
574  if (allow_change((bool_value ? 1.0f : 0.0f), error_message))
575  {
576  res = true;
577  model.add_log(to_string() << "Setting " << opt << " to "
578  << (bool_value? "1.0" : "0.0") << " (" << (bool_value ? "ON" : "OFF") << ")");
580  set_option(opt, bool_value ? 1.f : 0.f, error_message);
581  *invalidate_flag = true;
582  }
583  }
584  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && desc)
585  {
586  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", desc);
587  }
588  }
589  else
590  {
591  if (!is_enum())
592  {
593  std::string txt = to_string() << endpoint->get_option_name(opt) << ":";
594  ImGui::Text("%s", txt.c_str());
596  ImGui::SameLine();
597  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(read_only ? 268.f : 245.f);
600  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
601  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
602  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
605  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && desc)
606  {
607  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", desc);
608  }
610  if (!read_only)
611  {
612  ImGui::SameLine();
614  if (!edit_mode)
615  {
616  std::string edit_id = to_string() << textual_icons::edit << "##" << id;
619  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
620  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
621  if (ImGui::Button(edit_id.c_str(), { 20, 20 }))
622  {
623  if (is_all_integers())
624  edit_value = to_string() << (int)value;
625  else
626  edit_value = to_string() << value;
627  edit_mode = true;
628  }
629  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
630  {
631  ImGui::SetTooltip("Enter text-edit mode");
632  }
634  }
635  else
636  {
637  std::string edit_id = to_string() << textual_icons::edit << "##" << id;
640  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
641  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,0.f });
642  if (ImGui::Button(edit_id.c_str(), { 20, 20 }))
643  {
644  edit_mode = false;
645  }
646  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
647  {
648  ImGui::SetTooltip("Exit text-edit mode");
649  }
651  }
652  }
656  try
657  {
658  if (read_only)
659  {
660  ImVec2 vec{ 0, 20 };
661  std::string text = (value == (int)value) ? std::to_string((int)value) : std::to_string(value);
662  if (range.min != range.max)
663  {
664  ImGui::ProgressBar((value / (range.max - range.min)), vec, text.c_str());
665  }
666  else //constant value options
667  {
671  float dummy = std::floor(value);
672  ImGui::DragFloat(id.c_str(), &dummy, 1, 0, 0, text.c_str());
674  }
675  }
676  else if (edit_mode)
677  {
678  char buff[TEXT_BUFF_SIZE];
679  memset(buff, 0, TEXT_BUFF_SIZE);
680  strcpy(buff, edit_value.c_str());
681  if (ImGui::InputText(id.c_str(), buff, TEXT_BUFF_SIZE,
683  {
684  float new_value;
685  if (!string_to_int(buff, new_value))
686  {
687  error_message = "Invalid numeric input!";
688  }
689  else if (new_value < range.min || new_value > range.max)
690  {
691  error_message = to_string() << new_value
692  << " is out of bounds [" << range.min << ", "
693  << range.max << "]";
694  }
695  else
696  {
697  set_option(opt, new_value, error_message);
698  }
700  edit_mode = false;
701  }
702  edit_value = buff;
703  }
704  else if (is_all_integers())
705  {
706  auto int_value = static_cast<int>(value);
708  if (ImGui::SliderIntWithSteps(id.c_str(), &int_value,
709  static_cast<int>(range.min),
710  static_cast<int>(range.max),
711  static_cast<int>(range.step)))
712  {
713  // TODO: Round to step?
714  model.add_log(to_string() << "Setting " << opt << " to " << int_value);
715  set_option(opt, static_cast<float>(int_value), error_message);
716  *invalidate_flag = true;
717  res = true;
718  }
719  }
720  else
721  {
722  float tmp_value = value;
723  if (ImGui::SliderFloat(id.c_str(), &tmp_value,
724  range.min, range.max, "%.4f"))
725  {
726  auto loffset = std::abs(fmod(tmp_value, range.step));
727  auto roffset = range.step - loffset;
728  if (tmp_value >= 0)
729  tmp_value = (loffset < roffset) ? tmp_value - loffset : tmp_value + roffset;
730  else
731  tmp_value = (loffset < roffset) ? tmp_value + loffset : tmp_value - roffset;
732  tmp_value = (tmp_value < range.min) ? range.min : tmp_value;
733  tmp_value = (tmp_value > range.max) ? range.max : tmp_value;
734  model.add_log(to_string() << "Setting " << opt << " to " << tmp_value);
735  set_option(opt, tmp_value, error_message);
736  *invalidate_flag = true;
737  res = true;
738  }
739  }
740  }
741  catch (const error& e)
742  {
743  error_message = error_to_string(e);
744  }
745  }
746  else
747  {
748  std::string txt = to_string() << (use_option_name ? endpoint->get_option_name(opt) : desc) << ":";
750  auto pos_x = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
752  ImGui::Text("%s", txt.c_str());
753  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && desc)
754  {
755  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", desc);
756  }
758  ImGui::SameLine();
759  if (new_line)
760  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(pos_x + 120);
762  ImGui::PushItemWidth(new_line ? -1.f : 100.f);
764  std::vector<const char*> labels;
765  auto selected = 0, counter = 0;
766  for (auto i = range.min; i <= range.max; i += range.step, counter++)
767  {
768  if (std::fabs(i - value) < 0.001f) selected = counter;
769  labels.push_back(endpoint->get_option_value_description(opt, i));
770  }
773  try
774  {
775  int tmp_selected = selected;
776  float tmp_value = value;
777  ImGui::PushItemWidth(135.f);
778  if (ImGui::Combo(id.c_str(), &tmp_selected,,
779  static_cast<int>(labels.size())))
780  {
781  tmp_value = range.min + range.step * tmp_selected;
782  model.add_log(to_string() << "Setting " << opt << " to "
783  << tmp_value << " (" << labels[tmp_selected] << ")");
784  set_option(opt, tmp_value, error_message);
785  selected = tmp_selected;
786  if (invalidate_flag) *invalidate_flag = true;
787  res = true;
788  }
789  }
790  catch (const error& e)
791  {
792  error_message = error_to_string(e);
793  }
798  }
801  }
803  if (!read_only && opt == RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE && dev->auto_exposure_enabled && dev->s->is<roi_sensor>() && dev->streaming)
804  {
805  ImGui::SameLine(0, 10);
806  std::string button_label = label;
807  auto index = label.find_last_of('#');
808  if (index != std::string::npos)
809  {
810  button_label = label.substr(index + 1);
811  }
813  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f });
814  if (!dev->roi_checked)
815  {
816  std::string caption = to_string() << "Set ROI##" << button_label;
817  if (ImGui::Button(caption.c_str(), { 55, 0 }))
818  {
819  dev->roi_checked = true;
820  }
821  }
822  else
823  {
824  std::string caption = to_string() << "Cancel##" << button_label;
825  if (ImGui::Button(caption.c_str(), { 55, 0 }))
826  {
827  dev->roi_checked = false;
828  }
829  }
832  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
833  ImGui::SetTooltip("Select custom region of interest for the auto-exposure algorithm\nClick the button, then draw a rect on the frame");
834  }
835  }
837  return res;
838  }
840  void option_model::update_supported(std::string& error_message)
841  {
842  try
843  {
844  supported = endpoint->supports(opt);
845  }
846  catch (const error& e)
847  {
848  error_message = error_to_string(e);
849  }
850  }
852  void option_model::update_read_only_status(std::string& error_message)
853  {
854  try
855  {
856  read_only = endpoint->is_option_read_only(opt);
857  }
858  catch (const error& e)
859  {
860  error_message = error_to_string(e);
861  }
862  }
864  void option_model::update_all_fields(std::string& error_message, notifications_model& model)
865  {
866  try
867  {
868  if ((supported = endpoint->supports(opt)))
869  {
870  value = endpoint->get_option(opt);
871  range = endpoint->get_option_range(opt);
872  read_only = endpoint->is_option_read_only(opt);
873  }
874  }
875  catch (const error& e)
876  {
877  if (read_only) {
878  model.add_notification({ to_string() << "Could not refresh read-only option " << endpoint->get_option_name(opt) << ": " << e.what(),
881  }
882  else
883  error_message = error_to_string(e);
884  }
885  }
887  bool option_model::is_all_integers() const
888  {
889  return is_integer(range.min) && is_integer(range.max) &&
890  is_integer(range.def) && is_integer(range.step);
891  }
893  bool option_model::is_enum() const
894  {
895  if (range.step < 0.001f) return false;
897  for (auto i = range.min; i <= range.max; i += range.step)
898  {
899  if (endpoint->get_option_value_description(opt, i) == nullptr)
900  return false;
901  }
902  return true;
903  }
905  bool option_model::is_checkbox() const
906  {
907  return range.max == 1.0f &&
908  range.min == 0.0f &&
909  range.step == 1.0f;
910  }
912  bool option_model::allow_change(float val, std::string& error_message) const
913  {
914  // Place here option restrictions
915  return true;
916  }
918  void subdevice_model::populate_options(std::map<int, option_model>& opt_container,
919  const std::string& opt_base_label,
921  std::shared_ptr<options> options,
922  bool* options_invalidated,
923  std::string& error_message)
924  {
925  for (auto&& i : options->get_supported_options())
926  {
927  auto opt = static_cast<rs2_option>(i);
929  opt_container[opt] = create_option_model(opt, opt_base_label, model, options, options_invalidated, error_message);
930  }
931  }
934  {
935  std::stringstream ss;
937  << "." << sub->dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
938  << "." << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
939  return ss.str();
940  }
942  processing_block_model::processing_block_model(
943  subdevice_model* owner,
944  const std::string& name,
945  std::shared_ptr<rs2::filter> block,
946  std::function<rs2::frame(rs2::frame)> invoker,
947  std::string& error_message, bool enable)
948  : _owner(owner), _name(name), _block(block), _invoker(invoker), _enabled(enable)
949  {
950  std::stringstream ss;
951  ss << "##" << ((owner) ? owner->dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) : _name)
952  << "/" << ((owner) ? (*owner->s).get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) : "_")
953  << "/" << (long long)this;
955  if (_owner)
957  else
958  _full_name = _name;
961  block, _enabled);
963  populate_options(ss.str().c_str(), owner, owner ? &owner->_options_invalidated : nullptr, error_message);
964  }
967  {
969  }
972  {
973  if (options_metadata.find(opt) != options_metadata.end())
974  return options_metadata[opt];
976  std::string error_message;
977  options_metadata[opt] = create_option_model(opt, get_name(), _owner, _block, _owner ? &_owner->_options_invalidated : nullptr, error_message);
978  return options_metadata[opt];
979  }
983  bool* options_invalidated,
984  std::string& error_message)
985  {
986  for (auto opt : _block->get_supported_options())
987  {
988  options_metadata[opt] = create_option_model(opt, opt_base_label, model, _block, model ? &model->_options_invalidated : nullptr, error_message);
989  }
990  }
993  device& dev,
994  std::shared_ptr<sensor> s,
995  std::shared_ptr< atomic_objects_in_frame > device_detected_objects,
996  std::string& error_message,
997  viewer_model& viewer,
998  bool new_device_connected
999  )
1000  : s(s), dev(dev), tm2(), ui(), last_valid_ui(),
1001  streaming(false), _pause(false),
1002  depth_colorizer(std::make_shared<rs2::gl::colorizer>()),
1003  yuy2rgb(std::make_shared<rs2::gl::yuy_decoder>()),
1004  depth_decoder(std::make_shared<rs2::depth_huffman_decoder>()),
1005  viewer(viewer),
1006  detected_objects(device_detected_objects)
1007  {
1008  supported_options = s->get_supported_options();
1010  restore_processing_block("yuy2rgb", yuy2rgb);
1012  std::string device_name(dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME));
1013  std::string sensor_name(s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME));
1015  std::stringstream ss;
1017  << "." << device_name
1018  << "." << sensor_name;
1019  auto key = ss.str();
1021  bool const is_rgb_camera = s->is< color_sensor >();
1023  if (config_file::instance().contains(key.c_str()))
1024  {
1026  }
1028  try
1029  {
1030  if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_AUTO_EXPOSURE))
1032  }
1033  catch (...)
1034  {
1036  }
1038  try
1039  {
1040  if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS))
1041  depth_units = s->get_option(RS2_OPTION_DEPTH_UNITS);
1042  }
1043  catch (...) {}
1045  try
1046  {
1047  if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_STEREO_BASELINE))
1049  }
1050  catch (...) {}
1052  auto filters = s->get_recommended_filters();
1054  auto it = std::find_if(filters.begin(), filters.end(), [&](const filter &f)
1055  {
1056  if (<zero_order_invalidation>())
1057  return true;
1058  return false;
1059  });
1061  auto is_zo = it != filters.end();
1063  for (auto&& f : s->get_recommended_filters())
1064  {
1065  auto shared_filter = std::make_shared<filter>(f);
1066  auto model = std::make_shared<processing_block_model>(
1067  this, shared_filter->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME), shared_filter,
1068  [=](rs2::frame f) { return shared_filter->process(f); }, error_message);
1070  if (shared_filter->is<depth_huffman_decoder>())
1071  model->visible = false;
1073  if (is_zo)
1074  {
1075  if (shared_filter->is<zero_order_invalidation>())
1076  {
1078  viewer.zo_sensors++;
1079  }
1080  else
1081  model->enable(false);
1082  }
1084  if (shared_filter->is<hole_filling_filter>())
1085  model->enable(false);
1087  if (shared_filter->is<sequence_id_filter>())
1088  model->enable(false);
1090  if (shared_filter->is<decimation_filter>())
1091  {
1092  if (is_rgb_camera)
1093  model->enable(false);
1094  }
1096  if (shared_filter->is<threshold_filter>())
1097  {
1098  if (s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID))
1099  {
1100  // using short range for D405
1101  std::string device_pid = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID);
1102  if (device_pid == "0B5B")
1103  {
1104  std::string error_msg;
1105  auto threshold_pb = shared_filter->as<threshold_filter>();
1107  threshold_pb.set_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MAX_DISTANCE);
1108  }
1109  }
1110  }
1112  if (shared_filter->is<hdr_merge>())
1113  {
1114  // processing block will be skipped if the requested option is not supported
1115  auto supported_options = s->get_supported_options();
1117  continue;
1118  }
1120  post_processing.push_back(model);
1121  }
1123  if (is_rgb_camera)
1124  {
1125  for (auto & create_filter : post_processing_filters_list::get())
1126  {
1127  auto filter = create_filter();
1128  if (!filter)
1129  continue;
1130  filter->start(*this);
1131  std::shared_ptr< processing_block_model > model(
1133  this, filter,
1134  [=](rs2::frame f) { return filter->process(f); },
1135  error_message
1136  });
1137  post_processing.push_back(model);
1138  }
1139  }
1141  auto colorizer = std::make_shared<processing_block_model>(
1142  this, "Depth Visualization", depth_colorizer,
1143  [=](rs2::frame f) { return depth_colorizer->colorize(f); }, error_message);
1144  const_effects.push_back(colorizer);
1147  if (s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID))
1148  {
1149  std::string device_pid = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID);
1151  // using short range for D405
1152  if (device_pid == "0B5B")
1153  {
1154  std::string error_msg;
1155  depth_colorizer->set_option(RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MIN_DISTANCE);
1156  depth_colorizer->set_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE, SHORT_RANGE_MAX_DISTANCE);
1157  }
1158  }
1160  ss.str("");
1161  ss << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1162  << "/" << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1163  << "/" << (long long)this;
1166  {
1168  std::string id = s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PHYSICAL_PORT);
1170  bool has_metadata = !rs2::metadata_helper::instance().can_support_metadata(product)
1172  static bool showed_metadata_prompt = false;
1174  if (!has_metadata && !showed_metadata_prompt)
1175  {
1176  auto n = std::make_shared<metadata_warning_model>();
1177  viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
1178  showed_metadata_prompt = true;
1179  }
1180  }
1182  try
1183  {
1184  auto sensor_profiles = s->get_stream_profiles();
1185  reverse(begin(sensor_profiles), end(sensor_profiles));
1186  std::map<int, rs2_format> def_format{ {0, RS2_FORMAT_ANY} };
1187  auto default_resolution = std::make_pair(1280, 720);
1188  auto default_fps = 30;
1189  for (auto&& profile : sensor_profiles)
1190  {
1191  std::stringstream res;
1192  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1193  {
1194  if (profile.is_default())
1195  {
1196  default_resolution = std::pair<int, int>(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height());
1197  default_fps = profile.fps();
1198  }
1199  res << vid_prof.width() << " x " << vid_prof.height();
1200  push_back_if_not_exists(res_values, std::pair<int, int>(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()));
1202  }
1204  std::stringstream fps;
1205  fps << profile.fps();
1208  push_back_if_not_exists(fpses_per_stream[profile.unique_id()], fps.str());
1210  stream_display_names[profile.unique_id()] = profile.stream_name();
1217  if (profile.is_default())
1218  {
1219  stream_enabled[profile.unique_id()] = true;
1220  def_format[profile.unique_id()] = profile.format();
1221  }
1223  profiles.push_back(profile);
1224  }
1225  auto any_stream_enabled = std::any_of(std::begin(stream_enabled), std::end(stream_enabled), [](const std::pair<int, bool>& p) { return p.second; });
1226  if (!any_stream_enabled)
1227  {
1228  if (sensor_profiles.size() > 0)
1229  stream_enabled[sensor_profiles.rbegin()->unique_id()] = true;
1230  }
1232  for (auto&& fps_list : fps_values_per_stream)
1233  {
1234  sort_together(fps_list.second, fpses_per_stream[fps_list.first]);
1235  }
1241  int selection_index{};
1243  if (!show_single_fps_list)
1244  {
1245  for (auto fps_array : fps_values_per_stream)
1246  {
1247  if (get_default_selection_index(fps_array.second, default_fps, &selection_index))
1248  {
1249  ui.selected_fps_id[fps_array.first] = selection_index;
1250  break;
1251  }
1252  }
1253  }
1254  else
1255  {
1256  if (get_default_selection_index(shared_fps_values, default_fps, &selection_index))
1257  ui.selected_shared_fps_id = selection_index;
1258  }
1260  for (auto format_array : format_values)
1261  {
1262  if (get_default_selection_index(format_array.second, def_format[format_array.first], &selection_index))
1263  {
1264  ui.selected_format_id[format_array.first] = selection_index;
1265  }
1266  }
1268  get_default_selection_index(res_values, default_resolution, &selection_index);
1269  ui.selected_res_id = selection_index;
1271  if (new_device_connected)
1272  {
1273  // Have the various preset options automatically update based on the resolution of the
1274  // (closed) stream...
1275  // TODO we have no res_values when loading color rosbag, and color sensor isn't
1276  // even supposed to support SENSOR_MODE... see RS5-7726
1277  if( s->supports( RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE ) && !res_values.empty() )
1278  {
1279  // Watch out for read-only options in the playback sensor!
1280  try
1281  {
1282  s->set_option( RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE,
1283  static_cast< float >( resolution_from_width_height(
1284  res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first,
1285  res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second ) ) );
1286  }
1287  catch( not_implemented_error const &)
1288  {
1289  // Just ignore for now: need to figure out a way to write to playback sensors...
1290  }
1291  }
1292  }
1295  last_valid_ui = ui;
1296  }
1297  catch (const error& e)
1298  {
1299  error_message = error_to_string(e);
1300  }
1301  populate_options(options_metadata, ss.str().c_str(), this, s, &_options_invalidated, error_message);
1303  }
1306  {
1308  viewer.zo_sensors--;
1309  }
1312  {
1313  std::vector<int> first_fps_group;
1314  size_t group_index = 0;
1315  for (; group_index < fps_values_per_stream.size(); ++group_index)
1316  {
1317  if (!fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)group_index].empty())
1318  {
1319  first_fps_group = fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)group_index];
1320  break;
1321  }
1322  }
1324  for (size_t i = group_index + 1; i < fps_values_per_stream.size(); ++i)
1325  {
1326  auto fps_group = fps_values_per_stream[(rs2_stream)i];
1327  if (fps_group.empty())
1328  continue;
1330  for (auto& fps1 : first_fps_group)
1331  {
1332  auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(fps_group),
1333  std::end(fps_group),
1334  [&](const int& fps2)
1335  {
1336  return fps2 == fps1;
1337  });
1338  if (it != std::end(fps_group))
1339  {
1340  break;
1341  }
1342  return false;
1343  }
1344  }
1345  return true;
1346  }
1349  {
1350  bool res = false;
1352  std::string label = to_string() << "Stream Selection Columns##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1353  << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
1355  auto streaming_tooltip = [&]() {
1357  && ImGui::IsItemHovered() )
1358  ImGui::SetTooltip( "Can't modify while streaming" );
1359  };
1361  //ImGui::Columns(2, label.c_str(), false);
1362  //ImGui::SetColumnOffset(1, 135);
1363  auto col0 = ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
1364  auto col1 = 155.f;
1366  // Draw combo-box with all resolution options for this device
1367  auto res_chars = get_string_pointers(resolutions);
1368  if (res_chars.size() > 0)
1369  {
1370  ImGui::Text("Resolution:");
1371  streaming_tooltip();
1374  label = to_string() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1375  << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " resolution";
1378  {
1379  ImGui::Text("%s", res_chars[ui.selected_res_id]);
1380  streaming_tooltip();
1381  }
1382  else
1383  {
1386  auto tmp_selected_res_id = ui.selected_res_id;
1387  if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &tmp_selected_res_id,,
1388  static_cast<int>(res_chars.size())))
1389  {
1390  res = true;
1391  _options_invalidated = true;
1393  if (s->supports(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE))
1394  {
1395  auto width = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].first;
1396  auto height = res_values[tmp_selected_res_id].second;
1398  if (res >= RS2_SENSOR_MODE_VGA && res < RS2_SENSOR_MODE_COUNT)
1399  {
1400  try
1401  {
1402  s->set_option(RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE, float(res));
1403  }
1404  catch (const error& e)
1405  {
1406  error_message = error_to_string(e);
1407  }
1409  // Only update the cached value once set_option is done! That way, if it doesn't change anything...
1410  try
1411  {
1412  int sensor_mode_val = static_cast<int>(s->get_option( RS2_OPTION_SENSOR_MODE ));
1413  {
1415  static_cast< rs2_sensor_mode >( sensor_mode_val ),
1416  *s,
1417  res_values );
1418  }
1419  }
1420  catch (...) {}
1421  }
1422  else
1423  {
1424  error_message = to_string() << "Resolution " << width << "x" << height
1425  << " is not supported on this device";
1426  }
1427  }
1428  else
1429  {
1430  ui.selected_res_id = tmp_selected_res_id;
1431  }
1432  }
1435  }
1436  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0);
1437  }
1439  if (draw_fps_selector)
1440  {
1441  // FPS
1443  {
1444  auto fps_chars = get_string_pointers(shared_fpses);
1445  ImGui::Text("Frame Rate (FPS):");
1446  streaming_tooltip();
1449  label = to_string() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1450  << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << " fps";
1453  {
1454  ImGui::Text("%s", fps_chars[ui.selected_shared_fps_id]);
1455  streaming_tooltip();
1456  }
1457  else
1458  {
1461  if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_shared_fps_id,,
1462  static_cast<int>(fps_chars.size())))
1463  {
1464  res = true;
1465  }
1468  }
1470  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0);
1471  }
1472  }
1475  {
1476  if (!streaming)
1477  {
1478  ImGui::Text("Available Streams:");
1479  }
1481  // Draw combo-box with all format options for current device
1482  for (auto&& f : formats)
1483  {
1484  // Format
1485  if (f.second.size() == 0)
1486  continue;
1488  auto formats_chars = get_string_pointers(f.second);
1489  if (!streaming || (streaming && stream_enabled[f.first]))
1490  {
1491  if (streaming)
1492  {
1493  label = to_string() << stream_display_names[f.first] << (show_single_fps_list ? "" : " stream:");
1494  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
1495  streaming_tooltip();
1496  }
1497  else
1498  {
1499  auto tmp = stream_enabled;
1500  label = to_string() << stream_display_names[f.first] << "##" << f.first;
1501  if (ImGui::Checkbox(label.c_str(), &stream_enabled[f.first]))
1502  {
1504  }
1505  }
1506  }
1508  if (stream_enabled[f.first])
1509  {
1511  {
1512  ImGui::SameLine();
1513  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col1);
1514  }
1516  label = to_string() << "##" << dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1517  << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1518  << " " << f.first << " format";
1520  if (!show_single_fps_list)
1521  {
1522  ImGui::Text("Format:");
1523  streaming_tooltip();
1525  }
1527  if (streaming)
1528  {
1529  ImGui::Text("%s", formats_chars[ui.selected_format_id[f.first]]);
1530  streaming_tooltip();
1531  }
1532  else
1533  {
1536  ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_format_id[f.first],,
1537  static_cast<int>(formats_chars.size()));
1540  }
1541  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0);
1542  // FPS
1543  // Draw combo-box with all FPS options for this device
1544  if (!show_single_fps_list && !fpses_per_stream[f.first].empty() && stream_enabled[f.first])
1545  {
1546  auto fps_chars = get_string_pointers(fpses_per_stream[f.first]);
1547  ImGui::Text("Frame Rate (FPS):");
1548  streaming_tooltip();
1551  label = to_string() << "##" << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1552  << s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)
1553  << f.first << " fps";
1555  if (streaming)
1556  {
1557  ImGui::Text("%s", fps_chars[ui.selected_fps_id[f.first]]);
1558  streaming_tooltip();
1559  }
1560  else
1561  {
1564  ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &ui.selected_fps_id[f.first],,
1565  static_cast<int>(fps_chars.size()));
1568  }
1569  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(col0);
1570  }
1571  }
1572  else
1573  {
1574  //ImGui::NextColumn();
1575  }
1576  }
1577  }
1580  return res;
1581  }
1584  {
1585  std::vector<stream_profile> results;
1587  for (auto&& f : formats)
1588  {
1589  auto stream = f.first;
1590  if (stream_enabled[stream])
1591  {
1592  auto fps = 0;
1595  else
1600  for (auto&& p : profiles)
1601  {
1602  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1603  {
1604  if (res_values.size() > 0)
1605  {
1606  auto width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first;
1607  auto height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second;
1609  if (vid_prof.width() == width &&
1610  vid_prof.height() == height &&
1611  p.unique_id() == stream &&
1612  p.fps() == fps &&
1613  p.format() == format)
1614  results.push_back(p);
1615  }
1616  }
1617  else
1618  {
1619  if (p.fps() == fps &&
1620  p.unique_id() == stream &&
1621  p.format() == format)
1622  results.push_back(p);
1623  }
1624  }
1625  }
1626  }
1628  if (results.size() == 0)
1629  return false;
1630  // Verify that the number of found matches corrseponds to the number of the requested streams
1631  // TODO - review whether the comparison can be made strict (==)
1632  return results.size() >= size_t(std::count_if(stream_enabled.begin(), stream_enabled.end(), [](const std::pair<int, bool>& kpv)-> bool { return kpv.second == true; }));
1633  }
1635  void subdevice_model::update_ui(std::vector<stream_profile> profiles_vec)
1636  {
1637  if (profiles_vec.empty())
1638  return;
1639  for (auto& s : stream_enabled)
1640  s.second = false;
1641  for (auto& p : profiles_vec)
1642  {
1643  stream_enabled[p.unique_id()] = true;
1645  auto format_vec = format_values[p.unique_id()];
1646  for (int i = 0; i < format_vec.size(); i++)
1647  {
1648  if (format_vec[i] == p.format())
1649  {
1650  ui.selected_format_id[p.unique_id()] = i;
1651  break;
1652  }
1653  }
1654  for (int i = 0; i < res_values.size(); i++)
1655  {
1656  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1657  if (res_values[i].first == vid_prof.width() && res_values[i].second == vid_prof.height())
1658  {
1659  ui.selected_res_id = i;
1660  break;
1661  }
1662  }
1663  for (int i = 0; i < shared_fps_values.size(); i++)
1664  {
1665  if (shared_fps_values[i] == p.fps())
1666  {
1668  break;
1669  }
1670  }
1671  }
1672  last_valid_ui = ui;
1673  prev_stream_enabled = stream_enabled; // prev differs from curr only after user changes
1674  }
1676  template<typename T, typename V>
1677  bool subdevice_model::check_profile(stream_profile p, T cond, std::map<V, std::map<int, stream_profile>>& profiles_map,
1678  std::vector<stream_profile>& results, V key, int num_streams, stream_profile& def_p)
1679  {
1680  bool found = false;
1681  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1682  {
1683  for (auto& s : stream_enabled)
1684  {
1685  // find profiles that have an enabled stream and match the required condition
1686  if (s.second == true && vid_prof.unique_id() == s.first && cond(vid_prof))
1687  {
1688  profiles_map[key].insert(std::pair<int, stream_profile>(p.unique_id(), p));
1689  if (profiles_map[key].size() == num_streams)
1690  {
1691  results.clear(); // make sure only current profiles are saved
1692  for (auto& it : profiles_map[key])
1693  results.push_back(it.second);
1694  found = true;
1695  }
1696  else if (results.empty() && num_streams > 1 && profiles_map[key].size() == num_streams - 1)
1697  {
1698  for (auto& it : profiles_map[key])
1699  results.push_back(it.second);
1700  }
1701  }
1702  else if (!def_p.get() && cond(vid_prof))
1703  def_p = p; // in case no matching profile for current stream will be found, we'll use some profile that matches the condition
1704  }
1705  }
1706  return found;
1707  }
1710  void subdevice_model::get_sorted_profiles(std::vector<stream_profile>& profiles)
1711  {
1713  auto width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first;
1714  auto height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second;
1715  std::sort(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile a, stream_profile b) {
1716  int score_a = 0, score_b = 0;
1717  if (a.fps() != fps)
1718  score_a++;
1719  if (b.fps() != fps)
1720  score_b++;
1723  score_a++;
1724  if (b.format() != format_values[b.unique_id()][ui.selected_format_id[b.unique_id()]])
1725  score_b++;
1727  auto a_vp =<video_stream_profile>();
1728  auto b_vp =<video_stream_profile>();
1729  if (!a_vp || !b_vp)
1730  return score_a < score_b;
1731  if (a_vp.width() != width || a_vp.height() != height)
1732  score_a++;
1733  if (b_vp.width() != width || b_vp.height() != height)
1734  score_b++;
1735  return score_a < score_b;
1736  });
1737  }
1739  std::vector<stream_profile> subdevice_model::get_supported_profiles()
1740  {
1741  std::vector<stream_profile> results;
1742  if (!show_single_fps_list || res_values.size() == 0)
1743  return results;
1745  int num_streams = 0;
1746  for (auto& s : stream_enabled)
1747  if (s.second == true)
1748  num_streams++;
1749  stream_profile def_p;
1751  auto width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first;
1752  auto height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second;
1753  std::vector<stream_profile> sorted_profiles = profiles;
1756  {
1757  get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles);
1758  std::map<int, std::map<int, stream_profile>> profiles_by_fps;
1759  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1760  {
1761  if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp)
1762  { return (vsp.width() == width && vsp.height() == height); },
1763  profiles_by_fps, results, p.fps(), num_streams, def_p))
1764  break;
1765  }
1766  }
1768  {
1769  get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles);
1770  std::map<std::tuple<int, int>, std::map<int, stream_profile>> profiles_by_res;
1772  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1773  {
1774  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1775  {
1776  if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { return (vsp.fps() == fps); },
1777  profiles_by_res, results, std::make_tuple(vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p))
1778  break;
1779  }
1780  }
1781  }
1783  {
1784  if (num_streams == 0)
1785  {
1786  last_valid_ui = ui;
1787  return results;
1788  }
1789  get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles);
1790  std::vector<stream_profile> matching_profiles;
1791  std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, std::map<int, stream_profile>> profiles_by_fps_res; //fps, width, height
1793  int stream_id;
1794  // find the stream to which the user made changes
1795  for (auto& it : ui.selected_format_id)
1796  {
1797  if (stream_enabled[it.first])
1798  {
1799  auto last_valid_it = last_valid_ui.selected_format_id.find(it.first);
1800  if ((last_valid_it == last_valid_ui.selected_format_id.end() || it.second != last_valid_it->second))
1801  {
1802  format = format_values[it.first][it.second];
1803  stream_id = it.first;
1804  }
1805  }
1806  }
1807  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1808  {
1809  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1810  if (p.unique_id() == stream_id && p.format() == format) // && stream_enabled[stream_id]
1811  {
1812  profiles_by_fps_res[std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height())].insert(std::pair<int, stream_profile>(p.unique_id(), p));
1813  matching_profiles.push_back(p);
1814  if (!def_p.get())
1815  def_p = p;
1816  }
1817  }
1818  // take profiles not in matching_profiles with enabled stream and fps+resolution matching some profile in matching_profiles
1819  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1820  {
1821  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1822  {
1823  if (check_profile(p, [&](stream_profile prof) { return (std::find_if(matching_profiles.begin(), matching_profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile sp)
1824  { return (stream_id != p.unique_id() && sp.fps() == p.fps() &&<video_stream_profile>().width() == vid_prof.width() &&
1825<video_stream_profile>().height() == vid_prof.height()); }) != matching_profiles.end()); },
1826  profiles_by_fps_res, results, std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p))
1827  break;
1828  }
1829  }
1830  }
1831  else if (stream_enabled != prev_stream_enabled)
1832  {
1833  if (num_streams == 0)
1834  return results;
1835  get_sorted_profiles(sorted_profiles);
1836  std::vector<stream_profile> matching_profiles;
1837  std::map<rs2_format, std::map<int, stream_profile>> profiles_by_format;
1839  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1840  {
1841  // first try to find profile from the new stream to meatch the current configuration
1842  if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vid_prof)
1843  { return (p.fps() == fps && vid_prof.width() == width && vid_prof.height() == height); },
1844  profiles_by_format, results, p.format(), num_streams, def_p))
1845  break;
1846  }
1847  if (results.size() < num_streams)
1848  {
1849  results.clear();
1850  std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, std::map<int, stream_profile>> profiles_by_fps_res;
1851  for (auto&& p : sorted_profiles)
1852  {
1853  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1854  {
1855  // if no stream with current configuration was found, try to find some configuration to match all enabled streams
1856  if (check_profile(p, [&](video_stream_profile vsp) { return true; }, profiles_by_fps_res, results,
1857  std::make_tuple(p.fps(), vid_prof.width(), vid_prof.height()), num_streams, def_p))
1858  break;
1859  }
1860  }
1861  }
1862  }
1863  if (results.empty())
1864  results.push_back(def_p);
1865  update_ui(results);
1866  return results;
1867  }
1869  std::vector<stream_profile> subdevice_model::get_selected_profiles()
1870  {
1871  std::vector<stream_profile> results;
1873  std::stringstream error_message;
1874  error_message << "The profile ";
1876  for (auto&& f : formats)
1877  {
1878  auto stream = f.first;
1879  if (stream_enabled[stream])
1880  {
1883  auto fps = 0;
1886  else
1889  for (auto&& p : profiles)
1890  {
1891  if (auto vid_prof =<video_stream_profile>())
1892  {
1893  if (res_values.size() > 0)
1894  {
1895  auto width = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].first;
1896  auto height = res_values[ui.selected_res_id].second;
1898  error_message << "\n{" << stream_display_names[stream] << ","
1899  << width << "x" << height << " at " << fps << "Hz, "
1900  << rs2_format_to_string(format) << "} ";
1902  if (vid_prof.width() == width &&
1903  vid_prof.height() == height &&
1904  p.unique_id() == stream &&
1905  p.fps() == fps &&
1906  p.format() == format)
1907  results.push_back(p);
1908  }
1909  }
1910  else
1911  {
1912  error_message << "\n{" << stream_display_names[stream] << ", at " << fps << "Hz, "
1913  << rs2_format_to_string(format) << "} ";
1915  if (p.fps() == fps &&
1916  p.unique_id() == stream &&
1917  p.format() == format)
1918  results.push_back(p);
1919  }
1920  }
1921  }
1922  }
1923  if (results.size() == 0)
1924  {
1925  error_message << " is unsupported!";
1926  throw std::runtime_error(error_message.str());
1927  }
1928  return results;
1929  }
1931  void subdevice_model::stop(std::shared_ptr<notifications_model> not_model)
1932  {
1933  if ( not_model )
1934  not_model->add_log("Stopping streaming");
1936  for_each(stream_display_names.begin(), stream_display_names.end(), [this](std::pair<int, std::string> kvp)
1937  {
1938  if ("Pose" == kvp.second)
1939  {
1940  this->tm2.reset_trajectory();
1941  this->tm2.record_trajectory(false);
1942  }
1943  });
1945  streaming = false;
1946  _pause = false;
1948  if (profiles[0].stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_COLOR)
1949  {
1950  std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock(detected_objects->mutex);
1951  detected_objects->clear();
1952  detected_objects->sensor_is_on = false;
1953  }
1955  s->stop();
1957  _options_invalidated = true;
1959  queues.foreach([&](frame_queue& q)
1960  {
1961  frame f;
1962  while (q.poll_for_frame(&f));
1963  });
1965  s->close();
1966  }
1969  {
1970  return _pause.load();
1971  }
1974  {
1975  _pause = true;
1976  }
1979  {
1980  _pause = false;
1981  }
1984  {
1985  auto ir = std::find_if(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile p) { return (p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED); });
1986  auto depth = std::find_if(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), [&](stream_profile p) { return (p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH); });
1988  return !(ir == profiles.end() || depth == profiles.end() || !stream_enabled[depth->unique_id()] || !stream_enabled[ir->unique_id()]);
1989  }
1992  {
1993  if (!can_enable_zero_order())
1994  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Zero order filter requires both IR and Depth streams turned on.\nPlease rectify the configuration and rerun");
1995  }
1997  //The function decides if specific frame should be sent to the syncer
1999  {
2000  if (zero_order_artifact_fix && zero_order_artifact_fix->is_enabled() &&
2002  return true;
2003  if (!viewer.is_3d_view || viewer.is_3d_depth_source(f) || viewer.is_3d_texture_source(f))
2004  return true;
2006  return false;
2007  }
2009  void subdevice_model::play(const std::vector<stream_profile>& profiles, viewer_model& viewer, std::shared_ptr<rs2::asynchronous_syncer> syncer)
2010  {
2012  {
2014  }
2016  std::stringstream ss;
2017  ss << "Starting streaming of ";
2018  for (size_t i = 0; i < profiles.size(); i++)
2019  {
2020  ss << profiles[i].stream_type();
2021  if (i < profiles.size() - 1) ss << ", ";
2022  }
2023  ss << "...";
2024  viewer.not_model->add_log(ss.str());
2026  // TODO - refactor tm2 from viewer to subdevice
2027  for_each(stream_display_names.begin(), stream_display_names.end(), [this](std::pair<int, std::string> kvp)
2028  {
2029  if ("Pose" == kvp.second)
2030  {
2031  this->tm2.record_trajectory(true);
2032  }
2033  });
2035  s->open(profiles);
2037  try {
2038  s->start([&, syncer](frame f)
2039  {
2040  if (viewer.synchronization_enable && is_synchronized_frame(viewer, f))
2041  {
2042  syncer->invoke(f);
2043  }
2044  else
2045  {
2046  auto id = f.get_profile().unique_id();
2047  viewer.ppf.frames_queue[id].enqueue(f);
2049  on_frame();
2050  }
2051  });
2052  }
2054  catch (...)
2055  {
2056  s->close();
2057  throw;
2058  }
2060  _options_invalidated = true;
2061  streaming = true;
2062  if (s->is< color_sensor >())
2063  {
2064  std::lock_guard< std::mutex > lock(detected_objects->mutex);
2065  detected_objects->sensor_is_on = true;
2066  }
2067  }
2068  void subdevice_model::update(std::string& error_message, notifications_model& notifications)
2069  {
2071  {
2072  next_option = 0;
2073  _options_invalidated = false;
2078  for (auto&& pbm : post_processing) pbm->save_to_config_file();
2079  }
2081  if (next_option < supported_options.size())
2082  {
2084  if (options_metadata.find(static_cast<rs2_option>(next)) != options_metadata.end())
2085  {
2086  auto& opt_md = options_metadata[static_cast<rs2_option>(next)];
2087  opt_md.update_all_fields(error_message, notifications);
2090  {
2091  auto old_ae_enabled = auto_exposure_enabled;
2092  auto_exposure_enabled = opt_md.value > 0;
2094  if (!old_ae_enabled && auto_exposure_enabled)
2095  {
2096  try
2097  {
2098  if (s->is<roi_sensor>())
2099  {
2100  auto r = s->as<roi_sensor>().get_region_of_interest();
2101  roi_rect.x = static_cast<float>(r.min_x);
2102  roi_rect.y = static_cast<float>(r.min_y);
2103  roi_rect.w = static_cast<float>(r.max_x - r.min_x);
2104  roi_rect.h = static_cast<float>(r.max_y - r.min_y);
2105  }
2106  }
2107  catch (...)
2108  {
2109  auto_exposure_enabled = false;
2110  }
2111  }
2112  }
2115  {
2116>depth_units = opt_md.value;
2117  }
2120>stereo_baseline = opt_md.value;
2121  }
2123  next_option++;
2124  }
2125  }
2127  void subdevice_model::draw_options(const std::vector<rs2_option>& drawing_order,
2128  bool update_read_only_options, std::string& error_message,
2129  notifications_model& notifications)
2130  {
2131  for (auto& opt : drawing_order)
2132  {
2133  draw_option(opt, update_read_only_options, error_message, notifications);
2134  }
2136  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_OPTION_COUNT; i++)
2137  {
2138  auto opt = static_cast<rs2_option>(i);
2139  if (viewer.is_option_skipped(opt)) continue;
2140  if (std::find(drawing_order.begin(), drawing_order.end(), opt) == drawing_order.end())
2141  {
2142  draw_option(opt, update_read_only_options, error_message, notifications);
2143  }
2144  }
2145  }
2148  {
2149  return (uint64_t)std::count_if(
2152  [&](const std::pair<int, option_model>& p) {return p.second.supported && !viewer.is_option_skipped(p.second.opt); });
2153  }
2155  bool option_model::draw_option(bool update_read_only_options,
2156  bool is_streaming,
2157  std::string& error_message, notifications_model& model)
2158  {
2159  if (update_read_only_options)
2160  {
2161  update_supported(error_message);
2162  if (supported && is_streaming)
2163  {
2164  update_read_only_status(error_message);
2165  if (read_only)
2166  {
2167  update_all_fields(error_message, model);
2168  }
2169  }
2170  }
2171  if (custom_draw_method)
2172  return custom_draw_method(*this, error_message, model);
2173  else
2174  return draw(error_message, model);
2175  }
2177  void option_model::set_option(rs2_option opt, float req_value, std::string &error_message)
2178  {
2179  try
2180  {
2181  endpoint->set_option(opt, req_value);
2182  }
2183  catch (const error& e)
2184  {
2185  error_message = error_to_string(e);
2186  }
2187  // Only update the cached value once set_option is done! That way, if it doesn't change anything...
2188  try { value = endpoint->get_option(opt); }
2189  catch (...) {}
2190  }
2193  : texture(std::unique_ptr<texture_buffer>(new texture_buffer())),
2194  _stream_not_alive(std::chrono::milliseconds(1500)),
2195  _stabilized_reflectivity(10)
2196  {
2201  }
2203  std::shared_ptr<texture_buffer> stream_model::upload_frame(frame&& f)
2204  {
2205  if (dev && dev->is_paused()) return nullptr;
2209  auto image =<video_frame>();
2210  auto width = (image) ? image.get_width() : 640.f;
2211  auto height = (image) ? image.get_height() : 480.f;
2213  size = { static_cast<float>(width), static_cast<float>(height) };
2214  profile = f.get_profile();
2215  frame_number = f.get_frame_number();
2216  timestamp_domain = f.get_frame_timestamp_domain();
2217  timestamp = f.get_timestamp();
2218  fps.add_timestamp(f.get_timestamp(), f.get_frame_number());
2220  view_fps.add_timestamp(glfwGetTime() * 1000, count++);
2222  // populate frame metadata attributes
2223  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_FRAME_METADATA_COUNT; i++)
2224  {
2225  if (f.supports_frame_metadata((rs2_frame_metadata_value)i))
2226  frame_md.md_attributes[i] = std::make_pair(true, f.get_frame_metadata((rs2_frame_metadata_value)i));
2227  else
2228  frame_md.md_attributes[i].first = false;
2229  }
2231  texture->upload(f);
2232  return texture;
2233  }
2235  void outline_rect(const rect& r)
2236  {
2239  glLineWidth(1);
2240  glLineStipple(1, 0xAAAA);
2244  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y);
2245  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y + r.h);
2246  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
2247  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y);
2248  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y);
2249  glEnd();
2251  glPopAttrib();
2252  }
2254  void draw_rect(const rect& r, int line_width)
2255  {
2258  glLineWidth((GLfloat)line_width);
2261  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y);
2262  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y + r.h);
2263  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
2264  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y);
2265  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y);
2266  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y + r.h);
2267  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h);
2268  glVertex2f(r.x + r.w, r.y);
2269  glVertex2f(r.x, r.y);
2270  glEnd();
2272  glPopAttrib();
2273  }
2276  {
2277  if (dev &&
2278  (dev->is_paused() ||
2279  (dev->streaming && dev-><playback>()) ||
2280  (dev->streaming /*&& texture->get_last_frame()*/)))
2281  {
2282  return true;
2283  }
2284  return false;
2285  }
2288  {
2289  if (dev &&
2290  (dev->is_paused() ||
2291  (dev->streaming && dev-><playback>())))
2292  {
2294  return true;
2295  }
2297  using namespace std::chrono;
2299  auto diff = now - last_frame;
2300  auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(diff).count();
2302  return !_stream_not_alive.eval();
2303  }
2305  void stream_model::begin_stream(std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model> d, rs2::stream_profile p, const viewer_model& viewer)
2306  {
2307  dev = d;
2308  original_profile = p;
2310  profile = p;
2311  texture->colorize = d->depth_colorizer;
2312  texture->yuy2rgb = d->yuy2rgb;
2313  texture->depth_decode = d->depth_decoder;
2315  if (auto vd =<video_stream_profile>())
2316  {
2317  size = {
2318  static_cast<float>(vd.width()),
2319  static_cast<float>(vd.height()) };
2321  original_size = {
2322  static_cast<float>(vd.width()),
2323  static_cast<float>(vd.height()) };
2324  }
2327  try
2328  {
2329  auto ds = d->dev.first< depth_sensor >();
2330  if( viewer._support_ir_reflectivity
2331  && ds.supports( RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_IR_REFLECTIVITY )
2332  && ds.supports( RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_MAX_USABLE_RANGE )
2333  && ( ( p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED )
2334  || ( p.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH ) ) )
2335  {
2336  _reflectivity = std::unique_ptr< reflectivity >( new reflectivity() );
2337  }
2338  }
2339  catch(...) {};
2341  }
2344  int y,
2346  const std::map< int, stream_model > & streams,
2347  std::stringstream & ss,
2348  bool same_line )
2349  {
2350  bool reflectivity_valid = false;
2352  static const int MAX_PIXEL_MOVEMENT_TOLERANCE = 0;
2354  if( std::abs( _prev_mouse_pos_x - x ) > MAX_PIXEL_MOVEMENT_TOLERANCE
2355  || std::abs( _prev_mouse_pos_y - y ) > MAX_PIXEL_MOVEMENT_TOLERANCE )
2356  {
2357  _reflectivity->reset_history();
2359  _prev_mouse_pos_x = x;
2360  _prev_mouse_pos_y = y;
2361  }
2363  // Get IR sample for getting current reflectivity
2364  auto ir_stream
2365  = std::find_if( streams.cbegin(),
2366  streams.cend(),
2367  []( const std::pair< const int, stream_model > & stream ) {
2368  return stream.second.profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED;
2369  } );
2371  // Get depth sample for adding to reflectivity history
2372  auto depth_stream
2373  = std::find_if( streams.cbegin(),
2374  streams.cend(),
2375  []( const std::pair< const int, stream_model > & stream ) {
2376  return stream.second.profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH;
2377  } );
2379  if ((ir_stream != streams.end()) && (depth_stream != streams.end()))
2380  {
2381  auto depth_val = 0.0f;
2382  auto ir_val = 0.0f;
2383  depth_stream->second.texture->try_pick( x, y, &depth_val );
2384  ir_stream->second.texture->try_pick( x, y, &ir_val );
2386  _reflectivity->add_depth_sample( depth_val, x, y ); // Add depth sample to the history
2388  float noise_est = ds.get_option( RS2_OPTION_NOISE_ESTIMATION );
2389  auto mur_sensor =< max_usable_range_sensor >();
2390  if( mur_sensor )
2391  {
2392  auto max_usable_range = mur_sensor.get_max_usable_depth_range();
2393  reflectivity_valid = true;
2394  std::string ref_str = "N/A";
2395  try
2396  {
2397  if (_reflectivity->is_history_full())
2398  {
2399  auto pixel_ref
2400  = _reflectivity->get_reflectivity(noise_est, max_usable_range, ir_val);
2401  _stabilized_reflectivity.add(pixel_ref);
2402  auto stabilized_pixel_ref = _stabilized_reflectivity.get( 0.75f ); // We use 75% stability for preventing spikes
2403  ref_str = to_string() << std::dec << round( stabilized_pixel_ref * 100 ) << "%";
2404  }
2405  else
2406  {
2407  // Show dots when calculating ,dots count [3-10]
2408  int dots_count = static_cast<int>(_reflectivity->get_samples_ratio() * 7);
2409  ref_str = "calculating...";
2410  ref_str += std::string(dots_count, '.');
2411  }
2412  }
2413  catch( ... )
2414  {
2415  }
2417  if( same_line )
2418  ss << ", Reflectivity: " << ref_str;
2419  else
2420  ss << "\nReflectivity: " << ref_str;
2421  }
2422  }
2424  return reflectivity_valid;
2425  }
2427  void stream_model::update_ae_roi_rect(const rect& stream_rect, const mouse_info& mouse, std::string& error_message)
2428  {
2429  if (dev->roi_checked)
2430  {
2431  auto&& sensor = dev->s;
2432  // Case 1: Starting Dragging of the ROI rect
2433  // Pre-condition: not capturing already + mouse is down + we are inside stream rect
2434  if (!capturing_roi && mouse.mouse_down[0] && stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
2435  {
2436  // Initialize roi_display_rect with drag-start position
2437  roi_display_rect.x = mouse.cursor.x;
2438  roi_display_rect.y = mouse.cursor.y;
2439  roi_display_rect.w = 0; // Still unknown, will be update later
2440  roi_display_rect.h = 0;
2441  capturing_roi = true; // Mark that we are in process of capturing the ROI rect
2442  }
2443  // Case 2: We are in the middle of dragging (capturing) ROI rect and we did not leave the stream boundaries
2444  if (capturing_roi && stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
2445  {
2446  // x,y remain the same, only update the width,height with new mouse position relative to starting mouse position
2449  }
2450  // Case 3: We are in middle of dragging (capturing) and mouse was released
2451  if (!mouse.mouse_down[0] && capturing_roi && stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
2452  {
2453  // Update width,height one last time
2456  capturing_roi = false; // Mark that we are no longer dragging
2458  if (roi_display_rect) // If the rect is not empty?
2459  {
2460  // Convert from local (pixel) coordinate system to device coordinate system
2461  auto r = roi_display_rect;
2463  dev->roi_rect = r; // Store new rect in device coordinates into the subdevice object
2465  // Send it to firmware:
2466  // Step 1: get rid of negative width / height
2467  region_of_interest roi{};
2468  roi.min_x = static_cast<int>(std::min(r.x, r.x + r.w));
2469  roi.max_x = static_cast<int>(std::max(r.x, r.x + r.w));
2470  roi.min_y = static_cast<int>(std::min(r.y, r.y + r.h));
2471  roi.max_y = static_cast<int>(std::max(r.y, r.y + r.h));
2473  try
2474  {
2475  // Step 2: send it to firmware
2476  if (sensor->is<roi_sensor>())
2477  {
2478  sensor->as<roi_sensor>().set_region_of_interest(roi);
2479  }
2480  }
2481  catch (const error& e)
2482  {
2483  error_message = error_to_string(e);
2484  }
2485  }
2486  else // If the rect is empty
2487  {
2488  try
2489  {
2490  // To reset ROI, just set ROI to the entire frame
2491  auto x_margin = (int)size.x / 8;
2492  auto y_margin = (int)size.y / 8;
2494  // Default ROI behavior is center 3/4 of the screen:
2495  if (sensor->is<roi_sensor>())
2496  {
2497  sensor->as<roi_sensor>().set_region_of_interest({ x_margin, y_margin,
2498  (int)size.x - x_margin - 1,
2499  (int)size.y - y_margin - 1 });
2500  }
2502  roi_display_rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
2503  dev->roi_rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
2504  }
2505  catch (const error& e)
2506  {
2507  error_message = error_to_string(e);
2508  }
2509  }
2511  dev->roi_checked = false;
2512  }
2513  // If we left stream bounds while capturing, stop capturing
2514  if (capturing_roi && !stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
2515  {
2516  capturing_roi = false;
2517  }
2519  // When not capturing, just refresh the ROI rect in case the stream box moved
2520  if (!capturing_roi)
2521  {
2522  auto r = dev->roi_rect; // Take the current from device, convert to local coordinates
2523  r = r.normalize(_normalized_zoom.unnormalize(get_original_stream_bounds())).unnormalize(stream_rect).cut_by(stream_rect);
2524  roi_display_rect = r;
2525  }
2527  // Display ROI rect
2528  glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
2530  }
2531  }
2533  bool draw_combo_box(const std::string& id, const std::vector<std::string>& device_names, int& new_index)
2534  {
2535  std::vector<const char*> device_names_chars = get_string_pointers(device_names);
2536  return ImGui::Combo(id.c_str(), &new_index,, static_cast<int>(device_names.size()));
2537  }
2539  void stream_model::show_stream_header(ImFont* font, const rect &stream_rect, viewer_model& viewer)
2540  {
2541  const auto top_bar_height = 32.f;
2542  auto num_of_buttons = 5;
2544  if (!viewer.allow_stream_close) --num_of_buttons;
2545  if (viewer.streams.size() > 1) ++num_of_buttons;
2546  if (RS2_STREAM_DEPTH == profile.stream_type()) ++num_of_buttons; // Color map ruler button
2548  ImGui_ScopePushFont(font);
2556  std::string label = to_string() << "Stream of " << profile.unique_id();
2558  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ stream_rect.x, stream_rect.y - top_bar_height },
2559  { stream_rect.x + stream_rect.w, stream_rect.y }, ImColor(sensor_bg));
2561  int offset = 5;
2562  if (dev->_is_being_recorded) offset += 23;
2563  auto p = dev-><playback>();
2564  if (dev->is_paused() || (p && p.current_status() == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED)) offset += 23;
2566  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ stream_rect.x + 4 + offset, stream_rect.y - top_bar_height + 7 });
2568  std::string tooltip;
2569  if (dev && dev->dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) &&
2570  dev->dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER) &&
2571  dev->s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME))
2572  {
2573  std::string dev_name = dev->dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
2574  std::string dev_serial = dev->dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER);
2575  std::string sensor_name = dev->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
2576  std::string stream_name = rs2_stream_to_string(profile.stream_type());
2578  tooltip = to_string() << dev_name << " s.n:" << dev_serial << " | " << sensor_name << ", " << stream_name << " stream";
2579  const auto approx_char_width = 12;
2580  if (stream_rect.w - 32 * num_of_buttons >= (dev_name.size() + dev_serial.size() + sensor_name.size() + stream_name.size()) * approx_char_width)
2581  label = tooltip;
2582  else
2583  {
2584  // Use only the SKU type for compact representation and use only the last three digits for S.N
2585  auto short_name = split_string(dev_name, ' ').back();
2586  auto short_sn = dev_serial;
2587  short_sn.erase(0, dev_serial.size() - 5).replace(0, 2, "..");
2589  auto label_length = stream_rect.w - 32 * num_of_buttons;
2591  if (label_length >= (short_name.size() + dev_serial.size() + sensor_name.size() + stream_name.size()) * approx_char_width)
2592  label = to_string() << short_name << " s.n:" << dev_serial << " | " << sensor_name << " " << stream_name << " stream";
2593  else if (label_length >= (short_name.size() + short_sn.size() + stream_name.size()) * approx_char_width)
2594  label = to_string() << short_name << " s.n:" << short_sn << " " << stream_name << " stream";
2595  else if (label_length >= short_name.size() * approx_char_width)
2596  label = to_string() << short_name << " " << stream_name;
2597  else
2598  label = "";
2599  }
2600  }
2601  else
2602  {
2603  label = to_string() << "Unknown " << rs2_stream_to_string(profile.stream_type()) << " stream";
2604  tooltip = label;
2605  }
2607  ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(stream_rect.x + stream_rect.w - 32 * num_of_buttons - 5);
2608  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
2609  if (tooltip != label && ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2610  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
2613  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ stream_rect.x + stream_rect.w - 32 * num_of_buttons, stream_rect.y - top_bar_height });
2616  label = to_string() << textual_icons::metadata << "##Metadata" << profile.unique_id();
2617  if (show_metadata)
2618  {
2621  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2622  {
2623  show_metadata = false;
2624  }
2625  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2626  {
2627  ImGui::SetTooltip("Hide frame metadata");
2628  }
2630  }
2631  else
2632  {
2633  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2634  {
2635  show_metadata = true;
2636  }
2637  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2638  {
2639  ImGui::SetTooltip("Show frame metadata");
2640  }
2641  }
2642  ImGui::SameLine();
2644  if (RS2_STREAM_DEPTH == profile.stream_type())
2645  {
2646  label = to_string() << textual_icons::bar_chart << "##Color map";
2647  if (show_map_ruler)
2648  {
2651  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2652  {
2653  show_map_ruler = false;
2655  }
2656  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2657  {
2658  ImGui::SetTooltip("Hide color map ruler");
2659  }
2661  }
2662  else
2663  {
2664  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2665  {
2666  show_map_ruler = true;
2668  }
2669  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2670  {
2671  ImGui::SetTooltip("Show color map ruler");
2672  }
2673  }
2674  ImGui::SameLine();
2675  }
2677  if (dev->is_paused() || (p && p.current_status() == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED))
2678  {
2681  label = to_string() << textual_icons::play << "##Resume " << profile.unique_id();
2682  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2683  {
2684  if (p)
2685  {
2686  p.resume();
2687  }
2688  dev->resume();
2689  viewer.paused = false;
2690  }
2691  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2692  {
2693  ImGui::SetTooltip("Resume sensor");
2694  }
2696  }
2697  else
2698  {
2699  label = to_string() << textual_icons::pause << "##Pause " << profile.unique_id();
2700  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2701  {
2702  if (p)
2703  {
2704  p.pause();
2705  }
2706  dev->pause();
2707  viewer.paused = true;
2708  }
2709  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2710  {
2711  ImGui::SetTooltip("Pause sensor");
2712  }
2713  }
2714  ImGui::SameLine();
2716  label = to_string() << textual_icons::camera << "##Snapshot " << profile.unique_id();
2717  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2718  {
2719  auto filename = file_dialog_open(save_file, "Portable Network Graphics (PNG)\0*.png\0", NULL, NULL);
2721  if (filename)
2722  {
2723  snapshot_frame(filename, viewer);
2724  }
2725  }
2726  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2727  {
2728  ImGui::SetTooltip("Save snapshot");
2729  }
2730  ImGui::SameLine();
2732  label = to_string() << textual_icons::info_circle << "##Info " << profile.unique_id();
2733  if (show_stream_details)
2734  {
2738  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2739  {
2740  show_stream_details = false;
2744  }
2745  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2746  {
2747  ImGui::SetTooltip("Hide stream info overlay");
2748  }
2751  }
2752  else
2753  {
2754  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2755  {
2756  show_stream_details = true;
2760  }
2761  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2762  {
2763  ImGui::SetTooltip("Show stream info overlay");
2764  }
2765  }
2766  ImGui::SameLine();
2768  if (viewer.streams.size() > 1)
2769  {
2770  if (!viewer.fullscreen)
2771  {
2772  label = to_string() << textual_icons::window_maximize << "##Maximize " << profile.unique_id();
2774  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2775  {
2776  viewer.fullscreen = true;
2777  viewer.selected_stream = this;
2778  }
2779  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2780  {
2781  ImGui::SetTooltip("Maximize stream to full-screen");
2782  }
2784  ImGui::SameLine();
2785  }
2786  else if (viewer.fullscreen)
2787  {
2791  label = to_string() << textual_icons::window_restore << "##Restore " << profile.unique_id();
2793  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2794  {
2795  viewer.fullscreen = false;
2796  }
2797  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2798  {
2799  ImGui::SetTooltip("Restore tile view");
2800  }
2803  ImGui::SameLine();
2804  }
2805  }
2806  else
2807  {
2808  viewer.fullscreen = false;
2809  }
2811  if (viewer.allow_stream_close)
2812  {
2813  label = to_string() << textual_icons::times << "##Stop " << profile.unique_id();
2814  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 24, top_bar_height }))
2815  {
2816  dev->stop(viewer.not_model);
2817  }
2818  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2819  {
2820  ImGui::SetTooltip("Stop this sensor");
2821  }
2822  }
2826  _info_height = (show_stream_details || show_metadata) ? (show_metadata ? stream_rect.h : 32.f) : 0.f;
2828  static const auto y_offset_info_rect = 0.f;
2829  static const auto x_offset_info_rect = 0.f;
2830  auto width_info_rect = stream_rect.w - 2.f * x_offset_info_rect;
2832  curr_info_rect = rect{ stream_rect.x + x_offset_info_rect,
2833  stream_rect.y + y_offset_info_rect,
2834  width_info_rect,
2835  _info_height };
2848  float line_y = curr_info_rect.y + 8;
2851  {
2852  if (_info_height.get() > line_y + ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() - curr_info_rect.y)
2853  {
2854  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ curr_info_rect.x + 10, line_y });
2859  label = to_string() << "Time: " << std::left << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << timestamp << " ";
2863  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
2867  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2868  {
2870  {
2872  ImGui::PushTextWrapPos(450.0f);
2873  ImGui::TextUnformatted("Timestamp Domain: System Time. Hardware Timestamps unavailable!\nPlease refer to for more information");
2876  }
2878  {
2879  ImGui::SetTooltip("Timestamp: Global Time");
2880  }
2881  else
2882  {
2883  ImGui::SetTooltip("Timestamp: Hardware Clock");
2884  }
2885  }
2887  ImGui::SameLine();
2889  label = to_string() << " Frame: " << std::left << frame_number;
2890  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
2892  ImGui::SameLine();
2894  std::string res;
2896  res = to_string() << size.x << "x" << size.y << ", ";
2897  label = to_string() << res << truncate_string(rs2_format_to_string(profile.format()), 9) << ", ";
2898  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
2899  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2900  {
2901  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", "Stream Resolution, Format");
2902  }
2904  ImGui::SameLine();
2906  label = to_string() << "FPS: " << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(7) << std::fixed << fps.get_fps();
2907  ImGui::Text("%s", label.c_str());
2908  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
2909  {
2910  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", "FPS is calculated based on timestamps and not viewer time");
2911  }
2913  line_y += ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + 5;
2914  }
2915  }
2919  if (show_metadata)
2920  {
2921  std::vector<attribute> stream_details;
2923  if (true) // Always show stream details options
2924  {
2925  stream_details.push_back({ "Frame Timestamp",
2926  to_string() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << timestamp,
2927  "Frame Timestamp is normalized represetation of when the frame was taken.\n"
2928  "It's a property of every frame, so when exact creation time is not provided by the hardware, an approximation will be used.\n"
2929  "Clock Domain feilds helps to interpret the meaning of timestamp\n"
2930  "Timestamp is measured in milliseconds, and is allowed to roll-over (reset to zero) in some situations" });
2931  stream_details.push_back({ "Clock Domain",
2933  "Clock Domain describes the format of Timestamp field. It can be one of the following:\n"
2934  "1. System Time - When no hardware timestamp is available, system time of arrival will be used.\n"
2935  " System time benefits from being comparable between device, but suffers from not being able to approximate latency.\n"
2936  "2. Hardware Clock - Hardware timestamp is attached to the frame by the device, and is consistent accross device sensors.\n"
2937  " Hardware timestamp encodes precisely when frame was captured, but cannot be compared across devices\n"
2938  "3. Global Time - Global time is provided when the device can both offer hardware timestamp and implements Global Timestamp Protocol.\n"
2939  " Global timestamps encode exact time of capture and at the same time are comparable accross devices." });
2940  stream_details.push_back({ "Frame Number",
2941  to_string() << frame_number, "Frame Number is a rolling ID assigned to frames.\n"
2942  "Most devices do not guarantee consequitive frames to have conseuquitive frame numbers\n"
2943  "But it is true most of the time" });
2946  {
2947  stream_details.push_back({ "Hardware Size",
2948  to_string() << original_size.x << " x " << original_size.y, "" });
2950  stream_details.push_back({ "Display Size",
2951  to_string() << size.x << " x " << size.y,
2952  "When Post-Processing is enabled, the actual display size of the frame may differ from original capture size" });
2953  }
2954  stream_details.push_back({ "Pixel Format",
2957  stream_details.push_back({ "Hardware FPS",
2958  to_string() << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << fps.get_fps(),
2959  "Hardware FPS captures the number of frames per second produced by the device.\n"
2960  "It is possible and likely that not all of these frames will make it to the application." });
2962  stream_details.push_back({ "Viewer FPS",
2963  to_string() << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << view_fps.get_fps(),
2964  "Viewer FPS captures how many frames the application manages to render.\n"
2965  "Frame drops can occur for variety of reasons." });
2967  stream_details.push_back({ "", "", "" });
2968  }
2970  const std::string no_md = "no md";
2973  {
2974  stream_details.push_back({ no_md, "", "" });
2975  }
2977  std::map<rs2_frame_metadata_value, std::string> descriptions = {
2978  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_FRAME_COUNTER , "A sequential index managed per-stream. Integer value" },
2979  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_FRAME_TIMESTAMP , "Timestamp set by device clock when data readout and transmit commence. Units are device dependent" },
2980  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP , "Timestamp of the middle of sensor's exposure calculated by device. usec" },
2981  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_ACTUAL_EXPOSURE , "Sensor's exposure width. When Auto Exposure (AE) is on the value is controlled by firmware. usec" },
2982  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_GAIN_LEVEL , "A relative value increasing which will increase the Sensor's gain factor.\n"
2983  "When AE is set On, the value is controlled by firmware. Integer value" },
2984  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_AUTO_EXPOSURE , "Auto Exposure Mode indicator. Zero corresponds to AE switched off. " },
2985  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_WHITE_BALANCE , "White Balance setting as a color temperature. Kelvin degrees" },
2986  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_TIME_OF_ARRIVAL , "Time of arrival in system clock " },
2987  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_TEMPERATURE , "Temperature of the device, measured at the time of the frame capture. Celsius degrees " },
2988  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_BACKEND_TIMESTAMP , "Timestamp get from uvc driver. usec" },
2989  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_ACTUAL_FPS , "Actual hardware FPS. May differ from requested due to Auto-Exposure" },
2990  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_FRAME_LASER_POWER_MODE , "Laser power mode. Zero corresponds to Laser power switched off and one for switched on." },
2991  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_EXPOSURE_PRIORITY , "Exposure priority. When enabled Auto-exposure algorithm is allowed to reduce requested FPS to sufficiently increase exposure time (an get enough light)" },
2992  { RS2_FRAME_METADATA_POWER_LINE_FREQUENCY , "Power Line Frequency for anti-flickering Off/50Hz/60Hz/Auto. " },
2993  };
2995  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_FRAME_METADATA_COUNT; i++)
2996  {
2997  auto&& kvp = frame_md.md_attributes[i];
2998  if (kvp.first)
2999  {
3000  auto val = (rs2_frame_metadata_value)i;
3002  std::string desc = "";
3003  if (descriptions.find(val) != descriptions.end()) desc = descriptions[val];
3004  stream_details.push_back({ name, to_string() << kvp.second, desc });
3005  }
3006  }
3008  float max_text_width = 0.;
3009  for (auto&& kvp : stream_details)
3010  max_text_width = std::max(max_text_width, ImGui::CalcTextSize(;
3012  for (auto&& at : stream_details)
3013  {
3014  if (_info_height.get() > line_y + ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() - curr_info_rect.y)
3015  {
3016  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ curr_info_rect.x + 10, line_y });
3018  if ( == no_md)
3019  {
3020  auto text = "Per-frame metadata is not enabled at the OS level!\nPlease follow the installation guide for the details";
3021  auto size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text);
3023  for (int i = 3; i > 0; i -= 1)
3024  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ curr_info_rect.x + 10 - i, line_y - i },
3025  { curr_info_rect.x + 10 + i + size.x, line_y + size.y + i },
3026  ImColor(alpha(sensor_bg, 0.1f)));
3029  ImGui::Text("%s", text);
3032  line_y += ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + 3;
3033  }
3034  else
3035  {
3036  std::string text = "";
3037  if ( != "") text = to_string() << << ":";
3038  auto size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str());
3040  for (int i = 3; i > 0; i -= 1)
3041  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ curr_info_rect.x + 10 - i, line_y - i },
3042  { curr_info_rect.x + 10 + i + size.x, line_y + size.y + i },
3043  ImColor(alpha(sensor_bg, 0.1f)));
3046  ImGui::Text("%s", text.c_str()); ImGui::SameLine();
3048  if (at.description != "")
3049  {
3050  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
3051  {
3052  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", at.description.c_str());
3053  }
3054  }
3056  text = at.value;
3057  size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str());
3059  for (int i = 3; i > 0; i -= 1)
3060  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ curr_info_rect.x + 20 + max_text_width - i, line_y - i },
3061  { curr_info_rect.x + 30 + max_text_width + i + size.x, line_y + size.y + i },
3062  ImColor(alpha(sensor_bg, 0.1f)));
3066  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ curr_info_rect.x + 20 + max_text_width, line_y });
3068  std::string id = to_string() << "##" << << "-" << profile.unique_id();
3073  ImGui::InputText(id.c_str(),
3074  (char*)text.c_str(),
3075  text.size() + 1,
3079  }
3081  line_y += ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + 3;
3082  }
3083  }
3084  }
3087  }
3089  void stream_model::show_stream_footer(ImFont* font, const rect &stream_rect, const mouse_info& mouse, const std::map<int, stream_model> &streams, viewer_model& viewer)
3090  {
3091  auto non_visual_stream = (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_GYRO)
3092  || (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_ACCEL)
3093  || (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_GPIO)
3094  || (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_POSE);
3096  if (stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor) && !non_visual_stream && !show_metadata)
3097  {
3098  std::stringstream ss;
3099  rect cursor_rect{ mouse.cursor.x, mouse.cursor.y };
3100  auto ts = cursor_rect.normalize(stream_rect);
3101  auto pixels = ts.unnormalize(_normalized_zoom.unnormalize(get_stream_bounds()));
3102  auto x = (int)pixels.x;
3103  auto y = (int)pixels.y;
3105  ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << x << ", " << y;
3107  float val{};
3108  if (texture->try_pick(x, y, &val))
3109  {
3110  ss << " 0x" << std::hex << static_cast< int >( round( val ) );
3111  }
3113  bool show_max_range = false;
3114  bool show_reflectivity = false;
3116  if (texture->get_last_frame().is<depth_frame>())
3117  {
3118  // Draw pixel distance
3119  auto meters = texture->get_last_frame().as<depth_frame>().get_distance(x, y);
3121  if (viewer.metric_system)
3122  {
3123  // depth is displayed in mm when distance is below 20 cm and gets back to meters when above 30 cm
3124  static bool display_in_mm = false;
3125  if (!display_in_mm && meters > 0.f && meters < 0.2f)
3126  {
3127  display_in_mm = true;
3128  }
3129  else if (display_in_mm && meters > 0.3f)
3130  {
3131  display_in_mm = false;
3132  }
3133  if (display_in_mm)
3134  ss << std::dec << " = " << std::setprecision(3) << meters * 1000 << " millimeters";
3135  else
3136  ss << std::dec << " = " << std::setprecision(3) << meters << " meters";
3137  }
3138  else
3139  ss << std::dec << " = " << std::setprecision(3) << meters / FEET_TO_METER << " feet";
3141  // Draw maximum usable depth range
3142  auto ds = sensor_from_frame(texture->get_last_frame())->as<depth_sensor>();
3144  {
3145  if (ds.supports(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_MAX_USABLE_RANGE) &&
3146  (ds.get_option(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_MAX_USABLE_RANGE) == 1.0f))
3147  {
3148  auto mur_sensor =<max_usable_range_sensor>();
3149  if (mur_sensor)
3150  {
3151  show_max_range = true;
3152  auto max_usable_range = mur_sensor.get_max_usable_depth_range();
3153  const float MIN_RANGE = 1.5f;
3154  const float MAX_RANGE = 9.0f;
3155  // display maximum usable range in range 1.5-9 [m] at 1.5 [m] resolution (rounded)
3156  auto max_usable_range_limited = std::min(std::max(max_usable_range, MIN_RANGE), MAX_RANGE);
3158  //round to 1.5 [m]
3159  auto max_usable_range_rounded = static_cast<int>(max_usable_range_limited / 1.5f) * 1.5f;
3161  if (viewer.metric_system)
3162  ss << std::dec << "\nMax usable range: " << std::setprecision(1) << max_usable_range_rounded << " meters";
3163  else
3164  ss << std::dec << "\nMax usable range: " << std::setprecision(1) << max_usable_range_rounded / FEET_TO_METER << " feet";
3165  }
3166  }
3167  }
3169  // Draw IR reflectivity on depth frame
3170  if (_reflectivity)
3171  {
3172  if (ds.get_option(RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_IR_REFLECTIVITY) == 1.0f)
3173  {
3174  if ((0.2f == roi_percentage) && roi_display_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
3175  {
3176  // Add reflectivity information on frame, if max usable range is displayed, display reflectivity on the same line
3177  show_reflectivity = draw_reflectivity(x, y, ds, streams, ss, show_max_range);
3178  }
3179  }
3180  }
3181  }
3183  // Draw IR reflectivity on IR frame
3184  if (_reflectivity)
3185  {
3186  bool lf_exist = texture->get_last_frame();
3187  if (lf_exist)
3188  {
3189  auto ds = sensor_from_frame(texture->get_last_frame())->as<depth_sensor>();
3190  if (ds.get_option( RS2_OPTION_ENABLE_IR_REFLECTIVITY ) == 1.0f )
3191  {
3192  bool lf_exist = texture->get_last_frame();
3193  if (is_stream_alive() && texture->get_last_frame().get_profile().stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED)
3194  {
3195  if ((0.2f == roi_percentage) && roi_display_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
3196  {
3197  show_reflectivity = draw_reflectivity(x, y, ds, streams, ss, show_max_range);
3198  }
3199  }
3200  }
3201  }
3202  }
3204  std::string msg(ss.str().c_str());
3206  ImGui_ScopePushFont(font);
3208  // adjust windows size to the message length
3209  auto new_line_start_idx = msg.find_first_of('\n');
3210  int footer_vertical_size = 35;
3211  auto width = float(msg.size() * 8);
3213  // adjust width according to the longest line
3214  if (show_max_range || show_reflectivity)
3215  {
3216  footer_vertical_size = 50;
3217  auto first_line_size = msg.find_first_of('\n') + 1;
3218  auto second_line_size = msg.substr(new_line_start_idx).size();
3219  width = std::max(first_line_size, second_line_size) * 8.0f;
3220  }
3222  auto align = 20;
3223  width += align - (int)width % align;
3225  ImVec2 pos{ stream_rect.x + 5, stream_rect.y + stream_rect.h - footer_vertical_size };
3227  { pos.x + width, pos.y + footer_vertical_size - 5 }, ImColor(dark_sensor_bg));
3229  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ pos.x + 10, pos.y + 5 });
3231  std::string label = to_string() << "Footer for stream of " << profile.unique_id();
3236  ImGui::Text("%s", msg.c_str());
3238  }
3239  else
3240  {
3241  if (_reflectivity)
3242  {
3243  _reflectivity->reset_history();
3245  }
3246  }
3247  }
3249  void stream_model::show_stream_imu(ImFont* font, const rect &stream_rect, const rs2_vector& axis, const mouse_info& mouse)
3250  {
3251  if (stream_rect.contains(mouse.cursor))
3252  {
3253  const auto precision = 3;
3254  rs2_stream stream_type = profile.stream_type();
3263  float y_offset = 0;
3264  if (show_stream_details)
3265  {
3266  y_offset += 30;
3267  }
3269  std::string label = to_string() << "IMU Stream Info of " << profile.unique_id();
3271  ImVec2 pos{ stream_rect.x, stream_rect.y + y_offset };
3272  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ pos.x + 5, pos.y + 5 });
3274  struct motion_data {
3275  std::string name;
3276  float coordinate;
3278  std::string toolTip;
3279  ImVec4 colorFg;
3280  ImVec4 colorBg;
3281  int nameExtraSpace;
3282  };
3284  float norm = std::sqrt((axis.x*axis.x) + (axis.y*axis.y) + (axis.z*axis.z));
3286  std::map<rs2_stream, std::string> motion_unit = { { RS2_STREAM_GYRO, "Radians/Sec" },{ RS2_STREAM_ACCEL, "Meter/Sec^2" } };
3287  std::vector<motion_data> motion_vector = { { "X", axis.x, motion_unit[stream_type].c_str(), "Vector X", from_rgba(233, 0, 0, 255, true) , from_rgba(233, 0, 0, 255, true), 0},
3288  { "Y", axis.y, motion_unit[stream_type].c_str(), "Vector Y", from_rgba(0, 255, 0, 255, true) , from_rgba(2, 100, 2, 255, true), 0},
3289  { "Z", axis.z, motion_unit[stream_type].c_str(), "Vector Z", from_rgba(85, 89, 245, 255, true) , from_rgba(0, 0, 245, 255, true), 0},
3290  { "N", norm, "Norm", "||V|| = SQRT(X^2 + Y^2 + Z^2)",from_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255, true) , from_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255, true), 0} };
3292  int line_h = 18;
3293  for (auto&& motion : motion_vector)
3294  {
3295  auto rc = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
3296  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 12, rc.y + 4 });
3297  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, motion.colorFg);
3298  ImGui::Text("%s:",;
3299  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
3300  {
3301  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", motion.toolTip.c_str());
3302  }
3305  ImGui::SameLine();
3309  ImGui::PushItemWidth(100);
3310  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 27 + motion.nameExtraSpace, rc.y + 1 });
3311  std::string label = to_string() << "##" << profile.unique_id() << " " <<;
3312  std::string coordinate = to_string() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) << std::showpos << motion.coordinate;
3313  ImGui::InputText(label.c_str(), (char*)coordinate.c_str(), coordinate.size() + 1, ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll | ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
3316  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 80 + motion.nameExtraSpace, rc.y + 4 });
3317  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, from_rgba(255, 255, 255, 100, true));
3318  ImGui::Text("(%s)", motion.units.c_str());
3321  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x, rc.y + line_h });
3322  }
3325  }
3326  }
3328  void stream_model::show_stream_pose(ImFont* font, const rect &stream_rect,
3329  const rs2_pose& pose_frame, rs2_stream stream_type, bool fullScreen, float y_offset,
3330  viewer_model& viewer)
3331  {
3339  std::string label = to_string() << "Pose Stream Info of " << profile.unique_id();
3341  ImVec2 pos{ stream_rect.x, stream_rect.y + y_offset };
3342  ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos({ pos.x + 5, pos.y + 5 });
3344  std::string confidenceName[4] = { "Failed", "Low", "Medium", "High" };
3345  struct pose_data {
3346  std::string name;
3347  float floatData[4];
3348  std::string strData;
3350  bool signedNumber;
3352  std::string toolTip;
3353  uint32_t nameExtraSpace;
3354  bool showOnNonFullScreen;
3355  bool fixedPlace;
3356  bool fixedColor;
3357  };
3359  rs2_vector velocity = pose_frame.velocity;
3360  rs2_vector acceleration = pose_frame.acceleration;
3361  rs2_vector translation = pose_frame.translation;
3362  const float feetTranslator = 3.2808f;
3363  std::string unit = viewer.metric_system ? "meters" : "feet";
3365  if (!viewer.metric_system)
3366  {
3367  velocity.x *= feetTranslator; velocity.y *= feetTranslator; velocity.z *= feetTranslator;
3368  acceleration.x *= feetTranslator; acceleration.y *= feetTranslator; acceleration.z *= feetTranslator;
3369  translation.x *= feetTranslator; translation.y *= feetTranslator; translation.z *= feetTranslator;
3370  }
3372  std::vector<pose_data> pose_vector = {
3373  { "Confidence",{ FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX }, confidenceName[pose_frame.tracker_confidence], 3, true, "", "Tracker confidence: High=Green, Medium=Yellow, Low=Red, Failed=Grey", 50, false, true, false },
3374  { "Velocity", {velocity.x, velocity.y , velocity.z , FLT_MAX }, "", 3, true, "(" + unit + "/Sec)", "Velocity: X, Y, Z values of velocity, in " + unit + "/Sec", 50, false, true, false},
3375  { "Angular Velocity",{ pose_frame.angular_velocity.x, pose_frame.angular_velocity.y , pose_frame.angular_velocity.z , FLT_MAX }, "", 3, true, "(Radians/Sec)", "Angular Velocity: X, Y, Z values of angular velocity, in Radians/Sec", 50, false, true, false },
3376  { "Acceleration",{ acceleration.x, acceleration.y , acceleration.z , FLT_MAX }, "", 3, true, "(" + unit + "/Sec^2)", "Acceleration: X, Y, Z values of acceleration, in " + unit + "/Sec^2", 50, false, true, false },
3377  { "Angular Acceleration",{ pose_frame.angular_acceleration.x, pose_frame.angular_acceleration.y , pose_frame.angular_acceleration.z , FLT_MAX }, "", 3, true, "(Radians/Sec^2)", "Angular Acceleration: X, Y, Z values of angular acceleration, in Radians/Sec^2", 50, false, true, false },
3378  { "Translation",{ translation.x, translation.y , translation.z , FLT_MAX }, "", 3, true, "(" + unit + ")", "Translation: X, Y, Z values of translation in " + unit + " (relative to initial position)", 50, true, true, false },
3379  { "Rotation",{ pose_frame.rotation.x, pose_frame.rotation.y , pose_frame.rotation.z , pose_frame.rotation.w }, "", 3, true, "(Quaternion)", "Rotation: Qi, Qj, Qk, Qr components of rotation as represented in quaternion rotation (relative to initial position)", 50, true, true, false },
3380  };
3382  int line_h = 18;
3383  if (fullScreen)
3384  {
3385  line_h += 2;
3386  }
3388  for (auto&& pose : pose_vector)
3389  {
3390  if ((fullScreen == false) && (pose.showOnNonFullScreen == false))
3391  {
3392  continue;
3393  }
3395  auto rc = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
3396  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 12, rc.y + 4 });
3397  ImGui::Text("%s:",;
3398  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
3399  {
3400  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", pose.toolTip.c_str());
3401  }
3403  if (pose.fixedColor == false)
3404  {
3405  switch (pose_frame.tracker_confidence) //color the line according to confidence
3406  {
3407  case 3: // High confidence - Green
3409  break;
3410  case 2: // Medium confidence - Yellow
3412  break;
3413  case 1: // Low confidence - Red
3415  break;
3416  case 0: // Failed confidence - Grey
3417  default: // Fall thourgh
3419  break;
3420  }
3421  }
3423  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 100 + (fullScreen ? pose.nameExtraSpace : 0), rc.y + 1 });
3424  std::string label = to_string() << "##" << profile.unique_id() << " " <<;
3425  std::string data = "";
3427  if (pose.strData.empty())
3428  {
3429  data = "[";
3430  std::string comma = "";
3431  unsigned int i = 0;
3432  while ((i < 4) && (pose.floatData[i] != FLT_MAX))
3433  {
3435  data += to_string() << std::fixed << std::setprecision(pose.precision) << (pose.signedNumber ? std::showpos : std::noshowpos) << comma << pose.floatData[i];
3436  comma = ", ";
3437  i++;
3438  }
3439  data += "]";
3440  }
3441  else
3442  {
3443  data = pose.strData;
3444  }
3446  auto textSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize((char*)data.c_str(), (char*)data.c_str() + data.size() + 1);
3447  ImGui::PushItemWidth(textSize.x);
3448  ImGui::InputText(label.c_str(), (char*)data.c_str(), data.size() + 1, ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll | ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly);
3451  if (pose.fixedColor == false)
3452  {
3454  }
3456  if (pose.fixedPlace == true)
3457  {
3458  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 300 + (fullScreen ? pose.nameExtraSpace : 0), rc.y + 4 });
3459  }
3460  else
3461  {
3462  ImGui::SameLine();
3463  }
3465  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, from_rgba(255, 255, 255, 100, true));
3466  ImGui::Text("%s", pose.units.c_str());
3469  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x, rc.y + line_h });
3470  }
3473  }
3475  void stream_model::snapshot_frame(const char* filename, viewer_model& viewer) const
3476  {
3477  std::stringstream ss;
3478  std::string stream_desc{};
3479  std::string filename_base(filename);
3481  // Trim the file extension when provided. Note that this may amend user-provided file name in case it uses the "." character, e.g. ""
3482  auto loc = filename_base.find_last_of(".");
3483  if (loc != std::string::npos)
3484  filename_base.erase(loc, std::string::npos);
3486  // Snapshot the color-augmented version of the frame
3487  if (auto colorized_frame = texture->get_last_frame(true).as<video_frame>())
3488  {
3489  stream_desc = rs2_stream_to_string(colorized_frame.get_profile().stream_type());
3490  auto filename_png = filename_base + "_" + stream_desc + ".png";
3491  save_to_png(, colorized_frame.get_width(), colorized_frame.get_height(), colorized_frame.get_bytes_per_pixel(),
3492  colorized_frame.get_data(), colorized_frame.get_width() * colorized_frame.get_bytes_per_pixel());
3494  ss << "PNG snapshot was saved to " << filename_png << std::endl;
3495  }
3497  auto last_frame = texture->get_last_frame( false );
3498  auto original_frame =< video_frame >();
3500  // For Depth-originated streams also provide a copy of the raw data accompanied by sensor-specific metadata
3501  if (original_frame && val_in_range(original_frame.get_profile().stream_type(), { RS2_STREAM_DEPTH , RS2_STREAM_INFRARED }))
3502  {
3503  stream_desc = rs2_stream_to_string(original_frame.get_profile().stream_type());
3505  //Capture raw frame
3506  auto filename = filename_base + "_" + stream_desc + ".raw";
3507  if (save_frame_raw_data(filename, original_frame))
3508  ss << "Raw data is captured into " << filename << std::endl;
3509  else
3510  viewer.not_model->add_notification({ to_string() << "Failed to save frame raw data " << filename,
3513  // And the frame's attributes
3514  filename = filename_base + "_" + stream_desc + "_metadata.csv";
3516  try
3517  {
3518  if (frame_metadata_to_csv(filename, original_frame))
3519  ss << "The frame attributes are saved into " << filename;
3520  else
3521  viewer.not_model->add_notification({ to_string() << "Failed to save frame metadata file " << filename,
3523  }
3524  catch (std::exception& e)
3525  {
3526  viewer.not_model->add_notification({ to_string() << e.what(),
3528  }
3529  }
3531  auto motion =< motion_frame >();
3532  if( motion )
3533  {
3534  stream_desc = rs2_stream_to_string( motion.get_profile().stream_type() );
3536  // And the frame's attributes
3537  auto filename = filename_base + "_" + stream_desc + ".csv";
3539  try
3540  {
3541  if( motion_data_to_csv( filename, motion ) )
3542  ss << "The frame attributes are saved into\n" << filename;
3543  else
3544  viewer.not_model->add_notification(
3545  { to_string() << "Failed to save frame file " << filename,
3548  }
3549  catch( std::exception & e )
3550  {
3551  viewer.not_model->add_notification( { to_string() << e.what(),
3554  }
3555  }
3557  auto pose =< pose_frame >();
3558  if( pose )
3559  {
3560  stream_desc = rs2_stream_to_string( pose.get_profile().stream_type() );
3562  // And the frame's attributes
3563  auto filename = filename_base + "_" + stream_desc + ".csv";
3565  try
3566  {
3567  if( pose_data_to_csv( filename, pose ) )
3568  ss << "The frame attributes are saved into\n" << filename;
3569  else
3570  viewer.not_model->add_notification(
3571  { to_string() << "Failed to save frame file " << filename,
3574  }
3575  catch( std::exception & e )
3576  {
3577  viewer.not_model->add_notification( { to_string() << e.what(),
3580  }
3581  }
3582  if (ss.str().size())
3583  viewer.not_model->add_notification(notification_data{
3586  }
3588  rect stream_model::get_normalized_zoom(const rect& stream_rect, const mouse_info& g, bool is_middle_clicked, float zoom_val)
3589  {
3590  rect zoomed_rect = dev->normalized_zoom.unnormalize(stream_rect);
3591  if (stream_rect.contains(g.cursor))
3592  {
3593  if (!is_middle_clicked)
3594  {
3595  if (zoom_val < 1.f)
3596  {
3597  zoomed_rect = zoomed_rect.center_at(g.cursor)
3598  .zoom(zoom_val)
3599  .fit({ 0, 0, 40, 40 })
3600  .enclose_in(zoomed_rect)
3601  .enclose_in(stream_rect);
3602  }
3603  else if (zoom_val > 1.f)
3604  {
3605  zoomed_rect = zoomed_rect.zoom(zoom_val).enclose_in(stream_rect);
3606  }
3607  }
3608  else
3609  {
3610  auto dir = g.cursor - _middle_pos;
3612  if (dir.length() > 0)
3613  {
3614  zoomed_rect = zoomed_rect.pan(1.1f * dir).enclose_in(stream_rect);
3615  }
3616  }
3617  dev->normalized_zoom = zoomed_rect.normalize(stream_rect);
3618  }
3619  return dev->normalized_zoom;
3620  }
3622  void stream_model::show_frame(const rect& stream_rect, const mouse_info& g, std::string& error_message)
3623  {
3624  auto zoom_val = 1.f;
3625  if (stream_rect.contains(g.cursor))
3626  {
3627  static const auto wheel_step = 0.1f;
3628  auto mouse_wheel_value = -g.mouse_wheel * 0.1f;
3629  if (mouse_wheel_value > 0)
3630  zoom_val += wheel_step;
3631  else if (mouse_wheel_value < 0)
3632  zoom_val -= wheel_step;
3633  }
3635  auto is_middle_clicked = ImGui::GetIO().MouseDown[0] ||
3636  ImGui::GetIO().MouseDown[2];
3638  if (!_mid_click && is_middle_clicked)
3639  _middle_pos = g.cursor;
3641  _mid_click = is_middle_clicked;
3643  _normalized_zoom = get_normalized_zoom(stream_rect,
3644  g, is_middle_clicked,
3645  zoom_val);
3646  texture->show(stream_rect, 1.f, _normalized_zoom);
3648  if (dev && dev->show_algo_roi)
3649  {
3650  rect r{ float(dev->algo_roi.min_x), float(dev->algo_roi.min_y),
3651  float(dev->algo_roi.max_x - dev->algo_roi.min_x),
3652  float(dev->algo_roi.max_y - dev->algo_roi.min_y) };
3654  r = r.normalize(_normalized_zoom.unnormalize(get_original_stream_bounds())).unnormalize(stream_rect).cut_by(stream_rect);
3656  draw_rect(r, 2);
3658  std::string message = "Metrics Region of Interest";
3659  auto msg_width = stb_easy_font_width((char*)message.c_str());
3660  if (msg_width < r.w)
3661  draw_text(static_cast<int>(r.x + r.w / 2 - msg_width / 2), static_cast<int>(r.y + 10), message.c_str());
3663  glColor3f(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);
3664  roi_percentage = dev->roi_percentage;
3665  roi_display_rect = r;
3666  }
3668  update_ae_roi_rect(stream_rect, g, error_message);
3669  texture->show_preview(stream_rect, _normalized_zoom);
3671  if (is_middle_clicked)
3672  _middle_pos = g.cursor;
3673  }
3676  {
3677  syncer->remove_syncer(dev_syncer);
3678  subdevices.resize(0);
3679  _recorder.reset();
3681  }
3683  std::pair<std::string, std::string> get_device_name(const device& dev)
3684  {
3685  // retrieve device name
3686  std::string name = (dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME)) ? dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) : "Unknown";
3688  // retrieve device serial number
3691  std::stringstream s;
3693  if (<playback>())
3694  {
3695  auto playback_dev =<playback>();
3697  s << "Playback device: ";
3698  name += (to_string() << " (File: " << playback_dev.file_name() << ")");
3699  }
3700  s << std::setw(25) << std::left << name;
3701  return std::make_pair(s.str(), serial); // push name and sn to list
3702  }
3705  {
3706  for (auto&& n : related_notifications) n->dismiss(false);
3708  _updates->set_device_status(*_updates_profile, false);
3709  }
3711  void device_model::check_for_bundled_fw_update(const rs2::context &ctx, std::shared_ptr<notifications_model> not_model)
3712  {
3713  if( dev.supports( RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION )
3715  && dev.supports( RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE ) )
3716  {
3718  std::string recommended
3721  int product_line
3726  false );
3727  bool is_rc = ( product_line == RS2_PRODUCT_LINE_D400 ) && allow_rc_firmware;
3728  std::string available = get_available_firmware_version( product_line );
3730  std::shared_ptr< firmware_update_manager > manager = nullptr;
3732  if( is_upgradeable( fw, available ) )
3733  {
3734  recommended = available;
3736  static auto table = create_default_fw_table();
3738  manager = std::make_shared< firmware_update_manager >( not_model,
3739  *this,
3740  dev,
3741  ctx,
3743  true );
3744  }
3746  if( is_upgradeable( fw, recommended ) )
3747  {
3748  auto dev_name = get_device_name( dev );
3749  std::stringstream msg;
3750  msg << dev_name.first << " (S/N " << dev_name.second << ")\n"
3751  << "Current Version: " << fw << "\n";
3753  if( is_rc )
3754  msg << "Release Candidate: " << recommended << " Pre-Release";
3755  else
3756  msg << "Recommended Version: " << recommended;
3758  auto n = std::make_shared< fw_update_notification_model >( msg.str(),
3759  manager,
3760  false );
3761  n->delay_id = "dfu." + dev_name.second;
3762  n->enable_complex_dismiss = true;
3763  if( ! n->is_delayed() )
3764  {
3765  not_model->add_notification( n );
3766  related_notifications.push_back( n );
3767  }
3768  }
3769  }
3770  }
3773  {
3774  for (auto&& n : related_notifications) n->dismiss(false);
3776  auto name = get_device_name(dev);
3778  // Inhibit on DQT / Playback device
3779  if( _allow_remove && ( !< playback >() ) )
3780  check_for_device_updates(viewer);
3783  {
3784  for (auto&& model : subdevices)
3785  {
3786  if (model->supports_on_chip_calib())
3787  {
3788  // Make sure we don't spam calibration remainders too often:
3789  time_t rawtime;
3790  time(&rawtime);
3791  std::string id = to_string() << configurations::viewer::last_calib_notice << "." << name.second;
3792  long long last_time = config_file::instance().get_or_default(id.c_str(), (long long)0);
3794  std::string msg = to_string()
3795  << name.first << " (S/N " << name.second << ")";
3796  auto manager = std::make_shared<on_chip_calib_manager>(viewer, model, *this, dev);
3797  auto n = std::make_shared<autocalib_notification_model>(
3798  msg, manager, false);
3800  // Recommend calibration once a week per device
3801  if (rawtime - last_time < 60)
3802  {
3803  n->snoozed = true;
3804  }
3806  // NOTE: For now do not pre-emptively suggest auto-calibration
3807  // TODO: Revert in later release
3808  //viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
3809  //related_notifications.push_back(n);
3810  }
3811  }
3812  }
3813  }
3815  device_model::device_model(device& dev, std::string& error_message, viewer_model& viewer, bool new_device_connected, bool remove)
3816  : dev(dev),
3817  _calib_model(dev),
3818  syncer(viewer.syncer),
3819  _update_readonly_options_timer(std::chrono::seconds(6)),
3820  _detected_objects(std::make_shared< atomic_objects_in_frame >()),
3821  _updates(viewer.updates),
3822  _updates_profile(std::make_shared<dev_updates_profile::update_profile>()),
3823  _allow_remove(remove)
3824  {
3827  {
3828  _accuracy_health_model = std::unique_ptr< cah_model >( new cah_model( *this, viewer ) );
3829  }
3831  auto name = get_device_name(dev);
3832  id = to_string() << name.first << ", " << name.second;
3834  for (auto&& sub : dev.query_sensors())
3835  {
3836  auto s = std::make_shared<sensor>(sub);
3837  auto objects = std::make_shared< atomic_objects_in_frame >();
3838  // checking if the sensor is color_sensor or is D405 (with integrated RGB in depth sensor)
3839  if (s->is<color_sensor>() || (dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID) && !strcmp(dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_ID), "0B5B")))
3840  objects = _detected_objects;
3841  auto model = std::make_shared<subdevice_model>(dev, std::make_shared<sensor>(sub), objects, error_message, viewer, new_device_connected);
3842  subdevices.push_back(model);
3843  }
3845  // Initialize static camera info:
3846  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_CAMERA_INFO_COUNT; i++)
3847  {
3848  auto info = static_cast<rs2_camera_info>(i);
3850  try
3851  {
3852  if (dev.supports(info))
3853  {
3854  auto value = dev.get_info(info);
3856  std::string(value) });
3857  }
3858  }
3859  catch (...)
3860  {
3862  std::string("???") });
3863  }
3864  }
3866  if (<playback>())
3867  {
3868  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
3869  {
3870  for (auto&& p : sub->profiles)
3871  {
3872  sub->stream_enabled[p.unique_id()] = true;
3873  }
3874  }
3875  play_defaults(viewer);
3876  }
3878  refresh_notifications(viewer);
3879  }
3881  {
3882  if (!dev_syncer)
3883  dev_syncer = viewer.syncer->create_syncer();
3884  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
3885  {
3886  if (!sub->streaming)
3887  {
3888  std::vector<rs2::stream_profile> profiles;
3889  try
3890  {
3891  profiles = sub->get_selected_profiles();
3892  }
3893  catch (...)
3894  {
3895  continue;
3896  }
3898  if (profiles.empty())
3899  continue;
3901  std::string friendly_name = sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
3902  if ((friendly_name.find("Tracking") != std::string::npos) ||
3903  (friendly_name.find("Motion") != std::string::npos))
3904  {
3906  viewer.synchronization_enable = false;
3907  }
3908  sub->play(profiles, viewer, dev_syncer);
3910  for (auto&& profile : profiles)
3911  {
3912  viewer.begin_stream(sub, profile);
3913  }
3914  }
3915  }
3916  }
3919  {
3920  std::vector<rs2::frame> frames;
3921  if (auto composite =<rs2::frameset>())
3922  {
3923  for (auto&& f : composite)
3924  frames.push_back(f);
3925  }
3926  else
3927  frames.push_back(f);
3929  auto res = f;
3931  //In order to know what are the processing blocks we need to apply
3932  //We should find all the sub devices releted to the frames
3933  std::set<std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>> subdevices;
3934  for (auto f : frames)
3935  {
3936  auto sub = get_frame_origin(f);
3937  if (sub)
3938  subdevices.insert(sub);
3939  }
3941  for (auto sub : subdevices)
3942  {
3943  if (!sub->post_processing_enabled)
3944  continue;
3946  for (auto&& pp : sub->post_processing)
3947  if (pp->is_enabled())
3948  res = pp->invoke(res);
3949  }
3951  return res;
3952  }
3954  std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model> post_processing_filters::get_frame_origin(const rs2::frame& f)
3955  {
3956  for (auto&& s : viewer.streams)
3957  {
3958  if (
3959  {
3960  auto dev =;
3962  if (s.second.original_profile.unique_id() == f.get_profile().unique_id())
3963  {
3964  return dev;
3965  }
3966  }
3967  }
3968  return nullptr;
3969  }
3971  //Zero the first pixel on frame ,used to invalidate the occlusion pixels
3973  {
3974  auto stream_type = f.get_profile().stream_type();
3976  switch (stream_type)
3977  {
3978  case RS2_STREAM_COLOR:
3979  {
3980  auto rgb_stream = const_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(f.get_data()));
3981  memset(rgb_stream, 0, 3);
3982  // Alternatively, enable the next two lines to render invalidation with magenta color for inspection
3983  //rgb_stream[0] = rgb_stream[2] = 0xff; // Use magenta to highlight the occlusion areas
3984  //rgb_stream[1] = 0;
3985  }
3986  break;
3988  {
3989  auto ir_stream = const_cast<uint8_t*>(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(f.get_data()));
3990  memset(ir_stream, 0, 2); // Override the first two bytes to cover Y8/Y16 formats
3991  }
3992  break;
3993  default:
3994  break;
3995  }
3996  }
3999  {
4000  if (auto new_set =<rs2::frameset>())
4001  {
4002  if (auto old_set =<rs2::frameset>())
4003  {
4004  map_id_frameset_to_frameset(new_set, old_set);
4005  }
4006  else
4007  {
4008  map_id_frameset_to_frame(new_set, old_frame);
4009  }
4010  }
4011  else if (auto old_set =<rs2::frameset>())
4012  {
4013  map_id_frameset_to_frame(old_set, new_frame);
4014  }
4015  else
4016  map_id_frame_to_frame(new_frame, old_frame);
4017  }
4020  {
4021  if (auto f = first.first_or_default(second.get_profile().stream_type()))
4022  {
4023  auto first_uid = f.get_profile().unique_id();
4024  auto second_uid = second.get_profile().unique_id();
4026  viewer.streams_origin[first_uid] = second_uid;
4027  viewer.streams_origin[second_uid] = first_uid;
4028  }
4029  }
4032  {
4033  for (auto&& f : first)
4034  {
4035  auto first_uid = f.get_profile().unique_id();
4036  if (auto second_f = second.first_or_default(f.get_profile().stream_type()))
4037  {
4038  auto second_uid = second_f.get_profile().unique_id();
4040  viewer.streams_origin[first_uid] = second_uid;
4041  viewer.streams_origin[second_uid] = first_uid;
4042  }
4043  }
4044  }
4047  {
4048  if (first.get_profile().stream_type() == second.get_profile().stream_type())
4049  {
4050  auto first_uid = first.get_profile().unique_id();
4051  auto second_uid = second.get_profile().unique_id();
4053  viewer.streams_origin[first_uid] = second_uid;
4054  viewer.streams_origin[second_uid] = first_uid;
4055  }
4056  }
4060  {
4061  std::vector<rs2::frame> res;
4063  if (uploader) f = uploader->process(f);
4065  auto filtered = apply_filters(f, source);
4067  map_id(filtered, f);
4069  if (auto composite =<rs2::frameset>())
4070  {
4071  for (auto&& frame : composite)
4072  {
4073  res.push_back(frame);
4074  }
4075  }
4076  else
4077  res.push_back(filtered);
4079  if (viewer.is_3d_view)
4080  {
4081  if (auto depth = viewer.get_3d_depth_source(filtered))
4082  {
4083  switch (depth.get_profile().format())
4084  {
4085  case RS2_FORMAT_DISPARITY32: depth = disp_to_depth.process(depth); break;
4086  case RS2_FORMAT_Z16H: depth = depth_decoder.process(depth); break;
4087  default: break;
4088  }
4090  pc->set_option(RS2_OPTION_FILTER_MAGNITUDE,
4091  viewer.occlusion_invalidation ? 2.f : 1.f);
4092  res.push_back(pc->calculate(depth));
4093  }
4094  if (auto texture = viewer.get_3d_texture_source(filtered))
4095  {
4096  update_texture(texture);
4097  }
4098  }
4100  return res;
4101  }
4105  {
4106  points p;
4107  std::vector<frame> results;
4109  auto res = handle_frame(f, source);
4110  auto frame = source.allocate_composite_frame(res);
4112  if (frame)
4113  source.frame_ready(std::move(frame));
4114  }
4117  {
4118  stop();
4119  if ( == false)
4120  {
4121  viewer.syncer->start();
4122  render_thread = std::make_shared<std::thread>([&]() {post_processing_filters::render_loop(); });
4123  }
4124  }
4127  {
4128  if ( == true)
4129  {
4130  viewer.syncer->stop();
4131  render_thread->join();
4132  render_thread.reset();
4133  }
4134  }
4136  {
4137  while (render_thread_active)
4138  {
4139  try
4140  {
4141  if (viewer.synchronization_enable)
4142  {
4143  auto frames = viewer.syncer->try_wait_for_frames();
4144  for (auto f : frames)
4145  {
4147  }
4148  }
4149  else
4150  {
4151  std::map<int, rs2::frame_queue> frames_queue_local;
4152  {
4153  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(viewer.streams_mutex);
4154  frames_queue_local = frames_queue;
4155  }
4156  for (auto&& q : frames_queue_local)
4157  {
4158  frame frm;
4159  if (q.second.try_wait_for_frame(&frm, 30))
4160  {
4161  processing_block.invoke(frm);
4162  }
4163  }
4164  }
4165  }
4166  catch (...) {}
4167  }
4168  }
4171  {
4172  if (_recorder != nullptr)
4173  {
4174  return; //already recording
4175  }
4177  try
4178  {
4180  if (compression_mode == 2)
4181  _recorder = std::make_shared<recorder>(path, dev);
4182  else
4183  _recorder = std::make_shared<recorder>(path, dev, compression_mode == 0);
4185  for (auto&& sub_dev_model : subdevices)
4186  {
4187  sub_dev_model->_is_being_recorded = true;
4188  }
4189  is_recording = true;
4190  }
4191  catch (const rs2::error& e)
4192  {
4193  error_message = error_to_string(e);
4194  }
4195  catch (const std::exception& e)
4196  {
4197  error_message = e.what();
4198  }
4199  }
4202  {
4203  auto saved_to_filename = _recorder->filename();
4204  _recorder.reset();
4205  for (auto&& sub_dev_model : subdevices)
4206  {
4207  sub_dev_model->_is_being_recorded = false;
4208  }
4209  is_recording = false;
4210  notification_data nd{ to_string() << "Saved recording to:\n" << saved_to_filename,
4213  viewer.not_model->add_notification(nd);
4214  }
4217  {
4218  _recorder->pause();
4219  }
4222  {
4223  _recorder->resume();
4224  }
4227  {
4228  auto p =<playback>();
4229  rs2_playback_status current_playback_status = p.current_status();
4231  const int playback_control_height = 35;
4232  const float combo_box_width = 90.f;
4233  const float icon_width = 28;
4234  const float line_width = 255; //Ideally should use: ImGui::GetContentRegionMax().x
4235  //Line looks like this ("-" == space, "[]" == icon, "[ ]" == combo_box): |-[]-[]-[]-[]-[]-[ ]-[]-|
4236  const int num_icons_in_line = 6;
4237  const int num_combo_boxes_in_line = 1;
4238  const int num_spaces_in_line = num_icons_in_line + num_combo_boxes_in_line + 1;
4239  const float required_row_width = (num_combo_boxes_in_line * combo_box_width) + (num_icons_in_line * icon_width);
4240  float space_width = std::max(line_width - required_row_width, 0.f) / num_spaces_in_line;
4241  ImVec2 button_dim = { icon_width, icon_width };
4243  const bool supports_playback_step = current_playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED;
4245  ImGui::PushFont(font);
4248  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4249  std::string label = to_string() << textual_icons::step_backward << "##Step Backward " << id;
4250  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim, supports_playback_step ? 0 : ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled))
4251  {
4252  int fps = 0;
4253  for (auto&& s : viewer.streams)
4254  {
4255  if (s.second.profile.fps() > fps)
4256  fps = s.second.profile.fps();
4257  }
4258  auto curr_frame = p.get_position();
4259  uint64_t step = uint64_t(1000.0 / (float)fps * 1e6);
4260  if (curr_frame >= step)
4261  {
4262 - step));
4263  }
4264  }
4265  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4266  {
4267  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Step Backwards" << (supports_playback_step ? "" : "(Not available)");
4268  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
4269  }
4270  ImGui::SameLine();
4275  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4276  label = to_string() << textual_icons::stop << "##Stop Playback " << id;
4278  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim))
4279  {
4280  bool prev = _playback_repeat;
4281  _playback_repeat = false;
4282  p.stop();
4283  _playback_repeat = prev;
4284  }
4285  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4286  {
4287  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Stop Playback";
4288  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
4289  }
4290  ImGui::SameLine();
4296  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4297  if (current_playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED || current_playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOPPED)
4298  {
4299  label = to_string() << textual_icons::play << "##Play " << id;
4300  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim))
4301  {
4302  if (current_playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOPPED)
4303  {
4304  play_defaults(viewer);
4305  }
4306  else
4307  {
4308  syncer->on_frame = [] {};
4309  for (auto&& s : subdevices)
4310  {
4311  s->on_frame = [] {};
4312  if (s->streaming)
4313  s->resume();
4314  }
4315  viewer.paused = false;
4316  p.resume();
4317  }
4319  }
4320  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4321  {
4322  ImGui::SetTooltip(current_playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_PAUSED ? "Resume Playback" : "Start Playback");
4323  }
4324  }
4325  else
4326  {
4327  label = to_string() << textual_icons::pause << "##Pause Playback " << id;
4328  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim))
4329  {
4330  p.pause();
4331  for (auto&& s : subdevices)
4332  {
4333  if (s->streaming)
4334  s->pause();
4335  }
4336  viewer.paused = true;
4337  }
4338  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4339  {
4340  ImGui::SetTooltip("Pause Playback");
4341  }
4342  }
4344  ImGui::SameLine();
4351  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4352  label = to_string() << textual_icons::step_forward << "##Step Forward " << id;
4353  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim, supports_playback_step ? 0 : ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled))
4354  {
4355  int fps = 0;
4356  for (auto&& s : viewer.streams)
4357  {
4358  if (s.second.profile.fps() > fps)
4359  fps = s.second.profile.fps();
4360  }
4361  auto curr_frame = p.get_position();
4362  uint64_t step = uint64_t(1000.0 / (float)fps * 1e6);
4363 + step));
4364  }
4365  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4366  {
4367  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Step Forward" << (supports_playback_step ? "" : "(Not available)");
4368  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
4369  }
4370  ImGui::SameLine();
4377  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4378  if (_playback_repeat)
4379  {
4382  }
4383  else
4384  {
4387  }
4388  label = to_string() << textual_icons::repeat << "##Repeat " << id;
4389  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), button_dim))
4390  {
4392  }
4393  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4394  {
4395  std::string tooltip = to_string() << (_playback_repeat ? "Disable " : "Enable ") << "Repeat ";
4396  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
4397  }
4399  ImGui::SameLine();
4404  auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
4405  const float speed_combo_box_v_alignment = 3.f;
4406  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x + space_width, pos.y + speed_combo_box_v_alignment });
4407  ImGui::PushItemWidth(combo_box_width);
4412  label = to_string() << "## " << id;
4413  if (ImGui::Combo(label.c_str(), &playback_speed_index, "Speed: x0.25\0Speed: x0.5\0Speed: x1\0Speed: x1.5\0Speed: x2\0\0", -1, false))
4414  {
4415  float speed = 1;
4416  switch (playback_speed_index)
4417  {
4418  case 0: speed = 0.25f; break;
4419  case 1: speed = 0.5f; break;
4420  case 2: speed = 1.0f; break;
4421  case 3: speed = 1.5f; break;
4422  case 4: speed = 2.0f; break;
4423  default:
4424  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Speed #" << playback_speed_index << " is unhandled");
4425  }
4426  p.set_playback_speed(speed);
4427  }
4428  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4429  {
4430  ImGui::SetTooltip("Change playback speed rate");
4431  }
4433  ImGui::SameLine();
4434  //Restore Y movement
4436  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x, pos.y - speed_combo_box_v_alignment });
4440  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + space_width);
4441  draw_info_icon(window, font, button_dim);
4444  ImGui::PopFont();
4446  return playback_control_height;
4447  }
4450  {
4451  using namespace std::chrono;
4452  auto hhh = duration_cast<hours>(duration);
4453  duration -= hhh;
4454  auto mm = duration_cast<minutes>(duration);
4455  duration -= mm;
4456  auto ss = duration_cast<seconds>(duration);
4457  duration -= ss;
4458  auto ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(duration);
4460  std::ostringstream stream;
4461  stream << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(hhh.count() >= 10 ? 2 : 1) << hhh.count() << ':' <<
4462  std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << mm.count() << ':' <<
4463  std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << ss.count() << '.' <<
4464  std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << ms.count();
4465  return stream.str();
4466  }
4469  {
4470  auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
4472  auto p =<playback>();
4473  //rs2_playback_status current_playback_status = p.current_status();
4474  int64_t playback_total_duration = p.get_duration().count();
4475  auto progress = p.get_position();
4476  double part = (1.0 * progress) / playback_total_duration;
4477  seek_pos = static_cast<int>(std::max(0.0, std::min(part, 1.0)) * 100);
4478  auto playback_status = p.current_status();
4479  if (seek_pos != 0 && playback_status == RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOPPED)
4480  {
4481  seek_pos = 0;
4482  }
4483  float seek_bar_width = 300.f;
4484  ImGui::PushItemWidth(seek_bar_width);
4485  std::string label1 = "## " + id;
4486  if (ImGui::SeekSlider(label1.c_str(), &seek_pos, ""))
4487  {
4488  //Seek was dragged
4489  if (playback_status != RS2_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOPPED) //Ignore seek when playback is stopped
4490  {
4491  auto duration_db = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>>(p.get_duration());
4492  auto single_percent = duration_db.count() / 100;
4493  auto seek_time = std::chrono::duration<double, std::nano>(seek_pos * single_percent);
4495  }
4496  }
4498  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x, pos.y + 17 });
4501  std::string duration_str = pretty_time(std::chrono::nanoseconds(playback_total_duration));
4502  ImGui::Text("%s", time_elapsed.c_str());
4503  ImGui::SameLine();
4504  float pos_y = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
4506  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x + seek_bar_width - 45 , pos_y });
4507  ImGui::Text("%s", duration_str.c_str());
4509  return 50;
4510  }
4513  {
4521  auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
4522  auto controls_height = draw_playback_controls(window, font, view);
4523  float seek_bar_left_alignment = 4.f;
4524  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x + seek_bar_left_alignment, pos.y + controls_height });
4525  ImGui::PushFont(font);
4526  auto seek_bar_height = draw_seek_bar();
4527  ImGui::PopFont();
4529  return controls_height + seek_bar_height;
4531  }
4533  std::vector<std::string> get_device_info(const device& dev, bool include_location)
4534  {
4535  std::vector<std::string> res;
4536  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_CAMERA_INFO_COUNT; i++)
4537  {
4538  auto info = static_cast<rs2_camera_info>(i);
4540  // When camera is being reset, either because of "hardware reset"
4541  // or because of switch into advanced mode,
4542  // we don't want to capture the info that is about to change
4545  && !include_location) continue;
4547  if (dev.supports(info))
4548  {
4549  auto value = dev.get_info(info);
4550  res.push_back(value);
4551  }
4552  }
4553  return res;
4554  }
4556  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_devices_names(const device_list& list)
4557  {
4558  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> device_names;
4560  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
4561  {
4562  try
4563  {
4564  auto dev = list[i];
4565  device_names.push_back(get_device_name(dev)); // push name and sn to list
4566  }
4567  catch (...)
4568  {
4569  device_names.push_back(std::pair<std::string, std::string>(to_string() << "Unknown Device #" << i, ""));
4570  }
4571  }
4572  return device_names;
4573  }
4575  bool yes_no_dialog(const std::string& title, const std::string& message_text, bool& approved, ux_window& window, const std::string& error_message, bool disabled, const std::string& disabled_reason)
4576  {
4577  ImGui_ScopePushFont(window.get_font());
4586  auto clicked = false;
4588  ImGui::OpenPopup(title.c_str());
4589  ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( {window.width() * 0.35f, window.height() * 0.35f });
4590  if (ImGui::BeginPopup(title.c_str()))
4591  {
4592  {
4596  ImGui::Text("%s", title.c_str());
4597  }
4598  {
4600  ImGui::Separator();
4602  ImGui::Text("\n%s\n", message_text.c_str());
4604  if (!disabled)
4605  {
4606  ImGui::SameLine();
4607  auto width = ImGui::GetWindowWidth();
4608  ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0, 0));
4609  ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(width / 3.f, 0));
4610  ImGui::SameLine();
4611  if (ImGui::Button("Yes", ImVec2(60, 30)))
4612  {
4614  approved = true;
4615  clicked = true;
4616  }
4617  ImGui::SameLine();
4618  if (ImGui::Button("No", ImVec2(60, 30)))
4619  {
4621  approved = false;
4622  clicked = true;
4623  }
4624  }
4625  else
4626  {
4627  ImGui::NewLine();
4628  {
4630  ImGui::Text("%s\n\n", disabled_reason.c_str());
4631  }
4632  auto window_width = ImGui::GetWindowWidth();
4633  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + window_width / 2.f - 30.f - ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding.x);
4634  if (ImGui::Button("Close", ImVec2(60, 30)))
4635  {
4637  approved = false;
4638  clicked = true;
4639  }
4640  }
4641  }
4642  ImGui::EndPopup();
4643  }
4644  return clicked;
4645  }
4647  // Create a process windows with process details from the caller,
4648  // and close button activated by the caller
4649  bool status_dialog(const std::string& title, const std::string& process_topic_text, const std::string& process_status_text , bool enable_close, ux_window& window)
4650  {
4651  ImGui_ScopePushFont(window.get_font());
4661  auto close_clicked = false;
4663  ImGui::OpenPopup(title.c_str());
4664  ImGui::SetNextWindowPos({ window.width() * 0.35f, window.height() * 0.35f });
4665  if (ImGui::BeginPopup(title.c_str()))
4666  {
4667  {
4671  ImGui::Text("%s", title.c_str());
4672  }
4673  {
4675  ImGui::Separator();
4678  ImGui::NewLine();
4679  ImGui::Text("%s", process_topic_text.c_str());
4680  ImGui::NewLine();
4682  auto window_width = ImGui::GetWindowWidth();
4683  auto process_status_text_size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(process_status_text.c_str()).x + ImGui::CalcTextSize("Status: ").x + ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding.x;
4684  auto future_window_width = std::max(process_status_text_size, window_width);
4685  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + future_window_width / 2.f - process_status_text_size / 2.f);
4687  ImGui::Text("Status: %s", process_status_text.c_str());
4688  ImGui::NewLine();
4689  window_width = ImGui::GetWindowWidth();
4691  if (enable_close)
4692  {
4693  ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetCursorPosX() + window_width / 2.f - 50.f); // 50 = 30 (button size) + 20 (padding)
4694  if (ImGui::Button("Close", ImVec2(60, 30)))
4695  {
4697  close_clicked = true;
4698  }
4699  }
4700  }
4701  ImGui::EndPopup();
4702  }
4703  return close_clicked;
4704  }
4706  bool device_model::prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(bool enable_advanced_mode, const std::string& message_text, std::vector<std::string>& restarting_device_info, viewer_model& view, ux_window& window, const std::string& error_message)
4707  {
4708  bool keep_showing = true;
4709  bool yes_was_chosen = false;
4710  if (yes_no_dialog("Advanced Mode", message_text, yes_was_chosen, window, error_message))
4711  {
4712  if (yes_was_chosen)
4713  {
4715  restarting_device_info = get_device_info(dev, false);
4716  view.not_model->add_log(enable_advanced_mode ? "Turning on advanced mode..." : "Turning off advanced mode...");
4717  }
4718  keep_showing = false;
4719  }
4720  return keep_showing;
4721  }
4725  {
4726  bool was_set = false;
4728  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, { 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1 });
4730  auto is_advanced_mode =<advanced_mode>();
4731  if (is_advanced_mode && ImGui::TreeNode("Advanced Controls"))
4732  {
4733  try
4734  {
4735  auto advanced =<advanced_mode>();
4736  if (advanced.is_enabled())
4737  {
4738  draw_advanced_mode_controls(advanced, amc, get_curr_advanced_controls, was_set, error_message);
4739  }
4740  else
4741  {
4742  ImGui::TextColored(redish, "Device is not in advanced mode");
4743  std::string button_text = to_string() << "Turn on Advanced Mode" << "##" << id;
4744  static bool show_yes_no_modal = false;
4745  if (ImGui::Button(button_text.c_str(), ImVec2{ 226, 0 }))
4746  {
4747  show_yes_no_modal = true;
4748  }
4749  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4750  {
4751  ImGui::SetTooltip("Advanced mode is a persistent camera state unlocking calibration formats and depth generation controls\nYou can always reset the camera to factory defaults by disabling advanced mode");
4752  }
4753  if (show_yes_no_modal)
4754  {
4755  show_yes_no_modal = prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(true, "\t\tAre you sure you want to turn on Advanced Mode?\t\t", restarting_device_info, view, window, error_message);
4756  }
4757  }
4758  }
4759  catch (const std::exception& ex)
4760  {
4761  error_message = ex.what();
4762  }
4764  ImGui::TreePop();
4765  }
4768  return was_set;
4769  }
4772  {
4773  std::string info_button_name = to_string() << textual_icons::info_circle << "##" << id;
4774  auto info_button_color = show_device_info ? light_blue : light_grey;
4775  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, info_button_color);
4776  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, info_button_color);
4777  if (ImGui::Button(info_button_name.c_str(), size))
4778  {
4780  }
4781  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
4782  {
4783  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", show_device_info ? "Hide Device Details" : "Show Device Details");
4784  window.link_hovered();
4785  }
4787  }
4790  {
4791  try
4792  {
4793  std::vector<uint8_t> data;
4794  auto ret = file_dialog_open(open_file, "Unsigned Firmware Image\0*.bin\0", NULL, NULL);
4795  if (ret)
4796  {
4797  std::ifstream file(ret, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
4798  if (file.good())
4799  {
4800  data = std::vector<uint8_t>((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)),
4801  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
4802  }
4803  else
4804  {
4805  error_message = to_string() << "Could not open file '" << ret << "'";
4806  return;
4807  }
4808  }
4810  else return; // Aborted by the user
4812  auto manager = std::make_shared<firmware_update_manager>(viewer.not_model, *this, dev, viewer.ctx, data, false);
4814  auto n = std::make_shared<fw_update_notification_model>(
4815  "Manual Update requested", manager, true);
4816  viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
4818  for (auto&& n : related_notifications)
4819  if (dynamic_cast<fw_update_notification_model*>(n.get()))
4820  n->dismiss(false);
4822  auto invoke = [n](std::function<void()> action) {
4823  n->invoke(action);
4824  };
4825  manager->start(invoke);
4826  }
4827  catch (const error& e)
4828  {
4829  error_message = error_to_string(e);
4830  }
4831  catch (const std::exception& e)
4832  {
4833  error_message = e.what();
4834  }
4835  }
4837  void device_model::begin_update(std::vector<uint8_t> data, viewer_model& viewer, std::string& error_message)
4838  {
4839  try
4840  {
4841  if (data.size() == 0)
4842  {
4843  auto ret = file_dialog_open(open_file, "Signed Firmware Image\0*.bin\0", NULL, NULL);
4844  if (ret)
4845  {
4846  std::ifstream file(ret, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
4847  if (file.good())
4848  {
4849  data = std::vector<uint8_t>((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)),
4850  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
4851  }
4852  else
4853  {
4854  error_message = to_string() << "Could not open file '" << ret << "'";
4855  return;
4856  }
4857  }
4858  else return; // Aborted by the user
4859  }
4861  auto manager = std::make_shared<firmware_update_manager>(viewer.not_model, *this, dev, viewer.ctx, data, true);
4863  auto n = std::make_shared<fw_update_notification_model>(
4864  "Manual Update requested", manager, true);
4865  viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
4867  for (auto&& n : related_notifications)
4868  n->dismiss(false);
4870  auto invoke = [n](std::function<void()> action) {
4871  n->invoke(action);
4872  };
4874  manager->start(invoke);
4875  }
4876  catch (const error& e)
4877  {
4878  error_message = error_to_string(e);
4879  }
4880  catch (const std::exception& e)
4881  {
4882  error_message = e.what();
4883  }
4884  }
4886  {
4887  std::weak_ptr< updates_model > updates_model_protected( viewer.updates );
4888  std::weak_ptr< dev_updates_profile::update_profile > update_profile_protected(
4889  _updates_profile );
4890  std::weak_ptr< notifications_model > notification_model_protected( viewer.not_model );
4891  const context & ctx( viewer.ctx );
4892  std::thread check_for_device_updates_thread( [ctx,
4893  updates_model_protected,
4894  notification_model_protected,
4895  this,
4896  update_profile_protected]() {
4897  try
4898  {
4899  bool need_to_check_bundle = true;
4900  std::string server_url
4902  bool use_local_file = false;
4903  const std::string local_file_prefix = "file://";
4905  // If URL contain a "file://" prefix, we open it as local file and not downloading
4906  // it from a server
4907  if( server_url.find( local_file_prefix ) == 0 )
4908  {
4909  use_local_file = true;
4910  server_url.erase( 0, local_file_prefix.length() );
4911  }
4912  sw_update::dev_updates_profile updates_profile( dev, server_url, use_local_file );
4914  bool sw_online_update_available = updates_profile.retrieve_updates( sw_update::LIBREALSENSE );
4915  bool fw_online_update_available = updates_profile.retrieve_updates( sw_update::FIRMWARE );
4917  if (sw_online_update_available || fw_online_update_available)
4918  {
4919  if (auto update_profile = update_profile_protected.lock())
4920  {
4921  *update_profile = updates_profile.get_update_profile();
4922  updates_model::update_profile_model updates_profile_model(*update_profile,
4923  ctx,
4924  this);
4926  // For essential policy we don't need the update info, if essential update exist we take the whole update profile for full updates display
4927  dev_updates_profile::version_info dummy_update_info;
4928  if (update_profile->get_sw_update(sw_update::ESSENTIAL, dummy_update_info) || update_profile->get_fw_update(sw_update::ESSENTIAL, dummy_update_info))
4929  {
4930  if (auto viewer_updates = updates_model_protected.lock())
4931  {
4932  viewer_updates->add_profile(updates_profile_model);
4933  need_to_check_bundle = false;
4934  }
4935  }
4936  else
4937  {
4938  if (auto viewer_updates = updates_model_protected.lock())
4939  {
4940  // Do not create pop ups if the viewer updates windows is on
4941  if (viewer_updates->has_updates())
4942  {
4943  need_to_check_bundle = false;
4944  }
4945  else
4946  {
4947  if (sw_online_update_available)
4948  {
4949  if (auto nm = notification_model_protected.lock())
4950  {
4951  handle_online_sw_update( nm, update_profile );
4952  }
4953  }
4954  if (fw_online_update_available)
4955  {
4956  if (auto nm = notification_model_protected.lock())
4957  {
4958  need_to_check_bundle = !handle_online_fw_update( ctx, nm, update_profile );
4959  }
4960  }
4961  }
4962  }
4963  // For updating current device profile if exists (Could update firmware version)
4964  if (auto viewer_updates = updates_model_protected.lock())
4965  {
4966  viewer_updates->update_profile(updates_profile_model);
4967  }
4968  }
4969  }
4970  }
4971  else if( auto nm = notification_model_protected.lock() )
4972  {
4973  nm->add_log( "No online SW / FW updates available" );
4974  }
4976  // If no on-line updates notification, offer bundled FW update if needed
4977  if( need_to_check_bundle
4979  {
4980  if( auto nm = notification_model_protected.lock() )
4981  {
4982  check_for_bundled_fw_update( ctx, nm );
4983  }
4984  }
4985  }
4986  catch( const std::exception & e )
4987  {
4988  auto error = e.what();
4989  }
4990  } );
4992  check_for_device_updates_thread.detach();
4993  }
4997  {
4998  bool is_d400 = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE) ?
4999  std::string(s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_PRODUCT_LINE)) == "D400" : false;
5001  std::string fw_version = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) ?
5002  s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) : "";
5004  bool supported_fw = s->supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_FIRMWARE_VERSION) ?
5005  is_upgradeable("", fw_version) : false;
5007  return s->is<rs2::depth_sensor>() && is_d400 && supported_fw;
5008  // TODO: Once auto-calib makes it into the API, switch to querying camera info
5009  }
5012  float device_model::draw_device_panel(float panel_width,
5013  ux_window& window,
5014  std::string& error_message,
5015  viewer_model& viewer)
5016  {
5017  /*
5018  =============================
5019  [o] [@] [i] [=]
5020  Record Sync Info More
5021  =============================
5022  */
5025  const bool is_playback_device =<playback>();
5026  const float device_panel_height = 60.0f;
5027  auto panel_pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
5029  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_large_font());
5040  // Draw recording icon
5042  bool is_streaming = std::any_of(subdevices.begin(), subdevices.end(), [](const std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>& sm)
5043  {
5044  return sm->streaming;
5045  });
5047  const float icons_width = 78.0f;
5048  const ImVec2 device_panel_icons_size{ icons_width, 25 };
5049  std::string recorod_button_name = to_string() << button_icon << "##" << id;
5050  auto record_button_color = is_recording ? light_blue : light_grey;
5051  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, record_button_color);
5052  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, record_button_color);
5053  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(recorod_button_name.c_str(), device_panel_icons_size, (!is_streaming || is_playback_device) ? ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled : 0))
5054  {
5055  if (is_recording) //is_recording is changed inside stop/start_recording
5056  {
5057  stop_recording(viewer);
5058  }
5059  else
5060  {
5062  std::string path = "";
5064  if (!ends_with(default_path, "/") && !ends_with(default_path, "\\")) default_path += "/";
5065  std::string default_filename = rs2::get_timestamped_file_name() + ".bag";
5066  if (recording_setting == 0 && default_path.size() > 1 )
5067  {
5068  path = default_path + default_filename;
5069  }
5070  else
5071  {
5072  if (const char* ret = file_dialog_open(file_dialog_mode::save_file, "ROS-bag\0*.bag\0",
5073  default_path.c_str(), default_filename.c_str()))
5074  {
5075  path = ret;
5076  if (!ends_with(to_lower(path), ".bag")) path += ".bag";
5077  }
5078  }
5080  if (path != "") start_recording(path, error_message);
5081  }
5082  }
5083  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5084  {
5085  std::string record_button_hover_text = (!is_streaming ? "Start streaming to enable recording" : (is_recording ? "Stop Recording" : "Start Recording"));
5086  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", record_button_hover_text.c_str());
5087  if (is_streaming) window.link_hovered();
5088  }
5091  ImGui::SameLine();
5093  // Draw Sync icon
5095  std::string sync_button_name = to_string() << textual_icons::refresh << "##" << id;
5096  bool is_sync_enabled = false; //TODO: use device's member
5097  auto sync_button_color = is_sync_enabled ? light_blue : light_grey;
5098  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, sync_button_color);
5099  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, sync_button_color);
5100  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(sync_button_name.c_str(), device_panel_icons_size, ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled))
5101  {
5102  is_sync_enabled = !is_sync_enabled;
5103  }
5104  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5105  {
5106  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", is_sync_enabled ? "Disable streams synchronization" : "Enable streams synchronization");
5107  }
5109  ImGui::SameLine();
5111  // Draw Info icon
5113  draw_info_icon(window, window.get_font(), device_panel_icons_size);
5114  ImGui::SameLine();
5117  // Draw Menu icon
5119  std::string label = to_string() << "device_menu" << id;
5120  std::string bars_button_name = to_string() << textual_icons::bars << "##" << id;
5121  if (ImGui::Button(bars_button_name.c_str(), device_panel_icons_size))
5122  {
5123  ImGui::OpenPopup(label.c_str());
5124  }
5125  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5126  {
5127  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", "Click for more");
5128  window.link_hovered();
5129  }
5130  ImGui::PopFont();
5131  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
5132  static bool keep_showing_advanced_mode_modal = false;
5133  bool open_calibration_ui = false;
5134  if (ImGui::BeginPopup(label.c_str()))
5135  {
5137  bool something_to_show = false;
5139  if (auto tm2_extensions =<rs2::tm2>())
5140  {
5141  something_to_show = true;
5142  try
5143  {
5144  if (!tm2_extensions.is_loopback_enabled() && ImGui::Selectable("Enable loopback...", false, is_streaming ? ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled : 0))
5145  {
5146  if (const char* ret = file_dialog_open(file_dialog_mode::open_file, "ROS-bag\0*.bag\0", NULL, NULL))
5147  {
5148  tm2_extensions.enable_loopback(ret);
5149  }
5150  }
5151  if (tm2_extensions.is_loopback_enabled() && ImGui::Selectable("Disable loopback...", false, is_streaming ? ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled : 0))
5152  {
5153  tm2_extensions.disable_loopback();
5154  }
5155  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5156  {
5157  if (is_streaming)
5158  ImGui::SetTooltip("Stop streaming to use loopback functionality");
5159  else
5160  ImGui::SetTooltip("Enter the device to loopback mode (inject frames from file to FW)");
5161  }
5163  if (auto tm_sensor = dev.first<pose_sensor>())
5164  {
5165  if (ImGui::Selectable("Export Localization map"))
5166  {
5167  if (auto target_path = file_dialog_open(save_file, "Tracking device Localization map (RAW)\0*.map\0", NULL, NULL))
5168  {
5169  error_message = safe_call([&]()
5170  {
5171  std::stringstream ss;
5172  ss << "Exporting localization map to " << target_path << " ... ";
5173  viewer.not_model->add_log(ss.str());
5174  bin_file_from_bytes(target_path, tm_sensor.export_localization_map());
5175  ss.clear();
5176  ss << "completed";
5177  viewer.not_model->add_log(ss.str());
5178  });
5179  }
5180  }
5182  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5183  {
5184  ImGui::SetTooltip("Retrieve the localization map from device");
5185  }
5187  if (ImGui::Selectable("Import Localization map", false, is_streaming ? ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled : 0))
5188  {
5189  if (auto source_path = file_dialog_open(open_file, "Tracking device Localization map (RAW)\0*.map\0", NULL, NULL))
5190  {
5191  error_message = safe_call([&]()
5192  {
5193  std::stringstream ss;
5194  ss << "Importing localization map from " << source_path << " ... ";
5195  tm_sensor.import_localization_map(bytes_from_bin_file(source_path));
5196  ss << "completed";
5197  viewer.not_model->add_log(ss.str());
5198  });
5199  }
5200  }
5202  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5203  {
5204  if (is_streaming)
5205  ImGui::SetTooltip("Stop streaming to Import localization map");
5206  else
5207  ImGui::SetTooltip("Load localization map from host to device");
5208  }
5209  }
5210  }
5211  catch (const rs2::error& e)
5212  {
5213  error_message = error_to_string(e);
5214  }
5215  catch (const std::exception& e)
5216  {
5217  error_message = e.what();
5218  }
5219  }
5221  if (_allow_remove)
5222  {
5223  something_to_show = true;
5225  if (auto adv =<advanced_mode>())
5226  {
5227  const bool is_advanced_mode_enabled = adv.is_enabled();
5228  bool selected = is_advanced_mode_enabled;
5229  if (ImGui::MenuItem("Advanced Mode", nullptr, &selected))
5230  {
5231  keep_showing_advanced_mode_modal = true;
5232  }
5234  ImGui::Separator();
5235  }
5237  if (ImGui::Selectable("Hardware Reset"))
5238  {
5239  try
5240  {
5242  dev.hardware_reset();
5243  }
5244  catch (const error& e)
5245  {
5246  error_message = error_to_string(e);
5247  }
5248  catch (const std::exception& e)
5249  {
5250  error_message = e.what();
5251  }
5252  }
5254  // fw update disabled when any sensor is streaming
5258  {
5259  if (ImGui::Selectable("Update Firmware...", false, updateFwFlags))
5260  {
5261  begin_update({}, viewer, error_message);
5262  }
5263  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5264  {
5265  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Install official signed firmware from file to the device" << (is_streaming ? " (Disabled while streaming)" : "");
5266  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
5267  }
5272  {
5273  if( ImGui::Selectable( "Check For Updates", false, updateFwFlags ) )
5274  {
5275  // Remove all previous SW/FW update notifications before triggering checking for updates logic
5276  for( auto && n : related_notifications )
5277  {
5278  if( n->is< fw_update_notification_model >()
5280  n->dismiss( false ); // No need for snooze, if needed a new notification will be popped
5281  }
5283  check_for_device_updates( viewer );
5284  }
5285  }
5287  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5288  {
5289  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Check for SW / FW updates";
5290  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
5291  }
5292  }
5294  bool is_locked = true;
5296  is_locked = std::string(dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_CAMERA_LOCKED)) == "YES" ? true : false;
5298  if (<rs2::updatable>() && !is_locked)
5299  {
5300  // L500 devices do not support update unsigned image currently
5301  bool is_l500_device = false;
5303  {
5305  is_l500_device = (std::string(pl) == "L500");
5306  }
5308  if( ! is_l500_device )
5309  {
5310  if (ImGui::Selectable("Update Unsigned Firmware...", false, updateFwFlags))
5311  {
5312  begin_update_unsigned(viewer, error_message);
5313  }
5314  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5315  {
5316  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Install non official unsigned firmware from file to the device" << (is_streaming ? " (Disabled while streaming)" : "");
5317  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
5318  }
5319  }
5320  }
5321  }
5323  bool has_autocalib = false;
5324  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5325  {
5326  if (sub->supports_on_chip_calib() && !has_autocalib)
5327  {
5328  something_to_show = true;
5329  if (ImGui::Selectable("On-Chip Calibration"))
5330  {
5331  try
5332  {
5333  auto manager = std::make_shared<on_chip_calib_manager>(viewer, sub, *this, dev);
5334  auto n = std::make_shared<autocalib_notification_model>("", manager, false);
5336  viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
5337  n->forced = true;
5340  for (auto&& n : related_notifications)
5341  if (dynamic_cast<autocalib_notification_model*>(n.get()))
5342  n->dismiss(false);
5344  related_notifications.push_back(n);
5345  }
5346  catch (const error& e)
5347  {
5348  error_message = error_to_string(e);
5349  }
5350  catch (const std::exception& e)
5351  {
5352  error_message = e.what();
5353  }
5354  }
5355  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5356  ImGui::SetTooltip("This will improve the depth noise.\n"
5357  "Point at a scene that normally would have > 50 %% valid depth pixels,\n"
5358  "then press calibrate."
5359  "The health-check will be calculated.\n"
5360  "If >0.25 we recommend applying the new calibration.\n"
5361  "\"White wall\" mode should only be used when pointing at a flat white wall with projector on");
5363  if (ImGui::Selectable("Tare Calibration"))
5364  {
5365  try
5366  {
5367  auto manager = std::make_shared<on_chip_calib_manager>(viewer, sub, *this, dev);
5368  auto n = std::make_shared<autocalib_notification_model>(
5369  "", manager, false);
5371  viewer.not_model->add_notification(n);
5372  n->forced = true;
5375  for (auto&& n : related_notifications)
5376  if (dynamic_cast<autocalib_notification_model*>(n.get()))
5377  n->dismiss(false);
5379  related_notifications.push_back(n);
5380  }
5381  catch (const error& e)
5382  {
5383  error_message = error_to_string(e);
5384  }
5385  catch (const std::exception& e)
5386  {
5387  error_message = e.what();
5388  }
5389  }
5390  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5391  ImGui::SetTooltip("Tare calibration is used to adjust camera absolute distance to flat target.\n"
5392  "User needs either to enter the known ground truth or use the get button\n"
5393  "with specific target to get the ground truth.");
5395  if (_calib_model.supports())
5396  {
5397  if (ImGui::Selectable("Calibration Data"))
5398  {
5400  }
5401  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5402  ImGui::SetTooltip("Access low level camera calibration parameters");
5403  }
5405  if (auto fwlogger =<rs2::firmware_logger>())
5406  {
5407  if (ImGui::Selectable("Recover Logs from Flash"))
5408  {
5409  try
5410  {
5411  bool has_parser = false;
5413  std::ifstream f(hwlogger_xml.c_str());
5414  if (f.good())
5415  {
5416  try
5417  {
5418  std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(f)),
5419  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
5420  fwlogger.init_parser(str);
5421  has_parser = true;
5422  }
5423  catch (const std::exception& ex)
5424  {
5425  viewer.not_model->output.add_log(RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__,
5426  to_string() << "Invalid Hardware Logger XML at '" << hwlogger_xml << "': " << ex.what() << "\nEither configure valid XML or remove it");
5427  }
5428  }
5430  auto message = fwlogger.create_message();
5432  while (fwlogger.get_flash_log(message))
5433  {
5434  auto parsed = fwlogger.create_parsed_message();
5435  auto parsed_ok = false;
5437  if (has_parser)
5438  {
5439  if (fwlogger.parse_log(message, parsed))
5440  {
5441  parsed_ok = true;
5443  viewer.not_model->output.add_log(message.get_severity(),
5444  parsed.file_name(), parsed.line(), to_string()
5445  << "FW-LOG [" << parsed.thread_name() << "] " << parsed.message());
5446  }
5447  }
5449  if (!parsed_ok)
5450  {
5451  std::stringstream ss;
5452  for (auto& elem :
5453  ss << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << static_cast<int>(elem) << " ";
5454  viewer.not_model->output.add_log(message.get_severity(), __FILE__, 0, ss.str());
5455  }
5456  }
5457  }
5458  catch(const std::exception& ex)
5459  {
5460  viewer.not_model->output.add_log(RS2_LOG_SEVERITY_WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__,
5461  to_string() << "Failed to fetch firmware logs: " << ex.what());
5462  }
5463  }
5464  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5465  ImGui::SetTooltip("Recovers last set of firmware logs prior to camera shutdown / disconnect");
5466  }
5468  has_autocalib = true;
5469  }
5470  }
5471  if (!has_autocalib)
5472  {
5473  bool selected = false;
5474  something_to_show = true;
5475  ImGui::Selectable("On-Chip Calibration", &selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled);
5476  ImGui::Selectable("Tare Calibration", &selected, ImGuiSelectableFlags_Disabled);
5477  }
5479  if (!something_to_show)
5480  {
5481  ImGui::Text("This device has no additional options");
5482  }
5486  ImGui::EndPopup();
5488  }
5492  {
5494  {
5495  show_trigger_camera_accuracy_health_popup = _accuracy_health_model->prompt_trigger_popup(window, error_message);
5496  }
5497  }
5500  {
5502  {
5503  show_reset_camera_accuracy_health_popup = _accuracy_health_model->prompt_reset_popup(window, error_message);
5504  }
5505  }
5507  if (keep_showing_advanced_mode_modal)
5508  {
5509  const bool is_advanced_mode_enabled =<advanced_mode>().is_enabled();
5510  std::string msg = to_string() << "\t\tAre you sure you want to " << (is_advanced_mode_enabled ? "turn off Advanced mode" : "turn on Advanced mode") << "\t\t";
5511  keep_showing_advanced_mode_modal = prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(!is_advanced_mode_enabled, msg, restarting_device_info, viewer, window, error_message);
5512  }
5514  _calib_model.update(window, error_message);
5518  // Draw icons names
5520  //Move to next line, and we want to keep the horizontal alignment
5521  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ panel_pos.x, ImGui::GetCursorPosY() });
5522  //Using transparent-non-actionable buttons to have the same locations
5526  const ImVec2 device_panel_icons_text_size = { icons_width, 5 };
5528  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, record_button_color);
5529  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, record_button_color);
5530  ImGui::ButtonEx(is_recording ? "Stop" : "Record", device_panel_icons_size, (!is_streaming ? ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled : 0));
5531  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered() && is_streaming) window.link_hovered();
5534  ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ButtonEx("Sync", device_panel_icons_size, ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled);
5536  auto info_button_color = show_device_info ? light_blue : light_grey;
5537  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, info_button_color);
5538  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, info_button_color);
5539  ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ButtonEx("Info", device_panel_icons_size);
5540  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) window.link_hovered();
5543  ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::ButtonEx("More", device_panel_icons_size);
5544  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) window.link_hovered();
5549  ImGui::PopFont();
5551  return device_panel_height;
5552  }
5555  {
5556  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5557  {
5558  int num_irs = 0;
5559  bool video_profile_saved = false;
5560  for (auto&& p : sub->get_selected_profiles())
5561  {
5562  rs2_stream stream_type = p.stream_type();
5563  std::string stream_format_key = to_string() << "stream-" << to_lower(rs2_stream_to_string(stream_type)) << "-format";
5564  std::string stream_format_value = rs2_format_to_string(p.format());
5566  if (stream_type == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
5567  {
5568  stream_format_key = "stream-depth-format";
5569  }
5570  else if (stream_type == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED)
5571  {
5572  stream_format_key = "stream-ir-format";
5573  num_irs++;
5574  if (num_irs == 2)
5575  {
5576  stream_format_value = "R8L8";
5577  }
5578  }
5579  else
5580  {
5581  continue; //TODO: Ignoring other streams for now
5582  }
5584  j[stream_format_key] = stream_format_value;
5585  if (!video_profile_saved)
5586  {
5587  if (auto vp =<rs2::video_stream_profile>())
5588  {
5589  j["stream-width"] = std::to_string(vp.width());
5590  j["stream-height"] = std::to_string(vp.height());
5591  j["stream-fps"] = std::to_string(vp.fps());
5592  video_profile_saved = true;
5593  }
5594  }
5595  }
5596  }
5597  }
5599  void rs2::device_model::handle_online_sw_update(std::shared_ptr < notifications_model > nm , std::shared_ptr < dev_updates_profile::update_profile >update_profile )
5600  {
5601  dev_updates_profile::version_info recommended_sw_update_info;
5602  update_profile->get_sw_update(sw_update::RECOMMENDED, recommended_sw_update_info);
5603  auto n = std::make_shared< sw_recommended_update_alert_model >(
5605  recommended_sw_update_info.ver,
5606  recommended_sw_update_info.download_link);
5607  auto name = get_device_name(dev);
5608  n->delay_id = "update_alert." + name.second;
5609  n->enable_complex_dismiss = true; // allow advanced dismiss menu
5611  if (!n->is_delayed())
5612  {
5613  nm->add_notification(n);
5614  related_notifications.push_back(n);
5615  }
5616  }
5618  bool rs2::device_model::handle_online_fw_update( const context& ctx, std::shared_ptr < notifications_model > nm, std::shared_ptr< dev_updates_profile::update_profile> update_profile )
5619  {
5620  bool fw_update_notification_raised = false;
5621  std::shared_ptr< firmware_update_manager > manager = nullptr;
5623  std::vector< uint8_t > fw_data;
5624  http::http_downloader downloader;
5626  // Try to download the recommended FW binary file
5627  int download_retries = 3;
5628  dev_updates_profile::version_info recommended_fw_update_info;
5629  update_profile->get_fw_update(sw_update::RECOMMENDED, recommended_fw_update_info);
5631  while (download_retries > 0)
5632  {
5633  if (downloader.download_to_bytes_vector(
5634  recommended_fw_update_info.download_link,
5635  fw_data))
5636  download_retries = 0;
5637  else
5638  --download_retries;
5639  }
5641  // If the download process finished successfully, pop up a
5642  // notification for the FW update process
5643  if (!fw_data.empty())
5644  {
5645  manager = std::make_shared< firmware_update_manager >(nm,
5646  *this,
5647  dev,
5648  ctx,
5649  fw_data,
5650  true);
5652  auto dev_name = get_device_name(dev);
5653  std::stringstream msg;
5654  msg << dev_name.first << " (S/N " << dev_name.second << ")\n"
5655  << "Current Version: "
5656  << std::string(update_profile->firmware_version) << "\n";
5658  msg << "Recommended Version: "
5659  << std::string(recommended_fw_update_info.ver);
5661  auto n = std::make_shared< fw_update_notification_model >(
5662  msg.str(),
5663  manager,
5664  false);
5665  n->delay_id = "dfu." + dev_name.second;
5666  n->enable_complex_dismiss = true;
5667  if (!n->is_delayed())
5668  {
5669  nm->add_notification(n);
5670  related_notifications.push_back(n);
5671  fw_update_notification_raised = true;
5672  }
5673  }
5674  else
5675  nm->output.add_log(
5677  __FILE__,
5678  __LINE__,
5679  to_string()
5680  << "Error in downloading FW binary file: "
5681  << recommended_fw_update_info.download_link);
5683  return fw_update_notification_raised;
5684  }
5686  // Load viewer configuration for stereo module (depth/infrared streams) only
5688  {
5689  json j = json::parse(json_str);
5690  struct video_stream
5691  {
5693  int width = 0;
5694  int height = 0;
5695  int fps = 0;
5696  };
5698  std::map<std::pair<rs2_stream, int>, video_stream> requested_streams;
5699  auto it = j.find("stream-depth-format");
5700  if (it != j.end())
5701  {
5702  assert(it.value().is_string());
5703  std::string formatstr = it.value();
5704  bool found = false;
5705  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(RS2_FORMAT_COUNT); i++)
5706  {
5707  auto f = static_cast<rs2_format>(i);
5708  auto fstr = rs2_format_to_string(f);
5709  if (formatstr == fstr)
5710  {
5711  requested_streams[std::make_pair(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH, 0)].format = f;
5712  found = true;
5713  break;
5714  }
5715  }
5716  if (!found)
5717  {
5718  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Unsupported stream-depth-format: " << formatstr);
5719  }
5721  // Disable depth stream on all sub devices
5722  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5723  {
5724  for (auto&& profile : sub->profiles)
5725  {
5726  if (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
5727  {
5728  sub->stream_enabled[profile.unique_id()] = false;
5729  break;
5730  }
5731  }
5732  }
5733  }
5735  it = j.find("stream-ir-format");
5736  if (it != j.end())
5737  {
5738  assert(it.value().is_string());
5739  std::string formatstr = it.value();
5741  bool found = false;
5742  for (int i = 0; i < RS2_FORMAT_COUNT; i++)
5743  {
5744  auto format = (rs2_format)i;
5745  if (ends_with(rs2_format_to_string(format), formatstr))
5746  {
5747  requested_streams[std::make_pair(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1)].format = format;
5748  found = true;
5749  }
5750  }
5752  if (!found)
5753  {
5754  if (formatstr == "R8L8")
5755  {
5756  requested_streams[std::make_pair(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1)].format = RS2_FORMAT_Y8;
5757  requested_streams[std::make_pair(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 2)].format = RS2_FORMAT_Y8;
5758  }
5759  else
5760  {
5761  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Unsupported stream-ir-format: " << formatstr);
5762  }
5763  }
5765  // Disable infrared stream on all sub devices
5766  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5767  {
5768  for (auto&& profile : sub->profiles)
5769  {
5770  if (profile.stream_type() == RS2_STREAM_INFRARED)
5771  {
5772  sub->stream_enabled[profile.unique_id()] = false;
5773  break;
5774  }
5775  }
5776  }
5777  }
5779  // Setting the same Width,Height,FPS to every requested stereo module streams (depth,infrared) according to loaded JSON
5780  if (!requested_streams.empty())
5781  {
5782  try
5783  {
5784  std::string wstr = j["stream-width"];
5785  std::string hstr = j["stream-height"];
5786  std::string fstr = j["stream-fps"];
5787  int width = std::stoi(wstr);
5788  int height = std::stoi(hstr);
5789  int fps = std::stoi(fstr);
5790  for (auto& kvp : requested_streams)
5791  {
5792  kvp.second.width = width;
5793  kvp.second.height = height;
5794  kvp.second.fps = fps;
5795  }
5796  }
5797  catch (const std::exception& e)
5798  {
5799  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Error parsing streams from JSON: " << e.what());
5800  }
5801  }
5803  // Enable requested stereo module streams (depth,infrared)
5804  for (auto&& kvp : requested_streams)
5805  {
5806  std::string stream_name = to_string() << rs2_stream_to_string(kvp.first.first) << (kvp.first.second > 0 ? (" " + std::to_string(kvp.first.second)) : "");
5807  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5808  {
5809  auto itr = std::find_if(sub->stream_display_names.begin(), sub->stream_display_names.end(), [stream_name](const std::pair<int, std::string>& p) { return p.second == stream_name; });
5810  if (itr != sub->stream_display_names.end())
5811  {
5812  int uid = itr->first;
5813  sub->stream_enabled[uid] = true;
5815  //Find format
5816  size_t format_id = 0;
5817  rs2_format requested_format = kvp.second.format;
5818  for (; format_id < sub->format_values[uid].size(); format_id++)
5819  {
5820  if (sub->format_values[uid][format_id] == requested_format)
5821  break;
5822  }
5823  if (format_id == sub->format_values[uid].size())
5824  {
5825  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "No match found for requested format: " << requested_format);
5826  }
5827  sub->ui.selected_format_id[uid] = int(format_id);
5829  //Find fps
5830  int requested_fps = kvp.second.fps;
5831  size_t fps_id = 0;
5832  for (; fps_id < sub->shared_fps_values.size(); fps_id++)
5833  {
5834  if (sub->shared_fps_values[fps_id] == requested_fps)
5835  break;
5836  }
5837  if (fps_id == sub->shared_fps_values.size())
5838  {
5839  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "No match found for requested fps: " << requested_fps);
5840  }
5841  sub->ui.selected_shared_fps_id = int(fps_id);
5843  //Find Resolution
5844  std::pair<int, int> requested_res{ kvp.second.width,kvp.second.height };
5845  size_t res_id = 0;
5846  for (; res_id < sub->res_values.size(); res_id++)
5847  {
5848  if (sub->res_values[res_id] == requested_res)
5849  break;
5850  }
5851  if (res_id == sub->res_values.size())
5852  {
5853  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "No match found for requested resolution: " << requested_res.first << "x" << requested_res.second);
5854  }
5855  sub->ui.selected_res_id = int(res_id);
5856  }
5857  }
5858  }
5859  }
5861  float device_model::draw_preset_panel(float panel_width,
5862  ux_window& window,
5863  std::string& error_message,
5864  viewer_model& viewer,
5865  bool update_read_only_options,
5866  bool load_json_if_streaming,
5867  json_loading_func json_loading)
5868  {
5869  const float panel_height = 40.f;
5870  auto panel_pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
5879  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
5880  auto serializable =<serializable_device>();
5882  const auto load_json = [&, serializable](const std::string f) {
5883  std::ifstream file(f);
5884  if (!file.good())
5885  {
5886  //Failed to read file, removing it from the available ones
5888  selected_file_preset.clear();
5889  throw std::runtime_error(to_string() << "Failed to read configuration file:\n\"" << f << "\"\nRemoving it from presets.");
5890  }
5891  std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
5893  if (serializable)
5894  {
5895  serializable.load_json(str);
5896  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5897  {
5898  //If json was loaded correctly, we want the presets combo box to show the name of the configuration file
5899  // And as a workaround, set the current preset to "custom", so that if the file is removed the preset will show "custom"
5900  if (auto dpt = sub->s->as<depth_sensor>())
5901  {
5902  auto itr = sub->options_metadata.find(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET);
5903  if (itr != sub->options_metadata.end())
5904  {
5905  //TODO: Update to work with SR300 when the load json will update viewer configurations
5906  itr->second.endpoint->set_option(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET, RS2_RS400_VISUAL_PRESET_CUSTOM);
5907  }
5908  }
5909  }
5910  }
5915  viewer.not_model->add_log(to_string() << "Loaded settings from \"" << f << "\"...");
5916  };
5918  const auto save_to_json = [&, serializable](std::string full_filename)
5919  {
5920  if (!ends_with(to_lower(full_filename), ".json")) full_filename += ".json";
5921  std::ofstream outfile(full_filename);
5922  json saved_configuraion;
5923  if (serializable)
5924  {
5925  saved_configuraion = json::parse(serializable.serialize_json());
5926  }
5927  save_viewer_configurations(outfile, saved_configuraion);
5928  outfile << saved_configuraion.dump(4);
5929  outfile.close();
5930  advanced_mode_settings_file_names.insert(full_filename);
5931  selected_file_preset = full_filename;
5932  viewer.not_model->add_log(to_string() << "Saved settings to \"" << full_filename << "\"...");
5934  };
5935  static const std::string popup_message = "\t\tTo use this feature, the device must be in Advanced Mode.\t\t\n\n\t\tWould you like to turn Advanced Mode?\t\t";
5937  // Draw Combo Box
5939  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
5940  {
5941  if (auto dpt = sub->s->as<depth_sensor>())
5942  {
5943  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ panel_pos.x + 8, ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 10 });
5944  //TODO: set this once!
5945  const auto draw_preset_combo_box = [&](option_model& opt_model, std::string& error_message, notifications_model& model)
5946  {
5947  bool is_clicked = false;
5948  assert(opt_model.opt == RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET);
5949  ImGui::Text("Preset: ");
5950  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
5951  {
5952  ImGui::SetTooltip("Select a preset configuration (or use the load button)");
5953  }
5955  ImGui::SameLine();
5956  ImGui::PushItemWidth(185);
5959  //TODO: make this a member function
5960  std::vector<const char*> labels;
5961  std::vector< float > counters;
5962  auto selected = 0, counter = 0;
5963  for (auto i = opt_model.range.min; i <= opt_model.range.max; i += opt_model.range.step)
5964  {
5967  // Default is only there for backwards compatibility and will throw an
5968  // exception if used
5969  if( product == "L500" && (size_t)(i) == RS2_L500_VISUAL_PRESET_DEFAULT )
5970  continue;
5972  if (std::fabs(i - opt_model.value) < 0.001f)
5973  {
5974  selected = counter;
5975  }
5976  labels.push_back(opt_model.endpoint->get_option_value_description(opt_model.opt, i));
5977  counters.push_back( i );
5978  counter++;
5979  }
5986  ImVec2 padding{ 2,2 };
5989  // Go over the loaded files and add them to the combo box
5990  std::vector<std::string> full_files_names(advanced_mode_settings_file_names.begin(), advanced_mode_settings_file_names.end());
5991  std::vector<std::string> files_labels;
5992  int i = static_cast<int>(labels.size());
5993  for (auto&& file : full_files_names)
5994  {
5995  files_labels.push_back(get_file_name(file));
5996  if (selected_file_preset == file)
5997  {
5998  selected = i;
5999  }
6000  i++;
6001  }
6002  std::transform(files_labels.begin(), files_labels.end(), std::back_inserter(labels), [](const std::string& s) { return s.c_str(); });
6004  try
6005  {
6006  static bool keep_showing_popup = false;
6007  if (ImGui::Combo(, &selected,,
6008  static_cast<int>(labels.size())))
6009  {
6010  *opt_model.invalidate_flag = true;
6012  auto advanced =<advanced_mode>();
6013  if (advanced)
6014  if (!advanced.is_enabled())
6015  keep_showing_popup = true;
6017  if (!keep_showing_popup)
6018  {
6019  if (selected < static_cast<int>(labels.size() - files_labels.size()))
6020  {
6021  //Known preset was chosen
6022  auto new_val = counters[selected];
6023  model.add_log(to_string() << "Setting " << opt_model.opt << " to "
6024  << new_val << " (" << labels[selected] << ")");
6026  opt_model.set_option(opt_model.opt, new_val, error_message);
6028  // Only apply preset to GUI if set_option was succesful
6029  selected_file_preset = "";
6030  is_clicked = true;
6031  }
6032  else
6033  {
6034  //File was chosen
6035  auto file = selected - static_cast<int>(labels.size() - files_labels.size());
6036  if (file < 0 || file >= full_files_names.size())
6037  throw std::runtime_error("not a valid format");
6038  auto f = full_files_names[file];
6039  error_message = safe_call([&]() { load_json(f); });
6041  }
6042  }
6043  }
6044  if (keep_showing_popup)
6045  {
6046  keep_showing_popup = prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(true, popup_message, restarting_device_info, viewer, window, error_message);
6047  }
6048  }
6049  catch (const error& e)
6050  {
6051  error_message = error_to_string(e);
6052  }
6055  return is_clicked;
6056  };
6057  sub->options_metadata[RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET].custom_draw_method = draw_preset_combo_box;
6058  if (sub->draw_option(RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET,<playback>() || update_read_only_options, error_message, *viewer.not_model))
6059  {
6061  selected_file_preset.clear();
6062  }
6063  }
6064  }
6066  ImGui::SameLine();
6067  const ImVec2 icons_size{ 20, 20 };
6068  //TODO: Change this once we have support for loading jsons with more data than only advanced controls
6069  bool is_streaming = std::any_of(subdevices.begin(), subdevices.end(), [](const std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>& sm) { return sm->streaming; });
6070  const int buttons_flags = serializable ? 0 : ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled;
6071  static bool require_advanced_mode_enable_prompt = false;
6072  auto advanced_dev =<advanced_mode>();
6073  auto is_advanced_device = false;
6074  auto is_advanced_mode_enabled = false;
6075  if (advanced_dev)
6076  {
6077  is_advanced_device = true;
6078  try
6079  {
6080  // Prevent intermittent errors in polling mode to keep imgui in sync
6081  is_advanced_mode_enabled = advanced_dev.is_enabled();
6082  }
6083  catch (...){}
6084  }
6089  // Draw Load Icon
6091  std::string upload_button_name = to_string() << textual_icons::upload << "##" << id;
6095  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(upload_button_name.c_str(), icons_size, (is_streaming && !load_json_if_streaming) ? ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled : buttons_flags))
6096  {
6097  if (serializable && (!is_advanced_device || is_advanced_mode_enabled))
6098  {
6099  json_loading([&]()
6100  {
6101  for( auto && sub : subdevices )
6102  {
6103  if( auto dpt = sub->s->as< depth_sensor >() )
6104  {
6105  sub->_options_invalidated = true;
6106  }
6107  }
6108  auto ret = file_dialog_open(open_file, "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)\0*.json\0", NULL, NULL);
6109  if (ret)
6110  {
6111  error_message = safe_call([&]() { load_json(ret); });
6112  }
6113  });
6114  }
6115  else
6116  {
6117  require_advanced_mode_enable_prompt = true;
6118  }
6119  }
6121  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6122  {
6123  std::string tooltip = to_string() << "Load pre-configured stereo module settings" << (is_streaming && !load_json_if_streaming ? " (Disabled while streaming)" : "");
6124  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", tooltip.c_str());
6125  }
6127  ImGui::SameLine();
6130  // Draw Save Icon
6132  std::string save_button_name = to_string() << textual_icons::download << "##" << id;
6133  ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 1); //Align the two icons to buttom
6134  if (ImGui::ButtonEx(save_button_name.c_str(), icons_size, buttons_flags))
6135  {
6136  if (serializable && (!is_advanced_device || is_advanced_mode_enabled))
6137  {
6138  auto ret = file_dialog_open(save_file, "JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)\0*.json\0", NULL, NULL);
6139  if (ret)
6140  {
6141  error_message = safe_call([&]() { save_to_json(ret); });
6142  }
6143  }
6144  else
6145  {
6146  require_advanced_mode_enable_prompt = true;
6147  }
6149  }
6150  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6151  {
6152  ImGui::SetTooltip("Save current stereo module settings to file");
6153  }
6155  ImGui::SameLine();
6157  if (require_advanced_mode_enable_prompt)
6158  {
6159  require_advanced_mode_enable_prompt = prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(true, popup_message, restarting_device_info, viewer, window, error_message);
6160  }
6162  ImGui::PopFont();
6166  return panel_height;
6167  }
6170  // Generic helper functions for comparison of fw versions
6171  std::vector<int> fw_version_to_int_vec(std::string fw_version)
6172  {
6173  size_t start{}, end{};
6174  std::vector<int> values;
6175  std::string delimiter(".");
6176  std::string substr;
6177  while ((end = fw_version.find(delimiter, start)) != std::string::npos)
6178  {
6179  substr = fw_version.substr(start, end - start);
6180  start = start + substr.length() + delimiter.length();
6181  values.push_back(atoi(substr.c_str()));
6182  }
6183  values.push_back(atoi(fw_version.substr(start, fw_version.length() - start).c_str()));
6184  return values;
6185  }
6187  bool fw_version_less_than(std::string fw_version, std::string min_fw_version)
6188  {
6189  std::vector<int> curr_values = fw_version_to_int_vec(fw_version);
6190  std::vector<int> min_values = fw_version_to_int_vec(min_fw_version);
6192  for (size_t i = 0; i < curr_values.size(); i++)
6193  {
6194  if (i >= min_values.size())
6195  {
6196  return false;
6197  }
6198  if (curr_values[i] < min_values[i])
6199  {
6200  return true;
6201  }
6202  if (curr_values[i] > min_values[i])
6203  {
6204  return false;
6205  }
6206  }
6207  return false;
6208  }
6211  {
6212  return std::any_of(subdevices.begin(), subdevices.end(), [](const std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>& sm)
6213  {
6214  return sm->streaming;
6215  });
6216  }
6218  void device_model::draw_controls(float panel_width, float panel_height,
6219  ux_window& window,
6220  std::string& error_message,
6221  device_model*& device_to_remove,
6222  viewer_model& viewer, float windows_width,
6223  std::vector<std::function<void()>>& draw_later,
6224  bool load_json_if_streaming,
6225  json_loading_func json_loading,
6226  bool draw_device_outline)
6227  {
6229  // draw device header
6231  const bool is_playback_device =<playback>();
6232  bool is_ip_device = dev.supports(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_IP_ADDRESS);
6233  auto header_h = panel_height;
6234  if (is_playback_device || is_ip_device) header_h += 15;
6236  ImColor device_header_background_color = title_color;
6237  const float left_space = 3.f;
6238  const float upper_space = 3.f;
6240  bool update_read_only_options = _update_readonly_options_timer;
6242  const ImVec2 initial_screen_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
6243  //Upper Space
6244  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ initial_screen_pos.x,initial_screen_pos.y }, { initial_screen_pos.x + panel_width,initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space }, ImColor(black));
6245  if (draw_device_outline)
6246  {
6247  //Upper Line
6248  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine({ initial_screen_pos.x,initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space }, { initial_screen_pos.x + panel_width,initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space }, ImColor(header_color));
6249  }
6250  //Device Header area
6251  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ initial_screen_pos.x + 1,initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space + 1 }, { initial_screen_pos.x + panel_width, initial_screen_pos.y + header_h + upper_space }, device_header_background_color);
6253  auto pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
6254  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_large_font());
6255  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, device_header_background_color);
6256  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, device_header_background_color);
6259  // Draw device name
6261  const ImVec2 name_pos = { pos.x + 9, pos.y + 17 };
6262  ImGui::SetCursorPos(name_pos);
6263  std::stringstream ss;
6266  if (is_ip_device)
6267  {
6268  ImGui::Text(" %s", ss.str().substr(0, ss.str().find("\n IP Device")).c_str());
6270  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6271  ImGui::Text("\tNetwork Device at %s", dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_IP_ADDRESS));
6272  ImGui::PopFont();
6273  }
6274  else
6275  {
6276  ImGui::Text(" %s", ss.str().c_str());
6279  {
6281  ss.str("");
6282  ss << " " << textual_icons::usb_type << " " << desc;
6283  ImGui::SameLine();
6286  ImGui::Text(" %s", ss.str().c_str());
6288  ss.str("");
6289  ss << "The camera was detected by the OS as connected to a USB " << desc << " port";
6290  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6292  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6293  ImGui::SetTooltip(" %s", ss.str().c_str());
6295  ImGui::PopFont();
6296  }
6297  }
6299  //ImGui::Text(" %s", dev.get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME));
6300  ImGui::PopFont();
6303  // Draw X Button
6305  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6311  if (_allow_remove)
6312  {
6313  ImGui::Columns(1);
6314  float horizontal_distance_from_right_side_of_panel = 47;
6315  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ panel_width - horizontal_distance_from_right_side_of_panel, pos.y + 9 + (header_h - panel_height) / 2 });
6316  std::string remove_source_button_label = to_string() << textual_icons::times << "##" << id;
6317  if (ImGui::Button(remove_source_button_label.c_str(), { 33,35 }))
6318  {
6319  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
6320  {
6321  if (sub->streaming)
6322  sub->stop(viewer.not_model);
6323  }
6324  device_to_remove = this;
6325  }
6327  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6328  {
6329  ImGui::SetTooltip("Remove selected device from current view\n(can be restored by clicking Add Source)");
6330  window.link_hovered();
6331  }
6332  }
6335  ImGui::PopFont();
6338  // Draw playback file name
6340  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ pos.x + 10, pos.y + panel_height - 9 });
6341  if (auto p =<playback>())
6342  {
6343  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6344  auto full_path = p.file_name();
6345  auto filename = get_file_name(full_path);
6346  std::string file_name_and_icon = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::file_movie << " File: \"" << filename << "\"";
6347  ImGui::Text("%s", file_name_and_icon.c_str());
6348  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6349  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", full_path.c_str());
6350  ImGui::PopFont();
6351  }
6352  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ 0, pos.y + header_h });
6355  // draw device control panel
6357  if (!is_playback_device) //Not displaying these controls for playback devices (since only info is supported)
6358  {
6360  const float vertical_space_before_device_control = 10.0f;
6361  const float horizontal_space_before_device_control = 3.0f;
6362  auto device_panel_pos = ImVec2{ pos.x + horizontal_space_before_device_control, pos.y + vertical_space_before_device_control };
6363  ImGui::SetCursorPos(device_panel_pos);
6364  const float device_panel_height = draw_device_panel(panel_width, window, error_message, viewer);
6365  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ device_panel_pos.x, device_panel_pos.y + device_panel_height });
6366  }
6369  // draw advanced mode panel
6371  auto serialize =<serializable_device>();
6372  if (serialize)
6373  {
6375  const float vertical_space_before_advanced_mode_control = 10.0f;
6376  const float horizontal_space_before_device_control = 3.0f;
6377  auto advanced_mode_pos = ImVec2{ pos.x + horizontal_space_before_device_control, pos.y + vertical_space_before_advanced_mode_control };
6378  ImGui::SetCursorPos(advanced_mode_pos);
6379  const float advanced_mode_panel_height = draw_preset_panel(panel_width, window, error_message, viewer, update_read_only_options, load_json_if_streaming, json_loading);
6380  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ advanced_mode_pos.x, advanced_mode_pos.y + advanced_mode_panel_height });
6381  }
6384  // draw playback control panel
6386  if (auto p =<playback>())
6387  {
6389  float space_before_playback_control = 18.0f;
6390  auto playback_panel_pos = ImVec2{ pos.x + 10, pos.y + space_before_playback_control };
6391  ImGui::SetCursorPos(playback_panel_pos);
6392  auto playback_panel_height = draw_playback_panel(window, window.get_font(), viewer);
6393  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ playback_panel_pos.x, playback_panel_pos.y + playback_panel_height });
6394  }
6396  bool is_streaming = std::any_of(subdevices.begin(), subdevices.end(), [](const std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>& sm)
6397  {
6398  return sm->streaming;
6399  });
6403  ImVec2 rc;
6404  std::string fw_version;
6405  std::string min_fw_version;
6407  int info_control_panel_height = 0;
6408  if (show_device_info)
6409  {
6410  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6411  int line_h = 22;
6412  info_control_panel_height = (int)infos.size() * line_h + 5;
6413  for (auto&& pair : infos)
6414  {
6415  rc = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
6416  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 12, rc.y + 4 });
6417  std::string info_category;
6418  if (pair.first == "Recommended Firmware Version")
6419  {
6420  info_category = "Min FW Version";
6421  min_fw_version = pair.second;
6422  }
6423  else
6424  {
6425  info_category = pair.first.c_str();
6426  }
6427  ImGui::Text("%s:", info_category.c_str());
6428  ImGui::SameLine();
6432  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 145, rc.y + 1 });
6433  std::string label = to_string() << "##" << id << " " << pair.first;
6434  if (pair.first == "Firmware Version")
6435  {
6436  fw_version = pair.second;
6438  }
6439  ImGui::InputText(label.c_str(),
6440  (char*),
6441  pair.second.size() + 1,
6443  if (pair.first == "Firmware Version")
6444  {
6446  }
6448  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x, rc.y + line_h });
6449  }
6451  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ rc.x + 225, rc.y - 107 });
6452  ImGui::PopFont();
6453  }
6455  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ 0, pos.y + info_control_panel_height });
6458  auto sensor_top_y = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
6459  ImGui::SetContentRegionWidth(windows_width - 36);
6463  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6465  // Draw menu foreach subdevice with its properties
6466  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
6467  {
6468  if (show_depth_only && !sub->s->is<depth_sensor>()) continue;
6470  const ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
6471  //const ImVec2 abs_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
6472  //model_to_y[sub.get()] = pos.y;
6473  //model_to_abs_y[sub.get()] = abs_pos.y;
6475  if (!show_depth_only)
6476  {
6477  draw_later.push_back([&error_message, windows_width, &window, sub, pos, &viewer, this]()
6478  {
6479  bool stop_recording = false;
6481  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ windows_width - 35, pos.y + 3 });
6482  ImGui_ScopePushFont(window.get_font());
6488  if (!sub->streaming)
6489  {
6490  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_off << "\noff ##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
6495  std::vector<stream_profile> profiles;
6496  auto is_comb_supported = sub->is_selected_combination_supported();
6497  bool can_stream = false;
6498  if (is_comb_supported)
6499  can_stream = true;
6500  else
6501  {
6502  profiles = sub->get_supported_profiles();
6503  if (!profiles.empty())
6504  can_stream = true;
6505  else
6506  {
6507  std::string text = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_off << "\noff ";
6508  ImGui::TextDisabled("%s", text.c_str());
6509  if (std::any_of(sub->stream_enabled.begin(), sub->stream_enabled.end(), [](std::pair<int, bool> const& s) { return s.second; }))
6510  {
6511  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6512  {
6513  // ImGui::SetTooltip("Selected configuration (FPS, Resolution) is not supported");
6514  ImGui::SetTooltip("Selected value is not supported");
6515  }
6516  }
6517  else
6518  {
6519  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6520  {
6521  ImGui::SetTooltip("No stream selected");
6522  }
6523  }
6524  }
6525  }
6526  if (can_stream)
6527  {
6528  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 30,30 }))
6529  {
6530  if (profiles.empty()) // profiles might be already filled
6531  profiles = sub->get_selected_profiles();
6532  try
6533  {
6534  if (!dev_syncer)
6535  dev_syncer = viewer.syncer->create_syncer();
6537  std::string friendly_name = sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
6538  if (!viewer.zo_sensors.load() &&
6539  ((friendly_name.find("Tracking") != std::string::npos) ||
6540  (friendly_name.find("Motion") != std::string::npos)))
6541  {
6543  viewer.synchronization_enable = false;
6544  }
6546  sub->play(profiles, viewer, dev_syncer);
6547  }
6548  catch (const error& e)
6549  {
6550  error_message = error_to_string(e);
6551  }
6552  catch (const std::exception& e)
6553  {
6554  error_message = e.what();
6555  }
6557  for (auto&& profile : profiles)
6558  {
6559  viewer.begin_stream(sub, profile);
6560  }
6561  }
6562  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6563  {
6564  window.link_hovered();
6565  ImGui::SetTooltip("Start streaming data from this sensor");
6566  }
6567  }
6568  }
6569  else
6570  {
6571  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_on << "\n on##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
6575  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 30,30 }))
6576  {
6577  sub->stop(viewer.not_model);
6578  std::string friendly_name = sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME);
6579  if ((friendly_name.find("Tracking") != std::string::npos) ||
6580  (friendly_name.find("Motion") != std::string::npos))
6581  {
6583  }
6585  if (!std::any_of(subdevices.begin(), subdevices.end(),
6586  [](const std::shared_ptr<subdevice_model>& sm)
6587  {
6588  return sm->streaming;
6589  }))
6590  {
6591  stop_recording = true;
6593  }
6594  }
6595  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6596  {
6597  window.link_hovered();
6598  ImGui::SetTooltip("Stop streaming data from selected sub-device");
6599  }
6600  }
6602  if (is_recording && stop_recording)
6603  {
6604  this->stop_recording(viewer);
6605  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
6606  {
6607  //TODO: Fix case where sensor X recorded stream 0, then stopped, and then started recording stream 1 (need 2 sensors for this to happen)
6608  if (sub->is_selected_combination_supported())
6609  {
6610  auto profiles = sub->get_selected_profiles();
6611  for (auto&& profile : profiles)
6612  {
6613  viewer.streams[profile.unique_id()].dev = sub;
6614  }
6615  }
6616  }
6617  }
6618  });
6619  }
6621  //ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine({ abs_pos.x, abs_pos.y - 1 },
6622  //{ abs_pos.x + panel_width, abs_pos.y - 1 },
6623  // ImColor(black), 1.f);
6625  std::string label = to_string() << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "##" << id;
6633  if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx(label.c_str(), flags))
6634  {
6639  sub->draw_stream_selection(error_message);
6641  static const std::vector<rs2_option> drawing_order = serialize ?
6645  for (auto& opt : drawing_order)
6646  {
6647  if (sub->draw_option(opt,<playback>() || update_read_only_options, error_message, *viewer.not_model))
6648  {
6650  selected_file_preset.clear();
6651  }
6652  }
6654  if (sub->num_supported_non_default_options())
6655  {
6656  label = to_string() << "Controls ##" << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "," << id;
6657  if (ImGui::TreeNode(label.c_str()))
6658  {
6659  std::vector<rs2_option> supported_options = sub->s->get_supported_options();
6661  // moving the color dedicated options to the end of the vector
6662  std::vector<rs2_option> color_options = {
6672  };
6674  std::vector<rs2_option> so_ordered;
6676  for (auto&& i : supported_options)
6677  {
6678  auto it = find(color_options.begin(), color_options.end(), i);
6679  if (it == color_options.end())
6680  so_ordered.push_back(i);
6681  }
6683  std::for_each(color_options.begin(), color_options.end(), [&](rs2_option opt) {
6684  auto it = std::find(supported_options.begin(), supported_options.end(), opt);
6685  if (it != supported_options.end())
6686  so_ordered.push_back(opt);
6687  });
6689  for (auto&& i : so_ordered)
6690  {
6691  auto opt = static_cast<rs2_option>(i);
6692  if (viewer.is_option_skipped(opt)) continue;
6693  if (std::find(drawing_order.begin(), drawing_order.end(), opt) == drawing_order.end())
6694  {
6695  if (serialize && opt == RS2_OPTION_VISUAL_PRESET)
6696  continue;
6698  if (sub->draw_option(opt,<playback>() || update_read_only_options, error_message, *viewer.not_model))
6699  {
6701  selected_file_preset.clear();
6702  }
6703  }
6704  }
6706  ImGui::TreePop();
6707  }
6708  }
6709  if (<advanced_mode>() && sub->s->is<depth_sensor>())
6710  {
6711  if (draw_advanced_controls(viewer, window, error_message))
6712  {
6713  sub->_options_invalidated = true;
6714  selected_file_preset.clear();
6715  }
6716  }
6718  if (sub->s->is<depth_sensor>()) {
6719  for (auto&& pb : sub->const_effects)
6720  {
6723  label = to_string() << pb->get_name() << "##" << id;
6724  if (ImGui::TreeNode(label.c_str()))
6725  {
6726  for (auto i = 0; i < RS2_OPTION_COUNT; i++)
6727  {
6728  auto opt = static_cast<rs2_option>(i);
6729  if (viewer.is_option_skipped(opt)) continue;
6730  pb->get_option(opt).draw_option(
6731<playback>() || update_read_only_options,
6732  false, error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6734  if (opt == RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE)
6735  {
6736  pb->get_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE).update_all_fields(error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6737  }
6738  else if (opt == RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE)
6739  {
6740  pb->get_option(RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE).update_all_fields(error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6741  }
6742  }
6744  ImGui::TreePop();
6745  }
6746  }
6747  }
6749  if (sub->post_processing.size() > 0)
6750  {
6752  const ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
6754  draw_later.push_back([windows_width, &window, sub, pos, &viewer, this]() {
6755  if (!sub->streaming) ImGui::SetCursorPos({ windows_width - 34 , pos.y - 3 });
6756  else ImGui::SetCursorPos({ windows_width - 34, pos.y - 3 });
6758  try
6759  {
6761  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6763  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, sensor_bg);
6764  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, sensor_bg);
6765  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, sensor_bg);
6767  if (!sub->post_processing_enabled)
6768  {
6769  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_off << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << ",post";
6771  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, redish);
6772  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, redish + 0.1f);
6774  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 30,24 }))
6775  {
6776  if (sub->zero_order_artifact_fix && sub->zero_order_artifact_fix->is_enabled())
6777  sub->verify_zero_order_conditions();
6778  sub->post_processing_enabled = true;
6779  config_file::instance().set(get_device_sensor_name(sub.get()).c_str(),
6780  sub->post_processing_enabled);
6781  for (auto&& pb : sub->post_processing)
6782  {
6783  if (!pb->visible)
6784  continue;
6785  if (pb->is_enabled())
6786  pb->processing_block_enable_disable(true);
6787  }
6788  }
6789  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6790  {
6791  ImGui::SetTooltip("Enable post-processing filters");
6792  window.link_hovered();
6793  }
6794  }
6795  else
6796  {
6797  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_on << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << ",post";
6798  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, light_blue);
6799  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, light_blue + 0.1f);
6801  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 30,24 }))
6802  {
6803  sub->post_processing_enabled = false;
6804  config_file::instance().set(get_device_sensor_name(sub.get()).c_str(),
6805  sub->post_processing_enabled);
6806  for (auto&& pb : sub->post_processing)
6807  {
6808  if (!pb->visible)
6809  continue;
6810  if (pb->is_enabled())
6811  pb->processing_block_enable_disable(false);
6812  }
6813  }
6814  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6815  {
6816  ImGui::SetTooltip("Disable post-processing filters");
6817  window.link_hovered();
6818  }
6819  }
6821  ImGui::PopFont();
6822  }
6823  catch (...)
6824  {
6826  ImGui::PopFont();
6827  throw;
6828  }
6829  });
6831  label = to_string() << "Post-Processing##" << id;
6832  if (ImGui::TreeNode(label.c_str()))
6833  {
6834  for (auto&& pb : sub->post_processing)
6835  {
6836  if (!pb->visible) continue;
6840  const ImVec2 pos = ImGui::GetCursorPos();
6842  draw_later.push_back([windows_width, &window, sub, pos, &viewer, this, pb]() {
6843  if (!sub->streaming || !sub->post_processing_enabled) ImGui::SetCursorPos({ windows_width - 35, pos.y - 3 });
6844  else
6845  ImGui::SetCursorPos({ windows_width - 35, pos.y - 3 });
6847  try
6848  {
6849  ImGui::PushFont(window.get_font());
6851  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Button, sensor_bg);
6852  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered, sensor_bg);
6853  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive, sensor_bg);
6855  if (!sub->post_processing_enabled)
6856  {
6857  if (!pb->is_enabled())
6858  {
6859  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_off << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "," << pb->get_name();
6861  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, redish);
6862  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, redish + 0.1f);
6863  ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), { 25,24 }, ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled);
6864  }
6865  else
6866  {
6867  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_on << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "," << pb->get_name();
6868  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, light_blue);
6869  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, light_blue + 0.1f);
6870  ImGui::ButtonEx(label.c_str(), { 25,24 }, ImGuiButtonFlags_Disabled);
6871  }
6872  }
6873  else
6874  {
6875  if (!pb->is_enabled())
6876  {
6877  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_off << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "," << pb->get_name();
6879  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, redish);
6880  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, redish + 0.1f);
6882  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 25,24 }))
6883  {
6884  if (pb->get_block()->is<zero_order_invalidation>())
6885  sub->verify_zero_order_conditions();
6886  pb->enable(true);
6887  pb->save_to_config_file();
6888  }
6889  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6890  {
6891  label = to_string() << "Enable " << pb->get_name() << " post-processing filter";
6892  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", label.c_str());
6893  window.link_hovered();
6894  }
6895  }
6896  else
6897  {
6898  std::string label = to_string() << " " << textual_icons::toggle_on << "##" << id << "," << sub->s->get_info(RS2_CAMERA_INFO_NAME) << "," << pb->get_name();
6899  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, light_blue);
6900  ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg, light_blue + 0.1f);
6902  if (ImGui::Button(label.c_str(), { 25,24 }))
6903  {
6904  pb->enable(false);
6905  pb->save_to_config_file();
6906  }
6907  if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
6908  {
6909  label = to_string() << "Disable " << pb->get_name() << " post-processing filter";
6910  ImGui::SetTooltip("%s", label.c_str());
6911  window.link_hovered();
6912  }
6913  }
6914  }
6917  ImGui::PopFont();
6918  }
6919  catch (...)
6920  {
6922  ImGui::PopFont();
6923  throw;
6924  }
6925  });
6927  label = to_string() << pb->get_name() << "##" << id;
6928  if (ImGui::TreeNode(label.c_str()))
6929  {
6930  for (auto&& opt : pb->get_option_list())
6931  {
6932  if (viewer.is_option_skipped(opt)) continue;
6933  pb->get_option(opt).draw_option(
6934<playback>() || update_read_only_options,
6935  false, error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6937  if (opt == RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE)
6938  {
6939  pb->get_option(RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE).update_all_fields(error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6940  }
6941  else if (opt == RS2_OPTION_MAX_DISTANCE)
6942  {
6943  pb->get_option(RS2_OPTION_MIN_DISTANCE).update_all_fields(error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6944  }
6945  }
6947  ImGui::TreePop();
6948  }
6949  }
6950  ImGui::TreePop();
6951  }
6952  }
6954  ImGui::TreePop();
6955  }
6962  }
6964  for (auto&& sub : subdevices)
6965  {
6966  sub->update(error_message, *viewer.not_model);
6967  }
6970  ImGui::PopFont();
6972  auto end_screen_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
6974  if (draw_device_outline)
6975  {
6976  //Left space
6977  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddRectFilled({ initial_screen_pos.x,initial_screen_pos.y }, { end_screen_pos.x + left_space, end_screen_pos.y }, ImColor(black));
6978  //Left line
6979  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine({ initial_screen_pos.x + left_space,initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space }, { end_screen_pos.x + left_space, end_screen_pos.y }, ImColor(header_color));
6980  //Right line
6981  const float compenstaion_right = 17.f;;
6982  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine({ initial_screen_pos.x + panel_width - compenstaion_right, initial_screen_pos.y + upper_space }, { end_screen_pos.x + panel_width - compenstaion_right, end_screen_pos.y }, ImColor(header_color));
6983  //Button line
6984  const float compenstaion_button = 1.0f;
6985  ImGui::GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine({ end_screen_pos.x + left_space, end_screen_pos.y - compenstaion_button }, { end_screen_pos.x + left_space + panel_width, end_screen_pos.y - compenstaion_button }, ImColor(header_color));
6986  }
6987  }
6990  {
6991  //TODO: Move under hour glass
6992  }
6995  {
6996  _changes.emplace(rs2::device_list{}, ctx.query_devices(RS2_PRODUCT_LINE_ANY));
6998  {
6999  add_changes(info);
7000  });
7001  }
7004  {
7005  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);
7006  _changes.push(c);
7007  }
7010  {
7011  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mtx);
7012  if (_changes.empty())
7013  return false;
7015  removed_and_connected = std::move(_changes.front());
7016  _changes.pop();
7017  return true;
7018  }
7020  // Aggregate the trajectory path
7022  {
7023  static bool prev_track = track;
7024  if (!_trajectory_tracking)
7025  return;
7027  if (track)
7028  {
7029  // Reset the waypoints on stream resume
7030  if (!prev_track)
7031  reset_trajectory();
7033  rs2_pose pose_data = const_cast<pose_frame&>(pose).get_pose_data();
7034  auto t = tm2_pose_to_world_transformation(pose_data);
7035  float model[4][4];
7036  t.to_column_major((float*)model);
7038  rs2_vector translation{ t.mat[0][3], t.mat[1][3], t.mat[2][3] };
7039  tracked_point p{ translation , pose_data.tracker_confidence }; //TODO: Osnat - use tracker_confidence or mapper_confidence ?
7040  // register the new waypoint
7041  add_to_trajectory(p);
7042  }
7044  prev_track = track;
7045  }
7047  void tm2_model::draw_trajectory(bool is_trajectory_button_pressed)
7048  {
7049  if (!is_trajectory_button_pressed)
7050  {
7051  record_trajectory(false);
7052  reset_trajectory();
7053  return;
7054  }
7056  glLineWidth(3.0f);
7058  for (auto&& v : trajectory)
7059  {
7060  switch (v.second) //color the line according to confidence
7061  {
7062  case 3:
7063  glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //green
7064  break;
7065  case 2:
7066  glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //yellow
7067  break;
7068  case 1:
7069  glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //red
7070  break;
7071  case 0:
7072  glColor3f(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f); //grey - failed pose
7073  break;
7074  default:
7075  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid pose confidence value");
7076  }
7077  glVertex3f(v.first.x, v.first.y, v.first.z);
7078  }
7079  glEnd();
7080  }
7083  {
7084  //insert first element anyway
7085  if (trajectory.size() == 0)
7086  {
7087  trajectory.push_back(p);
7088  }
7089  else
7090  {
7091  //check if new element is far enough - more than 1 mm
7092  rs2_vector prev = trajectory.back().first;
7093  rs2_vector curr = p.first;
7094  if (sqrt(pow((curr.x - prev.x), 2) + pow((curr.y - prev.y), 2) + pow((curr.z - prev.z), 2)) < 0.001)
7095  {
7096  //if too close - check confidence and replace element
7097  if (p.second > trajectory.back().second)
7098  {
7099  trajectory.back() = p;
7100  }
7101  //else - discard this sample
7102  }
7103  else
7104  {
7105  //sample is far enough - keep it
7106  trajectory.push_back(p);
7107  }
7108  }
7109  }
7110 }
float y
Definition: rendering.h:499
void draw_text(int x, int y, const char *text)
Definition: rendering.h:717
subdevice_model(device &dev, std::shared_ptr< sensor > s, std::shared_ptr< atomic_objects_in_frame > objects, std::string &error_message, viewer_model &viewer, bool new_device_connected=true)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< notification_model > > related_notifications
Definition: model-views.h:816
static const textual_icon lock
Definition: model-views.h:218
IMGUI_API void PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4650
static const ImVec4 transparent
Definition: model-views.h:44
device_changes(rs2::context &ctx)
static void populate_options(std::map< int, option_model > &opt_container, const std::string &opt_base_label, subdevice_model *model, std::shared_ptr< options > options, bool *options_invalidated, std::string &error_message)
device_model(device &dev, std::string &error_message, viewer_model &viewer, bool new_device_connected=true, bool allow_remove=true)
void begin_update_unsigned(viewer_model &viewer, std::string &error_message)
#define ImGui_ScopePushStyleVar(idx, val)
Definition: imgui.h:127
GLenum GLuint GLenum GLsizei const GLchar * message
Read-only strings that can be queried from the device. Not all information attributes are available o...
Definition: rs_sensor.h:22
bool * invalidate_flag
Definition: model-views.h:324
bool metric_system
Definition: viewer.h:136
static const ImVec4 white
Definition: model-views.h:45
std::map< int, bool > stream_enabled
Definition: model-views.h:630
const char * rs2_format_to_string(rs2_format format)
Definition: rs.cpp:1263
IMGUI_API float GetCursorPosX()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5082
IMGUI_API void AddRectFilled(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col, float rounding=0.0f, int rounding_corners=0x0F)
Definition: imgui_draw.cpp:814
std::shared_ptr< recorder > _recorder
Definition: model-views.h:863
static const textual_icon bar_chart
Definition: model-views.h:234
GLuint GLuint end
rs2_sensor_mode resolution_from_width_height(int width, int height)
Definition: model-views.cpp:46
void add_changes(const event_information &c)
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
GLboolean GLboolean g
GLint y
std::shared_ptr< notification_model > add_notification(const notification_data &n)
bool fw_version_less_than(std::string fw_version, std::string min_fw_version)
#define glLineStipple
void serialize(Stream &stream, const T &t)
Serialize an object. Stream here should normally be a rs2rosinternal::serialization::OStream.
static const textual_icon circle
Definition: model-views.h:243
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetCursorPos()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5076
std::shared_ptr< texture_buffer > upload_frame(frame &&f)
std::map< int, int > selected_fps_id
Definition: model-views.h:368
bool is_integer(float f)
Definition: rendering.h:1571
std::map< int, std::vector< rs2_format > > format_values
Definition: model-views.h:641
void update_ui(std::vector< stream_profile > profiles_vec)
IMGUI_API void SetTooltip(const char *fmt,...) IM_PRINTFARGS(1)
Definition: imgui.cpp:3288
khronos_float_t GLfloat
std::string to_lower(std::string x)
Definition: parser.hpp:217
std::vector< std::string > shared_fpses
Definition: model-views.h:628
bool motion_data_to_csv(const std::string &filename, rs2::frame frame)
GLuint const GLchar * name
static const ImVec4 almost_white_bg
Definition: model-views.h:42
static const ImVec4 header_window_bg
Definition: model-views.h:56
rs2_vector angular_acceleration
Definition: rs_types.h:147
void add_timestamp(double timestamp, unsigned long long frame_counter)
Definition: rendering.h:66
int rs2_get_api_version(rs2_error **error)
Definition: rs.cpp:1184
std::map< int, int > selected_format_id
Definition: model-views.h:369
bool pose_data_to_csv(const std::string &filename, rs2::frame frame)
std::shared_ptr< rs2::asynchronous_syncer > dev_syncer
Definition: model-views.h:796
std::vector< sensor > query_sensors() const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:25
std::map< int, option_model > options_metadata
std::shared_ptr< atomic_objects_in_frame > _detected_objects
Definition: model-views.h:867
const char * rs2_timestamp_domain_to_string(rs2_timestamp_domain info)
Definition: rs.cpp:1267
bool is_streaming() const
const char * rs2_frame_metadata_to_string(rs2_frame_metadata_value metadata)
Definition: rs.cpp:1275
ImVec4 from_rgba(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a, bool consistent_color)
IMGUI_API void ProgressBar(float fraction, const ImVec2 &size_arg=ImVec2(-1, 0), const char *overlay=NULL)
Definition: imgui.cpp:7234
rs2_option opt
Definition: model-views.h:321
Defines general configuration controls. These can generally be mapped to camera UVC controls...
Definition: rs_option.h:22
GLfloat green
float z
Definition: rs_types.h:131
unsigned int tracker_confidence
Definition: rs_types.h:148
GLdouble s
std::atomic< bool > _pause
Definition: model-views.h:661
bool frame_metadata_to_csv(const std::string &filename, rs2::frame frame)
static const ImVec4 title_color
Definition: model-views.h:58
static basic_json parse(T(&array)[N], const parser_callback_t cb=nullptr)
deserialize from an array
Definition: json.hpp:5979
frame_queues queues
Definition: model-views.h:645
#define glBegin
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPos(const ImVec2 &local_pos)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5094
GLfloat GLfloat p
Definition: glext.h:12687
void add_log(std::string message)
static const textual_icon info_circle
Definition: model-views.h:229
bool status_dialog(const std::string &title, const std::string &process_topic_text, const std::string &process_status_text, bool enable_close, ux_window &window)
static const textual_icon question_mark
Definition: model-views.h:228
#define ImGui_ScopePushFont(f)
Definition: imgui.h:125
static const ImVec4 light_grey
Definition: model-views.h:40
Definition: imgui.h:88
context & ctx
Definition: viewer.h:132
static const char * recommend_calibration
Definition: model-views.h:137
def axes(out, pos, rotation=np.eye(3), size=0.075, thickness=2)
static void width_height_from_resolution(rs2_sensor_mode mode, int &width, int &height)
Definition: model-views.cpp:58
IMGUI_API void PopTextWrapPos()
Definition: imgui.cpp:4592
static config_file & instance()
Definition: rs-config.cpp:80
a class to store JSON values
Definition: json.hpp:221
void update_model_trajectory(const pose_frame &pose, bool track)
GLint GLint GLsizei GLuint * counters
Definition: glext.h:5682
void draw_rect(const rect &r, int line_width)
void verify_zero_order_conditions()
static const ImVec4 light_blue
Definition: model-views.h:38
GLsizei const GLchar *const * path
Definition: glext.h:4276
std::vector< int > shared_fps_values
Definition: model-views.h:639
const char * rs2_distortion_to_string(rs2_distortion distortion)
Definition: rs.cpp:1264
std::shared_ptr< subdevice_model > dev
Definition: model-views.h:729
std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< rs2::frame, T >::value, bool >::type poll_for_frame(T *output) const
GLfloat value
std::list< detected_object::ptr > detected_objects
stream_profile get_profile() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:557
device_list query_devices() const
Definition: rs_context.hpp:112
std::map< int, stream_model > streams
Definition: viewer.h:125
rect center_at(const float2 &new_center) const
Definition: rendering.h:641
#define glPushAttrib
static const textual_icon repeat
Definition: model-views.h:242
int ImGuiTreeNodeFlags
Definition: imgui.h:80
IMGUI_API void SetNextWindowPos(const ImVec2 &pos, ImGuiSetCond cond=0)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4923
rs2_vector translation
Definition: rs_types.h:142
IMGUI_API void EndTooltip()
Definition: imgui.cpp:3310
static const char * post_processing
Definition: model-views.h:164
rect pan(const float2 &p) const
Definition: rendering.h:588
int get_bytes_per_pixel() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:707
static bool can_support_metadata(const std::string &product)
std::shared_ptr< subdevice_model > get_frame_origin(const rs2::frame &f)
std::shared_ptr< texture_buffer > texture
Definition: model-views.h:712
Definition: model-views.h:681
uint32_t size() const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:711
void imgui_easy_theming(ImFont *&font_14, ImFont *&font_18, ImFont *&monofont)
def progress(args)
const std::string & get_name() const
std::string get_timestamped_file_name()
Definition: os.cpp:237
GLint GLint GLsizei GLsizei GLsizei depth
int draw_playback_controls(ux_window &window, ImFont *font, viewer_model &view)
std::unique_ptr< reflectivity > _reflectivity
Definition: model-views.h:748
const void * get_data() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:545
static const ImVec4 dark_window_background
Definition: model-views.h:41
IMGUI_API void BeginTooltip()
Definition: imgui.cpp:3304
bool download_to_bytes_vector(const std::string &url, std::vector< uint8_t > &output, user_callback_func_type user_callback_func=user_callback_func_type())
IMGUI_API bool TreeNodeEx(const char *label, ImGuiTreeNodeFlags flags=0)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5993
Definition: cah-model.h:10
static metadata_helper & instance()
void hyperlink(ux_window &window, const char *title, const char *link)
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble w
option_model & get_option(rs2_option opt)
GLsizei const GLchar *const * string
std::tuple< uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t > get_texcolor(video_frame texture, texture_coordinate texcoords)
void begin_update(std::vector< uint8_t > data, viewer_model &viewer, std::string &error_message)
void map_id_frameset_to_frameset(rs2::frameset first, rs2::frameset second)
std::atomic< bool > synchronization_enable
Definition: viewer.h:158
void load_viewer_configurations(const std::string &json_str)
IMGUI_API void PushTextWrapPos(float wrap_pos_x=0.0f)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4585
bool is_debug()
Definition: os.cpp:368
void handle_hardware_events(const std::string &serialized_data)
void stop(std::shared_ptr< notifications_model > not_model)
std::string name
static const unsigned int monospace_compressed_size
GLuint GLuint stream
Definition: glext.h:1790
std::vector< stream_profile > get_supported_profiles()
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat h
Definition: glext.h:1960
std::vector< std::string > split_string(std::string &input, char delim)
Definition: os.cpp:79
GLdouble n
Definition: glext.h:1966
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: stdint.h:78
rect unnormalize(const rect &unnormalize_to) const
Definition: rendering.h:533
rs2_vector angular_velocity
Definition: rs_types.h:146
#define glVertex3f
subdevice_model * dev
Definition: model-views.h:330
bool get_default_selection_index(const std::vector< T > &values, const T &def, int *index)
Definition: model-views.h:598
calibration_model _calib_model
Definition: model-views.h:870
GLsizei GLsizei GLfloat distance
Definition: glext.h:10563
static const char * hwlogger_xml
Definition: model-views.h:170
static const ImVec4 grey
Definition: model-views.h:48
IMGUI_API void AddLine(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col, float thickness=1.0f)
Definition: imgui_draw.cpp:796
static const unsigned int font_awesome_compressed_data[196000/4]
static const textual_icon stop
Definition: model-views.h:225
void populate_options(const std::string &opt_base_label, subdevice_model *model, bool *options_invalidated, std::string &error_message)
IMGUI_API void TextDisabled(const char *fmt,...) IM_PRINTFARGS(1)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5253
#define glEnable
void sort(sort_type m_sort_type, const std::string &in, const std::string &out)
IMGUI_API bool InputText(const char *label, char *buf, size_t buf_size, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags=0, ImGuiTextEditCallback callback=NULL, void *user_data=NULL)
Definition: imgui.cpp:8216
std::string get_device_sensor_name(subdevice_model *sub)
GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLint GLbitfield GLenum filter
IMGUI_API ImFont * AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(const void *compressed_ttf_data, int compressed_ttf_size, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig *font_cfg=NULL, const ImWchar *glyph_ranges=NULL)
void draw_trajectory(bool is_trajectory_button_pressed)
The texture class.
Definition: example.hpp:402
IMGUI_API float GetWindowWidth()
Definition: imgui.cpp:4773
void frame_ready(frame result) const
bool ends_with(const std::string &s, const std::string &suffix)
Definition: os.cpp:335
std::atomic< int > zo_sensors
Definition: viewer.h:160
IMGUI_API bool TreeNode(const char *label)
Definition: imgui.cpp:6070
::realsense_legacy_msgs::pose_< std::allocator< void > > pose
Definition: pose.h:88
std::string truncate_string(const std::string &str, size_t width)
Definition: os.cpp:47
GLenum GLuint id
GLenum GLenum GLsizei void * image
bool is_synchronized_frame(viewer_model &viewer, const frame &f)
iterator end() noexcept
returns an iterator to one past the last element
Definition: json.hpp:4358
std::shared_ptr< notifications_model > not_model
Definition: viewer.h:133
std::map< int, std::string > stream_display_names
Definition: model-views.h:632
GLuint index
void show_stream_pose(ImFont *font, const rect &stream_rect, const rs2_pose &pose_data, rs2_stream stream_type, bool fullScreen, float y_offset, viewer_model &viewer)
rect fit(rect r) const
Definition: rendering.h:650
bool show_trigger_camera_accuracy_health_popup
Definition: model-views.h:818
frame first_or_default(rs2_stream s, rs2_format f=RS2_FORMAT_ANY) const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:978
GLdouble t
bool _support_ir_reflectivity
Definition: viewer.h:196
void zero_first_pixel(const rs2::frame &f)
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
ImFont * get_font() const
Definition: ux-window.h:64
void get_sorted_profiles(std::vector< stream_profile > &profiles)
GLuint GLfloat * val
GLuint64 key
Definition: glext.h:8966
T get_or_default(const char *key, T def) const
Definition: rs-config.h:65
frame_metadata frame_md
Definition: model-views.h:727
static const textual_icon usb_type
Definition: model-views.h:249
std::vector< const char * > get_string_pointers(const std::vector< std::string > &vec)
static const unsigned int monospace_compressed_data[65328/4]
Definition: parser.hpp:154
def info(name, value, persistent=False)
float x
Definition: rendering.h:499
unsigned short ImWchar
Definition: imgui.h:67
std::function< void(std::function< void()>)> invoker
std::vector< std::string > restarting_device_info
Definition: model-views.h:812
void map_id_frame_to_frame(rs2::frame first, rs2::frame second)
IMGUI_API bool BeginPopup(const char *str_id)
Definition: imgui.cpp:3455
not_this_one begin(...)
std::shared_ptr< atomic_objects_in_frame > detected_objects
Definition: model-views.h:623
IMGUI_API void SameLine(float pos_x=0.0f, float spacing_w=-1.0f)
Definition: imgui.cpp:9246
std::string error_to_string(const error &e)
Definition: rendering.h:1583
float y
Definition: rs_types.h:131
GLdouble f
bool draw_option(bool update_read_only_options, bool is_streaming, std::string &error_message, notifications_model &model)
rs2::frame process(rs2::frame frame) const override
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< processing_block_model > > const_effects
Definition: model-views.h:678
bool draw_combo_box(const std::string &id, const std::vector< std::string > &device_names, int &new_index)
GLenum mode
void draw_options(const std::vector< rs2_option > &drawing_order, bool update_read_only_options, std::string &error_message, notifications_model &model)
bool MergeMode
Definition: imgui.h:1322
bool contains(const std::shared_ptr< librealsense::device_info > &first, const std::shared_ptr< librealsense::device_info > &second)
Definition: context.cpp:49
static const unsigned int font_awesome_compressed_size
IMGUI_API ImDrawList * GetWindowDrawList()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5045
std::string description
GLuint GLenum option
Definition: glext.h:5923
IMGUI_API void PopStyleVar(int count=1)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4675
std::vector< int > fw_version_to_int_vec(std::string fw_version)
rs2_vector velocity
Definition: rs_types.h:143
dictionary streams
GLsizeiptr size
IMGUI_API ImVec2 CalcTextSize(const char *text, const char *text_end=NULL, bool hide_text_after_double_hash=false, float wrap_width=-1.0f)
Definition: test-wrap.cpp:15
static const float FEET_TO_METER
Definition: model-views.h:123
float h
Definition: rendering.h:500
std::string value
void save_viewer_configurations(std::ofstream &outfile, nlohmann::json &j)
IMGUI_API void Dummy(const ImVec2 &size)
Definition: imgui.cpp:9171
static const textual_icon refresh
Definition: model-views.h:217
static const char * show_stream_details
Definition: model-views.h:166
bool draw_stream_selection(std::string &error_message)
rs2_timestamp_domain timestamp_domain
Definition: model-views.h:722
static const ImVec4 regular_blue
Definition: model-views.h:39
usb_device_info get_info(const std::wstring device_wstr)
float w
Definition: imgui.h:100
ImVec4 operator+(const ImVec4 &c, float v)
const GLubyte * c
Definition: glext.h:12690
bool is() const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:122
GLuint counter
Definition: glext.h:5684
static const textual_icon download
Definition: model-views.h:216
GLdouble GLdouble r
bool try_get_next_changes(event_information &removed_and_connected)
GLenum GLint GLint * precision
Definition: glext.h:1883
void check_for_bundled_fw_update(const rs2::context &ctx, std::shared_ptr< notifications_model > not_model)
void play_defaults(viewer_model &view)
temporal_event _stream_not_alive
Definition: model-views.h:739
IMGUI_API void TextUnformatted(const char *text, const char *text_end=NULL)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5276
std::function< void()> on_frame
Definition: model-views.h:619
static const textual_icon play
Definition: model-views.h:223
static const textual_icon link
Definition: model-views.h:257
void push_back_if_not_exists(std::vector< T > &vec, T value)
Definition: model-views.h:293
iterator find(typename object_t::key_type key)
find an element in a JSON object
Definition: json.hpp:4201
bool check_profile(stream_profile p, T cond, std::map< V, std::map< int, stream_profile >> &profiles_map, std::vector< stream_profile > &results, V key, int num_streams, stream_profile &def_p)
GLdouble x
void open_url(const char *url)
Definition: os.cpp:58
std::vector< uint8_t > bytes_from_bin_file(const std::string &filename)
std::string safe_call(T t)
#define glLineWidth
void draw_advanced_mode_controls(rs400::advanced_mode &advanced, advanced_mode_control &amc, bool &get_curr_advanced_controls, bool &was_set, std::string &error_message)
void upload(const rs2::video_frame &frame)
Definition: example.hpp:406
uint64_t num_supported_non_default_options() const
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: stdint.h:80
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > infos
Definition: model-views.h:811
bool restore_processing_block(const char *name, std::shared_ptr< rs2::processing_block > pb, bool enable=true)
double get_timestamp() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:474
static const unsigned int karla_regular_compressed_size
rect get_normalized_zoom(const rect &stream_rect, const mouse_info &g, bool is_middle_clicked, float zoom_val)
void show_frame(const rect &stream_rect, const mouse_info &g, std::string &error_message)
T get(float stabilization_percent=0.75f) const
#define RS2_PRODUCT_LINE_D400
Definition: rs_context.h:94
std::string get(const char *key, const char *def) const
Definition: rs-config.cpp:32
static const textual_icon step_forward
Definition: model-views.h:226
static const ImVec4 scrollbar_bg
Definition: model-views.h:46
animated< float > _info_height
Definition: model-views.h:743
void hardware_reset()
Definition: rs_device.hpp:90
std::vector< std::string > get_device_info(const device &dev, bool include_location)
std::string url_encode(const std::string &value)
Definition: os.cpp:381
std::vector< rs2_option > supported_options
Definition: model-views.h:649
bool is_option_skipped(rs2_option opt) const
Definition: viewer.cpp:1014
bool draw_reflectivity(int x, int y, rs2::depth_sensor ds, const std::map< int, stream_model > &streams, std::stringstream &ss, bool same_line=false)
bool allow_change_resolution_while_streaming
Definition: model-views.h:651
std::array< std::pair< bool, rs2_metadata_type >, RS2_FRAME_METADATA_COUNT > md_attributes
Definition: model-views.h:301
const char * get_info(rs2_camera_info info) const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:79
bool allow_change_fps_while_streaming
Definition: model-views.h:652
void play(const std::vector< stream_profile > &profiles, viewer_model &viewer, std::shared_ptr< rs2::asynchronous_syncer >)
rect get_original_stream_bounds() const
Definition: model-views.h:716
static const textual_icon upload
Definition: model-views.h:235
Definition: imgui.cpp:2014
GLint GLsizei GLsizei height
namespace for Niels Lohmann
Definition: json.hpp:98
static const textual_icon edit
Definition: model-views.h:221
IMGUI_API bool SeekSlider(const char *label, int *v, const char *display_format="%.0f%%")
Definition: imgui.cpp:6559
static const char * sw_updates_url
Definition: model-views.h:138
frame allocate_composite_frame(std::vector< frame > frames) const
std::map< int, std::vector< std::string > > fpses_per_stream
Definition: model-views.h:627
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum format
static int get_resolution_id_from_sensor_mode(rs2_sensor_mode sensor_mode, const rs2::sensor &s, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &res_values)
Definition: model-views.cpp:80
rs2_quaternion rotation
Definition: rs_types.h:145
T as() const
Definition: rs_sensor.hpp:333
float z
Definition: imgui.h:100
std::set< std::string > advanced_mode_settings_file_names
Definition: model-views.h:813
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point last_frame
Definition: model-views.h:719
static const char * compression_mode
Definition: model-views.h:131
std::string id
Definition: model-views.h:801
static const ImVec4 sensor_bg
Definition: model-views.h:51
void sort_together(std::vector< T > &vec, std::vector< std::string > &names)
Definition: model-views.h:274
GLbitfield flags
def find(dir, mask)
stream_model * selected_stream
Definition: viewer.h:128
void export_frame(const std::string &fname, std::unique_ptr< rs2::filter > exporter, notifications_model &ns, frame data, bool notify)
unsigned __int64 uint64_t
Definition: stdint.h:90
float ScrollbarRounding
Definition: imgui.h:765
int draw_playback_panel(ux_window &window, ImFont *font, viewer_model &view)
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPosX(float x)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5101
static void draw(void)
Definition: gears.c:173
std::shared_ptr< options > endpoint
Definition: model-views.h:323
stream_profile original_profile
Definition: model-views.h:717
bool allow_stream_close
Definition: viewer.h:151
void snapshot_frame(const char *filename, viewer_model &viewer) const
std::shared_ptr< updates_model > updates
Definition: viewer.h:193
bool contains(const char *key) const
Definition: rs-config.cpp:42
GLuint start
float draw_device_panel(float panel_width, ux_window &window, std::string &error_message, viewer_model &viewer)
static const char * last_calib_notice
Definition: model-views.h:155
std::shared_ptr< sensor > s
Definition: model-views.h:620
#define glEnd
GLint j
advanced_mode_control amc
Definition: model-views.h:832
static const textual_icon file_movie
Definition: model-views.h:214
static const ImVec4 sensor_header_light_blue
Definition: model-views.h:50
IMGUI_API void PushItemWidth(float item_width)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4486
bool string_to_int(const std::string &str, float &result)
std::string id
Definition: model-views.h:329
bool yes_no_dialog(const std::string &title, const std::string &message_text, bool &approved, ux_window &window, const std::string &error_message, bool disabled, const std::string &disabled_reason)
IMGUI_API void Text(const char *fmt,...) IM_PRINTFARGS(1)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5223
GLint left
Definition: glext.h:1963
IMGUI_API bool Button(const char *label, const ImVec2 &size=ImVec2(0, 0))
Definition: imgui.cpp:5573
A stream&#39;s format identifies how binary data is encoded within a frame.
Definition: rs_sensor.h:59
void outline_rect(const rect &r)
const char * file_dialog_open(file_dialog_mode flags, const char *filters, const char *default_path, const char *default_name)
Definition: os.cpp:169
bool draw_option(rs2_option opt, bool update_read_only_options, std::string &error_message, notifications_model &model)
Definition: model-views.h:572
viewer_model & viewer
Definition: model-views.h:618
GLint first
IMGUI_API void Separator()
Definition: imgui.cpp:9127
static const ImVec4 button_color
Definition: model-views.h:55
option_range range
Definition: model-views.h:322
void begin_stream(std::shared_ptr< subdevice_model > d, rs2::stream_profile p)
Definition: viewer.cpp:3228
Definition: imgui.h:98
void start(S on_frame)
const base::type::char_t * unit
std::unique_ptr< cah_model > _accuracy_health_model
Definition: model-views.h:826
bool is_paused() const
bool MouseDown[5]
Definition: imgui.h:841
IMGUI_API bool DragFloat(const char *label, float *v, float v_speed=1.0f, float v_min=0.0f, float v_max=0.0f, const char *display_format="%.3f", float power=1.0f)
Definition: imgui.cpp:6884
GLint GLint GLsizei GLint GLenum GLenum const void * pixels
static const ImVec4 dark_grey
Definition: model-views.h:49
float x
Definition: rs_types.h:131
double get_fps() const
Definition: rendering.h:83
std::string selected_file_preset
Definition: model-views.h:814
IMGUI_API void EndPopup()
Definition: imgui.cpp:3489
static const ImVec4 header_color
Definition: model-views.h:57
int save_to_png(const char *filename, size_t pixel_width, size_t pixels_height, size_t bytes_per_pixel, const void *raster_data, size_t stride_bytes)
Definition: os.cpp:217
float w
Definition: rendering.h:500
bool mouse_down[2]
Definition: rendering.h:478
std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > res_values
Definition: model-views.h:637
ImVec4 alpha(const ImVec4 &v, float a)
float x
Definition: imgui.h:100
rect get_stream_bounds() const
Definition: model-views.h:715
dictionary intrinsics
Streams are different types of data provided by RealSense devices.
Definition: rs_sensor.h:42
std::vector< stream_profile > get_selected_profiles()
void begin_stream(std::shared_ptr< subdevice_model > d, rs2::stream_profile p, const viewer_model &viewer)
void add_value(bool val)
Definition: rendering.h:818
rect cut_by(const rect &r) const
Definition: rendering.h:563
static const textual_icon window_restore
Definition: model-views.h:252
IMGUI_API void PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, const ImVec4 &col)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4599
static const ImVec4 black
Definition: model-views.h:43
void map_id(rs2::frame new_frame, rs2::frame old_frame)
bool supports(rs2_camera_info info) const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:66
virtual bool is_enabled(std::string id) const
IMGUI_API bool ButtonEx(const char *label, const ImVec2 &size_arg=ImVec2(0, 0), ImGuiButtonFlags flags=0)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5523
std::chrono::duration< uint64_t, std::nano > nanoseconds
void foreach(T action)
Definition: model-views.h:351
void handle_online_sw_update(std::shared_ptr< notifications_model > nm, std::shared_ptr< sw_update::dev_updates_profile::update_profile > update_profile)
void open_issue(const device_models_list &devices)
IMGUI_API bool Combo(const char *label, int *current_item, const char **items, int items_count, int height_in_items=-1, bool show_arrow_down=true)
Definition: imgui.cpp:8418
static const textual_icon times
Definition: model-views.h:215
IMGUI_API void PushFont(ImFont *font)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4539
std::shared_ptr< processing_block_model > zero_order_artifact_fix
Definition: model-views.h:673
post_processing_filters ppf
Definition: viewer.h:130
std::map< int, option_model > options_metadata
Definition: model-views.h:625
For setting the camera_mode option.
Definition: rs_option.h:165
float y
Definition: imgui.h:90
void save_processing_block_to_config_file(const char *name, std::shared_ptr< rs2::processing_block > pb, bool enable)
GLfloat units
void stop_recording(viewer_model &viewer)
static const char * font_oversample
Definition: model-views.h:193
GLenum GLenum GLsizei void * table
Definition: rs_context.h:91
static const textual_icon toggle_off
Definition: model-views.h:246
GLsizei const GLfloat * values
static const textual_icon toggle_on
Definition: model-views.h:247
std::map< int, bool > prev_stream_enabled
Definition: model-views.h:631
std::map< int, std::vector< uint8_t > > create_default_fw_table()
void next(auto_any_t cur, type2type< T, C > *)
Definition: foreach.hpp:757
std::pair< std::string, std::string > get_device_name(const device &dev)
ImVec4 Colors[ImGuiCol_COUNT]
Definition: imgui.h:773
IMGUI_API bool SliderIntWithSteps(const char *label, int *v, int v_min, int v_max, int v_step=1, const char *display_format="%.3f")
Definition: imgui.cpp:6793
rs2_format format() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:44
const char * rs2_camera_info_to_string(rs2_camera_info info)
Definition: rs.cpp:1266
IMGUI_API bool SliderFloat(const char *label, float *v, float v_min, float v_max, const char *display_format="%.3f", float power=1.0f, bool render_bg=false)
Definition: imgui.cpp:6570
void refresh_notifications(viewer_model &viewer)
3D vector in Euclidean coordinate space
Definition: rs_types.h:129
IMGUI_API ImVec2 GetCursorScreenPos()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5121
int parse_product_line(std::string id)
GLFWAPI double glfwGetTime(void)
Returns the value of the GLFW timer.
Definition: input.c:1275
#define glColor3f
bool val_in_range(const T &val, const std::initializer_list< T > &list)
Definition: rendering.h:1599
std::string get_file_name(const std::string &path)
Definition: os.cpp:224
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > get_devices_names(const device_list &list)
GLdouble GLdouble GLdouble q
static const textual_icon window_maximize
Definition: model-views.h:251
void set(const char *key, const char *value)
Definition: rs-config.cpp:15
subdevice_ui_selection ui
Definition: model-views.h:634
void check_for_device_updates(viewer_model &viewer)
IMGUI_API void PopItemWidth()
Definition: imgui.cpp:4507
IMGUI_API void TreePop()
Definition: imgui.cpp:9530
const char * rs2_stream_to_string(rs2_stream stream)
Definition: rs.cpp:1262
int OversampleV
Definition: imgui.h:1318
static const textual_icon step_backward
Definition: model-views.h:222
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< processing_block_model > > post_processing
Definition: model-views.h:676
static int stb_easy_font_width(char *text)
GLboolean enable
Definition: glext.h:5688
int stream_id
Definition: sync.h:17
static auto it
GLuint in
Definition: glext.h:8859
static const ImVec4 scrollbar_grab
Definition: model-views.h:47
rs2_playback_status current_status() const
Definition: model-views.h:682
bool show_stream_selection
Definition: model-views.h:810
void show(const rect &r, float alpha=1.f) const
Definition: example.hpp:448
bool prompt_toggle_advanced_mode(bool enable_advanced_mode, const std::string &message_text, std::vector< std::string > &restarting_device_info, viewer_model &view, ux_window &window, const std::string &error_message)
void update_ae_roi_rect(const rect &stream_rect, const mouse_info &mouse, std::string &error_message)
Definition: imgui.h:1392
int get_height() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:671
float draw_preset_panel(float panel_width, ux_window &window, std::string &error_message, viewer_model &viewer, bool update_read_only_options, bool load_json_if_streaming, json_loading_func json_loading)
int min(int a, int b)
Definition: lz4s.c:73
GLuint GLsizei const GLchar * label
IMGUI_API float GetTextLineHeight()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5027
void draw_controls(float panel_width, float panel_height, ux_window &window, std::string &error_message, device_model *&device_to_remove, viewer_model &viewer, float windows_width, std::vector< std::function< void()>> &draw_later, bool load_json_if_streaming=false, json_loading_func json_loading=[](std::function< void()> load){load();}, bool draw_device_outline=true)
static const ImVec4 red
Definition: model-views.h:64
const GLuint GLenum const void * binary
Definition: glext.h:1882
std::function< void(std::function< void()> load)> json_loading_func
Definition: model-views.h:760
bool get_curr_advanced_controls
Definition: model-views.h:799
std::chrono::nanoseconds get_duration() const
const rs2_stream_profile * get() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:137
signed __int64 int64_t
Definition: stdint.h:89
#define glPopAttrib
Definition: rs.h:44
void invoke(frame f) const
static const textual_icon camera
Definition: model-views.h:219
IMGUI_API bool MenuItem(const char *label, const char *shortcut=NULL, bool selected=false, bool enabled=true)
Definition: imgui.cpp:8733
void bin_file_from_bytes(const std::string &filename, const std::vector< uint8_t > bytes)
GLint GLsizei count
void map_id_frameset_to_frame(rs2::frameset first, rs2::frame second)
int OversampleH
Definition: imgui.h:1318
static const textual_icon bars
Definition: model-views.h:240
std::string label
Definition: model-views.h:328
string_t dump(const int indent=-1) const
Definition: json.hpp:2187
bool contains(const float2 &p) const
Definition: rendering.h:583
std::shared_ptr< rs2::filter > _block
IMGUI_API bool Selectable(const char *label, bool selected=false, ImGuiSelectableFlags flags=0, const ImVec2 &size=ImVec2(0, 0))
Definition: imgui.cpp:8550
Definition: imgui.h:780
std::atomic< bool > synchronization_enable_prev_state
Definition: viewer.h:159
bool is_3d_depth_source(frame f)
Definition: viewer.cpp:3293
static const textual_icon metadata
Definition: model-views.h:259
IMGUI_API bool Checkbox(const char *label, bool *v)
Definition: imgui.cpp:7269
bool is() const
Definition: rs_sensor.hpp:326
utilities::number::stabilized_value< float > _stabilized_reflectivity
Definition: model-views.h:749
float width() const
Definition: ux-window.h:41
bool save_frame_raw_data(const std::string &filename, rs2::frame frame)
typename::boost::move_detail::remove_reference< T >::type && move(T &&t) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< device_model > > device_models_list
Definition: model-views.h:96
GLsizei GLsizei GLchar * source
IMGUI_API ImU32 GetColorU32(ImGuiCol idx, float alpha_mul=1.0f)
rect enclose_in(rect in_rect) const
Definition: rendering.h:671
void set_devices_changed_callback(T callback)
Definition: rs_context.hpp:169
float rs2_vector::* pos
std::shared_ptr< rs2::yuy_decoder > yuy2rgb
Definition: model-views.h:672
bool starts_with(const std::string &s, const std::string &prefix)
Definition: os.cpp:343
rect normalize(const rect &normalize_to) const
Definition: rendering.h:525
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< subdevice_model > > subdevices
Definition: model-views.h:794
T first() const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:52
std::map< int, std::vector< int > > fps_values_per_stream
Definition: model-views.h:638
utilities::time::periodic_timer _update_readonly_options_timer
Definition: model-views.h:865
IMGUI_API void SetCursorScreenPos(const ImVec2 &pos)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5127
int ImGuiSelectableFlags
Definition: imgui.h:79
void update(ux_window &window, std::string &error_message)
int stoi(const std::string &value)
bool handle_online_fw_update(const context &ctx, std::shared_ptr< notifications_model > nm, std::shared_ptr< sw_update::dev_updates_profile::update_profile > update_profile)
static const ImVec4 redish
Definition: model-views.h:52
GLsizei range
IMGUI_API void SetContentRegionWidth(float y)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4990
bool is_3d_texture_source(frame f) const
Definition: viewer.cpp:3236
#define NULL
Definition: tinycthread.c:47
rs2_vector acceleration
Definition: rs_types.h:144
std::map< int, rs2::frame_queue > frames_queue
Definition: model-views.h:933
int i
GLuint res
Definition: glext.h:8856
void add_to_trajectory(tracked_point &p)
static const char * show_map_ruler
Definition: model-views.h:165
static const textual_icon pause
Definition: model-views.h:224
IMGUI_API ImGuiStyle & GetStyle()
Definition: imgui.cpp:2019
#define glVertex2f
static const textual_icon exclamation_triangle
Definition: model-views.h:232
void show_stream_header(ImFont *font, const rect &stream_rect, viewer_model &viewer)
std::string get_available_firmware_version(int product_line)
GLuint GLenum GLenum transform
Definition: glext.h:11553
ImVec4 flip(const ImVec4 &c)
IMGUI_API void CloseCurrentPopup()
Definition: imgui.cpp:3408
int unique_id() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:54
static const ImVec4 yellow
Definition: model-views.h:60
rs2_format format
const char * IniFilename
Definition: imgui.h:789
ImFont * get_large_font() const
Definition: ux-window.h:62
std::map< int, std::vector< std::string > > formats
Definition: model-views.h:629
std::vector< stream_profile > profiles
Definition: model-views.h:643
IMGUI_API void OpenPopup(const char *str_id)
Definition: imgui.cpp:3343
std::string api_version_to_string(int version)
Definition: api.h:450
bool draw_advanced_controls(viewer_model &view, ux_window &window, std::string &error_message)
std::vector< std::string > resolutions
Definition: model-views.h:626
bool is_upgradeable(const std::string &curr, const std::string &available)
std::string get_os_name()
Definition: os.cpp:351
static const char * recommend_updates
Definition: model-views.h:136
bool is_selected_combination_supported()
IMGUI_API void SetCursorPosY(float y)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5108
void draw_info_icon(ux_window &window, ImFont *font, const ImVec2 &size)
std::shared_ptr< syncer_model > syncer
Definition: viewer.h:129
option_model create_option_model(rs2_option opt, const std::string &opt_base_label, subdevice_model *model, std::shared_ptr< options > options, bool *options_invalidated, std::string &error_message)
GLboolean * data
unsigned long long get_frame_number() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:521
bool show_reset_camera_accuracy_health_popup
Definition: model-views.h:819
void show_stream_footer(ImFont *font, const rect &stream_rect, const mouse_info &mouse, const std::map< int, stream_model > &streams, viewer_model &viewer)
matrix4 tm2_pose_to_world_transformation(const rs2_pose &pose)
Definition: rendering.h:441
int get_stride_in_bytes() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:683
rs2_stream stream_type() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:39
void start_recording(const std::string &path, std::string &error_message)
void set_option(rs2_option option, float value) const
Definition: rs_options.hpp:99
bool retrieve_updates(component_part_type comp)
IMGUI_API void Columns(int count=1, const char *id=NULL, bool border=true)
Definition: imgui.cpp:9398
IMGUI_API void SetWindowFontScale(float scale)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5066
std::string pretty_time(std::chrono::nanoseconds duration)
void process(rs2::frame f, const rs2::frame_source &source)
ImFontAtlas * Fonts
Definition: imgui.h:799
float get_option(rs2_option option) const
Definition: rs_options.hpp:72
void link_hovered()
Definition: ux-window.cpp:166
GLdouble v
void update(std::string &error_message, notifications_model &model)
rect zoom(float zoom_factor) const
Definition: rendering.h:665
ImVec2 WindowPadding
Definition: imgui.h:752
static const char * default_path
Definition: model-views.h:130
float WindowRounding
Definition: imgui.h:754
static const ImVec4 dark_sensor_bg
Definition: model-views.h:63
int get_width() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:659
GeneratorWrapper< T > map(Func &&function, GeneratorWrapper< U > &&generator)
Definition: catch.hpp:4271
unsigned long long frame_number
Definition: model-views.h:721
IMGUI_API float GetCursorPosY()
Definition: imgui.cpp:5088
IMGUI_API bool IsItemHovered()
Definition: imgui.cpp:3200
int fps() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:49
std::shared_ptr< sw_update::dev_updates_profile::update_profile > _updates_profile
Definition: model-views.h:869
std::shared_ptr< sensor > sensor_from_frame(frame f)
Definition: rs_sensor.hpp:357
static const unsigned int karla_regular_compressed_data[12720/4]
Definition: parser.hpp:150
subdevice_ui_selection last_valid_ui
Definition: model-views.h:635
static const char * file_save_mode
Definition: model-views.h:129
Per-Frame-Metadata is the set of read-only properties that might be exposed for each individual frame...
Definition: rs_frame.h:29
static const char * allow_rc_firmware
Definition: model-views.h:135
std::shared_ptr< rs2::colorizer > depth_colorizer
Definition: model-views.h:671
GLint GLsizei width
IMGUI_API void PopFont()
Definition: imgui.cpp:4549
void set_option(rs2_option opt, float value, std::string &error_message)
float y
Definition: imgui.h:100
void show_stream_imu(ImFont *font, const rect &stream_rect, const rs2_vector &axis, const mouse_info &mouse)
float x
Definition: imgui.h:90
GLintptr offset
IMGUI_API ImVec4 ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(ImU32 in)
Definition: imgui.cpp:1179
IMGUI_API void PopStyleColor(int count=1)
Definition: imgui.cpp:4609
float height() const
Definition: ux-window.h:42
T as() const
Definition: rs_device.hpp:129
T as() const
Definition: rs_frame.hpp:580
#define ImGui_ScopePushStyleColor(idx, col)
Definition: imgui.h:126
IMGUI_API void NewLine()
Definition: imgui.cpp:9269
std::string to_string(T value)
IMGUI_API void TextColored(const ImVec4 &col, const char *fmt,...) IM_PRINTFARGS(2)
Definition: imgui.cpp:5238
rs2::frame apply_filters(rs2::frame f, const rs2::frame_source &source)
std::vector< rs2::frame > handle_frame(rs2::frame f, const rs2::frame_source &source)

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Doron Hirshberg , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez , Itay Carpis
autogenerated on Mon May 3 2021 02:47:22