Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
rviz Namespace Reference




class  _RosTopicDisplay
class  AddDisplayDialog
class  AlphaSetter
class  Arrow
class  ArrowMarker
class  Axes
class  AxesDisplay
class  AxisColorPCTransformer
class  BillboardLine
class  BitAllocator
class  BoolProperty
class  CameraBase
class  CameraDisplay
class  ClassIdRecordingFactory
struct  Color
class  ColorEditor
class  ColorProperty
class  ComboBox
class  Config
class  CovarianceProperty
class  CovarianceVisual
class  DepthCloudDisplay
struct  DepthTraits
struct  DepthTraits< float >
struct  DepthTraits< uint16_t >
class  Display
class  DisplayContext
class  DisplayFactory
class  DisplayGroup
class  DisplayGroupVisibilityProperty
class  DisplaysPanel
class  DisplayTypeTree
class  DisplayVisibilityProperty
class  EditableComboBox
class  EditableEnumProperty
class  EffortDisplay
class  EffortVisual
class  EmbeddableComboBox
class  EnumProperty
class  Factory
class  FailedDisplay
class  FailedPanel
class  FailedTool
class  FailedViewController
class  FailureProperty
class  FixedOrientationOrthoViewController
class  FlatColorPCTransformer
class  FloatEdit
class  FloatProperty
class  FluidPressureDisplay
class  FocusTool
class  FPSViewController
class  FrameInfo
class  FrameManager
class  FramePositionTrackingViewController
class  FrameSelectionHandler
class  FrameViewController
class  GoalTool
class  Grid
class  GridCellsDisplay
class  GridDisplay
class  HelpPanel
class  IconizedProperty
class  IlluminanceDisplay
class  ImageDisplay
class  ImageDisplayBase
struct  IndexAndMessage
class  InitialPoseTool
class  IntegerAction
class  IntensityPCTransformer
class  InteractionTool
class  InteractiveMarker
class  InteractiveMarkerControl
class  InteractiveMarkerDisplay
class  InteractiveObject
class  IntProperty
class  JointInfo
class  LaserScanDisplay
struct  LexicalTopicInfo
class  Line
class  LineEditWithButton
class  LineListMarker
class  LineStripMarker
class  LinkUpdater
class  LoadingDialog
class  MapDisplay
class  MarkerArrayDisplay
class  MarkerBase
class  MarkerDisplay
class  MarkerNamespace
class  MarkerSelectionHandler
class  MeasureTool
class  MeshResourceMarker
class  MeshShape
class  MessageFilterDisplay
class  MessageFilterJointStateDisplay
class  MockContext
class  MockDisplay
class  MockDisplayFactory
class  MockPropertyChangeReceiver
class  MONO8PCTransformer
class  MovableText
class  MoveTool
class  MultiLayerDepth
class  MultiLayerDepthException
class  NewObjectDialog
class  Object
class  OdometryDisplay
class  OgreLogging
class  OgreRenderQueueClearer
class  OrbitCamera
class  OrbitViewController
class  Panel
class  PanelDockWidget
class  PanelFactory
class  PathDisplay
class  PickColorSetter
struct  Picked
struct  PluginGroup
class  PluginlibFactory
class  PointCloud
class  PointCloud2Display
class  PointCloudCommon
class  PointCloudDisplay
class  PointCloudRenderable
class  PointCloudSelectionHandler
class  PointCloudTransformer
class  PointsMarker
class  PointStampedDisplay
class  PointStampedVisual
class  PointTool
class  PolygonDisplay
class  PoseArrayDisplay
class  PoseDisplay
class  PoseDisplaySelectionHandler
class  PoseTool
class  PoseWithCovarianceDisplay
class  PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler
struct  Preferences
class  PreferencesDialog
class  Property
class  PropertySelectionModel
class  PropertyTreeDelegate
class  PropertyTreeModel
class  PropertyTreeWidget
class  PropertyTreeWithHelp
class  QtOgreRenderWindow
class  QuaternionProperty
class  RangeDisplay
class  RegexFilterProperty
class  RegexValidator
class  RelativeHumidityDisplay
class  RenderPanel
class  RenderSystem
class  RenderWidget
class  ResourceIOStream
class  ResourceIOSystem
class  RGB8PCTransformer
struct  RGBA
class  RGBF32PCTransformer
class  Robot
struct  RobotJoint
struct  RobotLink
class  RobotLinkSelectionHandler
class  RobotModelDisplay
class  RosFilteredTopicProperty
class  ROSImageTexture
class  RosLogListener
class  RosTopicProperty
class  ScaledImageWidget
class  ScreenshotDialog
struct  SelectionData
class  SelectionHandler
class  SelectionManager
class  SelectionPanel
class  SelectionTool
class  Shape
class  ShapeMarker
class  SplashScreen
class  SplitterHandle
class  StatusList
class  StatusProperty
class  StringProperty
class  Swatch
class  TemperatureDisplay
class  TextViewFacingMarker
class  TFDisplay
class  TfFrameProperty
class  TFLinkUpdater
class  ThirdPersonFollowerViewController
class  TimePanel
class  Tool
class  ToolManager
class  ToolPropertiesPanel
class  TopicDisplayWidget
class  TriangleListMarker
class  UniformStringStream
class  UnsupportedImageEncoding
class  VectorProperty
class  ViewController
class  ViewControllerContainer
class  ViewManager
class  ViewportMouseEvent
class  ViewsPanel
class  VisualizationFrame
class  VisualizationManager
class  VisualizationManagerPrivate
class  VisualizerApp
class  WaitForMasterDialog
class  WidgetGeometryChangeDetector
class  WindowManagerInterface
class  WrenchStampedDisplay
class  WrenchVisual
class  XYOrbitViewController
class  XYZPCTransformer
class  YamlConfigReader
class  YamlConfigWriter


typedef uint32_t CollObjectHandle
typedef boost::shared_ptr< FrameSelectionHandlerFrameSelectionHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< InteractiveObjectInteractiveObjectPtr
typedef boost::weak_ptr< InteractiveObjectInteractiveObjectWPtr
typedef boost::unordered_map< CollObjectHandle, PickedM_Picked
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MarkerBaseMarkerBasePtr
typedef std::pair< std::string, int32_t > MarkerID
typedef boost::shared_ptr< MarkerSelectionHandlerMarkerSelectionHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointCloudRenderablePointCloudRenderablePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointCloudSelectionHandlerPointCloudSelectionHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PointCloudTransformerPointCloudTransformerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PoseDisplaySelectionHandlerPoseDisplaySelectionHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandlerPoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandlerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< RobotLinkSelectionHandlerRobotLinkSelectionHandlerPtr
typedef std::set< CollObjectHandleS_CollObject
typedef std::set< FrameInfo *> S_FrameInfo
typedef std::set< JointInfo *> S_JointInfo
typedef std::set< Ogre::MaterialPtr > S_MaterialPtr
typedef std::set< SelectionHandlerPtrS_SelectionHandler
typedef std::set< uint64_t > S_uint64
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SelectionHandlerSelectionHandlerPtr
typedef StatusProperty::Level StatusLevel
typedef std::vector< Ogre::AxisAlignedBox > V_AABB
typedef std::vector< CollObjectHandleV_CollObject
typedef std::vector< PointCloud::PointV_PointCloudPoint
typedef std::vector< PointCloudRenderablePtrV_PointCloudRenderable
typedef std::vector< SelectionHandlerPtrV_SelectionHandler
typedef std::vector< std::stringV_string
typedef std::vector< uint64_t > V_uint64
typedef std::vector< V_CollObjectVV_CollObject


void _rotate (FloatProperty *prop, float angle)
QString addSpaceToCamelCase (QString input)
static const QString ANY_AXIS ("arbitrary")
void applyVisibilityBits (uint32_t bits, Ogre::SceneNode *node)
static const Ogre::ColourValue ARROW_HEAD_COLOR (1.0f, 0.1f, 0.6f, 1.0f)
static const Ogre::ColourValue ARROW_SHAFT_COLOR (0.8f, 0.8f, 0.3f, 1.0f)
void buildMesh (const aiScene *scene, const aiNode *node, const Ogre::MeshPtr &mesh, Ogre::AxisAlignedBox &aabb, float &radius, std::vector< Ogre::MaterialPtr > &material_table, aiMatrix4x4 transform=aiMatrix4x4())
void buildScaledOrthoMatrix (Ogre::Matrix4 &proj, float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near, float far)
bool checkMarkerArrayMsg (const visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &array, MarkerDisplay *owner)
bool checkMarkerMsg (const visualization_msgs::Marker &marker, MarkerDisplay *owner)
void cleanupOgre ()
Ogre::ColourValue colorMsgToOgre (const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &c)
std_msgs::ColorRGBA colorOgreToMsg (const Ogre::ColourValue &c)
uint32_t colorToHandle (Ogre::PixelFormat fmt, uint32_t col)
CollObjectHandle colorToHandle (const Ogre::ColourValue &color)
bool convertPointCloudToPointCloud2 (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud &input, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &output)
void createColorMaterial (const std::string &name, const Ogre::ColourValue &color, bool use_self_illumination)
MarkerBasecreateMarker (int marker_type, MarkerDisplay *owner, DisplayContext *context, Ogre::SceneNode *parent_node)
int32_t findChannelIndex (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, const std::string &channel)
QString findMaxCommonPrefix (const QStringList &strings)
QString fmtAxis (int i)
std::string get_distro ()
std::string get_ogre_plugin_path ()
std::string get_version ()
QCursor getDefaultCursor (bool)
boost::filesystem::path getPath (QString url)
void getPluginGroups (const QMap< QString, QString > &datatype_plugins, QList< PluginGroup > *groups, QList< ros::master::TopicInfo > *unvisualizable)
bool getPointOnPlaneFromWindowXY (Ogre::Viewport *viewport, Ogre::Plane &plane, int window_x, int window_y, Ogre::Vector3 &intersection_out)
static void getRainbowColor (float value, Ogre::ColourValue &color)
std::string getTransformStatusName (const std::string &caller_id)
void initializeResources (const V_string &resource_paths)
bool isSubtopic (const std::string &base, const std::string &topic)
bool isVisible (PanelDockWidget *widget)
Ogre::ColourValue lerpColor (const Ogre::ColourValue &start, const Ogre::ColourValue &end, float t)
static int limit (int i)
void linkUpdaterStatusFunction (StatusProperty::Level level, const std::string &link_name, const std::string &text, RobotModelDisplay *display)
void loadMaterials (const std::string &resource_path, const aiScene *scene, std::vector< Ogre::MaterialPtr > &material_table_out)
Ogre::MeshPtr loadMeshFromResource (const std::string &resource_path)
QPixmap loadPixmap (QString url, bool fill_cache)
void loadTexture (const std::string &resource_path)
unsigned char * makeCostmapPalette ()
QCursor makeIconCursor (QString url, bool fill_cache)
QCursor makeIconCursor (QPixmap icon, QString cache_key, bool fill_cache)
unsigned char * makeMapPalette ()
Ogre::TexturePtr makePaletteTexture (unsigned char *palette_bytes)
unsigned char * makeRawPalette ()
float mapAngleTo0_2Pi (float angle)
Ogre::MeshPtr meshFromAssimpScene (const std::string &name, const aiScene *scene)
static DisplaynewDisplayGroup ()
static PanelnewDisplaysPanel ()
static PanelnewHelpPanel ()
static PanelnewSelectionPanel ()
static PanelnewTimePanel ()
static PanelnewToolPropertiesPanel ()
static PanelnewViewsPanel ()
float normalizeQuaternion (float &w, float &x, float &y, float &z)
double normalizeQuaternion (double &w, double &x, double &y, double &z)
double normalizeQuaternion (Ogre::Quaternion &quaternion)
double normalizeQuaternion (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &msg, Ogre::Quaternion &q)
QColor ogreToQt (const Ogre::ColourValue &c)
bool operator== (IndexAndMessage a, IndexAndMessage b)
QColor parseColor (const QString &color_string)
Ogre::Vector3 pointFromCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, uint32_t index)
static void pointMsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Point &m, Ogre::Vector3 &o)
static Ogre::Vector3 pointMsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Point &m)
static void pointOgreToMsg (const Ogre::Vector3 &o, geometry_msgs::Point &m)
static geometry_msgs::Point pointOgreToMsg (const Ogre::Vector3 &o)
QString printColor (const QColor &color)
Ogre::Vector2 project3DPointToViewportXY (const Ogre::Viewport *view, const Ogre::Vector3 &pos)
uint qHash (IndexAndMessage iam)
Ogre::ColourValue qtToOgre (const QColor &c)
static Ogre::Quaternion quaternionMsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &m)
static void quaternionMsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &m, Ogre::Quaternion &o)
float quaternionNorm2 (float w, float x, float y, float z)
double quaternionNorm2 (double w, double x, double y, double z)
static void quaternionOgreToMsg (const Ogre::Quaternion &o, geometry_msgs::Quaternion &m)
static geometry_msgs::Quaternion quaternionOgreToMsg (const Ogre::Quaternion &o)
bool reloadShaders (std_srvs::Empty::Request &, std_srvs::Empty::Response &)
static void removeMaterial (Ogre::MaterialPtr &material)
void setAlphaBlending (const Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat)
void setReplace (const Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat)
void setVisible (PanelDockWidget *widget, bool visible)
bool validateFloats (Ogre::Real val)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Pose &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Point32 &msg)
bool validateFloats (const Ogre::Vector3 &vec)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &msg)
bool validateFloats (const boost::array< T, N > &arr)
bool validateFloats (const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker &msg)
bool validateFloats (const nav_msgs::Odometry &msg)
bool validateFloats (const Ogre::Quaternion &quat)
bool validateFloats (const nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped &msg)
bool validateFloats (const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::PoseArray &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &msg)
bool validateFloats (const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::PointStamped &msg)
bool validateFloats (const std::vector< T > &vec)
bool validateFloats (const nav_msgs::GridCells &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Point &msg)
bool validateFloats (const nav_msgs::Path &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped &msg)
bool validateFloats (const geometry_msgs::Twist &twist)
bool validateQuaternions (double w, double x, double y, double z)
bool validateQuaternions (const geometry_msgs::Quaternion &msg)
bool validateQuaternions (const geometry_msgs::Pose &msg)
bool validateQuaternions (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &msg)
bool validateQuaternions (const tf::Quaternion &quaternion)
bool validateQuaternions (float w, float x, float y, float z)
bool validateQuaternions (const Ogre::Quaternion &quaternion)
bool validateQuaternions (const visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker &marker)
bool validateQuaternions (const boost::array< T, N > &arr)
bool validateQuaternions (const std::vector< T > &vec)
valueFromCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud, uint32_t offset, uint8_t type, uint32_t point_step, uint32_t index)
static void vector3MsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &m, Ogre::Vector3 &o)
static Ogre::Vector3 vector3MsgToOgre (const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &m)
static geometry_msgs::Vector3 vector3OgreToMsg (const Ogre::Vector3 &o)
static void vector3OgreToMsg (const Ogre::Vector3 &o, geometry_msgs::Vector3 &m)


static std::map< PanelDockWidget *, bool > associated_widgets_visibility
static const float CAMERA_OFFSET
static const float CAMERA_OFFSET
static std::map< const RobotLink *, std::stringerrors
static float g_billboard_sphere_vertices [3 *3]
static float g_billboard_vertices [6 *3]
static float g_box_vertices [6 *6 *3]
static float g_point_vertices [3]
static const float PITCH_LIMIT_HIGH
static const float PITCH_LIMIT_LOW
static const float PITCH_START
static const Ogre::Quaternion ROBOT_TO_CAMERA_ROTATION
static const Ogre::Quaternion ROBOT_TO_CAMERA_ROTATION
static bool x_baddrawable_error
static const float YAW_START

Function Documentation

◆ colorMsgToOgre()

Ogre::ColourValue rviz::colorMsgToOgre ( const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &  c)

Definition at line 46 of file rviz_util.h.

◆ colorOgreToMsg()

std_msgs::ColorRGBA rviz::colorOgreToMsg ( const Ogre::ColourValue &  c)

Definition at line 51 of file rviz_util.h.

Author(s): Kei Okada , Yohei Kakiuchi , Shohei Fujii , Ryohei Ueda
autogenerated on Thu Jun 1 2023 02:45:58