class | aligned_allocator |
| STL compatible allocator to use with types requiring a non standrad alignment. More...
class | aligned_allocator_indirection |
class | AlignedBox |
| An axis aligned box. More...
class | AMDOrdering |
class | AngleAxis |
| Represents a 3D rotation as a rotation angle around an arbitrary 3D axis. More...
struct | AntiHermiticity |
struct | AntiSymmetry |
class | ArithmeticSequence |
class | ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver |
class | array |
class | Array |
| General-purpose arrays with easy API for coefficient-wise operations. More...
class | array< T, 0 > |
class | ArrayBase |
| Base class for all 1D and 2D array, and related expressions. More...
class | ArrayWrapper |
| Expression of a mathematical vector or matrix as an array object. More...
struct | ArrayXpr |
class | AutoDiffJacobian |
class | AutoDiffScalar |
| A scalar type replacement with automatic differentiation capability. More...
class | AutoDiffVector |
struct | BandShape |
class | Barrier |
class | BDCSVD |
| class Bidiagonal Divide and Conquer SVD More...
class | BenchTimer |
struct | bfloat16 |
class | BiCGSTAB |
| A bi conjugate gradient stabilized solver for sparse square problems. More...
class | Block |
| Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size block. More...
class | BlockImpl |
class | BlockImpl< const SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse > |
class | BlockImpl< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex >, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Dense > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, InnerPanel, Sparse > |
class | BlockImpl< XprType, BlockRows, BlockCols, true, Sparse > |
class | BlockSparseMatrix |
| A versatile sparse matrix representation where each element is a block. More...
class | BlockSparseMatrixView |
class | BlockSparseTimeDenseProduct |
class | BlockVectorReturn |
class | BlockVectorView |
class | CholmodBase |
| The base class for the direct Cholesky factorization of Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodDecomposition |
| A general Cholesky factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSimplicialLDLT |
| A simplicial direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSimplicialLLT |
| A simplicial direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
class | CholmodSupernodalLLT |
| A supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on Cholmod. More...
struct | CleanedUpDerType |
class | COLAMDOrdering |
class | ColPivHouseholderQR |
| Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with column-pivoting. More...
class | CommaInitializer |
| Helper class used by the comma initializer operator. More...
class | CompleteOrthogonalDecomposition |
| Complete orthogonal decomposition (COD) of a matrix. More...
class | ComplexEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general complex matrices. More...
class | ComplexSchur |
| Performs a complex Schur decomposition of a real or complex square matrix. More...
struct | Cond |
class | Conjugate |
class | ConjugateGradient |
| A conjugate gradient solver for sparse (or dense) self-adjoint problems. More...
struct | ConversionSubExprEval |
struct | ConversionSubExprEval< true, Eval, EvalPointerType > |
class | Cross |
class | CwiseBinaryOp |
| Generic expression where a coefficient-wise binary operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class | CwiseBinaryOpImpl |
class | CwiseBinaryOpImpl< BinaryOp, Lhs, Rhs, Sparse > |
class | CwiseNullaryOp |
| Generic expression of a matrix where all coefficients are defined by a functor. More...
class | CwiseTernaryOp |
| Generic expression where a coefficient-wise ternary operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class | CwiseTernaryOpImpl |
class | CwiseUnaryOp |
| Generic expression where a coefficient-wise unary operator is applied to an expression. More...
class | CwiseUnaryOpImpl |
class | CwiseUnaryView |
| Generic lvalue expression of a coefficient-wise unary operator of a matrix or a vector. More...
class | CwiseUnaryViewImpl |
class | CwiseUnaryViewImpl< ViewOp, MatrixType, Dense > |
struct | DefaultDevice |
struct | Dense |
class | DenseBase |
| Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase |
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectAccessors > |
| Base class providing direct read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, DirectWriteAccessors > |
| Base class providing direct read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
| Base class providing read-only coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
class | DenseCoeffsBase< Derived, WriteAccessors > |
| Base class providing read/write coefficient access to matrices and arrays. More...
struct | DenseFunctor |
struct | DenseShape |
struct | DenseSparseProductReturnType |
class | DenseStorage |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > |
class | DenseStorage< T, Size, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > |
class | DenseTimeSparseProduct |
class | DGMRES |
| A Restarted GMRES with deflation. This class implements a modification of the GMRES solver for sparse linear systems. The basis is built with modified Gram-Schmidt. At each restart, a few approximated eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues are used to build a preconditioner for the next cycle. This preconditioner for deflation can be combined with any other preconditioner, the IncompleteLUT for instance. The preconditioner is applied at right of the matrix and the combination is multiplicative. More...
class | Diagonal |
| Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix. More...
class | DiagonalBase |
class | DiagonalMatrix |
| Represents a diagonal matrix with its storage. More...
class | DiagonalPreconditioner |
| A preconditioner based on the digonal entries. More...
class | DiagonalProduct |
struct | DiagonalShape |
class | DiagonalWrapper |
| Expression of a diagonal matrix. More...
struct | DimensionList |
struct | DSizes |
class | DynamicSGroup |
| Dynamic symmetry group. More...
class | DynamicSGroupFromTemplateArgs |
class | DynamicSkylineMatrix |
class | DynamicSparseMatrix |
| A sparse matrix class designed for matrix assembly purpose. More...
struct | eigen_assert_exception |
struct | eigen_static_assert_exception |
class | EigenBase |
struct | EigenConvolutionKernel |
struct | EigenConvolutionKernel< Evaluator, CoeffReturnType, KernelType, Index, InputDims, Kernel_accessor, Buffer_accessor, convolution_type::CONV1D > |
struct | EigenConvolutionKernel< Evaluator, CoeffReturnType, KernelType, Index, InputDims, Kernel_accessor, Buffer_accessor, convolution_type::CONV2D > |
struct | EigenConvolutionKernel< Evaluator, CoeffReturnType, KernelType, Index, InputDims, Kernel_accessor, Buffer_accessor, convolution_type::CONV3D > |
class | EigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of general matrices. More...
class | EigenTest |
class | EulerAngles |
| Represents a rotation in a 3 dimensional space as three Euler angles. More...
class | EulerSystem |
| Represents a fixed Euler rotation system. More...
class | EventCount |
class | Flagged |
class | ForceAlignedAccess |
| Enforce aligned packet loads and stores regardless of what is requested. More...
class | FullPivHouseholderQR |
| Householder rank-revealing QR decomposition of a matrix with full pivoting. More...
class | FullPivLU |
| LU decomposition of a matrix with complete pivoting, and related features. More...
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector |
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, false > |
struct | general_product_to_triangular_selector< MatrixType, ProductType, UpLo, true > |
class | GeneralizedEigenSolver |
| Computes the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a pair of general matrices. More...
class | GeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the generalized selfadjoint eigen problem. More...
struct | GenericNumTraits |
class | GMRES |
| A GMRES solver for sparse square problems. More...
struct | half |
struct | Hermiticity |
class | HessenbergDecomposition |
| Reduces a square matrix to Hessenberg form by an orthogonal similarity transformation. More...
class | Homogeneous |
| Expression of one (or a set of) homogeneous vector(s) More...
struct | HomogeneousShape |
class | HouseholderQR |
| Householder QR decomposition of a matrix. More...
class | HouseholderSequence |
| Sequence of Householder reflections acting on subspaces with decreasing size. More...
class | HybridNonLinearSolver |
| Finds a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the Powell hybrid method ("dogleg"). More...
class | Hyperplane |
| A hyperplane. More...
class | IdentityPreconditioner |
| A naive preconditioner which approximates any matrix as the identity matrix. More...
class | IDRS |
| The Induced Dimension Reduction method (IDR(s)) is a short-recurrences Krylov method for sparse square problems. More...
class | IncompleteCholesky |
| Modified Incomplete Cholesky with dual threshold. More...
class | IncompleteLU |
class | IncompleteLUT |
| Incomplete LU factorization with dual-threshold strategy. More...
class | IndexedView |
| Expression of a non-sequential sub-matrix defined by arbitrary sequences of row and column indices. More...
class | IndexedViewImpl |
struct | IndexPair |
class | InnerIterator |
| An InnerIterator allows to loop over the element of any matrix expression. More...
class | InnerStride |
| Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an inner stride See class Map for some examples. More...
class | Inverse |
| Expression of the inverse of another expression. More...
class | InverseImpl |
class | InverseImpl< PermutationType, PermutationStorage > |
class | IOFormat |
| Stores a set of parameters controlling the way matrices are printed. More...
class | IterationController |
| Controls the iterations of the iterative solvers. More...
class | IterativeSolverBase |
| Base class for linear iterative solvers. More...
class | IterScaling |
| iterative scaling algorithm to equilibrate rows and column norms in matrices More...
class | JacobiRotation |
| Rotation given by a cosine-sine pair. More...
class | JacobiSVD |
| Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix. More...
class | KdBVH |
| A simple bounding volume hierarchy based on AlignedBox. More...
class | KLU |
class | KroneckerProduct |
| Kronecker tensor product helper class for dense matrices. More...
class | KroneckerProductBase |
| The base class of dense and sparse Kronecker product. More...
class | KroneckerProductSparse |
| Kronecker tensor product helper class for sparse matrices. More...
struct | LazyProductReturnType |
class | LDLT |
| Robust Cholesky decomposition of a matrix with pivoting. More...
class | LeastSquareDiagonalPreconditioner |
| Jacobi preconditioner for LeastSquaresConjugateGradient. More...
class | LeastSquaresConjugateGradient |
| A conjugate gradient solver for sparse (or dense) least-square problems. More...
class | LevenbergMarquardt |
| Performs non linear optimization over a non-linear function, using a variant of the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. More...
class | LLT |
| Standard Cholesky decomposition (LL^T) of a matrix and associated features. More...
struct | MakeComplex |
struct | MakeComplex< false > |
struct | MakeComplex< true > |
struct | MakePointer |
class | Map |
| A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing array of data. More...
class | Map< const Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > |
| Quaternion expression mapping a constant memory buffer. More...
class | Map< const SparseMatrix< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
class | Map< PermutationMatrix< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, _StorageIndex >, _PacketAccess > |
class | Map< Quaternion< _Scalar >, _Options > |
| Expression of a quaternion from a memory buffer. More...
class | Map< SparseMatrix< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
| Specialization of class Map for SparseMatrix-like storage. More...
class | Map< Transpositions< SizeAtCompileTime, MaxSizeAtCompileTime, _StorageIndex >, PacketAccess > |
class | MapBase |
class | MapBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
| Base class for dense Map and Block expression with direct access. More...
class | MapBase< Derived, WriteAccessors > |
| Base class for non-const dense Map and Block expression with direct access. More...
class | MappedSkylineMatrix |
class | MappedSparseMatrix |
| Sparse matrix. More...
class | Matrix |
| The matrix class, also used for vectors and row-vectors. More...
class | MatrixBase |
| Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and expressions. More...
class | MatrixComplexPowerReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression). More...
struct | MatrixExponentialReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix exponential of some matrix (expression). More...
class | MatrixFunctionReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix function of some matrix (expression). More...
class | MatrixLogarithmReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix logarithm of some matrix (expression). More...
class | MatrixMarketIterator |
| Iterator to browse matrices from a specified folder. More...
class | MatrixPower |
| Class for computing matrix powers. More...
class | MatrixPowerAtomic |
| Class for computing matrix powers. More...
class | MatrixPowerParenthesesReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix. More...
class | MatrixPowerReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix power of some matrix (expression). More...
class | MatrixSquareRootReturnValue |
| Proxy for the matrix square root of some matrix (expression). More...
class | MatrixWrapper |
| Expression of an array as a mathematical vector or matrix. More...
struct | MatrixXpr |
struct | max_n_1 |
struct | max_n_1< 0 > |
class | MaxSizeVector |
| The MaxSizeVector class. More...
class | MetisOrdering |
class | MINRES |
| A minimal residual solver for sparse symmetric problems. More...
struct | MovableScalar |
class | NaturalOrdering |
class | NestByValue |
| Expression which must be nested by value. More...
class | NoAlias |
| Pseudo expression providing an operator = assuming no aliasing. More...
struct | NoOpOutputKernel |
struct | Notification |
class | NumericalDiff |
class | NumTraits |
| Holds information about the various numeric (i.e. scalar) types allowed by Eigen. More...
struct | NumTraits< AnnoyingScalar > |
struct | NumTraits< Array< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MaxRows, MaxCols > > |
struct | NumTraits< AutoDiffScalar< DerType > > |
struct | NumTraits< bool > |
struct | NumTraits< boost::multiprecision::detail::expression< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > > |
struct | NumTraits< ceres::Jet< T, N > > |
struct | NumTraits< double > |
struct | NumTraits< Eigen::bfloat16 > |
struct | NumTraits< Eigen::half > |
struct | NumTraits< float > |
struct | NumTraits< long double > |
struct | NumTraits< MovableScalar< float > > |
struct | NumTraits< Real > |
struct | NumTraits< std::complex< _Real > > |
struct | NumTraits< std::string > |
struct | NumTraits< void > |
class | OuterStride |
| Convenience specialization of Stride to specify only an outer stride See class Map for some examples. More...
struct | PacketConverter |
struct | PacketConverter< TensorEvaluator, SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 1, 1 > |
struct | PacketConverter< TensorEvaluator, SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 1, TgtCoeffRatio > |
struct | PacketConverter< TensorEvaluator, SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 2, 1 > |
struct | PacketConverter< TensorEvaluator, SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 4, 1 > |
struct | PacketConverter< TensorEvaluator, SrcPacket, TgtPacket, 8, 1 > |
struct | PacketType |
class | ParametrizedLine |
| A parametrized line. More...
class | PardisoImpl |
class | PardisoLDLT |
| A sparse direct Cholesky (LDLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
class | PardisoLLT |
| A sparse direct Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
class | PardisoLU |
| A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the PARDISO library. More...
struct | partial_redux_dummy_func |
class | PartialPivLU |
| LU decomposition of a matrix with partial pivoting, and related features. More...
class | PartialReduxExpr |
| Generic expression of a partially reduxed matrix. More...
struct | PartOf |
struct | PartOf< ImagPart > |
struct | PartOf< RealPart > |
class | PastixBase |
class | PastixLDLT |
| A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library. More...
class | PastixLLT |
| A sparse direct supernodal Cholesky (LLT) factorization and solver based on the PaStiX library. More...
class | PastixLU |
| Interface to the PaStix solver. More...
class | PermutationBase |
| Base class for permutations. More...
class | PermutationMatrix |
| Permutation matrix. More...
struct | PermutationShape |
struct | PermutationStorage |
class | PermutationWrapper |
| Class to view a vector of integers as a permutation matrix. More...
class | PlainObjectBase |
class | PolynomialSolver |
| A polynomial solver. More...
class | PolynomialSolver< _Scalar, 1 > |
class | PolynomialSolverBase |
| Defined to be inherited by polynomial solvers: it provides convenient methods such as. More...
class | Product |
| Expression of the product of two arbitrary matrices or vectors. More...
class | ProductImpl |
class | ProductImpl< Lhs, Rhs, Option, Dense > |
struct | ProductReturnType |
class | Quaternion |
| The quaternion class used to represent 3D orientations and rotations. More...
class | QuaternionBase |
| Base class for quaternion expressions. More...
class | RandomSetter |
| The RandomSetter is a wrapper object allowing to set/update a sparse matrix with random access. More...
class | RealQZ |
| Performs a real QZ decomposition of a pair of square matrices. More...
class | RealSchur |
| Performs a real Schur decomposition of a square matrix. More...
class | Ref |
| A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expression. More...
class | Ref< const SparseMatrix< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
class | Ref< const SparseVector< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
class | Ref< const TPlainObjectType, Options, StrideType > |
class | Ref< SparseMatrix< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
| A sparse matrix expression referencing an existing sparse expression. More...
class | Ref< SparseVector< MatScalar, MatOptions, MatIndex >, Options, StrideType > |
| A sparse vector expression referencing an existing sparse vector expression. More...
class | RefBase |
class | Replicate |
| Expression of the multiple replication of a matrix or vector. More...
class | Reshaped |
| Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size reshape. More...
class | ReshapedImpl |
class | ReshapedImpl< XprType, Rows, Cols, Order, Dense > |
class | ReturnByValue |
class | Reverse |
| Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix. More...
class | Rotation2D |
| Represents a rotation/orientation in a 2 dimensional space. More...
class | RotationBase |
| Common base class for compact rotation representations. More...
class | RunQueue |
class | ScalarBinaryOpTraits |
| Determines whether the given binary operation of two numeric types is allowed and what the scalar return type is. More...
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< AutoDiffScalar< DerType >, typename DerType::Scalar, BinOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< T, T, BinaryOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< T, typename NumTraits< typename internal::enable_if< NumTraits< T >::IsComplex, T >::type >::Real, BinaryOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< T, void, BinaryOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< typename DerType::Scalar, AutoDiffScalar< DerType >, BinOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< typename NumTraits< typename internal::enable_if< NumTraits< T >::IsComplex, T >::type >::Real, T, BinaryOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< void, T, BinaryOp > |
struct | ScalarBinaryOpTraits< void, void, BinaryOp > |
class | Select |
| Expression of a coefficient wise version of the C++ ternary operator ?: More...
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector |
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, false > |
struct | selfadjoint_product_selector< MatrixType, OtherType, UpLo, true > |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, ColMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs > |
struct | selfadjoint_rank1_update< Scalar, Index, RowMajor, UpLo, ConjLhs, ConjRhs > |
class | SelfAdjointEigenSolver |
| Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of selfadjoint matrices. More...
struct | SelfAdjointShape |
class | SelfAdjointView |
| Expression of a selfadjoint matrix from a triangular part of a dense matrix. More...
class | SGroup |
| Symmetry group, initialized from template arguments. More...
class | SimplicialCholesky |
class | SimplicialCholeskyBase |
| A base class for direct sparse Cholesky factorizations. More...
class | SimplicialLDLT |
| A direct sparse LDLT Cholesky factorizations without square root. More...
class | SimplicialLLT |
| A direct sparse LLT Cholesky factorizations. More...
struct | Sizes |
class | SkylineInplaceLU |
| Inplace LU decomposition of a skyline matrix and associated features. More...
class | SkylineMatrix |
| The main skyline matrix class. More...
class | SkylineMatrixBase |
| Base class of any skyline matrices or skyline expressions. More...
class | SkylineProduct |
struct | SkylineProductReturnType |
class | SkylineStorage |
class | SkylineVector |
struct | SluMatrix |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper< Matrix< Scalar, Rows, Cols, Options, MRows, MCols > > |
struct | SluMatrixMapHelper< SparseMatrixBase< Derived > > |
class | Solve |
| Pseudo expression representing a solving operation. More...
class | SolveImpl |
class | SolveImpl< Decomposition, RhsType, Dense > |
class | SolverBase |
| A base class for matrix decomposition and solvers. More...
struct | SolverShape |
struct | SolverStorage |
class | SolveWithGuess |
| Pseudo expression representing a solving operation. More...
struct | Sparse |
class | SparseCompressedBase |
| Common base class for sparse [compressed]-{row|column}-storage format. More...
class | SparseDenseOuterProduct |
struct | SparseDenseProductReturnType |
class | SparseDiagonalProduct |
struct | SparseFunctor |
class | SparseLU |
| Sparse supernodal LU factorization for general matrices. More...
struct | SparseLUMatrixLReturnType |
struct | SparseLUMatrixUReturnType |
class | SparseLUTransposeView |
class | SparseMapBase |
class | SparseMapBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
| Common base class for Map and Ref instance of sparse matrix and vector. More...
class | SparseMapBase< Derived, WriteAccessors > |
| Common base class for writable Map and Ref instance of sparse matrix and vector. More...
class | SparseMatrix |
| A versatible sparse matrix representation. More...
class | SparseMatrixBase |
| Base class of any sparse matrices or sparse expressions. More...
class | SparseQR |
| Sparse left-looking QR factorization with numerical column pivoting. More...
struct | SparseQR_QProduct |
struct | SparseQRMatrixQReturnType |
struct | SparseQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType |
class | SparseSelfAdjointView |
| Pseudo expression to manipulate a triangular sparse matrix as a selfadjoint matrix. More...
struct | SparseShape |
class | SparseSolverBase |
| A base class for sparse solvers. More...
class | SparseSparseProduct |
struct | SparseSparseProductReturnType |
class | SparseSymmetricPermutationProduct |
class | SparseTimeDenseProduct |
class | SparseVector |
| a sparse vector class More...
class | SparseView |
| Expression of a dense or sparse matrix with zero or too small values removed. More...
class | Spline |
| A class representing multi-dimensional spline curves. More...
struct | SplineFitting |
| Spline fitting methods. More...
struct | SplineTraits |
struct | SplineTraits< Spline< _Scalar, _Dim, _Degree >, _DerivativeOrder > |
| Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for fixed degree. More...
struct | SplineTraits< Spline< _Scalar, _Dim, _Degree >, Dynamic > |
| Compile-time attributes of the Spline class for Dynamic degree. More...
class | SPQR |
| Sparse QR factorization based on SuiteSparseQR library. More...
struct | SPQR_QProduct |
struct | SPQRMatrixQReturnType |
struct | SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType |
class | StaticSGroup |
| Static symmetry group. More...
struct | StdMapTraits |
struct | StlThreadEnvironment |
struct | StorageMemory |
class | Stride |
| Holds strides information for Map. More...
class | SuperLU |
| A sparse direct LU factorization and solver based on the SuperLU library. More...
class | SuperLUBase |
| The base class for the direct and incomplete LU factorization of SuperLU. More...
class | SVDBase |
| Base class of SVD algorithms. More...
class | SwapWrapper |
struct | Symmetry |
class | Tensor |
| The tensor class. More...
class | TensorAssignOp |
class | TensorAsyncDevice |
| Pseudo expression providing an operator = that will evaluate its argument asynchronously on the specified device. Currently only ThreadPoolDevice implements proper asynchronous execution, while the default and GPU devices just run the expression synchronously and call m_done() on completion.. More...
class | TensorBase |
| The tensor base class. More...
class | TensorBase< Derived, ReadOnlyAccessors > |
class | TensorBroadcastingOp |
class | TensorChippingOp |
class | TensorConcatenationOp |
| Tensor concatenation class. More...
struct | TensorContractionEvaluatorBase |
class | TensorContractionOp |
struct | TensorContractionParams |
class | TensorConversionOp |
| Tensor conversion class. This class makes it possible to vectorize type casting operations when the number of scalars per packet in the source and the destination type differ. More...
class | TensorConvolutionOp |
class | TensorCostModel |
class | TensorCustomBinaryOp |
| Tensor custom class. More...
class | TensorCustomUnaryOp |
| Tensor custom class. More...
class | TensorCwiseBinaryOp |
class | TensorCwiseNullaryOp |
class | TensorCwiseTernaryOp |
class | TensorCwiseUnaryOp |
class | TensorDevice |
| Pseudo expression providing an operator = that will evaluate its argument on the specified computing 'device' (GPU, thread pool, ...) More...
class | TensorEvalToOp |
class | TensorEvaluator |
| A cost model used to limit the number of threads used for evaluating tensor expression. More...
struct | TensorEvaluator< const Derived, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorAssignOp< LeftArgType, RightArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorBroadcastingOp< Broadcast, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorChippingOp< DimId, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorConcatenationOp< Axis, LeftArgType, RightArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorContractionOp< Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorContractionOp< Indices, LeftArgType, RightArgType, OutputKernelType >, Eigen::SyclDevice > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorConversionOp< TargetType, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorConvolutionOp< Indices, InputArgType, KernelArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorConvolutionOp< Indices, InputArgType, KernelArgType >, Eigen::SyclDevice > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCustomBinaryOp< CustomBinaryFunc, LhsXprType, RhsXprType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCustomUnaryOp< CustomUnaryFunc, XprType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCwiseBinaryOp< BinaryOp, LeftArgType, RightArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCwiseNullaryOp< NullaryOp, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCwiseTernaryOp< TernaryOp, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, Arg3Type >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorCwiseUnaryOp< UnaryOp, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorEvalToOp< ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorFFTOp< FFT, ArgType, FFTResultType, FFTDir >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorForcedEvalOp< ArgType_ >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorGeneratorOp< Generator, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorImagePatchOp< Rows, Cols, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorIndexTupleOp< ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorInflationOp< Strides, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorLayoutSwapOp< ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorPaddingOp< PaddingDimensions, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorPatchOp< PatchDim, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorReductionOp< Op, Dims, ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorReductionOp< Op, Dims, ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Eigen::SyclDevice > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorRef< Derived >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorReshapingOp< NewDimensions, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorReverseOp< ReverseDimensions, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorScanOp< Op, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorSelectOp< IfArgType, ThenArgType, ElseArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorShufflingOp< Shuffle, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorSlicingOp< StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorStridingOp< Strides, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorStridingSlicingOp< StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorTraceOp< Dims, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorTupleReducerOp< ReduceOp, Dims, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< const TensorVolumePatchOp< Planes, Rows, Cols, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorChippingOp< DimId, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorConcatenationOp< Axis, LeftArgType, RightArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorLayoutSwapOp< ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorRef< Derived >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorReshapingOp< NewDimensions, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorReverseOp< ReverseDimensions, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorShufflingOp< Shuffle, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorSlicingOp< StartIndices, Sizes, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorStridingOp< Strides, ArgType >, Device > |
struct | TensorEvaluator< TensorStridingSlicingOp< StartIndices, StopIndices, Strides, ArgType >, Device > |
class | TensorFFTOp |
class | TensorFixedSize |
| The fixed sized version of the tensor class. More...
class | TensorForcedEvalOp |
class | TensorGeneratorOp |
| Tensor generator class. More...
class | TensorImagePatchOp |
class | TensorIndexTupleOp |
class | TensorInflationOp |
class | TensorLayoutSwapOp |
class | TensorMap |
| A tensor expression mapping an existing array of data. More...
class | TensorOpCost |
class | TensorPaddingOp |
class | TensorPatchOp |
struct | TensorReductionEvaluatorBase |
struct | TensorReductionEvaluatorBase< const TensorReductionOp< Op, Dims, ArgType, MakePointer_ >, Device > |
class | TensorReductionOp |
class | TensorRef |
| A reference to a tensor expression The expression will be evaluated lazily (as much as possible). More...
class | TensorReshapingOp |
class | TensorReverseOp |
class | TensorScanOp |
class | TensorSelectOp |
class | TensorShufflingOp |
class | TensorSlicingOp |
class | TensorStorage |
class | TensorStorage< T, DSizes< IndexType, NumIndices_ >, Options_ > |
class | TensorStridingOp |
class | TensorStridingSlicingOp |
class | TensorTraceOp |
class | TensorTupleReducerOp |
class | TensorVolumePatchOp |
class | ThreadLocal |
class | ThreadPoolInterface |
class | ThreadPoolTempl |
class | Transform |
| Represents an homogeneous transformation in a N dimensional space. More...
class | Translation |
| Represents a translation transformation. More...
class | Transpose |
| Expression of the transpose of a matrix. More...
class | Transpose< TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > > |
class | TransposeImpl |
class | TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Dense > |
class | TransposeImpl< MatrixType, Sparse > |
class | Transpositions |
| Represents a sequence of transpositions (row/column interchange) More...
class | TranspositionsBase |
struct | TranspositionsShape |
struct | TranspositionsStorage |
class | TranspositionsWrapper |
class | TriangularBase |
| Base class for triangular part in a matrix. More...
struct | TriangularShape |
class | TriangularView |
| Expression of a triangular part in a matrix. More...
class | TriangularViewImpl |
class | TriangularViewImpl< _MatrixType, _Mode, Dense > |
| Base class for a triangular part in a dense matrix. More...
class | TriangularViewImpl< MatrixType, Mode, Sparse > |
| Base class for a triangular part in a sparse matrix. More...
class | Tridiagonalization |
| Tridiagonal decomposition of a selfadjoint matrix. More...
class | Triplet |
| A small structure to hold a non zero as a triplet (i,j,value). More...
struct | Tuple |
class | UmfPackLU |
| A sparse LU factorization and solver based on UmfPack. More...
class | UniformScaling |
| Represents a generic uniform scaling transformation. More...
class | VectorBlock |
| Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size sub-vector. More...
class | VectorwiseOp |
| Pseudo expression providing broadcasting and partial reduction operations. More...
class | WithFormat |
| Pseudo expression providing matrix output with given format. More...
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
void | add_assign_using_evaluator (const DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename DerTypeA , typename DerTypeB > |
const AutoDiffScalar< Matrix< typename internal::traits< typename internal::remove_all< DerTypeA >::type >::Scalar, Dynamic, 1 > > | atan2 (const AutoDiffScalar< DerTypeA > &a, const AutoDiffScalar< DerTypeB > &b) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_i0_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_i0 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_i0e_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_i0e (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_i1_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_i1 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_i1e_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_i1e (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_j0_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_j0 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_j1_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_j1 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_k0_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_k0 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_k0e_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_k0e (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_k1_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_k1 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_k1e_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_k1e (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_y0_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_y0 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename Derived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseUnaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_bessel_y1_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived > | bessel_y1 (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &x) |
template<typename ADerived , typename BDerived , typename XDerived > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const TensorCwiseTernaryOp< internal::scalar_betainc_op< typename XDerived::Scalar >, const ADerived, const BDerived, const XDerived > | betainc (const ADerived &a, const BDerived &b, const XDerived &x) |
template<typename ArgADerived , typename ArgBDerived , typename ArgXDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseTernaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_betainc_op< typename ArgXDerived::Scalar >, const ArgADerived, const ArgBDerived, const ArgXDerived > | betainc (const Eigen::ArrayBase< ArgADerived > &a, const Eigen::ArrayBase< ArgBDerived > &b, const Eigen::ArrayBase< ArgXDerived > &x) |
Box2d | bounding_box (const Vector2d &v) |
template<typename Scalar , int Dim> |
AlignedBox< Scalar, Dim > | bounding_box (const Matrix< Scalar, Dim, 1 > &v) |
template<typename BVH , typename Intersector > |
void | BVIntersect (const BVH &tree, Intersector &intersector) |
template<typename BVH1 , typename BVH2 , typename Intersector > |
void | BVIntersect (const BVH1 &tree1, const BVH2 &tree2, Intersector &intersector) |
template<typename BVH , typename Minimizer > |
Minimizer::Scalar | BVMinimize (const BVH &tree, Minimizer &minimizer) |
template<typename BVH1 , typename BVH2 , typename Minimizer > |
Minimizer::Scalar | BVMinimize (const BVH1 &tree1, const BVH2 &tree2, Minimizer &minimizer) |
template<typename Polynomial > |
NumTraits< typename Polynomial::Scalar >::Real | cauchy_max_bound (const Polynomial &poly) |
template<typename Polynomial > |
NumTraits< typename Polynomial::Scalar >::Real | cauchy_min_bound (const Polynomial &poly) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const T1 & | choose (Cond< true >, const T1 &first, const T2 &) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const T2 & | choose (Cond< false >, const T1 &, const T2 &second) |
template<typename PointArrayType , typename KnotVectorType > |
void | ChordLengths (const PointArrayType &pts, KnotVectorType &chord_lengths) |
| Computes chord length parameters which are required for spline interpolation. More...
template<typename DerType > |
const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > & | conj (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x) |
template<typename T > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE T * | constCast (const T *data) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE DstXprType & | copy_using_evaluator (const EigenBase< DstXprType > &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename DstXprType , template< typename > class StorageBase, typename SrcXprType > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const DstXprType & | copy_using_evaluator (const NoAlias< DstXprType, StorageBase > &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE DstXprType & | copy_using_evaluator (const PlainObjectBase< DstXprType > &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename MatrixType > |
void | createRandomPIMatrixOfRank (Index desired_rank, Index rows, Index cols, MatrixType &m) |
template<typename SplineType , typename DerivativeType > |
void | derivativesImpl (const SplineType &spline, typename SplineType::Scalar u, DenseIndex order, DerivativeType &der) |
template<typename Dims1 , typename Dims2 > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE bool | dimensions_match (Dims1 dims1, Dims2 dims2) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
void | divide_assign_using_evaluator (const DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename T , typename X , typename Y > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE T | divup (const X x, const Y y) |
template<typename T > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_ALWAYS_INLINE T | divup (const T x, const T y) |
void | dsaupd_ (int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info) |
void | dseupd_ (int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d, double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr) |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (abs, using std::abs;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(abs(x.value()), x.derivatives() *(x.value()< 0 ? -1 :1));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(abs2 |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (sqrt, using std::sqrt;Scalar sqrtx=sqrt(x.value());return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(sqrtx, x.derivatives() *(Scalar(0.5)/sqrtx));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(cos |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (sin, using std::sin;using std::cos;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(sin(x.value()), x.derivatives() *cos(x.value()));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(exp |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (log, using std::log;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(log(x.value()), x.derivatives() *(Scalar(1)/x.value()));) template< typename DerType > inline const Eigen |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (tan, using std::tan;using std::cos;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(tan(x.value()), x.derivatives() *(Scalar(1)/numext::abs2(cos(x.value()))));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(asin |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (acos, using std::sqrt;using std::acos;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(acos(x.value()), x.derivatives() *(Scalar(-1)/sqrt(1-numext::abs2(x.value()))));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(tanh |
| EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY (sinh, using std::sinh;using std::cosh;return Eigen::MakeAutoDiffScalar(sinh(x.value()), x.derivatives() *cosh(x.value()));) EIGEN_AUTODIFF_DECLARE_GLOBAL_UNARY(cosh |
template<int N> |
internal::FixedInt< N > | fix () |
template<int N, typename T > |
internal::VariableAndFixedInt< N > | fix (T val) |
template<typename AlphaDerived , typename SampleDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_gamma_sample_der_alpha_op< typename AlphaDerived::Scalar >, const AlphaDerived, const SampleDerived > | gamma_sample_der_alpha (const Eigen::ArrayBase< AlphaDerived > &alpha, const Eigen::ArrayBase< SampleDerived > &sample) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< typename T::Scalar >::Real | get_test_precision (const T &, const typename T::Scalar *=0) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | get_test_precision (const T &, typename internal::enable_if< internal::is_arithmetic< typename NumTraits< T >::Real >::value, T >::type *=0) |
bool | getMarketHeader (const std::string &filename, int &sym, bool &iscomplex, bool &isvector) |
template<typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType > |
HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType > | householderSequence (const VectorsType &v, const CoeffsType &h) |
| Convenience function for constructing a Householder sequence. More...
template<typename Derived , typename ExponentDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_igamma_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived, const ExponentDerived > | igamma (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::ArrayBase< ExponentDerived > &x) |
template<typename Derived , typename ExponentDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_igamma_der_a_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived, const ExponentDerived > | igamma_der_a (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::ArrayBase< ExponentDerived > &x) |
template<typename Derived , typename ExponentDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_igammac_op< typename Derived::Scalar >, const Derived, const ExponentDerived > | igammac (const Eigen::ArrayBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::ArrayBase< ExponentDerived > &x) |
template<typename DerType > |
DerType::Scalar | imag (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &) |
void | initParallel () |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
internal::enable_if< internal::is_same< T1, T2 >::value, bool >::type | is_same_type (const T1 &, const T2 &) |
template<typename T > |
bool | isMinusInf (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
bool | isNotNaN (const T &x) |
template<typename T > |
bool | isPlusInf (const T &x) |
klu_numeric * | klu_factor (int Ap [], int Ai [], double Ax [], klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_common *Common, double) |
klu_numeric * | klu_factor (int Ap[], int Ai[], std::complex< double > Ax[], klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_common *Common, std::complex< double >) |
int | klu_solve (klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_numeric *Numeric, Index ldim, Index nrhs, double B [], klu_common *Common, double) |
| A sparse LU factorization and solver based on KLU. More...
int | klu_solve (klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_numeric *Numeric, Index ldim, Index nrhs, std::complex< double >B[], klu_common *Common, std::complex< double >) |
int | klu_tsolve (klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_numeric *Numeric, Index ldim, Index nrhs, double B[], klu_common *Common, double) |
int | klu_tsolve (klu_symbolic *Symbolic, klu_numeric *Numeric, Index ldim, Index nrhs, std::complex< double >B[], klu_common *Common, std::complex< double >) |
template<typename KnotVectorType > |
void | KnotAveraging (const KnotVectorType ¶meters, DenseIndex degree, KnotVectorType &knots) |
| Computes knot averages.The knots are computed as
where is the degree and the number knots of the desired interpolating spline. More...
template<typename KnotVectorType , typename ParameterVectorType , typename IndexArray > |
void | KnotAveragingWithDerivatives (const ParameterVectorType ¶meters, const unsigned int degree, const IndexArray &derivativeIndices, KnotVectorType &knots) |
| Computes knot averages when derivative constraints are present. Note that this is a technical interpretation of the referenced article since the algorithm contained therein is incorrect as written. More...
template<typename A , typename B > |
KroneckerProduct< A, B > | kroneckerProduct (const MatrixBase< A > &a, const MatrixBase< B > &b) |
template<typename A , typename B > |
KroneckerProductSparse< A, B > | kroneckerProduct (const EigenBase< A > &a, const EigenBase< B > &b) |
std::ptrdiff_t | l1CacheSize () |
std::ptrdiff_t | l2CacheSize () |
std::ptrdiff_t | l3CacheSize () |
static const symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::SymbolExpr< internal::symbolic_last_tag >, symbolic::ValueExpr< Eigen::internal::FixedInt< 1 > > > | lastp1 (last+fix< 1 >()) |
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
const Product< Lhs, Rhs, LazyProduct > | lazyprod (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs) |
template<typename SparseMatrixType > |
bool | loadMarket (SparseMatrixType &mat, const std::string &filename) |
template<typename VectorType > |
bool | loadMarketVector (VectorType &vec, const std::string &filename) |
template<typename NewDerType > |
AutoDiffScalar< NewDerType > | MakeAutoDiffScalar (const typename NewDerType::Scalar &value, const NewDerType &der) |
template<typename MatrixType , typename ResultType > |
void | matrix_sqrt_quasi_triangular (const MatrixType &arg, ResultType &result) |
| Compute matrix square root of quasi-triangular matrix. More...
template<typename MatrixType , typename ResultType > |
void | matrix_sqrt_triangular (const MatrixType &arg, ResultType &result) |
| Compute matrix square root of triangular matrix. More...
template<typename DerType , typename T > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | max (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x, const T &y) |
template<typename DerType , typename T > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | max (const T &x, const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &y) |
template<typename DerType > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | max (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x, const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &y) |
template<typename DerType , typename T > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | min (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x, const T &y) |
template<typename DerType , typename T > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | min (const T &x, const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &y) |
template<typename DerType > |
CleanedUpDerType< DerType >::type() | min (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x, const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &y) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
void | multiply_assign_using_evaluator (const DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
int | nbThreads () |
template<typename U , typename V > |
EIGEN_CONSTEXPR EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool | operator!= (const Tuple< U, V > &x, const Tuple< U, V > &y) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const Product< SparseDerived, PermDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix, const PermutationBase< PermDerived > &perm) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermDerived > |
const Product< PermDerived, SparseDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const PermutationBase< PermDerived > &perm, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermutationType > |
const Product< SparseDerived, Inverse< PermutationType >, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix, const InverseImpl< PermutationType, PermutationStorage > &tperm) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename PermutationType > |
const Product< Inverse< PermutationType >, SparseDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const InverseImpl< PermutationType, PermutationStorage > &tperm, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename MatrixDerived , typename TranspositionsDerived > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Product< MatrixDerived, TranspositionsDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const MatrixBase< MatrixDerived > &matrix, const TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > &transpositions) |
template<typename TranspositionsDerived , typename MatrixDerived > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Product< TranspositionsDerived, MatrixDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const TranspositionsBase< TranspositionsDerived > &transpositions, const MatrixBase< MatrixDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename OtherDerived , typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType , int Side> |
internal::matrix_type_times_scalar_type< typename VectorsType::Scalar, OtherDerived >::Type | operator* (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other, const HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, Side > &h) |
| Computes the product of a matrix with a Householder sequence. More...
template<typename MatrixDerived , typename PermutationDerived > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Product< MatrixDerived, PermutationDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const MatrixBase< MatrixDerived > &matrix, const PermutationBase< PermutationDerived > &permutation) |
template<typename PermutationDerived , typename MatrixDerived > |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const Product< PermutationDerived, MatrixDerived, AliasFreeProduct > | operator* (const PermutationBase< PermutationDerived > &permutation, const MatrixBase< MatrixDerived > &matrix) |
template<typename DenseDerived , typename SparseDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_sum_op< typename DenseDerived::Scalar, typename SparseDerived::Scalar >, const DenseDerived, const SparseDerived > | operator+ (const MatrixBase< DenseDerived > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &b) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename DenseDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_sum_op< typename SparseDerived::Scalar, typename DenseDerived::Scalar >, const SparseDerived, const DenseDerived > | operator+ (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &a, const MatrixBase< DenseDerived > &b) |
template<typename DenseDerived , typename SparseDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_difference_op< typename DenseDerived::Scalar, typename SparseDerived::Scalar >, const DenseDerived, const SparseDerived > | operator- (const MatrixBase< DenseDerived > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &b) |
template<typename SparseDerived , typename DenseDerived > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const CwiseBinaryOp< internal::scalar_difference_op< typename SparseDerived::Scalar, typename DenseDerived::Scalar >, const SparseDerived, const DenseDerived > | operator- (const SparseMatrixBase< SparseDerived > &a, const MatrixBase< DenseDerived > &b) |
template<typename T > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TensorBase< T, ReadOnlyAccessors > &expr) |
template<typename IndexType , int NumDims> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DSizes< IndexType, NumDims > &dims) |
template<class T , std::size_t N> |
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool | operator== (const array< T, N > &lhs, const array< T, N > &rhs) |
template<typename U , typename V > |
EIGEN_CONSTEXPR EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE bool | operator== (const Tuple< U, V > &x, const Tuple< U, V > &y) |
template<typename Polynomials , typename T > |
T | poly_eval (const Polynomials &poly, const T &x) |
template<typename Polynomials , typename T > |
T | poly_eval_horner (const Polynomials &poly, const T &x) |
template<typename DerivedN , typename DerivedX > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_polygamma_op< typename DerivedX::Scalar >, const DerivedN, const DerivedX > | polygamma (const Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedN > &n, const Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedX > &x) |
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs > |
const Product< Lhs, Rhs > | prod (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs) |
template<typename PermutationVectorType > |
void | randomPermutationVector (PermutationVectorType &v, Index size) |
template<typename DerType > |
const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > & | real (const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x) |
template<typename VectorsType , typename CoeffsType > |
HouseholderSequence< VectorsType, CoeffsType, OnTheRight > | rightHouseholderSequence (const VectorsType &v, const CoeffsType &h) |
| Convenience function for constructing a Householder sequence. More...
template<typename RootVector , typename Polynomial > |
void | roots_to_monicPolynomial (const RootVector &rv, Polynomial &poly) |
template<typename SparseMatrixType > |
bool | saveMarket (const SparseMatrixType &mat, const std::string &filename, int sym=0) |
template<typename VectorType > |
bool | saveMarketVector (const VectorType &vec, const std::string &filename) |
UniformScaling< float > | Scaling (float s) |
UniformScaling< double > | Scaling (double s) |
template<typename RealScalar > |
UniformScaling< std::complex< RealScalar > > | Scaling (const std::complex< RealScalar > &s) |
template<typename Scalar > |
DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, 2 > | Scaling (const Scalar &sx, const Scalar &sy) |
template<typename Scalar > |
DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, 3 > | Scaling (const Scalar &sx, const Scalar &sy, const Scalar &sz) |
template<typename Derived > |
const DiagonalWrapper< const Derived > | Scaling (const MatrixBase< Derived > &coeffs) |
template<typename FirstType , typename LastType > |
internal::enable_if<!(symbolic::is_symbolic< FirstType >::value||symbolic::is_symbolic< LastType >::value), ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, Index > >::type | seq (FirstType f, LastType l) |
template<typename FirstTypeDerived , typename LastType > |
internal::enable_if<!symbolic::is_symbolic< LastType >::value, ArithmeticSequence< FirstTypeDerived, symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::NegateExpr< FirstTypeDerived >, symbolic::ValueExpr<> >, symbolic::ValueExpr< internal::FixedInt< 1 > > > > >::type | seq (const symbolic::BaseExpr< FirstTypeDerived > &f, LastType l) |
template<typename FirstType , typename LastTypeDerived > |
internal::enable_if<!symbolic::is_symbolic< FirstType >::value, ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< LastTypeDerived, symbolic::ValueExpr<> >, symbolic::ValueExpr< internal::FixedInt< 1 > > > > >::type | seq (FirstType f, const symbolic::BaseExpr< LastTypeDerived > &l) |
template<typename FirstTypeDerived , typename LastTypeDerived > |
ArithmeticSequence< FirstTypeDerived, symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< LastTypeDerived, symbolic::NegateExpr< FirstTypeDerived > >, symbolic::ValueExpr< internal::FixedInt< 1 > > > > | seq (const symbolic::BaseExpr< FirstTypeDerived > &f, const symbolic::BaseExpr< LastTypeDerived > &l) |
template<typename FirstType , typename LastType , typename IncrType > |
internal::enable_if<!(symbolic::is_symbolic< FirstType >::value||symbolic::is_symbolic< LastType >::value), ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, Index, typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >::type | seq (FirstType f, LastType l, IncrType incr) |
template<typename FirstTypeDerived , typename LastType , typename IncrType > |
internal::enable_if<!symbolic::is_symbolic< LastType >::value, ArithmeticSequence< FirstTypeDerived, symbolic::QuotientExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::NegateExpr< FirstTypeDerived >, symbolic::ValueExpr<> >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >::type | seq (const symbolic::BaseExpr< FirstTypeDerived > &f, LastType l, IncrType incr) |
template<typename FirstType , typename LastTypeDerived , typename IncrType > |
internal::enable_if<!symbolic::is_symbolic< FirstType >::value, ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, symbolic::QuotientExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< LastTypeDerived, symbolic::ValueExpr<> >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >::type | seq (FirstType f, const symbolic::BaseExpr< LastTypeDerived > &l, IncrType incr) |
template<typename FirstTypeDerived , typename LastTypeDerived , typename IncrType > |
ArithmeticSequence< FirstTypeDerived, symbolic::QuotientExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< symbolic::AddExpr< LastTypeDerived, symbolic::NegateExpr< FirstTypeDerived > >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, symbolic::ValueExpr< typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > >, typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > | seq (const symbolic::BaseExpr< FirstTypeDerived > &f, const symbolic::BaseExpr< LastTypeDerived > &l, IncrType incr) |
template<typename FirstType , typename SizeType , typename IncrType > |
ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, typename internal::cleanup_index_type< SizeType >::type, typename internal::cleanup_seq_incr< IncrType >::type > | seqN (FirstType first, SizeType size, IncrType incr) |
template<typename FirstType , typename SizeType > |
ArithmeticSequence< typename internal::cleanup_index_type< FirstType >::type, typename internal::cleanup_index_type< SizeType >::type > | seqN (FirstType first, SizeType size) |
void | setCpuCacheSizes (std::ptrdiff_t l1, std::ptrdiff_t l2, std::ptrdiff_t l3) |
void | setNbThreads (int v) |
static const char * | SimdInstructionSetsInUse (void) |
void | ssaupd_ (int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *info) |
void | sseupd_ (int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d, float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
void | subtract_assign_using_evaluator (const DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename DstXprType , typename SrcXprType > |
void | swap_using_evaluator (const DstXprType &dst, const SrcXprType &src) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
bool | test_is_equal (const T &actual, const U &expected, bool expect_equal=true) |
bool | test_isApprox (const std::complex< float > &a, const std::complex< float > &b) |
bool | test_isApprox (const std::complex< double > &a, const std::complex< double > &b) |
bool | test_isApprox (const std::complex< long double > &a, const std::complex< long double > &b) |
bool | test_isApprox (const long double &a, const long double &b) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 > |
bool | test_isApprox (const Type1 &a, const Type2 &b, typename Type1::Scalar *=0) |
bool | test_isApproxOrLessThan (const long double &a, const long double &b) |
template<typename Scalar , typename ScalarRef > |
bool | test_isApproxWithRef (const Scalar &a, const Scalar &b, const ScalarRef &ref) |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const std::complex< float > &a, const std::complex< float > &b) |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const std::complex< double > &a, const std::complex< double > &b) |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const std::complex< long double > &a, const std::complex< long double > &b) |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const long double &a, const long double &b) |
template<typename Derived1 , typename Derived2 > |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const MatrixBase< Derived1 > &m1, const MatrixBase< Derived2 > &m2) |
template<typename Derived > |
bool | test_isMuchSmallerThan (const MatrixBase< Derived > &m, const typename NumTraits< typename internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar >::Real &s) |
template<typename Derived > |
bool | test_isUnitary (const MatrixBase< Derived > &m) |
template<typename T > |
NumTraits< T >::Real | test_precision () |
template<> |
AnnoyingScalar | test_precision< AnnoyingScalar > () |
template<> |
double | test_precision< double > () |
template<> |
float | test_precision< float > () |
template<> |
long double | test_precision< long double > () |
template<> |
Real | test_precision< Real > () |
template<> |
double | test_precision< std::complex< double > > () |
template<> |
float | test_precision< std::complex< float > > () |
template<> |
long double | test_precision< std::complex< long double > > () |
template<typename T , typename Derived > |
T | test_relative_error (const AlignedVector3< T > &a, const MatrixBase< Derived > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
NumTraits< typename T1::RealScalar >::NonInteger | test_relative_error (const EigenBase< T1 > &a, const EigenBase< T2 > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
T1::RealScalar | test_relative_error (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const typename T1::Coefficients *=0) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
T1::Scalar | test_relative_error (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, const typename T1::MatrixType *=0) |
template<typename S , int D> |
S | test_relative_error (const Translation< S, D > &a, const Translation< S, D > &b) |
template<typename S , int D, int O> |
S | test_relative_error (const ParametrizedLine< S, D, O > &a, const ParametrizedLine< S, D, O > &b) |
template<typename S , int D> |
S | test_relative_error (const AlignedBox< S, D > &a, const AlignedBox< S, D > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
T1::RealScalar | test_relative_error (const MatrixBase< T1 > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< T2 > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
T1::RealScalar | test_relative_error (const SparseMatrixBase< T1 > &a, const MatrixBase< T2 > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
T1::RealScalar | test_relative_error (const SparseMatrixBase< T1 > &a, const SparseMatrixBase< T2 > &b) |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
NumTraits< typename NumTraits< T1 >::Real >::NonInteger | test_relative_error (const T1 &a, const T2 &b, typename internal::enable_if< internal::is_arithmetic< typename NumTraits< T1 >::Real >::value, T1 >::type *=0) |
template<typename T > |
T | test_relative_error (const Rotation2D< T > &a, const Rotation2D< T > &b) |
template<typename T > |
T | test_relative_error (const AngleAxis< T > &a, const AngleAxis< T > &b) |
template<typename Derived , typename OtherDerived > |
internal::umeyama_transform_matrix_type< Derived, OtherDerived >::type | umeyama (const MatrixBase< Derived > &src, const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &dst, bool with_scaling=true) |
| Returns the transformation between two point sets. More...
void | umfpack_defaults (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double, int) |
void | umfpack_defaults (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_defaults (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_defaults (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, double, int) |
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_free_numeric (void **Numeric, std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, double, int) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_free_symbolic (void **Symbolic, std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
int | umfpack_get_determinant (double *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO], int) |
int | umfpack_get_determinant (std::complex< double > *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO], int) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_determinant (double *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO], SuiteSparse_long) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_determinant (std::complex< double > *Mx, double *Ex, void *NumericHandle, double User_Info [UMFPACK_INFO], SuiteSparse_long) |
int | umfpack_get_lunz (int *lnz, int *unz, int *n_row, int *n_col, int *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, double) |
int | umfpack_get_lunz (int *lnz, int *unz, int *n_row, int *n_col, int *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, std::complex< double >) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_lunz (SuiteSparse_long *lnz, SuiteSparse_long *unz, SuiteSparse_long *n_row, SuiteSparse_long *n_col, SuiteSparse_long *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, double) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_lunz (SuiteSparse_long *lnz, SuiteSparse_long *unz, SuiteSparse_long *n_row, SuiteSparse_long *n_col, SuiteSparse_long *nz_udiag, void *Numeric, std::complex< double >) |
int | umfpack_get_numeric (int Lp[], int Lj[], double Lx[], int Up[], int Ui[], double Ux[], int P[], int Q[], double Dx[], int *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
int | umfpack_get_numeric (int Lp[], int Lj[], std::complex< double > Lx[], int Up[], int Ui[], std::complex< double > Ux[], int P[], int Q[], std::complex< double > Dx[], int *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_numeric (SuiteSparse_long Lp[], SuiteSparse_long Lj[], double Lx[], SuiteSparse_long Up[], SuiteSparse_long Ui[], double Ux[], SuiteSparse_long P[], SuiteSparse_long Q[], double Dx[], SuiteSparse_long *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_get_numeric (SuiteSparse_long Lp[], SuiteSparse_long Lj[], std::complex< double > Lx[], SuiteSparse_long Up[], SuiteSparse_long Ui[], std::complex< double > Ux[], SuiteSparse_long P[], SuiteSparse_long Q[], std::complex< double > Dx[], SuiteSparse_long *do_recip, double Rs[], void *Numeric) |
int | umfpack_numeric (const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_numeric (const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_numeric (const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const double Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_numeric (const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void *Symbolic, void **Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
void | umfpack_report_control (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double, int) |
void | umfpack_report_control (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_report_control (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_report_control (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_report_info (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double info[UMFPACK_INFO], double, int) |
void | umfpack_report_info (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double info[UMFPACK_INFO], std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_report_info (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double info[UMFPACK_INFO], double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_report_info (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double info[UMFPACK_INFO], std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_report_status (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], int status, double, int) |
void | umfpack_report_status (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], int status, std::complex< double >, int) |
void | umfpack_report_status (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], int status, double, SuiteSparse_long) |
void | umfpack_report_status (double control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], int status, std::complex< double >, SuiteSparse_long) |
int | umfpack_solve (int sys, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], double X[], const double B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_solve (int sys, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], std::complex< double > X[], const std::complex< double > B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_solve (int sys, const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const double Ax[], double X[], const double B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_solve (int sys, const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], std::complex< double > X[], const std::complex< double > B[], void *Numeric, const double Control[UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info[UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_symbolic (int n_row, int n_col, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const double Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
int | umfpack_symbolic (int n_row, int n_col, const int Ap[], const int Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_symbolic (SuiteSparse_long n_row, SuiteSparse_long n_col, const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const double Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
SuiteSparse_long | umfpack_symbolic (SuiteSparse_long n_row, SuiteSparse_long n_col, const SuiteSparse_long Ap[], const SuiteSparse_long Ai[], const std::complex< double > Ax[], void **Symbolic, const double Control [UMFPACK_CONTROL], double Info [UMFPACK_INFO]) |
template<typename Type1 , typename Type2 > |
bool | verifyIsApprox (const Type1 &a, const Type2 &b) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _StorageIndex > |
cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (Ref< SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _StorageIndex > > mat) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index > |
const cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (const SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > &mat) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index > |
const cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (const SparseVector< _Scalar, _Options, _Index > &mat) |
template<typename _Scalar , int _Options, typename _Index , unsigned int UpLo> |
cholmod_sparse | viewAsCholmod (const SparseSelfAdjointView< const SparseMatrix< _Scalar, _Options, _Index >, UpLo > &mat) |
template<typename Derived > |
cholmod_dense | viewAsCholmod (MatrixBase< Derived > &mat) |
template<typename Scalar , int Flags, typename StorageIndex > |
MappedSparseMatrix< Scalar, Flags, StorageIndex > | viewAsEigen (cholmod_sparse &cm) |
template<typename DerivedX , typename DerivedQ > |
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp< Eigen::internal::scalar_zeta_op< typename DerivedX::Scalar >, const DerivedX, const DerivedQ > | zeta (const Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedX > &x, const Eigen::ArrayBase< DerivedQ > &q) |