Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CADC_CommonInitTypeDefADC Common Init structure definition
 CADC_InitTypeDefADC Init structure definition
 CADC_InjectedInitTypeDefADC Init structure definition
 CADC_TypeDefAnalog to Digital Converter
 CAFIO_TypeDefAlternate Function I/O
 CAnalogDigitalConverterA driver for the analog-digital converters available on the microcontroller
 CAnalogPinA class to represent a single pin configured for analog input
 CAPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
 Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point bilinear interpolation function
 Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
 Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 bilinear interpolation function
 Carm_bilinear_interp_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q15 bilinear interpolation function
 Carm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31Instance structure for the high precision Q31 Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_cascade_df2T_instance_f64Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_cascade_stereo_df2T_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point transposed direct form II Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q15Instance structure for the Q15 Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31Instance structure for the Q31 Biquad cascade filter
 Carm_cfft_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_instance_q15Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_instance_q31Instance structure for the fixed-point CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix2_instance_q31Instance structure for the Radix-2 Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_cfft_radix4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 CFFT/CIFFT function
 Carm_dct4_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 function
 Carm_dct4_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 DCT4/IDCT4 function
 Carm_dct4_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 DCT4/IDCT4 function
 Carm_fir_decimate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR decimator
 Carm_fir_decimate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR decimator
 Carm_fir_decimate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR decimator
 Carm_fir_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR filter
 Carm_fir_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR filter
 Carm_fir_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR filter
 Carm_fir_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 FIR filter
 Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR interpolator
 Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR interpolator
 Carm_fir_interpolate_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR interpolator
 Carm_fir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point FIR lattice filter
 Carm_fir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 FIR lattice filter
 Carm_fir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 FIR lattice filter
 Carm_fir_sparse_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point sparse FIR filter
 Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 sparse FIR filter
 Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 sparse FIR filter
 Carm_fir_sparse_instance_q7Instance structure for the Q7 sparse FIR filter
 Carm_iir_lattice_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point IIR lattice filter
 Carm_iir_lattice_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 IIR lattice filter
 Carm_iir_lattice_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 IIR lattice filter
 Carm_linear_interp_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point Linear Interpolate function
 Carm_lms_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point LMS filter
 Carm_lms_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 LMS filter
 Carm_lms_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 LMS filter
 Carm_lms_norm_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point normalized LMS filter
 Carm_lms_norm_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 normalized LMS filter
 Carm_lms_norm_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 normalized LMS filter
 Carm_matrix_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
 Carm_matrix_instance_f64Instance structure for the floating-point matrix structure
 Carm_matrix_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 matrix structure
 Carm_matrix_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 matrix structure
 Carm_pid_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point PID Control
 Carm_pid_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 PID Control
 Carm_pid_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 PID Control
 Carm_rfft_fast_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
 Carm_rfft_instance_f32Instance structure for the floating-point RFFT/RIFFT function
 Carm_rfft_instance_q15Instance structure for the Q15 RFFT/RIFFT function
 Carm_rfft_instance_q31Instance structure for the Q31 RFFT/RIFFT function
 CBatteryMonitorA driver for analog battery monitors
 CBKP_TypeDefBackup Registers
 CCAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDefController Area Network FIFOMailBox
 CCAN_FilterInitTypeDefCAN filter init structure definition
 CCAN_FilterRegister_TypeDefController Area Network FilterRegister
 CCAN_InitTypeDefCAN init structure definition
 CCAN_TxMailBox_TypeDefController Area Network TxMailBox
 CCAN_TypeDefController Area Network
 CCanRxMsgCAN Rx message structure definition
 CCanTxMsgCAN Tx message structure definition
 CCEC_InitTypeDefCEC Init structure definition
 CCEC_TypeDefConsumer Electronics Control (CEC)
 CCOMP_InitTypeDefCOMP Init structure definition
 CCONTROL_TypeUnion type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL)
 CCoreDebug_TypeStructure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug)
 CCRC_TypeDefCRC calculation unit
 CCRYP_ContextCRYP context swapping structure definition
 CCRYP_InitTypeDefCRYP Init structure definition
 CCRYP_IVInitTypeDefCRYP Initialization Vectors (IV) structure definition
 CCRYP_KeyInitTypeDefCRYP Key(s) structure definition
 CCRYP_TypeDefCrypto Processor
 CDAC_InitTypeDefDAC Init structure definition
 CDAC_TypeDefDigital to Analog Converter
 CDCMI_CodesInitTypeDefDCMI Embedded Synchronisation CODE Init structure definition
 CDCMI_CROPInitTypeDefDCMI CROP Init structure definition
 CDCMI_InitTypeDefDCMI Init structure definition
 CDMA2D_TypeDefDMA2D Controller
 CDMA_Channel_TypeDefDMA Controller
 CDMA_InitTypeDefDMA Init structure definition
 CDMA_Stream_TypeDefDMA Controller
 CDWT_TypeStructure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT)
 CETH_TypeDefEthernet MAC
 CEXTI_InitTypeDefEXTI Init Structure definition
 CEXTI_TypeDefExternal Interrupt/Event Controller
 CFLASH_TypeDefFLASH Registers
 CFSMC_Bank1_TypeDefFlexible Static Memory Controller
 CFSMC_Bank1E_TypeDefFlexible Static Memory Controller Bank1E
 CFSMC_Bank2_TypeDefFlexible Static Memory Controller Bank2
 CFSMC_Bank3_TypeDefFlexible Static Memory Controller Bank3
 CFSMC_Bank4_TypeDefFlexible Static Memory Controller Bank4
 CFSMC_NAND_PCCARDTimingInitTypeDefTiming parameters For FSMC NAND and PCCARD Banks
 CFSMC_NANDInitTypeDefFSMC NAND Init structure definition
 CFSMC_NORSRAMInitTypeDefFSMC NOR/SRAM Init structure definition
 CFSMC_NORSRAMTimingInitTypeDefTiming parameters For NOR/SRAM Banks
 CFSMC_PCCARDInitTypeDefFSMC PCCARD Init structure definition
 CGPIO_InitTypeDefGPIO Init structure definition
 CGPIO_TypeDefGeneral Purpose I/O
 CHASH_ContextHASH context swapping structure definition
 CHASH_InitTypeDefHASH Init structure definition
 CHASH_MsgDigestHASH message digest result structure definition
 CHRTIM_ADCTriggerCfgTypeDefADC trigger configuration definition
 CHRTIM_BaseInitTypeDefHRTIM Configuration Structure definition - Time base related parameters
 CHRTIM_BasicCaptureChannelCfgTypeDefBasic capture mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_BasicOCChannelCfgTypeDefBasic output compare mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_BasicOnePulseChannelCfgTypeDefBasic One Pulse mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_BasicPWMChannelCfgTypeDefBasic PWM output mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_BurstModeCfgTypeDefBurst mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_CaptureCfgTypeDefCapture unit configuration definition
 CHRTIM_ChopperModeCfgTypeDefChopper mode configuration definition
 CHRTIM_CompareCfgTypeDefCompare unit configuration definition
 CHRTIM_DeadTimeCfgTypeDefDead time feature configuration definition
 CHRTIM_EventCfgTypeDefExternal event channel configuration definition
 CHRTIM_FaultCfgTypeDefFault channel configuration definition
 CHRTIM_OutputCfgTypeDefOutput configuration definition
 CHRTIM_SynchroCfgTypeDefMaster synchronization configuration definition
 CHRTIM_TimerCfgTypeDefTimer configuration definition
 CHRTIM_TimerEventFilteringCfgTypeDefExternal event filtering in timing units configuration definition
 CHRTIM_TimerInitTypeDefWaveform mode initialization parameters definition
 CI2C_InitTypeDefI2C Init structure definition
 CI2C_TypeDefInter-integrated Circuit Interface
 CI2S_InitTypeDefI2S Init structure definition
 CIPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR)
 CITM_TypeStructure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM)
 CIWDG_TypeDefIndependent WATCHDOG
 CLTDC_Layer_TypeDefLCD-TFT Display layer x Controller
 CLTDC_TypeDefLCD-TFT Display Controller
 CNVIC_InitTypeDefNVIC Init Structure definition
 CNVIC_TypeStructure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
 COB_TypeDefOption Bytes Registers
 COPAMP_InitTypeDefOPAMP Init structure definition
 CPWR_TypeDefPower Control
 CRCC_TypeDefReset and Clock Control
 CRTC_AlarmTypeDefRTC Alarm structure definition
 CRTC_DateTypeDefRTC Date structure definition
 CRTC_InitTypeDefRTC Init structures definition
 CRTC_TimeTypeDefRTC Time structure definition
 CRTC_TypeDefReal-Time Clock
 CSAI_TypeDefSerial Audio Interface
 CSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control Block (SCB)
 CSCnSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
 CSDIO_TypeDefSD host Interface
 CSPI_InitTypeDefSPI Init structure definition
 CSPI_TypeDefSerial Peripheral Interface
 CSYSCFG_TypeDefSystem configuration controller
 CSysTick_TypeStructure type to access the System Timer (SysTick)
 CTIM_BDTRInitTypeDefBDTR structure definition
 CTIM_ICInitTypeDefTIM Input Capture Init structure definition
 CTIM_OCInitTypeDefTIM Output Compare Init structure definition
 CTIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDefTIM Time Base Init structure definition
 CTPI_TypeStructure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI)
 CUSART_ClockInitTypeDefUSART Clock Init Structure definition
 CUSART_InitTypeDefUSART Init Structure definition
 CUSART_TypeDefUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
 CxPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR)

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Thu Apr 15 2021 05:07:59