File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 any.hppA C++11 shim for std::any. Uses std::any when used in C++17 mode
 bound_param_helper.hppBound param helper (allows omitting the param adapter in each getParam call)
 c_api.hSupport definitions for declaration of a C API of modules
 cloud.hppUtilities for comfortable working with PointCloud2 messages
 diag_utils.hppUtilities for working with diagnostics-related tools
 diagnosed_pub_sub.hppROS message publisher and subscriber with automatic rate and delay diagnostics
 duration_status.hDiagnostic task for duration of some task
 duration_status_param.hDefinitions of parameters for a DurationStatus diagnostic task
 param_utils/get_param_specializations/eigen.hppSpecializations of getParam() for Eigen vectors and matrices
 string_utils/eigen.hppSpecializations of cras::to_string() for Eigen types
 expected.hppAn implementation of the std::expected proposal
 filter_base.hppHelpers for working with filters based on filters::FilterBase
 filter_chain.hppHelpers for working with filter chains based on filters::FilterChain
 filter_chain_nodelet.hppA versatile nodelet that can load and run a filter chain (deprecated header)
 filter_utils/filter_chain_nodelet.hppA versatile nodelet that can load and run a filter chain, run its diagnostics, and enable/disable single filters using dynamic reconfigure
 filter_utils.hppFilter utils aggregate header. It is deprecated
 from_chars.hShim implementing std::from_chars support for floating-point number types in GCC < 11
 functional.hppC++ utilities for working with functions
 geometry_msgs.hppSpecializations of getParam() for geometry_msgs
 get_param_adapter.hppAn adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from various sources
 get_param_options.hppOptions for getParam() calls
 get_param_result.hppWrapper of getParam() call results
 ImprovedUpdater.hDiagnostic updater that automatically sets its Hardware ID to hostname of the machine (deprecated backwards compatibility header, use diag_utils/updater.h instead)
 inject_rosconsole.hInclude this file if you want to override the ROS_ or NODELET_ logging macros with CRAS logging macros. Type CRAS_RESTORE_ROS_LOG to get the original definitions back. Use this with care
 interruptible_buffer.hTF buffer whose functions with timeout can be interrupted
 interruptible_sleep_interface.hObject implementing an ok() method that can interrupt pending sleeps when it returns false
 literal_sz.hSupport for literal suffix _sz creating size_t values
 log_macros.hThis file adds the missing DELAYED_THROTTLE logging macros for nodelets
 log_utils.hROS logging helpers
 macros.hROS logging helpers macros. Do not include this file directly. Include log_utils.h instead. These logging macros are almost a copy of those from rosconsole/macros_generated.h and ros/console.h, but modified so that the underlying logger implementation can be dynamically changed, and also an alternative time source can be provided for the THROTTLE macros. To get the logger, these macros call getCrasLogger() method. If nothing special is done, the compiler will pick up the getCrasLogger() global function returning a globally usable logger that mimicks the ROS_* logging macros. If you want a different logger to be used, just call the macros in an environment where a more specific function named getCrasLogger() is defined - it can be a class method or a locally defined lambda
 math_utils.hppMath utilities
 memory.hLog helper storing all messages in memory
 message_utils.hppUtilities for working with ROS message files
 node.hLog helper redirecting the logging calls to ROS_ macros
 node_handle.hUtils for getting node handle parameters, topic diagnostics etc
 node_handle.hppAn adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from a node handle
 node_handle_with_diagnostics.hUtils for adding diagnostics to a topic via node handle
 node_utils.hppThis file adds utility functions to be used within nodes. It makes ParamHelper templated getParam() functions accessible via static global calls cras::getParam(nh, ...). It also exposes cras::NodeHandle utility class for even easier access to parameter getting
 nodelet.hLog helper redirecting the logging calls to NODELET_ macros
 nodelet_aware_tf_buffer.hTF buffer that can be correctly interrupted by nodelet unload
 nodelet_manager.hA customizable nodelet manager
 nodelet_manager_sharing_tf_buffer.hA nodelet manager that can share its TF buffer with cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer nodelets
 nodelet_utils.hppThis file contains a set of classes that make work with nodelets easier
 nodelet_with_diagnostics.hppHelpers for setting up diagnostics for nodelets
 nodelet_with_shared_tf_buffer.hppNodeletWithSharedTfBuffer allows you to use a tf2_ros::Buffer provided by the nodelet manager
 optional.hppA C++11 shim for std::optional. Uses std::optional when used in C++17 mode
 param_helper.hUtils for getting node parameters
 nodelet_utils/param_helper.hppUtils for getting nodelet parameters
 param_utils/param_helper.hppThis class provides a unified experience for nodes, nodelets and filters for getting ROS parameter values
 param_utils.hppThis file provides helper methods easing access to parameters passed to nodes, nodelets and filters
 pool_allocator.hppHelper for allocating boost::shared_ptr instances in a boost shared pool. This should be useful if you publish shared_ptr messages and want to save some time during allocation of the new messages. The default pool size is 32 messages. Note that when publishing messages containing arrays, these functions only handle allocation of the message itself. Allocation of the array elements is done via the allocator specified in the message type
 preloading_class_loader.hppA hack that allows forcing a pluginlib classloader to load a compiled-in class instead of seeking for it in plugins using the standard rospack-based algorithm
 rate_limiter.hVarious implementations of rate-limiting algorithms
 param_utils/get_param_specializations/ros.hppSpecializations of getParam() for ROS basic types
 string_utils/ros.hppSpecializations of cras::to_string() for ROS types and messages
 running_stats.hppComputation of running average and variance using Welford's algorithm
 running_stats_duration.hppTemplate specializations of RunningStats for ros::Duration and ros::WallDuration
 semaphore.hppImplementation of a reversed semaphore usable for thread synchronization
 set_utils.hppUtilities for working with sets
 SlowTopicDiagUpdater.hThis file is for backwards compatibility only, do not use it
 span.hppA C++11 shim for std::span. Uses std::span when used in C++20 mode
 stateful_nodelet.hppA nodelet mixin that can report that it is being unloaded
 string_traits.hppUseful C++ string traits
 string_utils.hppUtils for working with strings
 suppress_warnings.hPreprocessor macros to supress compiler warnings for a part of a file
 param_utils/get_param_specializations/tf2.hppSpecializations of getParam() for tf2 types
 string_utils/tf2.hppSpecializations of cras::to_string() for TF2 types
 tf2_sensor_msgs.hTransformation tools for sensor_msgs messages
 tf2_utils.hppUtilities for working with transforms
 thread_name_updating_nodelet.hppThreadNameUpdatingNodelet mixin allows nodelet to update the name of the thread it gets executed in
 thread_utils.hUtilities for working with threads
 time_utils.hppUtilities for working with time
 topic_status.hppDiagnostic task for topic frequency and timestamp delay (combining FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus tasks)
 topic_status_param.hppDefinitions of parameters for a TopicStatus diagnostic task
 type_utils.hppUtilities for working with C++ types
 updater.hDiagnostic updater that automatically sets its Hardware ID to hostname of the machine
 urdf_utils.hUtilities for conversions between URDF and other types
 xmlrpc.hppSpecializations of cras::to_string() for XmlRpcValue values
 xmlrpc_value.hppAn adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from a XmlRpcValue struct
 xmlrpc_value_traits.hppVarious type traits for XmlRpcValue
 xmlrpc_value_utils.hppUtilities for working with XmlRpcValues

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 17 2023 02:32:53