►Ncras | |
CBoundParamHelper | Bound param helper (allows omitting the param adapter in each getParam call) |
CDefaultParamServerType | Default ParamServerType for the given ResultType |
CDefaultToParamFn | Default function for converting XmlRpcValue to an intermediate value of type ParamServerType |
CDefaultToResultFn | Default function for converting param server types to result types |
CDiagnosedPublisher | Wrapper for ROS publisher that automatically diagnoses the rate and delay of published messages |
CDiagnosedPubSub | Base for ROS publisher and subscriber with automatic message rate and delay diagnostics |
CDiagnosedSubscriber | Wrapper for ROS subscriber that automatically diagnoses the rate and delay of received messages |
CDiagnosticUpdater | Diagnostic updater that automatically sets its Hardware ID to hostname of the machine |
CDurationStatus | Diagnostic task for topic frequency and timestamp delay (combining FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus tasks) |
CDurationStatusParam | Parameters of DurationStatus diagnostic task |
CFilterBase | |
CFilterChain | |
CFilterChainDiagnostics | Diagnostics of performance of a filter chain |
CFilterChainNodelet | A versatile nodelet that can load and run a filter chain |
CFilterGetParamAdapter | |
CFilterLogHelper | |
CFrequencyStatusParam | An extension of diagnostic_updater::FrequencyStatusParam that allows passing non-pointer min/max frequency values. If the internal pointers are used, they are correctly handled when copying this object (the new copy will have its own copy of the internal pointers) |
Cfrom_chars_result | |
CGetParamAdapter | An adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from various sources |
CGetParamException | Exception thrown when conversion of a parameter fails during getParam() if option throwIfConvertFails is true or when a missing parameter is required |
CGetParamOptions | Options specifying behavior of getParam() calls |
CGetParamResult | Wrapper for the result of a getParam() call. It is designed to autoconvert to the result type sometimes |
CGetParamResultInfo | Detailed information about the executed getParam() call |
CHasLogger | Convenience base class for providing this->log and getCrasLogger() . Just add it as a base to your class and all CRAS_* logging macros should work with the logger from this class |
CInterruptibleSleepInterface | Interface to an object whose sleep() calls can be interrupted externally. Multiple sleep() calls can be happening at a time. The object waits for the last sleep() call to finish on destruction. No more sleep() calls can be made once destruction of the object started (sleep() will return false in such case). Make sure that ok() returns false when this object is about to be destroyed |
CInterruptibleTFBuffer | Provides overrides of canTransform() that can be interrupted. Normally, canTransform() waits until transform is available, timeout is reached (which may be never in paused simulation), time jumps backwards or ros::ok() returns false. This buffer adds another option of interrupting the call. It also allows "wrapping around" another buffer that does not support this interruptibility and add this ability to it |
Cis_any | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::any or not |
Cis_any<::cras::any > | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::any or not |
Cis_c_string | Type trait for dynamic-sized and constant-sized C strings |
Cis_c_string< char * > | |
Cis_c_string< char *const > | |
Cis_c_string< char[I]> | |
Cis_c_string< const char * > | |
Cis_c_string< const char *const > | |
Cis_c_string< const char[I]> | |
Cis_cras_expected | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::expected or not |
Cis_cras_expected<::cras::expected< T, E > > | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::optional or not |
Cis_optional | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::optional or not |
Cis_optional<::cras::optional< T > > | Type trait determining whether type T is cras::optional or not |
Cis_string | Char trait for a C-string or std::string |
Cis_string< T, ::std::enable_if_t<::cras::is_c_string< typename std::decay< T >::type >::value > > | |
Cis_string< T, ::std::enable_if_t<::std::is_same< typename std::decay< T >::type, ::std::string >::value > > | |
CLoaderROS | ROS interface for loading/unloading nodelets (internally using nodelet::Loader to do the work) |
CLogHelper | This class (reps. its descendants) provides unified access to ROS logging functions, be it ROS_* or NODELET_* |
CMemoryLogHelper | |
CNodeHandle | |
CNodeHandleGetParamAdapter | An adapter that allows getting ROS parameters from a node handle |
CNodeHandleWithDiagnostics | Utils for adding diagnostics to a topic via node handle |
CNodelet | |
CNodeletAwareTFBuffer | |
CNodeletBase | Base template which adds all defined mixins to BaseNodelet class |
CNodeletLogHelper | |
CNodeletManager | Nodelet manager with customizable instance creation mechanism |
CNodeletManagerSharingTfBuffer | A nodelet manager that can share its TF buffer with cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer nodelets |
CNodeletParamHelper | This mixin allows calling the getParam() helpers |
CNodeletWithDiagnostics | Nodelet mixin that provides helper functions for running a diagnostics updater |
CNodeletWithSharedTfBuffer | A nodelet mixin that allows to use a tf2_ros::Buffer provided by the nodelet manager (which should save some computations). If this nodelet has also the StatefulNodelet mixin, the automatically created non-shared buffer is nodelet-aware (you can also pass a NodeletAwareTfBuffer to setBuffer() ). That means any TF lookups done via this->getBuffer() will be able to correctly end when the nodelet is being unloaded (which normally hangs: https://github.com/ros/geometry2/issues/381) |
CNodeletWithSharedTfBufferInterface | Public non-template API of NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer. Dynamic_cast a nodelet to this type if you need to access this API publicly |
CNodeLogHelper | |
CNodeParamHelper | This mixin allows calling the getParam() helpers |
CParamHelper | This class provides a unified experience for nodes, nodelets and filters for getting ROS parameter values. Each parameter has to be provided a default value, and each parameter read is logged - specified parameters with INFO verbosity level, defaulted parameters with WARN level. There are also lots of template specializations for builtin ROS types or unsigned values which ease the process of reading the parameters correctly |
CParamToStringFn | Default function for converting values to string in getParam(Verbose) functions. Uses cras::to_string() |
CRateLimiter | Generic rate-limiter interface |
CReverseSemaphore | A reverse counting semaphore which can wait until its count is zero. Each acquire() increases this count and each release() decreases it. waitZero() is the function that waits until the internal count is zero. The semaphore can be disabled, which means no new acquire() calls will be accepted. This is useful if you plan to quit |
CRosconsoleLogHelper | Log helper relaying all of its work to the same mechanism used by ROS_* logging macros |
CRunningStats | Computation of running average and variance using Welford's algorithm |
CSemaphoreGuard | RAII guard for operations with a semaphore. On creation, the semaphore is acquired, and on destruction, it is released |
CSimpleDurationStatusParam | Helper struct for easy brace-initialization of DurationStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxDuration = {10,0}} . Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode |
CSimpleTopicStatusParamNoHeader | Helper struct for easy brace-initialization of TopicStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxRate = 10} . Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode |
CSimpleTopicStatusParamWithHeader | Helper struct for easy brace-initialization of TopicStatusParam objects. On supported compilers, you can also use designated braced initialization, i.e. param = {.maxRate = 10} . Supported is e.g. GCC 8+ in any mode or any compiler in C++20 mode |
CStatefulNodelet | A mixin that can tell when a nodelet is being unloaded |
CStatefulNodeletInterface | A non-templated interface of the mixin that can tell when a nodelet is being unloaded |
CThreadNameUpdatingNodelet | This mixin allows the nodelet to update the OS name of the thread in which it is currently executing |
CThrottleLimiter | The (not so clever) algorithm used by topic_tools/throttle node |
CTokenBucketLimiter | Token bucket rate limiting algorithm |
CTopicStatus | Diagnostic task for topic frequency and timestamp delay (combining FrequencyStatus and TimeStampStatus tasks) |
CTopicStatusParams | Utility class with various predefined topic diagnostic parameters |
CTopicStatusParamWithHeader | A combined parameter defining both rate diagnostics and delay diagnostics (for messages with a header) |
CXmlRpcValueGetParamAdapter | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits | Type traits for XmlRpcValue |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< bool > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< char * > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< char > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< const char * > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< double > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< float > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< int > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< long > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< long double > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< long long > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< short > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< signed char > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< typename ::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::BinaryData > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned char > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned int > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned long long > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits< unsigned short > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::array< T, N >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::list< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::string > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_map<::std::string, T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::unordered_set< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::std::vector< T >, typename ::std::enable_if<::cras::XmlRpcValueTraits< T >::xmlRpcType !=::XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid >::type > | |
CXmlRpcValueTraits<::tm > | |
CPreloadingClassLoader | This pluginlib classloader alternative can load compiled-in classes and provide them as if they were loaded via the standard pluginlib search mechanism - without even triggering the search |