Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #pragma once
71 #include <nodelet/nodelet.h>
81 namespace cras
82 {
88 template <typename BaseNodelet>
89 class NodeletBase :
90  public virtual BaseNodelet, // has to be virtual, most mixins also have BaseNodelet as virtual base class
91  public ::cras::NodeletWithDiagnostics<BaseNodelet>,
92  public ::cras::NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer<BaseNodelet>,
93  public ::cras::ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet<BaseNodelet>,
94  public ::cras::NodeletParamHelper<BaseNodelet>,
95  public ::cras::StatefulNodelet<BaseNodelet>
96 {
97 public:
98  ~NodeletBase() override = default;
99 protected:
100  using BaseNodelet::getName; // for disambiguation because some mixins contain a "using getName()"
101 };
106 class Nodelet : public ::cras::NodeletBase<::nodelet::Nodelet>
107 {
108 public:
109  ~Nodelet() override = default;
110 };
112 }
NodeletWithSharedTfBuffer allows you to use a tf2_ros::Buffer provided by the nodelet manager...
Base template which adds all defined mixins to BaseNodelet class.
Utils for getting nodelet parameters.
This mixin allows the nodelet to update the OS name of the thread in which it is currently executing...
A mixin that can tell when a nodelet is being unloaded.
TF buffer that can be correctly interrupted by nodelet unload.
Helpers for setting up diagnostics for nodelets.
A nodelet mixin that can report that it is being unloaded.
A nodelet mixin that allows to use a tf2_ros::Buffer provided by the nodelet manager (which should sa...
This file adds the missing DELAYED_THROTTLE logging macros for nodelets.
~NodeletBase() override=default
This mixin allows calling the getParam() helpers.
Definition: any.hpp:15
ThreadNameUpdatingNodelet mixin allows nodelet to update the name of the thread it gets executed in...
Nodelet mixin that provides helper functions for running a diagnostics updater.

Author(s): Martin Pecka
autogenerated on Sat Jun 17 2023 02:32:53