11 #include <geometry_msgs/Quaternion.h> 24 void getRPY(const ::tf2::Quaternion& quat,
double& roll,
double& pitch,
double& yaw);
33 void getRPY(const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion& quat,
double& roll,
double& pitch,
double& yaw);
40 double getRoll(const ::tf2::Quaternion& quat);
47 double getRoll(const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion& quat);
54 double getPitch(const ::tf2::Quaternion& quat);
61 double getPitch(const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion& quat);
68 double getYaw(const ::tf2::Quaternion& quat);
75 double getYaw(const ::geometry_msgs::Quaternion& quat);
void getRPY(const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw)
Get roll, pitch and yaw from the given quaternion.
double getRoll(const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
Get roll from the given quaternion.
double getYaw(const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
Get yaw from the given quaternion.
double getPitch(const ::tf2::Quaternion &quat)
Get pitch from the given quaternion.