►Ncollision_detection | |
CAllowedCollisionMatrix | Definition of a structure for the allowed collision matrix |
CBodyDecomposition | |
CBodyDecompositionCache | |
CCollisionData | Data structure which is passed to the collision callback function of the collision manager |
CCollisionDetectorAllocator | An allocator for a compatible CollisionWorld/CollisionRobot pair |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorAllValid | An allocator for AllValid collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorBullet | An allocator for Bullet collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorDistanceField | An allocator for Distance Field collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorFCL | An allocator for FCL collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorHybrid | An allocator for Hybrid collision detectors |
CCollisionDetectorAllocatorTemplate | Template class to make it easy to create an allocator for a specific CollisionWorld/CollisionRobot pair |
CCollisionDetectorBtPluginLoader | |
CCollisionDetectorFCLPluginLoader | |
CCollisionEnv | Provides the interface to the individual collision checking libraries |
CCollisionEnvAllValid | Collision environment which always just returns no collisions |
CCollisionEnvBullet |
►CCollisionEnvDistanceField | |
CDistanceFieldCacheEntryWorld | |
CCollisionEnvFCL | FCL implementation of the CollisionEnv |
CCollisionEnvHybrid | This hybrid collision environment combines FCL and a distance field. Both can be used to calculate collisions |
CCollisionGeometryData | Wrapper around world, link and attached objects' geometry data |
CCollisionPlugin | Plugin API for loading a custom collision detection robot/world |
►CCollisionPluginCache | |
CCollisionPluginCacheImpl | |
CCollisionRequest | Representation of a collision checking request |
CCollisionResult | Representation of a collision checking result |
CCollisionSphere | |
CContact | Definition of a contact point |
CCostSource | When collision costs are computed, this structure contains information about the partial cost incurred in a particular volume |
CDistanceData | Data structure which is passed to the distance callback function of the collision manager |
CDistanceFieldCacheEntry | |
CDistanceRequest | Representation of a distance-reporting request |
CDistanceResult | Result of a distance request |
CDistanceResultsData | Generic representation of the distance information for a pair of objects |
CFCLGeometry | Bundles the CollisionGeometryData and FCL collision geometry representation into a single class |
CFCLManager | Bundles an FCLObject and a broadphase FCL collision manager |
CFCLObject | A general high-level object which consists of multiple FCLCollisionObjects. It is the top level data structure which is used in the collision checking process |
CFCLShapeCache | Cache for an arbitrary type of shape. It is assigned during the execution of createCollisionGeometry() |
CGradientInfo | |
CGroupStateRepresentation | |
COccMapTree | |
CPosedBodyPointDecomposition | |
CPosedBodyPointDecompositionVector | |
CPosedBodySphereDecomposition | |
CPosedBodySphereDecompositionVector | |
CPosedDistanceField | |
CProximityInfo | |
►CWorld | Maintain a representation of the environment |
CAction | Represents an action that occurred on an object in the world. Several bits may be set indicating several things happened to the object. If the DESTROY bit is set, other bits will not be set |
CObject | A representation of an object |
CObserver | |
CObserverHandle | |
CWorldDiff | Maintain a diff list of changes that have happened to a World |
►Ncollision_detection_bullet | |
CBroadphaseContactResultCallback | Callback structure for both discrete and continuous broadphase collision pair |
CBroadphaseFilterCallback | |
CBulletBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementation of a tesseract contact manager |
CBulletCastBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementation of a tesseract contact manager |
CBulletDiscreteBVHManager | A bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) implementaiton of a discrete bullet manager |
CCastHullShape | Casted collision shape used for checking if an object is collision free between two discrete poses |
CCollisionObjectWrapper | Tesseract bullet collision object |
CContactTestData | Bundles the data for a collision query |
CTesseractBroadphaseBridgedManifoldResult | |
CTesseractCollisionPairCallback | A callback function that is called as part of the broadphase collision checking |
►Nconstraint_samplers | The constraint samplers namespace contains a number of methods for generating samples based on a constraint or set of constraints |
CConstraintSampler | ConstraintSampler is an abstract base class that allows the sampling of a kinematic state for a particular group of a robot |
CConstraintSamplerAllocator | |
CConstraintSamplerManager | This class assists in the generation of a ConstraintSampler for a particular group from a moveit_msgs::Constraints |
CIKConstraintSampler | A class that allows the sampling of IK constraints |
CIKSamplingPose | A structure for potentially holding a position constraint and an orientation constraint for use during Ik Sampling |
►CJointConstraintSampler | JointConstraintSampler is a class that allows the sampling of joints in a particular group of the robot, subject to a set of individual joint constraints |
CJointInfo | An internal structure used for maintaining constraints on a particular joint |
COrderSamplers | |
CUnionConstraintSampler | This class exists as a union of constraint samplers. It contains a vector of constraint samplers, and will sample from each of them |
►Ndistance_field | Namespace for holding classes that generate distance fields |
CCompareEigenVector3i | Struct for sorting type Eigen::Vector3i for use in sorted std containers. Sorts in z order, then y order, then x order |
CDistanceField | DistanceField is an abstract base class for computing distances from sets of 3D obstacle points. The distance assigned to a freespace cell should be the distance to the closest obstacle cell. Cells that are obstacle cells should either be marked as zero distance, or may have a negative distance if a signed version of the distance field is being used and an obstacle point is internal to an obstacle volume |
CPropagationDistanceField | A DistanceField implementation that uses a vector propagation method. Distances propagate outward from occupied cells, or inwards from unoccupied cells if negative distances are to be computed, which is optional. Outward and inward propagation only occur to a desired maximum distance - cells that are more than this maximum distance from the nearest cell will have maximum distance measurements |
CPropDistanceFieldVoxel | Structure that holds voxel information for the DistanceField. Will be used in VoxelGrid |
CVoxelGrid | VoxelGrid holds a dense 3D, axis-aligned set of data at a given resolution, where the data is supplied as a template parameter |
►Ndynamics_solver | This namespace includes the dynamics_solver library |
CDynamicsSolver | |
►Nfcl | |
►Ndetails | |
CVec3Data | |
CVec3fX | |
►Nkinematic_constraints | Representation and evaluation of kinematic constraints |
CConstraintEvaluationResult | Struct for containing the results of constraint evaluation |
CJointConstraint | Class for handling single DOF joint constraints |
CKinematicConstraint | Base class for representing a kinematic constraint |
CKinematicConstraintSet | A class that contains many different constraints, and can check RobotState *versus the full set. A set is satisfied if and only if all constraints are satisfied |
COrientationConstraint | Class for constraints on the orientation of a link |
CPositionConstraint | Class for constraints on the XYZ position of a link |
CVisibilityConstraint | Class for constraints on the visibility relationship between a sensor and a target |
►Nkinematics | API for forward and inverse kinematics |
CKinematicsBase | Provides an interface for kinematics solvers |
CKinematicsQueryOptions | A set of options for the kinematics solver |
CKinematicsResult | |
►Nkinematics_metrics | Namespace for kinematics metrics |
CKinematicsMetrics | Compute different kinds of metrics for kinematics evaluation. Currently includes manipulability |
►Nmoveit | Main namespace for MoveIt |
►Ncore | Core components of MoveIt |
CAABB | Represents an axis-aligned bounding box |
CAttachedBody | Object defining bodies that can be attached to robot links |
CCartesianInterpolator | |
CCartesianPrecision | |
CFixedJointModel | A fixed joint |
CFloatingJointModel | A floating joint |
CJointModel | A joint from the robot. Models the transform that this joint applies in the kinematic chain. A joint consists of multiple variables. In the simplest case, when the joint is a single DOF, there is only one variable and its name is the same as the joint's name. For multi-DOF joints, each variable has a local name (e.g., x, y) but the full variable name as seen from the outside of this class is a concatenation of the "joint name"/"local
name" (e.g., a joint named 'base' with local variables 'x' and 'y' will store its full variable names as 'base/x' and 'base/y'). Local names are never used to reference variables directly |
►CJointModelGroup | |
CGroupMimicUpdate | |
CKinematicsSolver | |
CJumpThreshold | Struct for containing jump_threshold |
CLinkModel | A link from the robot. Contains the constant transform applied to the link and its geometry |
CMaxEEFStep | Struct for containing max_step for computeCartesianPath |
CMoveItErrorCode | Wrapper around moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes to make it easier to return an error code message from a function |
CPlanarJointModel | A planar joint |
CPrismaticJointModel | A prismatic joint |
CRevoluteJointModel | A revolute joint |
CRobotModel | Definition of a kinematic model. This class is not thread safe, however multiple instances can be created |
CRobotModelBuilder | Easily build different robot models for testing. Essentially a programmer-friendly light wrapper around URDF and SRDF. Best shown by an example: |
CRobotState | Representation of a robot's state. This includes position, velocity, acceleration and effort |
CTransforms | Provides an implementation of a snapshot of a transform tree that can be easily queried for transforming different quantities. Transforms are maintained as a list of transforms to a particular frame. All stored transforms are considered fixed |
CVariableBounds | |
►Ntools | This namespace includes classes and functions that are helpful in the implementation of other MoveIt components. This is not code specific to the functionality provided by MoveIt |
CBackgroundProcessing | This class provides simple API for executing background jobs. A queue of jobs is created and the specified jobs are executed in order, one at a time |
►CProfiler | |
CAvgInfo | Information maintained about averaged values |
CPerThread | Information to be maintained for each thread |
CScopedBlock | This instance will call Profiler::begin() when constructed and Profiler::end() when it goes out of scope |
CScopedStart | This instance will call Profiler::start() when constructed and Profiler::stop() when it goes out of scope. If the profiler was already started, this block's constructor and destructor take no action |
CTimeInfo | Information about time spent in a section of the code |
CConstructException | This may be thrown during construction of objects if errors occur |
CException | This may be thrown if unrecoverable errors occur |
►Nmoveit_controller_manager | Namespace for the base class of a MoveIt controller manager |
CExecutionStatus | The reported execution status |
CMoveItControllerHandle | MoveIt sends commands to a controller via a handle that satisfies this interface |
►CMoveItControllerManager | MoveIt does not enforce how controllers are implemented. To make your controllers usable by MoveIt, this interface needs to be implemented. The main purpose of this interface is to expose the set of known controllers and potentially to allow activating and deactivating them, if multiple controllers are available |
CControllerState | Each controller known to MoveIt has a state. This structure describes that controller's state |
►Nmoveit_sensor_manager | Namespace for the base class of a MoveIt sensor manager |
CMoveItSensorManager | |
CSensorInfo | Define the frame of reference and the frustum of a sensor (usually this is a visual sensor) |
►Nplanning_interface | This namespace includes the base class for MoveIt planners |
CMotionPlanDetailedResponse | |
CMotionPlanResponse | |
CPlannerConfigurationSettings | Specify the settings for a particular planning algorithm, for a particular group. The Planner plugin uses these settings to configure the algorithm |
CPlannerManager | Base class for a MoveIt planner |
CPlanningContext | Representation of a particular planning context – the planning scene and the request are known, solution is not yet computed |
►Nplanning_request_adapter | Generic interface to adapting motion planning requests |
CPlanningRequestAdapter | |
CPlanningRequestAdapterChain | Apply a sequence of adapters to a motion plan |
►Nplanning_scene | This namespace includes the central class for representing planning scenes |
►CPlanningScene | This class maintains the representation of the environment as seen by a planning instance. The environment geometry, the robot geometry and state are maintained |
CCollisionDetector | |
CSceneTransforms | |
►Npr2_arm_kinematics | |
CPR2ArmIK | |
CPR2ArmIKSolver | |
CPR2ArmKinematicsPlugin | |
►Npybind11 | |
►Ndetail | |
CDurationCaster | Convert ros::Duration / ros::WallDuration into a float |
Ctype_caster< ros::Duration > | |
Ctype_caster< ros::WallDuration > | |
Ctype_caster< T, enable_if_t< ros::message_traits::IsMessage< T >::value > > | Convert ROS message types (C++ <-> python) |
►Nrobot_trajectory | |
CRobotTrajectory | Maintain a sequence of waypoints and the time durations between these waypoints |
►Ntrajectory_processing | |
CCircularPathSegment | |
CIterativeParabolicTimeParameterization | |
CIterativeSplineParameterization | This class sets the timestamps of a trajectory to enforce velocity, acceleration constraints. Initial/final velocities and accelerations may be specified in the trajectory. Velocity and acceleration limits are specified in the model |
CIterativeTorqueLimitParameterization | |
CLinearPathSegment | |
CPath | |
CPathSegment | |
CRuckigSmoothing | |
CSingleJointTrajectory | |
CTimeOptimalTrajectoryGeneration | |
CTimeParameterization | |
►CTrajectory | |
CTrajectoryStep | |
CAppendingPlanningRequestAdapter | |
CBulletCollisionDetectionTester | |
CCollisionDetectionEnvTest | |
CCollisionDetectorPandaTest | |
CCollisionDetectorTest | |
CCollisionDetectorTests | |
CDistanceCheckPandaTest | |
CDistanceFieldCollisionDetectionTester | |
CDistanceFullPandaTest | |
CFloatingJointRobot | |
CIsApprox | |
CLoadPlanningModelsPr2 | |
COneRobot | |
CPandaRobot | |
CPlannerManagerStub | |
CPlanningContextStub | |
CPlanningRequestAdapterTests | |
CPrependingPlanningRequestAdapter | |
CRobotStateBenchmark | |
CRobotTrajectoryTestFixture | |
CSimplePlanarRobot | |
CSimpleRobot | |
CSphericalRobot | |
CTestAABB | |
CTestAction | |