Ui::AboutDlg | |
db_planner::Aligner< Dest > | Align a Model with some data |
ArchBuilderDlg | |
Ui::ArchBuilderDlgUI | |
AttributeSet | |
BallDynJoint | A ball joint constrains all 3 translations |
Barrett | The Barrett hand has its own dedicated class so it can speak to a real Barrett hand |
BarrettHandDlg | Interfaces GraspIt with a real Barrett hand |
Ui::BarrettHandDlgUI | |
Body | A generic simulation body |
BodyPropDlg | Creates and controls the body properties dialog box |
Ui::BodyPropDlgUI | |
BoundingBox | |
Collision::Branch | A Branch is a node with two children |
BreakAwayDOF | |
db_planner::CachingAligner | A CachingAligner wraps another Aligner and checks for precomputed alignments |
db_planner::CachingFeaturesExtractor< Features > | |
db_planner::CachingNeighborFinder | A CachingNeighborFinder wraps another NeighborFinder and checks for precomputed neighbors |
CalibrationPose | A data structure for conveniently storing hand data used for calibration |
cartesian_coordinates | Coordinate elements are values along 3 perpendicular axes |
cartesianGraspDirection | This class is used when the palm position and direction are expressed in cartesian coordinates |
CData | Holds the information for linear conversion of raw glove senor readings to dof values |
CGDBGraspProcessor | |
ClientSocket | Subclass of QSocket that parses input, implements commands, and writes output |
Collision::ClosestPtCallback | |
ClosureSearchEnergy | |
Collision::CollisionCallback | |
CollisionDataS | |
CollisionInterface | |
Collision::CollisionModel | |
compareGraspQM | An operator to compare two planned grasps |
CompliantDOF | |
CompliantGraspCopyTask | For all the grasps of the given object, computes and stores their compliant equivalents |
CompliantPlannerDlg | Used for running tests with compliant hands |
Ui::CompliantPlannerDlgUI | |
Contact | A contact between 2 bodies |
Collision::ContactCallback | |
ContactDataS | |
ContactExaminerDlg | Dialog for creating, saving, loading and inspecting virtual contacts |
Ui::ContactExaminerDlgUI | |
coordinates | This is the base class for various coordinate representations |
SoQtCursor::CustomCursor | |
cylindrical_coordinates | Coordinates are expressed as radius, azimuth angle, and height |
cylindricalGraspDirection | This class is used when the palm position and direction are expressed in cylindrical coordinates |
db_planner::DatabaseConnection | |
db_planner::DatabaseManager | Pure virtual base class for interfacing GraspIt with an unspecified Grasp Database |
DBaseBatchPlanner | |
DBaseDlg | |
Ui::DBaseDlgUI | |
DBasePlannerDlg | |
Ui::DBasePlannerDlgUI | |
DHTransform | Converts 4 parameter Denavit-Hartenberg notation to a 4x4 transform |
Collision::DistanceCallback | |
DOF | A single degree of freedom in a robot |
DraggerInfo | Keeps track of Inventor draggers attached to worldElements or DOF's |
DynamicBody | The superclass for all bodies that take part in the dynamics |
DynJoint | The parent class for each of the joint modules used in the dynamics |
EGPlanner | |
EigenGrasp | A single eigengrasp direction |
EigenGraspDlg | The eigengrasp dialog allows the user to see hand motion along eigengrasp dimensions |
Ui::EigenGraspDlgUI | |
EigenGraspInterface | |
EigenGraspPlannerDlg | |
Ui::EigenGraspPlannerDlgUI | |
EigenTorqueComputer | |
EmbedImage | |
EmptyOneShotTask | An empty one-shot task used to test and debug the dispatcher |
EmptyTask | An empty task used to test and debug the dispatcher |
TiXmlBase::Entity | |
Face | |
FACE | A triangular body face used in computing mass properties |
facetT | |
db_planner::FeaturesExtractor< Features > | |
db_planner::FilterList | |
finalGraspPosition | The final pose of the hand after a grasp candidate has been tested |
FixedDynJoint | A fixed joint constrains all translations and rotations |
FlockTransf | A class for easy storage and manipulation of Flock of Birds transform |
Profiling::FunctionTimer | |
GeomGraspitDBModel | Specialized class a version of the model which loads its geometry dirrectly from the database |
GeomGraspitDBModelAllocator | Allocator for the specialized model that loads geometry from the database |
GetCoord | Integrable functor for computing triangle area |
GetCovar | Integrable functor for computing the covariance matrix |
GFODlg | Provides an interface for running Grasp Force Optimization routines |
Ui::GFODlgUI | |
GloveCalibrationDlg | Allows the user to record hand postures using the CyberGlove that can be used for calibration |
Ui::GloveCalibrationDlgUI | |
GloveInterface | Interface between a GraspIt robot and the CyberGlove |
db_planner::Grasp | |
Grasp | A grasp occurs between a hand and an object and has quality measures associated with it |
grasp_manager | Manages the various components of the grasp planning system |
grasp_planner | This class is used to automatically generate a set of candidate grasps given a set of shape primitives for an object |
grasp_presenter | This class is used to present the final list of planned grasps to the user |
grasp_representation | This class is used to create a visual representation of a candidate grasp |
grasp_tester | This class is used to evaluate a set of candidate grasps |
GraspableBody | Used for dynamic bodies that are not part of a robot |
db_planner::GraspAllocator | A class to allocate a new Grasp object, which may be a derived type |
GraspCaptureDlg | Allows the user to record grasps and save them |
Ui::GraspCaptureDlgUI | |
GraspClusteringTask | Selects the representative grasps (i.e. cluster centers) from a list of grasps |
GraspDirection | This is the parent class for the different types of grasp directions |
GraspItApp | This is the specific QApplication class for this program, and it defines routines for the splash screen |
GraspitCollision | |
GraspitDBGrasp | |
GraspitDBGraspAllocator | |
GraspitDBModel | |
GraspitDBModelAllocator | An implementation of ModelAllocator that returns new GraspitDBModel objects |
GraspitDBPlanner | |
GraspItGUI | This is the main user interface class that is responsible for creating and destroying the MainWindow and IVmgr |
GraspItServer | TCP server that listens for connections and spawns new ClientSockets |
GraspPlanningState | This is a HandObjectState that stores more information useful for grasp planning |
GraspPlanningTask | Plans grasps for the hand and object, and stores them in the database |
GraspProcessor | |
db_planner::GraspRanker | A GraspRanker takes a list of Grasp objects and sorts them from best to worst |
GraspRecord | Obsolete class used for saving a hand pose and posture for a grasp of an object |
GraspTester | |
GraspTransferCheckTask | Checks which two grasps of the same object can be executed concurrently |
GuidedPlanner | A planner that will fire off child threads to investigate promising states in more detail |
GWS | An abstract base class for 6D grasp wrench spaces |
GWSProjDlg | Creates and controls the grasp wrench space projection dialog box |
Ui::GWSProjDlgBase | |
GWSprojection | Produces an Inventor window with a 3-D projection of a GWS |
Hand | A hand is a special type of robot that can have a grasp associated with it |
HandObjectState | |
hashentryT | |
HumanHand | A hand with tendon information |
intrealT | |
IVmgr | Handles 3D interactions with the world |
Joint | Abstract base class for a single axis robot joint |
KinematicChain | A serial chain of links connected by joints |
L1GWS | A class to build an L1 GWS |
Collision::Leaf | A leaf contains actual geometry, in the form of a list of triangles |
LInfGWS | A class to build an L-Infinity GWS |
Link | Used for bodies that are part of a robot |
ListPlanner | |
LMIOptimizer | Encapsulates the Grasp Force Optimization (GFO) code based on Linear Matrix Inequalitties (LMI) |
db_planner::LoadModelFunctor | Load a Model from the database and populate its fields |
LoopPlanner | |
M7 | |
M7Tool | |
MainWindow | Main user interface, includes menus, tools, widget for viewer, etc |
Ui::MainWindowUI | |
mat3 | A 3x3 matrix most often used for storing rotations |
Matrix | A class for storing and performing operations on general 2-dimensional matrices |
McGrip | A type of gripper that we define some particular optimizations for |
McGripAnalyzer | |
McGripGrasp | The McGrip also comes with a specialized Grasp class to perform some optimizations |
McGripOptimizer | |
mergeT | |
MimeSourceFactory_graspit | |
db_planner::Model | An object representing a model from the grasp database |
db_planner::ModelAllocator | Base class to allocate Model objects |
MosekEnvAutoPtr | |
MTTester | Starts a number of children of the TimeTester type, and times each of them |
db_planner::NeighborFinder< Query > | A class to find Models that are neighbors of some input |
Collision::Node | A node in a bounding box hierarchy |
OnLineGraspInterface | |
OnLinePlanner | |
db_planner::OptimizationTaskRecord | |
OptimizerDlg | |
Ui::OptimizerDlgUI | |
OtherData | |
OtherElem | |
Pincer | |
plannedGrasp | This class represents a single candidate grasp for the grasp planner |
db_planner::Planner< Input > | |
PlannerDlg | Creates and controls the grasp planner dialog box |
Ui::PlannerDlgUI | |
db_planner::PlanningTaskRecord | |
Plugin | Defines a plugin that can can be loaded dynamically and used with GraspIt |
PluginCreator | |
PlyElement | |
PlyFile | |
PLYModelLoader | |
PlyOtherElems | |
PlyOtherProp | |
PlyProperty | |
PlyPropRules | |
PlyRuleList | |
PointContact | A Point Contact With Friction (PCWF) implementing a Coulomb friction model |
position | A 3-dimensional position and methods to operate on them |
PositionState | |
PositionStateAA | Saves hand position as any rotation and translation; 6 variables |
PositionStateApproach | Allows the hand to move back and forth in a cone around its pre-defined approach direction; 3 variables |
PositionStateComplete | Saves complete hand position as quaternion + translation; 7 variables |
PositionStateEllipsoid | Saves a hand position on a predefined ellipsoid; 4 variables and 3 parameters |
PostureState | |
PostureStateDOF | Saves hand posture in dof space |
PostureStateEigen | Saves hand posture in eigengrasp space |
PQPCollision | |
Pr2Gripper | A special hand because collisions must be turned off between the first links of the two chains |
Pr2Gripper2010 | Special class only because of the hack that sets eigengrasp limits manually |
PreGraspCheckTask | Checks if the pre-grasps of the grasps in the database are valid |
preshape | Holds the grasp preshape type and the DOF values for that presahpe |
PrismaticJoint | A type of joint that translates along the z-axis of the joint frame |
Profiling::ProfileInstance | |
Profiling::Profiler | |
Puma560 | Specifically for the Puma 560 Arm. Contains analytical inverse kinematics solution |
Puma560Solution | Structure used for Puma inverse kinematics |
qhmemT | |
qhstatT | |
qhT | |
QMDlg | Creates and controls the quality measure dialog box |
qmDlgDataT | |
Ui::QMDlgUI | |
QualEpsilon | The epsilon quality measure |
QualEpsilonParamT | Structure holding pointers to UI items specific to this quality measure |
QualityIndicator | A small progress bar that can show grasp quality on the screen |
Ui::QualityIndicatorUI | |
QualityMeasure | Abstract base class for quality measures |
QualVolume | The volume quality measure |
QualVolumeParamT | Structure holding pointers to UI items specific to this quality measure |
Quaternion | A 4-dimensional unit vector used to store a rotation |
RawScanPoint | |
Collision::RecursionCallback | |
Collision::RegionCallback | |
TiXmlString::Rep | |
RevoluteDynJoint | A revolute joint constrains all 3 translations and 2 rotations |
RevoluteJoint | A type of joint that rotates about the z-axis of the joint frame |
ridgeT | |
RigidDOF | |
Robonaut | A special hand because collisions must be turned off between the palm and the second link of the thumb |
Robot | Base class for all robots which are collections of links connected by moveable joints |
db_planner::RosDatabaseManager | Pure virtual base class for interfacing GraspIt with an unspecified Grasp Database |
RuleName | |
ScanSimulator | |
SearchEnergy | Computes the "quality" of a HandObjectState, which encapsulates the state of the hand |
SearchParameter | |
SearchVariable | |
SensorInputDlg | A dialog that allows the world elements to be controlled by a Cyberglove of Flock of Birds |
setelemT | |
setT | |
SettingsDlg | Creates and controls the user preferences dialog box |
Ui::SettingsDlgUI | |
Shadow | A special hand because collisions must be turned off between the first links of the fourth and fifth fingers |
SimAnn | |
SimAnnPlanner | |
SimpleWorldElementCreator< E > | Templated implementation |
SoArrow | A ComplexShape node for Inventor/Coin that defines an arrow or pointer |
SoComplexShape | Abstract shape class for Inventor (Coin) |
SoftContact | Soft Contact implements an SFC model for contacts between soft bodies |
SoGuiColorEditor | |
SoGuiMaterialEditor | |
SoQt | |
SoQtColorEditor | |
SoQtComponent | |
SoQtConstrainedViewer | |
SoQtCursor | |
SoQtDevice | |
SoQtExaminerViewer | |
SoQtFlyViewer | |
SoQtFullViewer | |
SoQtGLWidget | |
SoQtKeyboard | |
SoQtMaterialEditor | |
SoQtMouse | |
SoQtObject | |
SoQtPlaneViewer | |
SoQtPopupMenu | |
SoQtRenderArea | |
SoQtSpaceball | |
SoQtThumbWheel | |
SoQtViewer | |
SoTorquePointer | A ComplexShape node for Inventor/Coin that defines an torque pointer |
SparseMatrix | |
spherical_coordinates | Coordinates are expressed as radius, azimuth angle, and elevation angle |
sphericalGraspDirection | This class is used when the palm position and direction are expressed in spherical coordinates |
db_planner::SqlDatabaseManager | SqlDatabaseManager implements DatabaseManager for using the Postgresql version of the CGDB |
StaticInitImages_graspit | |
StereoViewer | Adds a couple of convenience function for better stereo viewing |
StructDynamicParameters | |
db_planner::Table | A class to contain the results of a database query |
TableCheckTask | Checks if grasps are feasible in the presence of a table that the object is sitting on |
Task | A task is an database record of some experiment that we want to run |
TaskDispatcher | A high-level executive that dispatches tasks based on the contents of the database |
TaskFactory | Given a taskType, returns an instance of the right type of task |
db_planner::TaskRecord | For now, a task does something of a type with a hand to a model |
Tendon | Defines a tendon geometry by listing its insertion points |
TendonInsertionPoint | |
TendonWrapper | |
TimeTester | Generates random states and tests them, but also keeps count of how many it has tested |
TiXmlAttribute | |
TiXmlAttributeSet | |
TiXmlBase | |
TiXmlComment | |
TiXmlCursor | |
TiXmlDeclaration | |
TiXmlDocument | |
TiXmlElement | |
TiXmlHandle | |
TiXmlNode | |
TiXmlOutStream | |
TiXmlParsingData | |
TiXmlPrinter | |
TiXmlString | |
TiXmlText | |
TiXmlUnknown | |
TiXmlVisitor | |
db_planner::TrainingPlanner | A TrainingPlanner is used to generate grasps that can be added to the database |
transf | A rigid body transformation |
Triangle | |
Ui_AboutDlg | |
Ui_ArchBuilderDlgUI | |
Ui_BarrettHandDlgUI | |
Ui_BodyPropDlgUI | |
Ui_CompliantPlannerDlgUI | |
Ui_ContactExaminerDlgUI | |
Ui_DBaseDlgUI | |
Ui_DBasePlannerDlgUI | |
Ui_EigenGraspDlgUI | |
Ui_EigenGraspPlannerDlgUI | |
Ui_GFODlgUI | |
Ui_GloveCalibrationDlgUI | |
Ui_GraspCaptureDlgUI | |
Ui_GWSProjDlgBase | |
Ui_MainWindowUI | |
Ui_OptimizerDlgUI | |
Ui_PlannerDlgUI | |
Ui_QMDlgUI | |
Ui_QualityIndicatorUI | |
Ui_SettingsDlgUI | |
UniversalDynJoint | A universal joint constrains all 3 translations and 1 rotation |
VariableSet | |
vec3 | A 3-dimensional double vector and methods to operate on them |
Vertex | |
vertexT | |
VirtualContact | A contact that exists even when a hand is not perfectly touching another object |
VirtualContactOnObject | |
VisualQualityFunctor | |
World | The simulation world holds the world elements and handles their static and dynamic interactions |
WorldElement | The base class for all physical elements within the world |
WorldElementCreator | Functor interface for creating world elements |
WorldElementFactory | Factory class for creating WorldElements |
Wrench | A wrench is a 6-vector containing 2 3-vectors for the force and torque components |