IVmgr Class Reference

Handles 3D interactions with the world. More...

#include <ivmgr.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void drawDynamicForces ()
void drawUnbalancedForces ()
void drawWorstCaseWrenches ()
void restoreCameraPos ()
void saveCameraPos ()
void saveNextImage ()

Public Member Functions

void beginMainLoop ()
void deselectBody (Body *b)
void emptyWorld ()
void flipStereo ()
 Not implemented.
void getCamera (float &px, float &py, float &pz, float &q1, float &q2, float &q3, float &q4, float &fd)
 Gets the camera position, orientaion and focal distance.
transf getCameraTransf ()
db_planner::DatabaseManagergetDBMgr ()
 Get the main database manager, when CGDB support is enabled.
SoSeparator * getPointers () const
StereoViewergetViewer () const
WorldgetWorld () const
void hilightObjContact (int contactNum)
 IVmgr (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0)
int saveCameraPositions (const char *filename)
void saveImage (QString filename)
void saveImageSequence (const char *fileStr)
void setCamera (double px, double py, double pz, double q1, double q2, double q3, double q4, double fd)
 Sets the camera position, orientaion and focal distance.
void setCameraTransf (transf tr)
void setDBMgr (db_planner::DatabaseManager *)
 Set the main database manager. Should only be called by the DB connection dialog.
void setStereo (bool s)
void setStereoWindow (QWidget *parent)
 Not used right now.
void setTool (ToolType newTool)
void unhilightObjContact (int contactNum)
int useSavedCameraPositions (const char *filename)
 ~IVmgr ()

Private Member Functions

void deleteSelections ()
void drawBodyWrench (GraspableBody *body, const double *wrench)
 Draws a wrench indicator on a body.
void drawWireFrame (SoSeparator *elementRoot)
void handleDeselection (SoPath *p)
void handleSelection (SoPath *p)
void keyPressed (SoEventCallback *eventCB)
void makeCenterball (WorldElement *selectedElement, Body *surroundMe)
void makeHandleBox (WorldElement *selectedElement, Body *surroundMe)
void makeJointDraggers (Robot *robot, KinematicChain *chain)
SoPath * pickFilter (const SoPickedPoint *pick)
void prismaticJointChanged (DraggerInfo *dInfo)
void revoluteJointChanged (DraggerInfo *dInfo)
void revoluteJointClicked (DraggerInfo *dInfo)
void revoluteJointFinished (DraggerInfo *dInfo)
void setCtrlDown (SbBool status)
void setShiftDown (SbBool status)
void setupPointers ()
void spaceBar ()
void transRot (DraggerInfo *dInfo)

Static Private Member Functions

static void deselectionCB (void *, SoPath *p)
 static callback routine for deselections
static void keyPressedCB (void *, SoEventCallback *eventCB)
 static callback routine for keyboard events
static SoPath * pickFilterCB (void *, const SoPickedPoint *pick)
 static callback routine for pick events (before selections or deselections)
static void prismaticJointChangedCB (void *dInfo, SoDragger *dragger)
 static callback routine for when an arrow dragger is moved
static void revoluteJointChangedCB (void *dInfo, SoDragger *dragger)
 static callback routine for when a disc dragger is moved
static void revoluteJointClickedCB (void *dInfo, SoDragger *dragger)
 static callback routine for when a disc dragger is clicked
static void revoluteJointFinishedCB (void *dInfo, SoDragger *dragger)
 static callback routine for when a disc dragger is released
static void selectionCB (void *, SoPath *p)
 static callback routine for selections
static void shiftOrCtrlDownCB (void *, SoEventCallback *eventCB)
 static callback routine for mouse events
static void transRotCB (void *dInfo, SoDragger *dragger)
 static callback routine for when a body dragger is moved

Private Attributes

FILE * camerafp
 File pointer used to read or record camera positions when making a movie.
std::vector< SoBlinker * > contactForceBlinkerVec
 An array of pointers to blinker nodes that correspond to individual contact force indicators.
SbBool CtrlDown
 A flag indicating whether the control key is down during a mouse click.
ToolType currTool
 Current interaction tool selected (translate, rotate, or select).
SoSeparator * draggerRoot
 Pointer to the sub-tree of.
SoMaterial * dynForceMat
 Pointer to the material node controlling the color of dynamic force indicatores.
int imgSeqCounter
 Current frame counter used in recording an image sequence.
const char * imgSeqStr
 Base filename fir recording an image sequence.
SoSeparator * junk
 Pointer to an empty separator.
 The main and only interface for the CGDB; all interaction with the CGDB should go through this.
 A pointer to the examiner viewer which inventor component facilitating user interaction.
SoSeparator * pointers
 Pointers to various structures used for visual feedback.
SoSeparator * sceneRoot
 Pointer to the root of the entire Inventor scene graph.
SoSelection * selectionRoot
 Pointer to the sub-tree of selectable Inventor objects.
SbBool ShiftDown
 A flag indicating whether the shift key is down during a mouse click.
SoSeparator * wireFrameRoot
 Pointer to sub-tree containing wireframe versions of bodies when they are selected.
 Points to the main world associated with this iteraction manager.

Static Private Attributes

static IVmgrivmgr = 0
 Global ivmgr pointer for use with static callback routines. There is only one ivmgr.

Detailed Description

Handles 3D interactions with the world.

There is one instance of the Inventor Manager within the application. It handles all 3D user interaction with the main world. An examiner viewer provides the user with a way to manipulate a virtual camera to view the simulation world. The user can also use the mouse to select bodies, or create draggers that allow manipulation of elements within the world. This class also handles the display of contact forces and some other indicators, and can render and save an image of the current scene.

Definition at line 122 of file ivmgr.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IVmgr::IVmgr ( QWidget *  parent = 0,
const char *  name = 0,
Qt::WFlags  f = 0 

Initializes the IVmgr instance. It creates a new World that is the main world that the user interacts with. It creates the examiner viewer that allows the user to navigate within the world and interact with it. It sets up the root of the entire Inventor scene graph tree as well as sub-nodes that handle callbacks for user selections and key presses. Sub-tree roots for draggers and wireframe models, which indicate when bodies are selected, are also created.

Definition at line 219 of file ivmgr.cpp.

IVmgr::~IVmgr (  ) 

Deselects all elements, and deletes the main world. Deletes the remaining Inventor scene graph and deletes the Inventor viewer.

Definition at line 308 of file ivmgr.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void IVmgr::beginMainLoop (  ) 

Starts the main event loop.

Definition at line 364 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::deleteSelections (  )  [private]

If the select tool is currently being used and the user hits the delete key, then all currently selected bodies will be deleted. This routine does not allow links of robots to be deleted, because of the change it would require in the robot structure. Sometime in the future we'll deal with that. However, if the whole robot is selected, it will be deleted.

Definition at line 1464 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::deselectBody ( Body b  ) 

Definition at line 1497 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::deselectionCB ( void *  ,
SoPath *  p 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for deselections

Definition at line 1887 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::drawBodyWrench ( GraspableBody body,
const double *  wrench 
) [private]

Draws a wrench indicator on a body.

Definition at line 418 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::drawDynamicForces (  )  [slot]

This routine adds arrows within each of the friction cones that indicate the size of the dynamic contact forces that were solved for. This still doesn't handle the display of any torsional forces at soft finger contacts. If dynamics are not on, blinker nodes are added so that when a contact force is selected from the list the associated contact force indicator will blink.

Definition at line 483 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::drawUnbalancedForces (  )  [slot]

Draws the force pointers that show the resultant static forces applied to objects as a result of coupled robot dofs touching them.

Definition at line 375 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::drawWireFrame ( SoSeparator *  elementRoot  )  [private]

Creates a white wireframe copy of the model sub-tree passed to it in elementRoot, and adds it to the wireframe root. This is used to provide a visual indication when a body has been selected by the user.

Definition at line 1170 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::drawWorstCaseWrenches (  )  [slot]

Draws the force and torque pointers that indicate the relative size and orientation of the force and torque components of the worst case disturbance wrench for each grasped object. The pointers are added to the object's Inventor sub-graph.

Definition at line 389 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::emptyWorld (  ) 

Deselects all world elements, deletes the world, and creates a new world.

Definition at line 325 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::flipStereo (  ) 

Not implemented.

Definition at line 1897 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::getCamera ( float &  px,
float &  py,
float &  pz,
float &  q1,
float &  q2,
float &  q3,
float &  q4,
float &  fd 

Gets the camera position, orientaion and focal distance.

Definition at line 1683 of file ivmgr.cpp.

transf IVmgr::getCameraTransf (  ) 

Definition at line 1700 of file ivmgr.cpp.

db_planner::DatabaseManager* IVmgr::getDBMgr (  )  [inline]

Get the main database manager, when CGDB support is enabled.

Definition at line 287 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::getPointers (  )  const [inline]

Returns the Inventor sub-tree that holds the pointer shapes (arrow and torque pointer) read in during start up.

Definition at line 262 of file ivmgr.h.

StereoViewer* IVmgr::getViewer (  )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the Inventor examiner viewer.

Definition at line 256 of file ivmgr.h.

World* IVmgr::getWorld (  )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the main World that the user interacts with through this manager.

Definition at line 251 of file ivmgr.h.

void IVmgr::handleDeselection ( SoPath *  p  )  [private]

This callback routine is invoked whenever an Inventor deselection occurs. If the select tool is being used this deselects the element within GraspIt! and deletes the wireframe. Otherwise this removes the draggers, from the deselected body or robot.

Definition at line 1375 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::handleSelection ( SoPath *  p  )  [private]

This callback routine is invoked whenever an Inventor selection occurs. When this routine is called because of a user click, the path sent to this routine is determined by the pickFilter. The action that occurs upon selection depends on the current tool selected. If a kinematic chain is selected, and the rotate or translate tool is selected, joint draggers are created. Otherwise, if the rotate tool is being used, then a centerball is created around the chosen body. If the translate tool is being used, then a handlebox is created around the chosen body. If the select tool is being used, the chosen body is selected within GraspIt! and a wireframe version of the body is drawn to indicate the selection.

Definition at line 1285 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::hilightObjContact ( int  contactNum  ) 

Called when a contact is selected from the contact list, and causes the associated contact force indicator to blink.

Definition at line 562 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::keyPressed ( SoEventCallback *  eventCB  )  [private]

This callback routine is invoked when the user presses a key while the arrow (not the hand) viewer tool is selected. The space bar toggles the state of the dynamics. The delete key deletes currently selected bodies. The G key starts an autograps of the current hand.

Definition at line 1718 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::keyPressedCB ( void *  ,
SoEventCallback *  eventCB 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for keyboard events

Definition at line 1824 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::makeCenterball ( WorldElement selectedElement,
Body surroundMe 
) [private]

Creates a centerball dragger for the provided worldElement around the body surroundMe, and sets up the value changed callback for the dragger. For a free body, the worldElement and surroundMe point to the same body. For a robot, the worldElement points to the robot and surround me points to the base link of the robot.

Definition at line 912 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::makeHandleBox ( WorldElement selectedElement,
Body surroundMe 
) [private]

Creates a handlebox dragger for the provided worldElement around the body surroundMe, and sets up the value changed callback for the dragger. For a free body, the worldElement and surroundMe point to the same body. For a robot, the worldElement points to the robot and surround me points to the base link of the robot.

Definition at line 963 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::makeJointDraggers ( Robot robot,
KinematicChain chain 
) [private]

Creates the joint draggers for each DOF in the provided kinematic chain, and sets up the value changed callback for each dragger. Only the first joint in the chain associated with a given DOF has a dragger connected to it. In other words, passive joints don't have draggers. The scale of the joint dragger is controlled by a parameter found in the joints section of the robot configuration file.

Definition at line 1070 of file ivmgr.cpp.

SoPath * IVmgr::pickFilter ( const SoPickedPoint *  pick  )  [private]

This callback routine is invoked when a user clicks within the scene and controls what Inventor body is picked. If a dragger is clicked, a empty path is returned because we don't want the dragger to be selected in the Inventor sense. If the translate or rotate tool is currently being used and a link of a kinematic chain is clicked, pick the whole chain. If the base of a robot is clicked, pick the whole robot. If the current tool is the select tool, and a link is clicked that has already been selected, pick the whole robot. Otherwise pick the body that was clicked.

Definition at line 1203 of file ivmgr.cpp.

SoPath * IVmgr::pickFilterCB ( void *  ,
const SoPickedPoint *  pick 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for pick events (before selections or deselections)

Definition at line 1875 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::prismaticJointChanged ( DraggerInfo dInfo  )  [private]

The callback routine is invoked whenever an arrow dragger controlling a prismatic DOF is moved by the user. It requires a pointer to the dragger's associated info structure. It prevents the user from moving the dragger past the minimum or maximum DOF limits. It calls the associated robot's moveDOFto routine to peform the move, and after it is completed or a contact prevents further motion it asks the world to update the grasps and sets the current translation of the arrow dragger.

Definition at line 854 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::prismaticJointChangedCB ( void *  dInfo,
SoDragger *  dragger 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for when an arrow dragger is moved

Definition at line 1858 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::restoreCameraPos (  )  [slot]

Reads a camera position from the currently open camera position file and sets the viewer camera to that position.

Definition at line 1664 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointChanged ( DraggerInfo dInfo  )  [private]

The callback routine is invoked whenever a disc dragger controlling a revolute DOF is moved by the user. It requires a pointer to the dragger's associated info structure. It prevents the user from moving the dragger past the minimum or maximum DOF limits. It calls the associated robot's moveDOFto routine to peform the move, and after it is completed or a contact prevents further motion it asks the world to update the grasps and sets the current angle of the disc dragger.

Definition at line 746 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointChangedCB ( void *  dInfo,
SoDragger *  dragger 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for when a disc dragger is moved

Definition at line 1837 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointClicked ( DraggerInfo dInfo  )  [private]

Definition at line 717 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointClickedCB ( void *  dInfo,
SoDragger *  dragger 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for when a disc dragger is clicked

Definition at line 1844 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointFinished ( DraggerInfo dInfo  )  [private]

Definition at line 730 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::revoluteJointFinishedCB ( void *  dInfo,
SoDragger *  dragger 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for when a disc dragger is released

Definition at line 1851 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::saveCameraPos (  )  [slot]

Saves the current camera position as a line in the currently open camera position file.

Definition at line 1649 of file ivmgr.cpp.

int IVmgr::saveCameraPositions ( const char *  filename  ) 

Given a filename, this will save the current camera position after each completed step of the dynamics. This allows the user to move the camera during a dynamics simulation, and have each position saved so that when the simulation is performed again to make an image sequence, the camera will follow the saved trajectory.

Definition at line 1623 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::saveImage ( QString  filename  ) 

Given a filename with an appropriate image format file extension, this will render the current scene to an image file. It currently uses a white background and performs anti-aliasing by blending the images from 5 slightly different camera angles. One camera headlight is used for lighting.

Definition at line 1516 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::saveImageSequence ( const char *  fileStr  ) 

Given a base filename this will save an image of the scene after every completed step of the dynamics. The filename should have a 1 in it, which will be replaced by the simulation time in seconds with a precision of 4 places after the decimal point. The fileStr should also have a valid image format file extension such as .jpg.

Definition at line 1596 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::saveNextImage (  )  [slot]

This calls saveImage after substituting the current world simulation time into the filename.

Definition at line 1609 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::selectionCB ( void *  ,
SoPath *  p 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for selections

Definition at line 1881 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setCamera ( double  px,
double  py,
double  pz,
double  q1,
double  q2,
double  q3,
double  q4,
double  fd 

Sets the camera position, orientaion and focal distance.

Definition at line 1675 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setCameraTransf ( transf  tr  ) 

Definition at line 1691 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setCtrlDown ( SbBool  status  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 195 of file ivmgr.h.

void IVmgr::setDBMgr ( db_planner::DatabaseManager  )  [inline]

Set the main database manager. Should only be called by the DB connection dialog.

Definition at line 292 of file ivmgr.h.

void IVmgr::setShiftDown ( SbBool  status  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 196 of file ivmgr.h.

void IVmgr::setStereo ( bool  s  ) 

Definition at line 1892 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setStereoWindow ( QWidget *  parent  ) 

Not used right now.

Definition at line 292 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setTool ( ToolType  newTool  ) 

Deselects all elements and sets the current tool type.

Definition at line 339 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::setupPointers (  )  [private]

Tells Inventor to read the binary data stored in the static pointersData to create a model of the arrow used in the coordinate axes and force pointers, and a model of the torque pointer.

Definition at line 351 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::shiftOrCtrlDownCB ( void *  ,
SoEventCallback *  eventCB 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for mouse events

Definition at line 1865 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::spaceBar (  )  [private]
void IVmgr::transRot ( DraggerInfo dInfo  )  [private]

This is a callback routine that is invoked anytime a handlebox or centerball is manipulated by the user. It requires a pointer to the draggerInfo structure of the manipulated dragger. If the center of centerball was changed, it simply updates the variable tracking the centerball translation. If a handlebox is moved or a centerball is rotated this computes the new body transform and calls the worldElement::moveTo routine. After the move is completed or a contact prevents further motion, it asks the world to update all grasps, and sets the new dragger position.

Definition at line 599 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::transRotCB ( void *  dInfo,
SoDragger *  dragger 
) [static, private]

static callback routine for when a body dragger is moved

Definition at line 1830 of file ivmgr.cpp.

void IVmgr::unhilightObjContact ( int  contactNum  ) 

Called when a contact is deselected from the contact list, and causes the associated contact force indicator to stop blinking.

Definition at line 577 of file ivmgr.cpp.

int IVmgr::useSavedCameraPositions ( const char *  filename  ) 

Given a filename to read camera positions from, this will set the camera position after each completed step of the dynamics. This is useful when saving an image sequence to a file, because due to delays, the camera cannot easily be controlled directly.

Definition at line 1637 of file ivmgr.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

FILE* IVmgr::camerafp [private]

File pointer used to read or record camera positions when making a movie.

Definition at line 133 of file ivmgr.h.

std::vector<SoBlinker*> IVmgr::contactForceBlinkerVec [private]

An array of pointers to blinker nodes that correspond to individual contact force indicators.

Definition at line 154 of file ivmgr.h.

SbBool IVmgr::CtrlDown [private]

A flag indicating whether the control key is down during a mouse click.

Definition at line 145 of file ivmgr.h.

Current interaction tool selected (translate, rotate, or select).

Definition at line 142 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::draggerRoot [private]

Pointer to the sub-tree of.

Definition at line 167 of file ivmgr.h.

SoMaterial* IVmgr::dynForceMat [private]

Pointer to the material node controlling the color of dynamic force indicatores.

Definition at line 176 of file ivmgr.h.

int IVmgr::imgSeqCounter [private]

Current frame counter used in recording an image sequence.

Definition at line 139 of file ivmgr.h.

const char* IVmgr::imgSeqStr [private]

Base filename fir recording an image sequence.

Definition at line 136 of file ivmgr.h.

IVmgr * IVmgr::ivmgr = 0 [static, private]

Global ivmgr pointer for use with static callback routines. There is only one ivmgr.

Definition at line 127 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::junk [private]

Pointer to an empty separator.

Definition at line 173 of file ivmgr.h.

The main and only interface for the CGDB; all interaction with the CGDB should go through this.

Definition at line 179 of file ivmgr.h.

A pointer to the examiner viewer which inventor component facilitating user interaction.

Definition at line 158 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::pointers [private]

Pointers to various structures used for visual feedback.

Definition at line 151 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::sceneRoot [private]

Pointer to the root of the entire Inventor scene graph.

Definition at line 161 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSelection* IVmgr::selectionRoot [private]

Pointer to the sub-tree of selectable Inventor objects.

Definition at line 164 of file ivmgr.h.

SbBool IVmgr::ShiftDown [private]

A flag indicating whether the shift key is down during a mouse click.

Definition at line 148 of file ivmgr.h.

SoSeparator* IVmgr::wireFrameRoot [private]

Pointer to sub-tree containing wireframe versions of bodies when they are selected.

Definition at line 170 of file ivmgr.h.

World* IVmgr::world [private]

Points to the main world associated with this iteraction manager.

Definition at line 130 of file ivmgr.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
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autogenerated on Wed Jan 25 11:00:22 2012