►Nboost | |
►NDBoW2 | |
CBowVector | Vector of words to represent images |
CFClass | Generic class to encapsulate functions to manage descriptors |
CFeatureVector | Vector of nodes with indexes of local features |
CFORB | Functions to manipulate ORB descriptors |
CGeneralScoring | Base class of scoring functions |
►CTemplatedVocabulary | Generic Vocabulary |
CNode | Tree node |
►NDUtils | |
►CRandom | Functions to generate pseudo-random numbers |
CUnrepeatedRandomizer | Provides pseudo-random numbers with no repetitions |
CTimestamp | Timestamp |
►Ng2o | |
CAbstractHyperGraphElementCreator | Abstract interface for allocating HyperGraphElement |
CAbstractOptimizationAlgorithmCreator | Base for allocating an optimization algorithm |
CAbstractRobustKernelCreator | Abstract interface for allocating a robust kernel |
CBaseBinaryEdge | |
CBaseEdge | |
►CBaseMultiEdge | Base class to represent an edge connecting an arbitrary number of nodes |
CHessianHelper | Helper for mapping the Hessian memory of the upper triangular block |
CBaseProperty | |
CBaseUnaryEdge | |
CBaseVertex | Templatized BaseVertex |
CBlockSolver | Implementation of a solver operating on the blocks of the Hessian |
CBlockSolverBase | Base for the block solvers with some basic function interfaces |
CBlockSolverTraits | Traits to summarize the properties of the fixed size optimization problem |
CBlockSolverTraits< Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | Traits to summarize the properties of the dynamic size optimization problem |
►CCache | |
CCacheKey | |
CCacheContainer | |
CColSort | |
►CDrawAction | Draw actions |
CParameters | |
CEdgeInverseSim3ProjectXYZ | |
CEdgeSE3ProjectXYZ | |
CEdgeSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPose | |
CEdgeSim3 | 7D edge between two Vertex7 |
CEdgeSim3ProjectXYZ | |
CEdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZ | |
CEdgeStereoSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPose | |
►CEstimatePropagator | Propagation of an initial guess |
CAdjacencyMapEntry | Data structure for loopuk during Dijkstra |
CPriorityQueue | Priority queue for AdjacencyMapEntry |
CPropagateAction | Applying the action for propagating |
CVertexIDHashFunction | Hash function for a vertex |
CEstimatePropagatorCost | Cost for traversing along active edges in the optimizer |
CEstimatePropagatorCostOdometry | Cost for traversing only odometry edges |
►CFactory | Create vertices and edges based on TAGs in, for example, a file |
CCreatorInformation | |
CForceLinker | |
CG2OBatchStatistics | Statistics about the optimization |
►CHyperDijkstra | |
CAdjacencyMapEntry | |
CCostFunction | |
CTreeAction | |
►CHyperGraph | |
CEdge | |
CHyperGraphElement | |
CVertex | Abstract Vertex, your types must derive from that one |
►CHyperGraphAction | Abstract action that operates on an entire graph |
CParameters | |
CParametersIteration | |
CHyperGraphActionLibrary | Library of actions, indexed by the action name; |
►CHyperGraphElementAction | Abstract action that operates on a graph entity |
CParameters | |
CHyperGraphElementActionCollection | Collection of actions |
CHyperGraphElementCreator | Templatized creator class which creates graph elements |
CJacobianWorkspace | Provide memory workspace for computing the Jacobians |
CLinearSolver | Basic solver for Ax = b |
CLinearSolverCCS | Solver with faster iterating structure for the linear matrix |
CLinearSolverDense | Linear solver using dense cholesky decomposition |
►CLinearSolverEigen | Linear solver which uses the sparse Cholesky solver from Eigen |
CCholeskyDecomposition | Sub-classing Eigen's SimplicialLDLT to perform ordering with a given ordering |
CMarginalCovarianceCholesky | Computing the marginal covariance given a cholesky factor (lower triangle of the factor) |
CMatrixElem | |
CMatrixStructure | Representing the structure of a matrix in column compressed structure (only the upper triangular part of the matrix) |
COpenMPMutex | |
►COptimizableGraph | |
CData | Data packet for a vertex. Extend this class to store in the vertices the potential additional information you need (e.g. images, laser scans, ...) |
CEdge | |
CEdgeIDCompare | Order edges based on the internal ID, which is assigned to the edge in addEdge() |
CVertex | A general case Vertex for optimization |
CVertexIDCompare | Order vertices based on their ID |
COptimizationAlgorithm | Generic interface for a non-linear solver operating on a graph |
COptimizationAlgorithmDogleg | Implementation of Powell's Dogleg Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmFactory | Create solvers based on their short name |
COptimizationAlgorithmGaussNewton | Implementation of the Gauss Newton Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmLevenberg | Implementation of the Levenberg Algorithm |
COptimizationAlgorithmProperty | Describe the properties of a solver |
COptimizationAlgorithmWithHessian | Base for solvers operating on the approximated Hessian, e.g., Gauss-Newton, Levenberg |
CParameter | |
CParameterContainer | Map id to parameters |
CProperty | |
CPropertyMap | Collection of properties mapping from name to the property itself |
CRegisterActionProxy | |
CRegisterOptimizationAlgorithmProxy | |
CRegisterRobustKernelProxy | |
CRegisterTypeProxy | |
CRobustKernel | Base for all robust cost functions |
CRobustKernelCauchy | Cauchy cost function |
CRobustKernelCreator | Templatized creator class which creates graph elements |
CRobustKernelDCS | Dynamic covariance scaling - DCS |
CRobustKernelFactory | Create robust kernels based on their human readable name |
CRobustKernelHuber | Huber Cost Function |
CRobustKernelPseudoHuber | Pseudo Huber Cost Function |
CRobustKernelSaturated | Saturated cost function |
CRobustKernelScaleDelta | Scale a robust kernel to another delta (window size) |
CRobustKernelTukey | Tukey Cost Function |
CScopedOpenMPMutex | Lock a mutex within a scope |
CScopeTime | Class to measure the time spent in a scope |
CSE3Quat | |
CSim3 | |
CSolver | Generic interface for a sparse solver operating on a graph which solves one iteration of the linearized objective function |
CSparseBlockMatrix | Sparse matrix which uses blocks |
►CSparseBlockMatrixCCS | Sparse matrix which uses blocks |
CRowBlock | A block within a column |
CSparseBlockMatrixDiagonal | Sparse matrix which uses blocks on the diagonal |
CSparseBlockMatrixHashMap | Sparse matrix which uses blocks based on hash structures |
CSparseOptimizer | |
CUniformCostFunction | |
CVertexSBAPointXYZ | Point vertex, XYZ |
CVertexSE3Expmap | SE3 Vertex parameterized internally with a transformation matrix and externally with its exponential map |
CVertexSim3Expmap | Sim3 Vertex, (x,y,z,qw,qx,qy,qz) the parameterization for the increments constructed is a 7d vector (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz) (note that we leave out the w part of the quaternion |
►CWriteGnuplotAction | |
CParameters | |
CConverter | |
CExtractorNode | |
CFrame | |
CFrameDrawer | |
CInitializer | |
CKeyFrame | |
CKeyFrameDatabase | |
CLocalMapping | |
CLoopClosing | |
CMap | |
CMapPoint | |
COptimizer | |
CORBextractor | |
CORBmatcher | |
CORBParameters | |
CPnPsolver | |
CSim3Solver | |
CSystem | |
CTracking | |
CMonoNode | |
CNode | |
CRGBDNode | |
CStereoNode | |