Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼NEigen | |
CDenseStorage< T, 0, _Rows, Dynamic, _Options > | |
CDenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, _Cols, _Options > | |
CDenseStorage< T, 0, Dynamic, Dynamic, _Options > | |
▼Nhector_pose_estimation | |
▼Nfilter | |
▼CEKF | |
CCorrector | |
CCorrector_ | |
CPredictor | |
CPredictor_ | |
▼Ntraits | |
CInput | |
CMeasurementModel | |
CSystemModel | |
CUpdate | |
CUpdate< BaroModel > | |
CUpdate< GPSModel > | |
CUpdateInspector | |
CUpdateInspector< ConcreteModel, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< Update_< ConcreteModel >, typename Update< ConcreteModel >::type > >::type > | |
CAccelerometerModel | |
CAlias | |
CAliasT | |
CBaro | |
CBaroModel | |
CBaroUpdate | |
CBaseState | |
CCollection | |
CColumnVector_ | |
▼CFilter | |
CCorrector | |
CCorrector_ | |
CFactory | |
CPredictor | |
CPredictor_ | |
CFullState | |
Cfunctor_wrapper | |
CGenericQuaternionSystemModel | |
▼CGlobalReference | |
CHeading | |
CPosition | |
CRadius | |
CGPS | |
CGPSModel | |
CGPSUpdate | |
CGravityModel | |
CGroundVehicleModel | |
CGyroModel | |
CHeadingModel | |
CHeight | |
CHeightBaroCommon | |
CHeightModel | |
CImuInput | |
CInput | |
CInput_ | |
CMagnetic | |
CMagneticModel | |
CMatrix_ | |
CMeasurement | |
CMeasurement_ | |
CMeasurementModel | |
CMeasurementModel_ | |
CMeasurementUpdate | |
▼CModel | |
Ctraits | |
COrientationOnlyState | |
COrientationPositionVelocityState | |
CParameter | |
CParameterList | |
CParameterRegistry | |
▼CParameterRegistryROS | |
CHandler | |
CHandler< ColumnVector > | |
CHandler< std::vector< T > > | |
CParameterT | |
CPoseEstimation | |
▼CPoseUpdate | |
CUpdate | |
CPositionVelocityState | |
CPositionXYModel | |
CPositionZModel | |
CQueue | |
CQueue_ | |
CRateModel | |
CRowVector_ | |
CState | |
▼CSubState | |
Cinitializer | |
Cinitializer< Dynamic, Dynamic > | |
CSubState_ | |
CSymmetricMatrix_ | |
CSystem | |
CSystem_ | |
CSystemModel | |
CSystemModel_ | |
CTimeContinuousSystemModel_ | |
CTwistModel | |
CUpdate_ | |
CYawModel | |
CZeroRateModel | |