proto2ros.configuration package

Module contents

This module defines configuration data structures for proto2ros generation.

class proto2ros.configuration.Configuration(drop_deprecated: bool = False, passthrough_unknown: bool = True, package_mapping: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, message_mapping: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>, any_expansions: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Set[str] | str] = <factory>, allow_any_casts: bool = True, package_specifications: ~typing.Set[str] = <factory>, cpp_headers: ~typing.Set[str] = <factory>, inline_cpp_namespaces: ~typing.Set[str] = <factory>, python_imports: ~typing.Set[str] = <factory>, inline_python_imports: ~typing.Set[str] = <factory>, skip_implicit_imports: bool = False)

Bases: object

Mutable Protobuf <-> ROS configuration.


drop_deprecated: whether to drop deprecated fields on conversion or not.

If not dropped, deprecated fields are annotated with a comment.

passthrough_unknown: whether to forward Protobuf messages for which no

equivalent ROS message is known as a type erased, proto2ros/AnyProto field or not.

message_mapping: a mapping from fully qualified Protobuf message type names

to fully qualified ROS message type names. This mapping comes first during composite type translation.

package_mapping: a mapping from Protobuf package names to ROS package names,

to tell where a ROS equivalent for a Protobuf construct will be found. Note that no checks for package existence are performed. This mapping comes second during composite type translation (i.e. when direct message mapping fails).

any_expansions: a mapping from fully qualified Protobuf field names (i.e. a

fully qualified Protobuf message type name followed by a dot “.” followed by the field name) of google.protobuf.Any type to Protobuf message type sets that these fields are expected to pack. A single Protobuf message type may also be specified in lieu of a single element set. All Protobuf message types must be fully qualified.

allow_any_casts: when a single Protobuf message type is specified in an any expansion,

allowing any casts means to allow using the equivalent ROS message type instead of a a type erased, proto2ros/Any field.

package_specifications: set of Python modules to gather message specifications from.

Necessary to cascade message generation for interdependent packages.

cpp_headers: set of C++ headers to be included (as #include <{header}>) in generated

C++ conversion headers. Typically, Protobuf and ROS message C++ headers.

inline_cpp_namespaces: set of C++ namespaces bearing conversion overloads, for which

unqualified lookup (using {namespace}::Convert;) is necessary in generated C++ conversion sources.

python_imports: set of Python modules to be imported (as import <module-name>) in

generated Python conversion modules. Typically, Protobuf and ROS message Python modules.

inline_python_imports: set of Python modules to be imported into moodule scope

(as from <module-name> import *) in generated conversion modules. Typically, conversion Python modules.

skip_implicit_imports: whether to skip importing Python modules for Protobuf and ROS

packages known in generated conversion modules or not.

allow_any_casts: bool = True
any_expansions: Dict[str, Set[str] | str]
cpp_headers: Set[str]
drop_deprecated: bool = False
classmethod from_file(path: PathLike) Configuration

Reads configuration from a file.

inline_cpp_namespaces: Set[str]
inline_python_imports: Set[str]
message_mapping: Dict[str, str]
package_mapping: Dict[str, str]
package_specifications: Set[str]
passthrough_unknown: bool = True
python_imports: Set[str]
skip_implicit_imports: bool = False
update(**attributes: Any) None

Updates configuration attributes with a shallow merge.

classmethod updates_from_file(path: PathLike) Dict[str, Any]

Reads configuration attribute updates from a file.