Function rcl_calculate_type_hash

Function Documentation

rcl_ret_t rcl_calculate_type_hash(const type_description_interfaces__msg__TypeDescription *type_description, rosidl_type_hash_t *out_type_hash)

Calculate the Type Version Hash for a given TypeDescription.

This function produces a stable hash value for a ROS communication interface type. For design motivations leading to this implementation, see REP-2011.

This convenience wrapper calls rcl_type_description_to_hashable_json, then runs sha256 hash on the result.

  • msg[in] Prefilled TypeDescription message describing the type to be hashed

  • message_digest[out] Preallocated buffer, to be filled with calculated checksum


RCL_RET_OK on success, or


RCL_RET_ERROR if any problems occur while hashing.