Function rcl_parse_arguments

Function Documentation

rcl_ret_t rcl_parse_arguments(int argc, const char *const *argv, rcl_allocator_t allocator, rcl_arguments_t *args_output)

Parse command line arguments into a structure usable by code.

ROS arguments are expected to be scoped by a leading --ros-args flag and a trailing double dash token -- which may be elided if no non-ROS arguments follow after the last --ros-args.

Remap rule parsing is supported via -r/--remap flags e.g. --remap from:=to or -r from:=to. Successfully parsed remap rules are stored in the order they were given in argv. If given arguments {"__ns:=/foo", "__ns:=/bar"} then the namespace used by nodes in this process will be /foo and not /bar.

Parameter override rule parsing is supported via -p/--param flags e.g. --param name:=value or -p name:=value.

The default log level will be parsed as --log-level level and logger levels will be parsed as multiple --log-level name:=level, where level is a name representing one of the log levels in the RCUTILS_LOG_SEVERITY enum, e.g. info, debug, warn, not case sensitive. If multiple of these rules are found, the last one parsed will be used.

If an argument does not appear to be a valid ROS argument e.g. a -r/--remap flag followed by anything but a valid remap rule, parsing will fail immediately.

If an argument does not appear to be a known ROS argument, then it is skipped and left unparsed.

All arguments found outside a --ros-args ... -- scope are skipped and left unparsed.



Allocates Memory




Uses Atomics




  • argc[in] The number of arguments in argv.

  • argv[in] The values of the arguments.

  • allocator[in] A valid allocator.

  • args_output[out] A structure that will contain the result of parsing. Must be zero initialized before use.


RCL_RET_OK if the arguments were parsed successfully, or


RCL_RET_INVALID_ROS_ARGS if an invalid ROS argument is found, or


RCL_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT if any function arguments are invalid, or


RCL_RET_BAD_ALLOC if allocating memory failed, or


RCL_RET_ERROR if an unspecified error occurs.