nonlinear Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for nonlinear:


directory  internal
directory  tests


file  AdaptAutoDiff.h [code]
 Adaptor for Ceres style auto-differentiated functions.
file  BatchFixedLagSmoother.cpp [code]
 An LM-based fixed-lag smoother.
file  nonlinear/BatchFixedLagSmoother.h [code]
 An LM-based fixed-lag smoother.
file  CustomFactor.cpp [code]
 Class to enable arbitrary factors with runtime swappable error function.
file  CustomFactor.h [code]
 Class to enable arbitrary factors with runtime swappable error function.
file  DoglegOptimizer.cpp [code]
file  DoglegOptimizer.h [code]
file  DoglegOptimizerImpl.cpp [code]
file  DoglegOptimizerImpl.h [code]
 Nonlinear factor graph optimizer using Powell's Dogleg algorithm (detail implementation)
file  Expression-inl.h [code]
 Internals for Expression.h, not for general consumption.
file  Expression.h [code]
 Expressions for Block Automatic Differentiation.
file  ExpressionFactor.h [code]
file  ExpressionFactorGraph.h [code]
 Factor graph that supports adding ExpressionFactors directly.
file  nonlinear/expressions.h [code]
 Common expressions, both linear and non-linear.
file  expressionTesting.h [code]
 Test harness methods for expressions.
file  ExtendedKalmanFilter-inl.h [code]
 Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs.
file  ExtendedKalmanFilter.h [code]
 Class to perform generic Kalman Filtering using nonlinear factor graphs.
file  factorTesting.h [code]
 Evaluate derivatives of a nonlinear factor numerically.
file  FixedLagSmoother.cpp [code]
 The base class for different fixed-lag smoother implementations.
file  nonlinear/FixedLagSmoother.h [code]
 Base class for a fixed-lag smoother. This mimics the basic interface to iSAM2.
file  FunctorizedFactor.h [code]
file  GaussNewtonOptimizer.cpp [code]
file  GaussNewtonOptimizer.h [code]
file  GncOptimizer.h [code]
 The GncOptimizer class.
file  GncParams.h [code]
file  GraphvizFormatting.cpp [code]
 Graphviz formatter for NonlinearFactorGraph.
file  GraphvizFormatting.h [code]
 Graphviz formatter for NonlinearFactorGraph.
file  ISAM2-impl.cpp [code]
 Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization.
file  ISAM2-impl.h [code]
 Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization.
file  ISAM2.cpp [code]
 Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization.
file  ISAM2.h [code]
 Incremental update functionality (ISAM2) for BayesTree, with fluid relinearization.
file  ISAM2Clique.cpp [code]
 Specialized iSAM2 Clique.
file  ISAM2Clique.h [code]
 Specialized iSAM2 Clique.
file  ISAM2Params.cpp [code]
 Parameters for iSAM 2.
file  ISAM2Params.h [code]
 Parameters for iSAM 2.
file  ISAM2Result.h [code]
 Class that stores detailed iSAM2 result.
file  ISAM2UpdateParams.h [code]
 Class that stores extra params for ISAM2::update()
file  LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.cpp [code]
 A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme.
file  LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer.h [code]
 A nonlinear optimizer that uses the Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme.
file  LevenbergMarquardtParams.cpp [code]
 Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme.
file  LevenbergMarquardtParams.h [code]
 Parameters for Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region scheme.
file  LinearContainerFactor.cpp [code]
file  LinearContainerFactor.h [code]
 Wrap Jacobian and Hessian linear factors to allow simple injection into a nonlinear graph.
file  Marginals.cpp [code]
file  Marginals.h [code]
 A class for computing marginals in a NonlinearFactorGraph.
file  NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.cpp [code]
 Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG.
file  NonlinearConjugateGradientOptimizer.h [code]
 Simple non-linear optimizer that solves using non-preconditioned CG.
file  NonlinearEquality.h [code]
file  nonlinearExceptions.h [code]
 Exceptions that may be thrown by nonlinear optimization components.
file  NonlinearFactor.cpp [code]
 Nonlinear Factor base classes.
file  NonlinearFactor.h [code]
 Non-linear factor base classes.
file  NonlinearFactorGraph.cpp [code]
 Factor Graph Consisting of non-linear factors.
file  NonlinearFactorGraph.h [code]
 Factor Graph consisting of non-linear factors.
file  NonlinearISAM.cpp [code]
file  NonlinearISAM.h [code]
file  NonlinearOptimizer.cpp [code]
 Convergence functions not dependent on graph types.
file  NonlinearOptimizer.h [code]
 Base class and parameters for nonlinear optimization algorithms.
file  NonlinearOptimizerParams.cpp [code]
 Parameters for nonlinear optimization.
file  NonlinearOptimizerParams.h [code]
 Parameters for nonlinear optimization.
file  nonlinear/PriorFactor.h [code]
file  nonlinear/Symbol.h [code]
 Symbol.h was moved to inference directory, this header was retained for compatibility.
file  nonlinear/utilities.h [code]
 Contains generic global functions designed particularly for the matlab interface.
file  Values-inl.h [code]
file  Values.cpp [code]
file  Values.h [code]
 A non-templated config holding any types of Manifold-group elements.
file  WhiteNoiseFactor.h [code]
 Binary white noise factor.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06